National Repository of Grey Literature 17,955 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.77 seconds. 

Assessment of Potential Risk Connected with the Use of Mercury and Mercury Electrodes
Navrátil, Tomáš ; Švancara, I. ; Mrázová, K. ; Nováková, Kateřina ; Chýlková, J. ; Pelclová, D.
This contribution tries to asses critically the danger connected with utilization of mercury in different branches of human activites. The main attention was devoted to electrochemistry, mainly to voltammetry and polarography. However, to other branches were characterized as well: dentistry, in battery production, mining industry, and a few others. The most toxic and contarily almost nontoxic forms of mercury and of its compounds were characterized. Some interesting cases of exposure to mercury, according to the database of the Czech Toxicological Information Centre (TIC) (from years 1995-2011), have been reported,

Analysis of logistic processes in company Truhlárny, a. s.
Kubíček, Petr ; Cimler, Petr (advisor) ; Zeman, Jiří (referee)
This bachelor´s thesis describes logistics infrastructure and flows in Truhlárna, a. s. The thesis analyses all activities that are connected with logistics. Aim of this thesis is evaluation of logistics processes and suggestion of most suitable measures for optimization and effectivity improvements. The thesis contains theoretical and practical parts that are logically connected with each other and are based on the scientific literature and internal documentation of the company.

Systém odměňování v malém IT podniku
Novotný, Lukáš ; Dvořáková, Zuzana (advisor) ; Cetkovský, Pavel (referee)
The topic of this thesis is reward management and its application in a small-sized IT enterprise. Its goals are to properly document and describe current reward system in the company, evaluate the system and recommend improvements for the system. The first two goals are reached via thorough research of the company through semi-structured interviews, employee satisfaction survey, participant observation and document examination and the last one by applying principles from the current literature and education to the results of the two previous goals. The findings are that the reward system, despite growing organically instead of designed, is relatively effective in some areas, but needs improvement in other areas. The main improvement areas are motivation by contingent pay, communication management and performance management. Relatively well working rewards are especially non-financial reward connected to the work environment and work itself.

Environment in China - current state, problems and perspectives
Salačová, Aneta ; De Castro, Tereza (advisor) ; Neumann, Pavel (referee)
The problematics of the environment has been underestimated in China for a long time. This country has been developing with incredible speed in the last three decades. The price for such growth is the current state of the environment in China. The thesis is divided into three chapters. The goal of this thesis is to evaluate the current state of the environment in China and the development of the stance of the Chinese government towards the protection of the environment in the new millennium. In connection with the economic growth is analysed the dependence on air pollution and Chinese GDP. Last but not least are offered possible solutions and perspectives of the future development of air pollution in China.

Strategic Trade Policy in Defence and Security Industry
Neumannová, Pavla ; Žamberský, Pavel (advisor) ; Jiránková, Martina (referee)
The master thesis is devoted to a nontraditional, however, in the todays world to a very current topic, arms industry and its support. The thesis connects the theoretical concept of the strategic trade policy (defined by P. Krugman or J. Brander) to its practical interpretation and application in the defence and security industry. The first chapter explains the strategic trade policy using the Brander Spencer analysis. The topic of the second chapter is strategic industries and this chapter answers the question whether the defence and security industry is a strategic industry or not. The third chapter analyses the possibilities of the support of DSI and compares approaches of different EU member states. The last chapter is devoted to the solution of this problem. The main contribution of this thesis is a new interpretation of the strategic trade policy, analysis of the importance of the defence and security industry and its support and suggestion of practical measures for Czech companies and for the Czech Ministry of Defence.

Brand project management in praxis – fashion brand Bazar Bar
Šlégrová, Olga ; Tyslová, Irena (advisor) ; Hrůzová, Helena (referee)
The Master's Thesis is dedicated to a topic of project management which is explored through the fashion brand Bazar Bar. The theoretical part is focused on definition necessary terms for the whole Thesis and it is occupied with connected fields of study: project management and brand marketing. In the practical part are the theoretical knowledge presented on the real brand called Bazar Bar. The Master's Thesis has set a target to analyse the real fashion brand operating on the Czech Market from two points of view: project management and brand marketing.

Analysis and design of intranet structure
Novák, Miroslav ; Pour, Jan (advisor) ; Šedivá, Zuzana (referee)
Nowadays, Intranet is an inseparable part of every company, notwithstanding of their size or field of activity. Both, in my work and personal life, I often come across different intranets that usually do not get a positive response. But they usually have the same source of the problem, which is based on their wrong structure. This is why is chose this topic for my thesis. The goal of my thesis is to perform an analysis of an existing intranet of a particular company and subsequently create a design of the intranet new structure using the card-sorting method. This thesis primarily represents a generalized method of how to proceed during such realization and which areas to look into. Theoretical part of this thesis covers the topics of information architecture and also the term intranet itself, where the most frequent issues I came across in the intranets are pointed out. Practical part covers the analysis itself, where I focus on the structure of the existing intranet, categorization of its content, connections with other systems, customization, permission management, surveys of contentment, and intranet usage. The analysis is performed manually by scanning through the existing intranet of the company, since other methods or approaches could not be applied due to technical limitations or insufficient permis-sions. Based on the outputs of the analysis, web categorizations and the card-sorting method, a design of a structure of the new intranet has been proposed. The design itself is a demonstration of the method how to approach the new intranet design.

