National Repository of Grey Literature 27,633 records found  beginprevious27624 - 27633  jump to record: Search took 1.92 seconds. 

Czech pupils and citizenship: attitudes and participation
Ševců, Martina ; Soukup, Petr (advisor) ; Remr, Jiří (referee)
EVC , Martina. Ob anské postoje a participace ák v eské republice. Praha, 2011. 120 s. Diplomová práce (Mgr.) Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních v d, Institut sociologických studií. Katedra sociologie. Vedoucí diplomové práce PhDr. Ing. Petr Soukup. Abstract This thesis focuses on civic participation of Czech pupils in the realm of civil society. The main task is to find out which factors influence civic attitudes and engagement of youth in current society. There has been an increased interest in concept of civil society since the fall of Communist regimes in Central and Eastern Europe with respect to political, economic and social changes. These changes resulted in a need to rethink the content of civic and citizenship education. Firstly the author describes civil society as a context for civic participation with special emphasis on Czech civil society and then she deals with the theory of political socialization, which helps her to identify the key determinants of civic engagement. Family, school, peer groups and media are seen as the main agents of this socialization. Using data from the International Civic and Citizenship study the author concludes that context of schools and classrooms and motivation are the most important direct factors in civic engagement.

Analysis of Bipolar Tendencies of the Party System in the Czech Republic Electoral Competition Focusing on the Situation of Smaller Parties in Parliament
Fröhlichová, Jana ; Lebeda, Tomáš (advisor) ; Mlejnek, Josef (referee)
FRÖHLICHOVÁ, Jana. Analysis of Bipolar Tendencies of the Party System in the Czech Republic Electoral Competition Focusing on the Situation of Smaller Parties in Parliament. Prague, 2011. 120 pp. Thesis. Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Political Science. Thesis Supervisor Doc. PhDr. Tomáš Lebeda, Ph.D. Abstract The aim of this paper is to analyze the multifactory aspect of the influence the modern election competitions impose on a party's structure. More specifically, it describes how the standing of small parties is affected during ongoing gradual bipolarization. There are two approaches to the research. First, the paper examines the effect the electoral mechanism on the party's system have in the Czech Republic focusing on the parliament elections to the Chamber of Deputies in years 2002-2010. The mechanical and psychological elements of the elections influencing the profits of small parliament parties are analyzed. Second, the thesis addresses other factors concerning the election competitions that affect the standing of small parliament parties. The election campaigns in the 21st century are being professionalized and there is bipolarization of the election competitions. The party's structure is not influenced merely by the election rules. Other factors like use...

Civic engagement in the Czech Republic
Lokajíček, Jan ; Dvořáková, Vladimíra (advisor) ; Müller, Karel (referee)
Because of contemporary unsatisfactory political situation in the Czech Republic, caused by presence of widespread corruption networks, many civic initiatives have been established to improve the status quo. This diploma thesis describes two NGO's, which focus on electoral system change of the lower chamber of the parliament of the Czech Republic. These organizations are Přímá volba poslanců 2014 (Direct election of Members of Parliament 2014) and electoral reform of Karel Janeček which is promoted by NGO Pozitivní evoluce (Positive evolution). The thesis is a comparative case study of these two organizations. The main goal is to do complex analysis of these two organizations, and identify interests, which lead them to pursue the electoral system change. Furthermore, basic effects of electoral systems and their changes are described. One of the chapters describes the development of the debate over the electoral system change in the past 20 years and mentions the attitude of contemporary political parties and their representatives to electoral system reform.

Methodology of Website Design
Fabik, Lukáš ; Janečková, Jana (referee) ; Koch, Miloš (advisor)
This thesis deals with the methodology of web design according to current trends and present day demands. Great emphasis is placed on the process of creating web sites, their accessibility and usability. Based on theoretical background and personal knowledge the purpose of this work is to analyze existing website and propose and implement a complete redesign of the website of the Department of Political Science and European Studies at Palacky University in Olomouc. New website will facilitate communication between the department, its students and the public. Usability of new website will be verified by usability testing.

Transformation of political system in Cezchoslovakia in 1989-1992
Nohejlová, Kateřina ; Bureš, Jan (advisor) ; Just, Petr (referee)
Od listopadu 1989 uplyne v příštím roce 2009 již 20 let. Z těchto rušných dnů a týdnů si jako pětiletá nepomatuji nic. Zpětně si však uvědomuji, že jsem i já byla svědkem jednoho z nej významnějších předělů novodobé historie Československa. 17. listopadu 1989 byla zahájena revoluce, která do dějin vstoupila s různými přívlastky - něžná, sametová, pokojná... Podstatné bylo, že skončila vláda jedné strany - Komunistické strany Československa. V prosinci 1989 byl prezidentem zvolen Václav Havel, významný představitel československého disidentu z období normalizace 1969 - 1989. V červnu 1990 proběhly první svobodné parlamentní volby, které se staly po více než čtyřicetiletém období nesvobody nezbytnou součástí transformace našeho politického systému a demokratizačního procesu. Dne 28. října tohoto roku to bude již 90 let od vzniku Československé republiky. Myslím, že je nutné ohlédnout se zpět a uvést některé podstatné události, které se přímo dotýkají demokratizačního vývoje u nás. Zároveň je třeba připomenout si ty okamžiky, kdy byl silně potlačen či dokonce zastaven svobodný a demokratický vývoj v Československu. O naší devadesátileté historii bylo napsáno mnoho knih, článků, pojednání a studií. Na to, co se událo, nemají a ani nemohou mít všichni jednotný názor. Do své práce jsem se snažila vybrat takové...

