National Repository of Grey Literature 149 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.14 seconds. 

Gender segregation in the labour market: roots, implications and policy responses in the Czech Republic
Křížková, Alena
This study presents an analysis of the situation of the Czech Republic, a country with one of the highest levels of gender segregation in the labour market of all EU countries. The segregation of women into low-income professions, firms and employment groups plays a very important role in the Czech Republic and is the cause of approximately one-third of the gender pay gap. At present the gender segregation of the labour market is not a topic that is being discussed at the political level.

Social meaning of physical exercise presented by some of the Czech women's magazines
Semotánová, Adéla ; Hájek, Martin (advisor) ; Řezáčová, Vendula (referee)
The subject of the thesis is meanings of the physical exercising presented in the Czech women magazines, which I explored through qualitative content analysis of the articles focused on exercising. Three relevant frames or research areas emerged from foreign literature, which became the frames of the analysis: value of the exercise related to the body, the exercise as possible social field and gender level of these practices. I was specifically interested, if the exercise is presented as activity that helps to create socially disciplined body or individually restituted body for personal needs. Or if the exercise creates specific social field - sphere with specific relationship, rules and capital and if the gender is an important factor, connected to the presentation of the exercises in magazines, focused on women. The results show that the exercise is activity that creates the restituted body so as the disciplined body. It is not possible to define, if it is specific social field. The articles content so positive indications as those, which do not comply with the social field definition. Ideal femininity and ideal woman body should be reached by exercising. This ideal woman identity varies from reader's identity, which magazines define as "common" woman. The gender is an important factor that has...

Occurance of the chosen risk in term of the gender about children.
Abstract The problems of hazardous behavior with adolescents are getting into the foreground of the wide public. The problem of hazardous behavior with children, adolescents or young people is very real, not only in the Czech Republic, but all over the world, at prezent, it is a worldwide problem representing a substantial social problem with which many specialists in the field of psychologists, psychiatrics, educators, politics and other participating institucions, World Health Organization, are dealing. The Publisher results of research are pointing to a non- decreasing occurrence of hazardous behavior, where it comes to a basic shifting to a lower age group from the point of view of the gender eguality, when the girls and boys engage in hazardous behavior with different circumstances, conditions and occurrence. A whole range of research on this theme exists, but it does not fully concern the hazardous behavior, for instance in connection with information technologies, cell phones and using of habit-forming drugs. The thesis is divided in the theoretical and the practical part. In the theoretical part, the selected forms of hazardous behavior with children and the gender problems are described. In the practical part, the quantitative research method has been chosen,a method of gathering data by means of a questionnaire. The research summary for questionnaire inquiry was created by pupils attending the 7 th to 9 th school year of the primary schools in the South Bohemian region. The aim and purpose of the thesis was to find the appearance of selected risk behaviour with the children from the point of view of the gender, and to map the differences with a view to the gender problems. The aim was accomplished. There were four hypothesis stated. H1: The boys are a more endangered group in occurance of a hazardous behavior in connection with alkohol than the girls. H2: There is a higher risk in connection with usaje non-legal drugs about boys than about girls. H3: Boys are more endangered in the occurrence of a hazardous behavior in connection with habit-forming behavior relating to virtual milieu. H4: Girls are more endangered in connection with communication technology. The thesis may be used as an information survey of a selected hazardous behavior with the children and with the gender problems. The results of the research can be used as informative material for the lay public, for children and adolescents, for parents and other specialists (anti-drug coordinator, methodic of school prevention and not least for the education or as basics for a further following research aktivity. Further, the results of the research can be used for a closer determination of suitable prevention programs. For this reason, the results of the research were given to schools, where the research observation proceeded for the purpose of enhancement of the primarily preventive activity.

Gender and communication at the school
Beranová, Klára ; Kasíková, Hana (advisor) ; Pelikán, Jiří (referee)
and key words Gender and communication at school The diploma thesis deals with gender issues in the school environment in relation to communication. The thesis analyses gender assumptions, projects gender in educational practice and maps gender stereotypes in relation to the communication at school. It presents the principles of gender-sensitive education and points out the positive aspects of gender equality education. The second part of the thesis is reserved for the empirical aspect containing the research probe. Students opinions on the gender communication were get by using the questionnaire. The results were compared with the theoretical aspects of the gender issue. Keywords: gender, communication, school, stereotype, gender roles, equality, pedagogy, education

Argentine Tango: A Portrait of Gender in Society
Nováková, Tereza ; Stavělová, Daniela (advisor) ; Kotík, Michal (referee)
Master thesis "Argentine Tango: A Portrait of Gender in Society" deals with the parallel between the evolution of gender relations in society and in dance. The goal of the essay is to confirm the hypothesis that the reflection of social change in a cultural phenomena is visible in tango through the change of traditional roles which are challenged by the deconstruction of the formerly consistent parallel body - gender - gender role in dance - gender performance. The first part presents an overview of the sociological theories of social construction of the body and sociocultural meaning and communicative potential of dance. The theory of gender performance is a linking idea which enables the author to analyze human body and its movement as a text in a context. The second part is an introduction to history, evolution, structure and ethics of the argentine tango. The core of the essay is the third part, the analysis of the gender structure of tango and its evolution through the analysis of construction, performance, troubling and deconstruction of the gender stereotypes and archetypes in tango. The author points out the illusory hierarchy of these concepts and their postmodern characteristics.

