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Equal access to education in the Czech Republic and Germany
Jarošová, Adéla ; Koldinská, Kristina (advisor) ; Štefko, Martin (referee)
The subject of this thesis is equal access to education in the Czech Republic and Germany. Education in its ideal form should help eliminate social differences, since social background, race or nationality do not directly influence one's ability to learn. Although this idea is reflected in several international conventions that both countries are bound by, the reality is very different. The thesis first deals with the right to education as such, its significance and its international guarantees, as well as with the principle of equality. In the following chapter, the author analyses significant case law concerning the right to education of the European Court of Human Rights and the European Court of Justice. The following chapter analyses access to education of persons with disabilities in both countries and compares the situation with international guarantees, in particular with provisions of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The main focus of this thesis lays on the access to education of minorities - the Roma in the Czech Republic and immigrants in Germany. The author assesses the situation of the Roma from a European perspective and analyses significant case law of domestic and international courts. The Czech Republic is not alone in its inability to successfully...
Strategy of Education 2020, challenges faced by headmasters
Syblíková, Hana ; Voda, Jan (advisor) ; Tureckiová, Michaela (referee)
Final thesis deals with the Ministry of Education Strategy document prepared for educational policy of the Czech Republic till 2020 and possibilities of fulfilling its vision, which includes ensuring quality education accessible to everyone, oriented to student with the maximum use of its educational potential. The thesis is focused on the possibility of strengthening the traditional importance and impact of school for the whole society and the need for changes in the methods and forms of education that are used in the traditional way for decades without regard to the needs of a changing society. The issue is examined in the context of directors of elementary and secondary schools with regard to their level of knowledge and understanding of the document and their overall approach to the proposed interventions. The research finds if headmasters know what is expected from them and what conditions they see as an effective implementation and if they recognized challenges standing in front of them. It is also the base for the drafting of the implementation process and the possible fulfillment of their goals. KEY WORDS: The quality of education, equality, support mechanisms, evaluation, director
Prohibition on discrimination in international law of protection of human rights
Kubinská, Dagmara ; Hýbnerová, Stanislava (advisor) ; Ondřej, Jan (referee)
(Prohibition on discrimination in international law of protection of human rights) The purpose of this thesis is definition of concept of human rights, equality and discrimination, explanation of principle of equal treatment and their reflection in present time. From general definitions, I gradually step towards the aplication of these terms in international law, legislation on regional level within Europe and at the end, implementation of principle of equal rights and prohibition on discrimination in law of Slovak Republic. The most extensive part is dedicated to issues of antidiscrimination from the perspective of the United Nations and pose its basic instruments that are used for promoting equality and fight against discrimination. The UN, within its activity, adopted a large number of international conventions explicitly focused on this issues since it was established. These documents became a pattern for additional conventions addopted within regional or internal law. Significant role in the field of fight against discrimination within the european region plays the Council of Europe. Convention on human rights and fundamental freedoms as a result of activity of this organisation is considered for basic pillar of protection against discrimination among european legal stanards. Compliance of the...
Discrimination on the grounds of sex and its prohibition
Novotná, Miroslava ; Koldinská, Kristina (advisor) ; Štefko, Martin (referee)
Resume v Aj The purpose of my thesis is to analyse the issue of gender discrimination in labor relations and its prohibition, enumerate the ways of legislation and compare legislation with the actual situation in the society. The thesis is composed of two parts divided into nine chapters, each of them dealing with diferent aspects of the issue in question. The first part is a sort of general parts, including introduction, historical development and sources of law. The second part, which could also be called special parts, then contains individual aspects of the right to equal treatment, demonstrated in specific cases, particularly judgments of the European Court of Justice. The first and second chapter deal with the history and development of anti- discrimination issues and define the basic concepts. The third and fourth chapter lists and describes the regulation of sex discrimination in international legal documents and documents of the European Union. The first part ends with the fifth chapter describing how legal constitution of the prohibition of discrimination on grounds of sex in the Czech Republic and then comparing it with the real situation in society. The second part consists of six to nine chapters, the first of which contains a short introduction defining the judicial authorities of...
Principles of the tax justice
Huspeková, Marie ; Seknička, Pavel (advisor) ; Bažantová, Ilona (referee)
This thesis is an interdisciplinary perspective on the issue of fair distribution of the tax burden. Taxes are assessed in terms of its purpose, which is to establish resources for the payment of government spending . Attention is focused on the moral and ethical aspects of the impact of the tax burden in human behavior and decision making. The work is divided into four chapters . The first chapter is devoted to human beings , its behavior and decision-making capabilities and comprehensive view of human individuality. One is set in the perspective of living and farming. The second chapter contains a brief look at the concepts of justice , focusing on the relationship between justice and ethical values selected . In the third chapter, the evaluation of the structure of the tax system and individual taxation, with a focus on tax fairness in economic sense . The fourth chapter is devoted to some aspects of international taxation. In conclusion, the thesis are evaluated conflicts tax fairness with other values .
