National Repository of Grey Literature 35 records found  beginprevious25 - 34next  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
How to keep and develop the children's inner motivation at the beginning of the school attendance
Vaculíková, Vaishali ; Krčmářová, Tereza (advisor) ; Kargerová, Jana (referee)
This thesis focuses on keeping and developing the inner motivation for learning in the first class of the primary waldorf school, where the author works as a class teacher. The theoretical part of the thesis contains the characterization of the term inner motivation, its sorts and describes which methods are helping to its keeping. Further there is a description of specific ways of teaching at waldorf school. For the practical part of the thesis author of this dissertation uses method action teacher's research. She observes four selected pupils from her class. During one school year she determines the most suitable strategies of teaching lessons so the inner motivation for learning is supported. Results of research confirm when pupils are motivated, they are active and they cooperate more.
Psychological connections of resocialization programs for young prisoners and their effect
Houdková, Ludmila ; Gillernová, Ilona (advisor) ; Urbanová, Miluše (referee) ; Boukalová, Hedvika (referee)
Disertační práce je zaměřena na mladé odsouzené muže, kteří se nacházejí ve výkonu trestu odnětí svobody. Jsou umístění na specializovaném oddělení, které se ve svém resocializačním působení zaměřuje cíleně na tyto odsouzené ve věku od 18 let do 26 let věku. Pro každého z nich je sestaven individuální plán zacházení, který má za cíl nalézt souvislosti psychologického individuálního plánu resocializačního působení s možnou změnou svého osobního náhledu na páchání trestné činnosti. Výsledkem tohoto snažení je pak dosažení změny u každého jednotlivce s cílem komplexního zapojení se v civilním životě po propuštění z výkonu trestu odnětí svobody. První část práce zahrnuje ucelené kapitoly, které jsou ve svém myšlenkovém obsahu vzájemně propojeny. Tematika sociálně patologických jevů ve společnosti je rozpracována i v podkapitolách, které se věnují kriminalitě, delikvenci, možnostem socializace a resocializace v působení na každého jednotlivého odsouzeného během výkonu trestu odnětí svobody. Komplexnost pohledu je zahrnuta v rozpracování sociálních příčin páchání trestné činnosti s osobnostními dispozicemi jedinců k delikventnímu chování. Další kapitoly se opírají o výkon trestu odnětí svobody v České republice s kontextem na Evropská vězeňská pravidla. Větší prostor disertační práce je věnován...
Theory of Multiple Intelligences in English Lessons at Primary School
Drlíková, Lenka ; Červinková Poesová, Kristýna (advisor) ; Kargerová, Jana (referee)
The Theory of Multiple Intelligences in English Lessons at Primary School Abstract to the diploma thesis Lenka Drlíková Annotation The diploma thesis focuses on the multiple intelligences theory of Howard Gardner, the professor of Harvard University who presented nine different forms of intelligence. The thesis explores the usage and application of the theory through selected activities within English classes. The practical part further includes the result of questionnaires concerning the primary pupils' preference towards concrete activities focused on particular types of intelligence. Keywords: multiple intelligences, primary school pupil, individual approach, English language teaching
Individualization of Approach to Learnes with Specific Learning Disabilities and It's Psychological Aspects
Michalová, Zdeňka ; Mertin, Václav (advisor) ; Morávková Krejčová, Lenka (referee)
Zdeňka Michalová Psychologické aspekty individualizace přístupu k žákům se specifickými poruchami učení Individualization of Approach to Learnes with Specific Learning Disabilities and It's Psychological Aspects Annotation This thesis deals with theoretical and practical knowledge and skills of teachers in primary schools for specific learning disabilities. It focuses mainly on mapping the level of teachers' approach to integrated learners with this disorder. It is trying to grasp the extent to which teachers meet the psychological aspects of individual approach to these learners in inclusive environment of a primary school compared with integrated learners with other disabilities. The theoretical part summarises basic information on education, integration and education system in the Czech Republic. It deals with specific learning disabilities and attempts to apply the findings from positive psychology on individual approach to individuals with SLD. The empirical part analyses and compares the quantitative survey of knowledge level of teachers at lower and higher levels of primary schools about SLD. Furthermore, it examines their knowledge of appropriate procedures for working with learners with SLD and ability to apply it in practice to psychologically support of these learners. It partially compares...
