National Repository of Grey Literature 258 records found  beginprevious192 - 201nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
'But it's only a children's book' - children's literature as a vehicle of manipulative ideological dissemination
Moravčíková, Hana ; Clark, Colin Steele (advisor) ; Beran, Zdeněk (referee)
The historical era between 1850 and 1950 is known to be a turbulent period reflected not only in adult literature but also in the texts written for children. This unusually rich period in terms of political, social and ideological development certainly influenced most parts of the world. However, it was particularly important for England mainly for the transition of the Victorian era and Edwardian period to the modern history initiated by the WW I. Throughout this period many new ideologies arose and scientific discoveries were more numerous than ever. In 1859, for instance, Darwin's On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection was published and initiated the still on-going war period between Christianity and science. At the same time, the concept of childhood started to be understood in a different way and books written for children became a common commodity converting the end of 18th century in the Golden Age of children's literature. However, according to Peter Hunt's publication Understanding Children's Literature, 'all texts are inevitably infused by ideologies'. Therefore, the aim of this thesis is firstly, to study the way in which ideologies are incorporated in the texts for children (overt or covert) and secondly, the extent to which the texts for children become a vehicle of...
Concept of ideology in the work of Louis Althusser
Katsaros, Denis ; Bíba, Jan (advisor) ; Slačálek, Ondřej (referee)
The aim of this thesis is to reconstruct the principal features of the theory of ideology which can be found in the work of french marxist philosopher Louis Althusser. An attempt to clarify the key differences between approaches of Althusser's and that of classical marxism is also made here, although the author belongs rightfully to marxist philosophical tradition. Owing to belief in usefulness of this method, the thesis tries to enrich a traditional interpretation of Althusser's theory by using less known and less employed writings by the same author. Apart from the above mentioned goal this work also aims to describe author's original conception of the philosophical category of subject. This category is in many ways a centrepiece of the whole Althusser's theory of ideology and due to this reason the examination of his implications permeates almost entirely the work you are about to read.
Poetry in the Service of Ideology
Hofmanová, Petra ; Peterka, Josef (advisor) ; Mocná, Dagmar (referee)
English Resume This thesis is based on thorough examination of collection of poems written by Ivan Skála "Co si beru na cestu" (What I take for a journey) in 1975. The collection got National award of Klement Gottwald and therefore it's possible to consider it to be one of the canonical pieces of socialistic literature. The thesis demonstrates the fact, that the collection is not representation of pure political lyrics. The collection is a combination of intimate and natural lyrics, also its propagandistic function is apparent because of its author's political involvement and orientation. The thesis discovers the ways of realization of propagandistic function and its most common methods. Motives of socialistic propaganda are more or less hidden in the whole collection, however they are present both in poems of purely political nature and natural and reflexive lyrics. Through an analysis of text levels (formal, thematic, language) I tried to characterize the ideological schemes contained in whole collection. One of the interesting conclusions is the fact, that the collection is characterized by the intimate manifestation of its author, who reflects his own original values. His lyrical hero is an ideal citizen characterized by passion for hard work a love for his country. He's disposed of any eroticism and...
Toy as a Sociocultural Phenomenon in Television Advertisement (Media Construction of the Product)
Kyselá, Daniela ; Kladný, Tomáš (advisor) ; Řehořová, Irena (referee)
The master thesis focuses on the topic of the media construction "toy as a product" in the television commercials. The main reasons for choosing this topic is mapping of means of media construction of a toy in television commercials, defining semantic structures which the toy is situated in and identify concrete meanings that are usually linked to the toy in commercials. The field of investigation interest was defined in the theoretical part and was situated into a narrower connection in the context of this work. Both the role of a toy in society and its interpretation within culture, ideology and advertisement are defined. We work on the findings in the theoretical part where we identify dominant semantic frameworks which the toy is put into, based on the cultural-semiotic analysis of the contents of television commercials. We also try to discover whether the "toy as a product" in commercials is represented as a socially integrating means. Further we survey whether the television commercials represent "toy as a product" as a pro-family means and what communicative strategies the commercials mostly use for that. All these findings help us to reveal this problematic of media construction "toy as a product" and its socio-cultural dimension.
Image of the Czech-Australian settlement in 1871 on the site of the Viennese press
Skálová, Monika ; Sekera, Martin (advisor) ; Köpplová, Barbara (referee)
The thesis "The image of Czech-Austrian settlement in 1871 in media coverage by Viennese press" is focused on the view of German Austrians on the constitutional negotiations between the government in Vienna and the Czech political representation. The settlement consisted of a several media events reflected by major European dailies. The work examines the sight of two important Viennese newspaper - Die Neue Freie Presse and Die Presse, which were located in the center of the political focus. The research depicts period when constitutional negotiations culminated - from August to September 1871. Prior the analysis of dailies is the theoretical part describing the development of Czech-German relations, with emphasis on German nationality within the Habsburg monarchy, the development of censorship in the monarchy in the second half of the nineteenth century and the history of the examined periodicals.