Outsourcing and its impacts on company through Enterprise architecture
Štěpán, Jakub ; Šebesta, Michal (advisor) ; Bruckner, Tomáš (referee)
This final thesis is dealing with the theme of outsourcing and its influence on company in connection with enterprise architecture as the main carrier of ongoing changes. Main focus of this thesis is to provide the overview of the area of Enterprise architecture and outsourcing as well as the description of the selected notation of Enterprise architecture modeling, which will be main instrument in describing the transformation. Theoretical part of the work is divided into three parts. Firstly there is description of the enterprise architecture and chosen connected areas, followed by description of the outsourcing process and description of the modeling language ArchiMate. Practical part of the work is composed of analysis, description and evaluation of the transformation of the selected company. Among the main contribution of this thesis there is description of the changes during the transformation using the ArchiMate modeling language and identifying of concrete impacts of outsourcing on Enterprise architecture of the company.

Multimedia communication
Vondra, Zdeněk ; Horný, Stanislav (advisor) ; Skrbek, Jan (referee) ; Jurášková, Olga (referee)
Multimedia is a form of communication and sharing knowledge using synergic effect of parallel connected communication channels. Its main use is in producing communications products and services and in design of user interfaces. Main objective of this dissertation is to develop and create a model of multimedia communication for better understanding of the meaning and the purpose of using multimedia forms in communication process. The model will describe a system of elements and parameters of multimedia communication within the internal and external context. Another objective of this dissertation is to develop multimedia communication methodology that will be used for the design, development and evaluations of concepts of multimedia communication. The methodology will be created by applying the model of multimedia communication into the procedure structure. In theoretical way this dissertation is based on analysis of different definitions and approaches to the multimedia communications topic. This is followed by an analysis of communication theories, concepts of media, multimedia, delivery channels, and communication functions. The theoretical part is followed by the outcomes of the research in practice of four different fields of multimedia use. The knowledge gained is analyzed in the following parts in purpose of creating the model of multimedia communication and the methodology which is derived from the model. The methodology is further validated through case studies and the recommendations for further development are formulated. The model and the methodology of multimedia communication created in this dissertation present complex view on multimedia communication topic that is considered as a useful tool for meeting a specific communication purpose. Dissertation provides mechanics for use and study of multimedia communication and also defines the opportunities for further development of the methodology.

Support for Unemployed People Aged Under 30 Years at Entry to the Labor Market
The Bachelor Thesis deals with the problems of unemployment benefits for people at the age up to 30 when entering the employment market. Unemployment is currently one of the serious problems in the world. The reduction in the number of unemployed people is one of the political priorities. The meaning of work as a job is taking an irreplaceable position for the life within our culture. Job loss has a considerable influence on social as well as personal life of an individual. The age is playing a significant role when seeking a job. Especially the time connected with the beginning of the career. School leavers who apply for their first job are concerned. They have no working experience, no practice, and they have so far had no possibility to acquire the basic work habits. A disharmony between zero experience and excessive earnings demands belongs to other root causes of the lack of interest in giving work opportunity to school leavers. Employment Office plays an irreplaceable role for the mediation of job and the consultancy. To solve unemployment within each target group, active and passive labour policies are available. The situation of the specific target group is stimulated especially through single programs and projects. The theoretical part pays attention to the definition and objectification of the unemployment-related terms and the analysis of labour market in Ceske Budejovice. Observations of a number of authors who are dealing with these problems and the related issues are summarized herein. The empirical part is formed by observations from own investigation. Two job-related targets have been set. The first target is to analyse the ideas the young people aged up to thirty, living in the district of Ceske Budejovice, have of their employment. The other target is to analyse the employers´ ideas of giving work to school leavers and young people. In order to fulfil the above targets, two investigative questions have been put: 1: Young peoples´ ideas of earning possibilities are unrealistic. 2: Employers find the European Social Fund helpful in giving work to young people. For the purpose of answering the investigative questions a qualitative research method, namely a case study the study of a few cases was selected. Interviewing was chosen as the most suitable method of data gathering. Initially, ten participants aged up to thirty were interviewed. At the time of interviewing, all of the participants were registered at the Employment Office in Ceske Budejovice and were taking part in a retraining scheme arranged by the Employment Office. When talking with young people I found that their gross commencing salary is expected to amount to approx. 16 200 CZK. The other selective group comprised five employers in Ceske Budejovice. It emerged from the interviews that one of the companies does not utilize the programs and projects announced by the European Social Fund at all. Two of the companies complain about excessive administration. One of the employers must always carefully consider its ability to satisfy the involvement conditions. Some negative feelings also appeared about the frequent changing the blank forms, a low number of announced projects for a particular business branch. The programs being related to deepening knowledge and staff training were most appreciated. The results of the Thesis will give the Employment Office a feedback on the utilization of the European Social Fund by employers and will help in adjusting the conditions for further projects being prepared.