Family economics in Sweden
Wdowyczynová, Lucie ; Mlčoch, Lubomír (advisor) ; Rečka, Lukáš (referee)
The Swedish form of the welfare state has a long history and is known especially for its generous social policy financed mainly from exceptionally high tax levies. At the beginning the Bachelor Thesis Family economics in Sweden shows the general relation between family and economics, and then it focuses on family policy in Sweden and puts it into the context of the development and the present form of the welfare state. It also explores the important sub-components of the Swedish system, which affect family policy and other family trends. The work among other things illustrates how high fertility combined with high rates of labour market participation and knowledge-based economy can be supported in Europe. At the same time, however, it stresses that the differences in social policy in various European countries are caused by many cultural, social and economic factors, and therefore their mutual comparison and unification is limited. Yet, while considering new reforms, we can at least learn from experience of other countries or take them as an example. This thesis also highlights the disadvantages of the Swedish model.
The Application of Ethical Principles in the Development of the Health Care System
Válková, Monika ; Holmerová, Iva (advisor) ; Pinc, Zdeněk (referee) ; Jurašková, Božena (referee)
Univerzita Karlova v Praze Fakulta humanitních studií Název oboru Filozofie Disertační práce (obor Aplikovaná etika) Uplatňování etického principu při tvorbě zdravotnického systému The Application of Ethical Principles in the Development of the Health System Mgr. Monika Válková Vedoucí práce: Doc. prim. MUDr. Iva Holmerová, Ph.D. Praha 2013 2 Anotace Disertační práce na téma Uplatňování etického principu při tvorbě zdravotnického systému je zaměřena na etické principy, které se promítaly ve vývoji zdravotnického systému v České republice. Solidarita, spravedlnost , rovnost a právo na zdraví jsou základní etické principy uplatňované ve zdravotnických systémech Z historického hlediska je solidarita nejstarším etickým principem , která měla vliv na utváření jednotlivých typů sociálních států v Evropě. Solidarita je zkoumána z pohledu vývoje sociálního zabezpečení v době nemoci a chudoby. Zdravotnický systém v České republice je hodnocen z hlediska uplatňování etických principů v různých etapách společenského uspořádání země od Rakouska Uherska a ž do současnosti. V praktické části disertační práce byly srovnávány s Českou republikou zdravotnické systémy Švédska a Francie dle etických principů solidarita, spravedlnost, rovnost a právo na zdraví Hlavním cílem disertační práce bylo prokázat na základě vybraných...
The conception of multiple discrimination in the legal regulation of the European Union
Tóthová, Tímea ; Scheu, Harald Christian (advisor) ; Koldinská, Kristina (referee)
Resumé The conception of multiple discrimination in the legal regulation of the European Union To ensure the equality of individuals in society is one of the most marvelous human ideals. It is generally admitted that the same treatment of people with regard to the acceptance of diversity and between-group differences should be the cornerstone of any modern society. However, is it possible to achieve full equality in society? And what does equality truely mean? Treating everyone in the same way or taking into account the different starting points of individuals? Nowadays we become witnesses that the initial large openness to multiculturalism related to the continuing process of globalization is replaced by a more cautious approach to the different minority groups. As a result, certain groups are exposed to a greater risk of disadvantage mainly due to a combination of different socio-cultural, ethnic, economic and other factors. The aim of my essay is to shed light on the question of equal treatment and non- discrimination law through the relatively new, but in Czech and Central European literature still rarely discussed concept of multiple discrimination. After highlighting the definition of discrimination, the various approaches to equality and other theoretical aspects of discrimination, I am also trying...
The World of Meaning of the Young Intelligentsia: Intimacy, Equality and Difference in Central Europe 1956-1968
Nebřenský, Zdeněk ; Havelka, Miloš (advisor) ; Vykoukal, Jiří (referee) ; Pažout, Jaroslav (referee)
The thesis deals with thought, mentality and conceptions of the higher education students. It focuses especially on discussions and controversies between students and party, state or universities authorities and aims at frictions which spread in official discourse and arose from student demands on more space for autonomous activity. Its main concern is the way in which these controversies were related to power transformations in the Central-European dictatorship since 1956. As an example of young intelligentsia, activists of youth and student organizations at higher education institutions in Warsaw, Prague and Bratislava have been chosen. The thesis is divided into three parts. The first part researches on the conceptions of intimate, especially problems of youth sexuality, student marriage and living conditions of young families. The second part deals with the conceptions of equality in relation to centralized work-placement of graduates. The power authorities in the state-socialist society laid stress on social equality of all citizens, but paradoxically it produced strong inequality at a local level and undermined work, social and transnational mobility. The third parts researches on conceptions of difference. In this case, authorities claimed generation unity and culture uniformity for the whole...
The issue of discrimination in the work procedure
Volná, Michaela ; Kocianová, Renata (advisor) ; Beneš, Milan (referee)
The theme of the thesis is the current and debated issue of discrimination in the wok procedure. Although the Czech Republic has already implemented the applicable European legislative requirements in its national law and the concept of non-discrimination is - from the labor-law perspective - sufficient, frequent cases of differential treatment and discrimination still exist. The thesis focuses on equal treatment and discrimination in both selected Czech legislative documents and the legislation of the European Community. It focuses in more detail on gender discrimination (the most common form of discrimination) followed by the institutional security of equal treatment, difference in pay between men and women, labor market segregation, the issue of reintegration of women and men into the workplace after maternity or parental leave, representation of women in managerial positions, discrimination against elderly women and sexual harassment in the work environment. Part of the thesis also focuses on possible approaches to solve these problems such as harmonization between work and private life, the company's social responsibility, and Diversity and Age Management.

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