The serial Třicet případů majora Zemana after 1989
Zápotocký, Jan ; Bednařík, Petr (advisor) ; Reifová, Irena (referee)
Diploma thesis TV series Třicet případů majora Zemana (Thirty cases of major Zeman) after the year 1989: revitalization, reflection and deideologization analyzes the overall return of the normalization propaganda series within media, political and social discourse after the year 1989. To fulfill this purpose, it examines not only changes in the reception of the series and the development of the audience interest both in the mass and network platforms, but it also offers detailed insights at the audience structure and the first release in the Czech television. In the next part the thesis also deals with satirical and mythological aspects exploring a wide range of representations in literature, music or film and also captures revelatory the establishment, structure and communication processes of the fandom subculture, which is in the Czech cinematic discourse completely beyond the common categories and whose observation fills an empty space in Czech academical research regarding the audiance behavior. The presented text further analyzes the learning potential of series and evaluates current efforts on its implementation. In the conclusion the diploma thesis outlines, based on the previous findings, actual questions whether the series is being deideologizated and what character such de-ideologization has....
The Ideology, the Play, the Secret: The Role of the Slovene Contemporary Fairy-tale in 1945-1975
Slezáková, Magdalena ; Jensterle Doležal, Alenka (advisor) ; Nedvědová, Milada (referee)
The thesis deals with shapes of the Slovene fantastic tale in the 1945-1975's and looks into the roles which have been assigned to it by it's authors. The thesis assumes that during this period, there were three basic types of authorial approach: fantastic tale in the service of the state ideology, fantastic tale as a free play of imagination and fantastic tale with overlap. These three roles are analyzed on the example of nine fantastic tales, most of them being from the literary canon of the Slovene children's literature: Udarna brigada (Anton Ingolič), Zgode in nezgode kraljevskega dvora (Milan Šega), Drejček in trije Marsovčki (Vid Pečjak), Moj dežnik je lahko balon (Ela Peroci), Strah ima velike oči (Marjan Marinc), Kosovirja na leteči žlici (Svetlana Makarovič), Potovanje v tisočera mesta (Vitomil Zupan), Deklica Delfina in lisica Zvitorepka (Kristina Brenkova) and Avtomoto mravlje (Jože Snoj).
Analysis of terrorism in terms of ideology in the work of Slavoj Zizek
Suchý, Martin ; Šubrt, Jiří (advisor) ; Suša, Oleg (referee)
(in English): The thesis deals with the formulation of a new theoretical perspective on terrorism. Terrorism has become a frequent topic in the academic, political and laical environment, especially in recent years as a result of the attacks on the World Trade Center in New York on September 11, 2001. It acquired a new form of a global threat; however, it is still a phenomenon of socially ambiguous approach. This thesis aims to analyze terrorism through its ideological background. Criticism of social inequality, which is masked by ideology, is the basic subject of Marxist thinkers. The thesis focuses on the Slovenian philosopher and sociologist Slavoj Zizek. He enriches the Marxist theory of psychoanalysis, which provides him a tool for the interpretation of social phenomena, and ideology is one of his central themes. The main goal of this thesis is to show the analysis of ideology through Žižek's original approach, which can be used to understand the causes of terrorism.
History, Fiction and Ideology: Analysis of the Novel "The doubts of Salai"
Švantner, Michal ; Češka, Jakub (advisor) ; Fulka, Josef (referee)
This thesis analyzes the historical novel The Doubts of Salaí in terms of purpose, which the authors have clearly declared in the study attached to the novel. This purpose is both to ridicule the excessive confidence in the pulp and obvious fakes, and literary demythologization of myths - associated primarily with the Pope Alexander VI., Leonardo da Vinci, renaissance humanists or Tacit's Germania - which have settled in the historical discourse. Thus the thesis, through the narratological analysis, examines the procedures that are used within these purposes, and notes the implications for theories of the historical and literary discourses relationship. It also shows that in the final study the authors perpetrate historical objectivism and do not reflect the literariness of their own text. Powered by TCPDF (
Philosophy of Louis Althusser in his ‚theoreticist' period
Kužel, Petr ; Hauser, Michael (advisor) ; Hohoš, Ladislav (referee) ; Zouhar, Jan (referee)
TITLE: The Philosophy of Louis Althusser in his ‚theoreticist' period AUTHOR: Petr Kužel DEPARTMENT: Social Sciences and Philosophy, Department SUPERVISOR: Mgr. Michael Hauser Ph.D. ABSTRACT: The thesis focuses on a philosophy of Louis Althusser in his "teoreticist" period, i.e. 1960-1967. The work is divided to four essentials sections: epistemology, ontology, psychoanalyse and ideology. We put accent on epistemological problematic, which is in this period of a development of Althusser's philosophy unequivocally dominant. In introduction of this text is explained historical and political context, in which Althusser realized his "theoretical intervention". The thesis treat on Althusser's conviction, that inadequate theory leads to deformed political practice and that Marxist theory exists till now in his "applied form", notably in The Capital. According to Althusser this Marxist theory wasn't adequately theoretically formed. Our work characterises Althusser's tentative to create and theoretically formulate this theory. This Althusser's tentative is connected with an effort to draw a "line of demarcation" between the Marxism and the pre-Marxist idealist notions, which are foreign to authentic Marxism. Althusser's critique focuses on Stalinism, "theoretical humanism", empiricism and Hegelianism. In present...

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