Professor Nikolai Lvovich Okunev (1885-1949) - his life and work
Jančárková, Ioulia ; Homolka, Jaromír (advisor) ; Dostálová, Růžena (referee) ; Vavřínek, Vladimír (referee)
The thesis concentrates on the life and work of Nikolai Lvovich Okunev (1885- 1949), an important historian of art and representative of Medieval studies, Professor at Charles University in Prague. His research work, that already began during his studies at the University in Saint Petersburg, meant an important contribution to studies in the field of Old Russian, Byzantine and Medieval Armenian Art and Architecture. After he had left his native country for political reasons, he was living in the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes in 1920-1923, then in 1923-1949 in Czechoslovakia. For more than 20 years he lectured at Charles University in Prague where he educated a number of disciples. He was a member of the Institute of Slavonic Studies, a founder of the Archive and Gallery of the Slavonic art atttached to the Institute, an editor of the scientific journal Byzantinoslavica. His works published during the emigration were devoted especially to Medieval monuments in Serbia and Macedonia. Okunev's research work and his cultural involvement are presented in the thesis in the wide context of research activities of different institutions (Russian Archaeological Institute in Constantinople, University of Saint Petersburg, Charles University, Institute of Slavonic Studies and the Slavonic Library in Prague),...

Living in a small town in the First Republic
Kryštůfek, Jan ; Pargač, Jan (advisor) ; Šalanda, Bohuslav (referee)
The aim of this thesis is to write historical and ethnographic study, based on archival sources and regional literature, which characterized the political, economic and social life in a small town as a "first" Czechoslovak Republic. Maps the Federal and cultural life of the special regard to federal action. City is examined in the period of 1918-1938 Dobris City, located in central Bohemia, in Pribram district. The study draws from the minutes of City Council, Federal chronicles regional newspapers, and census Operational Plan memory.

Reconciling with Nazi past and the Greek-German relations
Králová, Kateřina ; Pešek, Jiří (advisor) ; Hladký, Ladislav (referee) ; Kaiserová, Kristina (referee)
The doctoral thesis Reconciling with Nazi Past and the Greek-German Relations is a historical study of the Greek-German relations in the Cold War era and after the reunification of Germany. Its main objective is to bring new insights into the topic of the legacy of Nazi occupation in Greece, with a particular focus on the prosecution of Nazi perpetrators and the related crime compensation for civilian victims. These problems are examined from a political, socio-cultural, economic as well as legal perspective.

Regulation of working time - evaluation of public policies
Šenk, Michal ; Czesaný, Slavoj (advisor) ; Štěpánková, Kateřina (referee)
Thesis focuses on concrete examples of social engineering in working time regulation field. Mainly uses econometric measures and models to evaluate agreed and expected goals. In the theoretic part of work are presented concepts, how and why the proper authorities regulate working time, what are costs and benefits of this activity and how academy economics see working time as regulation needed subject. With anticipating existing analysis are further developed authors own econometric model, which is putted in the light of french 35hours working week, effects of maximal obligate working time in European union and tries of german politic garniture, which argue for longer working week as well. Later is presented comparation of results of all the case studies into Czech reality, which is preciselly mentioned and predicted as economic future in case, if Czech arrea addopts similar policies. As starting point is described historical development of life/day time spend by work, are used dates of work productivity, economic reality of chosen countries, before in and after the moment, when they decided for legislative according to driving of working time.

The attitude of France towards the US security policy
Čmakalová, Kateřina ; Eichler, Jan (advisor) ; Veselý, Zdeněk (referee) ; Novák, Jaromír (referee) ; Adamec, Vilém (referee)
One of the most surprising aspects of the renaissance of scholarly interest in culture has been the emerging consensus in national security policy studies that culture effects significantly grand strategy and state behaviour. Therefore, the paper tries to advance rigorous procedures for testing for the existence and influence of security and strategic culture of different national states. It builds mainly on the definition of Alastair I. Johnston (1995) and Jeffrey S. Lantis (2002), who relate security and strategic culture with the definition of main goals/objectives of the state in security affairs and with ways of achieving them. As a case study, the paper will evaluate the approaches of the United States and France towards security threats in the early 21st century, especially towards the threat of global terrorism. It will assess whether and why when achieving security objectives, defined at the highest political level, persuasive or coercive strategy and military or non-military tools were preferred; whether negotiations, diplomacy and political pressure were favoured, or whether it was rather opted for deployment of armed forces and warfare. The text attempts to show how the differences in security and strategic culture, American and French particular identities, values, norms and perceptive lens might lead to different understandings of terrorism as global security threat and to distinct measures taken in the fight against it.