Writing outside of logocentrism (Discourse, gender, text)
Matonoha, Jan ; Bílek, Petr (advisor) ; Heczková, Libuše (referee) ; Kalnická, Zdeňka (referee)
This thesis aims to examine the nature of the relationship between the kind of textual politics, here referred to as a "women's writing", and the dominant discursive practice of our culture, whose logic and functioning is best encapsulated in the Derridean term "phallogocentrism" which can be defined by variety of its characteristics (e.g. by the idea of a singular, fully controlable meaning, the adherence to the metaphysics of presence, simplisticly instrumental understanding of language, the claim for universal rationality, simplisticly homogeneus understaning of essentially complex and messy reality, ideology of a seemlessly homogeneus, fully controlable Self, anthropocentrism, the unacknowledged privileging of its own epistemic perspective etc.). "Women's writing", then, is here defined as that kind of writing which locates itself outside the domain and logic of a phallogocentric discourse, trying to challenge and undermine its hegemonic status. In this respect, "women's writing" is not delimited by the sex of an author, but by his/her gendered subjectivity, by his/her position within the discursive formation and his/her attitude to hegemonic language practices. Thus, besides the Czech writers Milada Součková, Věra Linhartová, Sylvie Richterová and Daniela Hodrová, the writing of a male author Bohumil...

Gender (in)equality in the sphere of labour
Krčková, Kamila ; Duffková, Jana (referee) ; Čermáková, Marie (advisor)
Mezi základní prmc1py fungování demokratické a pluralitní společnosti patří občanská rovnost. Jejím předpokladem je tedy i rovnost mužů a žen. Zatímco je podpora rovného přístupu k mužům a ženám jednou ze základních podmínek provádění všech politik Evropské unie a je zakotvena v primárním i sekundárním právu EU, začala být u nás problematika rovných příležitostí mužů a žen reflektována až v rámci předvstupních jednání o připojení ČR k EU. Odiišna reflexe a polřt.!ba řt::šeni genderových nerovnoslí na pracovnim trhu v ČR a EU vyplývá z odlišného hisloricko-ekonomického vývoje. Ve vyspělých evropských společnostech se stala problematika postavení žen na trhu práce aktuální od 70. let, kdy došlo ke změně definice práce, do níž byla zahrnuta práce v domácnosti. Dochází k institucionálním změnám, které ustavují rovnost ženských práv v rodině, vzdělání a ve světě práce. V 80. letech bylo ohniskem zájmu rozdílné postavení mužů a žen na pracovním trhu a dělba práce v rodině. Na počátku let 90tých dochází ke změně optiky. Od otázky genderové dělby práce se přechází k otázce genderově rozděleného pracovního trhu a "dualizace" postavení žen ve společnosti. Každé z těchto období je výrazem určitého principu. Po prvotním principu formální rovnosti, který spočíval v rovnosti práv žen a mužů na pracovním trhu, následoval...

Gender Discrimination of Managers
This bachelor work deals with women and men manager gender discrimination. The work is divided into two parts; theoretical and practical one. The theoretical part explains basic notions connected to gender regarding management. Comparison of opinions and stereotype preconcepts of people at senior positions is car-ried out in the practical part. The terrain data collection is based on the strategy of quan-titative research and semantic differential techniques are applied. The aim of this work is to establish what the gender stereotypes and prejudices regarding women and men managers leading or having the capacity to lead to discrimination on the basis of gender within working environment are like. The theoretical foundations together with practical processing of the work are the basis used for suggesting innovations in the psychology and sociology majors.

Motherhood - Combining work and family
Kubáčková, Eva ; Holubec, Stanislav (advisor) ; Dvořáková, Markéta (referee)
Ce mémoire "La femme comme une mre - la coordination de la famille et du travail" traite le thme du fusionnement de la vie de famille et celle du travail des femmes - mres. Le mémoire contient cinq chapitres principales. D'abord, il se concentre sur l'explication de termes principaux gender et feminisme et esquisse le problme des inégalités de gender dans la société. Le chapitre suivant "La Famille" est centré non seulement sur le rôle de la famiile; les stéréotypes de gender au sein de la famille, mais aussi sur les changements l'intérieur de la famille qui se sont produitent au passé et qui se produisent actuellement. Il décrit le modle traditionnel de la famille qui fonctionnait pendant des sicles et les changements au sein de la famille qui s'imposent actuellement, surtout la réinvention du rôle des hommes comme des pres actifs qui participent l'éducation et au soin de leurs enfants ou au soin du ménage commun. Pour la réunion du travail et de la famille la femme cherche un point d'appui et de l'aide dans sa famille et surtout de la part de son partenaire.

Beauty myth in advertising from the perspective of gender
Prágrová, Štěpánka ; Fulka, Josef (advisor) ; Kobová, Ĺubica (referee)
Diploma thesis called "Beauty myth in advertising from the perspective of gender" analyzes the gender climate through the construct called beauty myth. The phenomenon of the beauty myth is nowadays appearing in numerous connotations, for example, very much in advertising. In this thesis I analyze printed advertisements, which I subject a critical examination through specific concepts including the Barthes concept of myth and photograph. Advertising is one of the most powerful communication and information arms today. In today's society the advertising message has become a very strong handling tool that is able to change not only the customer's behavior and customer's requirements, but to a large extent his thoughts, opinions and actions. What means of customer acquisition does advert use? Is not one of them theory of lie which was mutated into the beauty myth? This phenomenon is presented here mainly from the perspective of feminist author Naomi Wolf. The results of my analysis of the beauty myth in advertising, however, disagree with Wolf's view and put them thus in opposition. Advertising and the beauty myth behave as a living organism that interacts flexibly to external stimuli and its responses to them promptly transmits back to the consumer through the communication channel of advertising. The...