Child care centre
Beranová, Zuzana ; Opravilová, Eva (advisor) ; Kropáčková, Jana (referee)
Master's thesis deals with newly emerging forms of public preschool education. The research objective was to describe and evaluate the Center for preschool children, to characterize and compare it with the system of education in nursery schools. Evaluate their contribution to society and educational effects. Monitor vision and expectations of parents. To identify the necessary information, I used methods of observation of the educational conditions, observation of the work educator, interview with a educator, interview with the head of the Center and questionnaire for parents.
Educational specifics of pupils with autism
Jiříková, Adéla ; Šiška, Jan (advisor) ; Šumníková, Pavlína (referee)
This thesis deals with educational specifics of autistic pupils. In the beginning, the author describes the elemental areas of disorders within the Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and the basic methods applied on work with such disordered individuals. The thesis also briefly presents the system of education of pupils and students with ASD in the Czech Republic. The core of the thesis is constituted by a description of TEACCH Program, which is thought to be the most effective method within the work with autistic students. There is also a research attached to the paper, which is grounded on informations gained from teachers and parents of pupils of the Special nursery school, Special primary school and Special school of ELPIS, where the ASD pupils are handled according to the principles of TEACCH Program. The survey was made by using the method of structured conversation and there were six subjects of the research, six particular pupils. The aim of the research was to find out, how much the treatment in school and at home varies and how are the six subjects influenced by this differences. The results should point out advantages and weaknesses of the application of TEACCH Program in the Czech Republic, show the degree of cooperation between family and school and also can serve as an inspiration for...
Procedures for the development of literacy in terms of the small school
Chwastková, Iva ; Tomková, Anna (advisor) ; Marušák, Radek (referee)
The subject of this thesis is the issue of the development of literacy skills of pupils in primary education through conditions offered by small schools. The aim is to analyze the possibility of developing reading literacy among pupils in the first grade of primary school in terms of the small schools; setup and subsequent use of good conditions for the development of reading. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical part. In the theoretical part are defined the theoretical background related to the above mentioned issues. Custom research was carried out through action research, completed a questionnaire that the children completed at the beginning and end of the period. The main objective was to determine the initial state of literacy in groups of pupils and through changes in education, the creation of good conditions and use innovative methods to monitor the process of the individual activities of students, capturing deficiencies and seek alternative approaches and solutions. In the practical part, I rely on knowledge of the direct teaching. I point out the difficulties that arose in their own activities with children. The result of this work is documented that exploit the specific conditions of the small schools not only allows, but may significantly affect the development of...
Ethics aspect in antenatal diagnostics
In my bachelor thesis I considered Ethic aspects of prenatal diagnostics. I focused on the existing care for pregnant women in the field of prenatal diagnostics. I focused on genetic examination of the fetus, which these women undergo nowadays. The theoretical part illustrates different views of prenatal diagnostics. It contains also a definition of basic conceptions and a description of genetic examinations and the most frequent genetic defects. The aim of my thesis is to identify views of some pregnant women on prenatal diagnostics and to determine to how much they were informed about the examinations they had passed. Another aim was to state, who and in what way informed them about results of the examination and if the pregnant women have got enough time for a thoughtful decision and a possible discussion with the doctor. In order to achieve the defined aims I used the qualitative research, method of an enquiry and techniques of a semi-structured interview. The interviews were made with randomly selected respondents at the age category of 27 years and older, which underwent genetic examinations during their pregnancy. The research showed that interviewed pregnant women wish to undergo the genetic examination, because they want to be sure that their baby will be born healthy. Next, I found that some pregnant women were not informed enough and the results of the genetic tests were communicated by telephone, by post or directly by their gynecologist. The women were allowed to discuss with a doctor but in most cases, although they signed an informed patient´s approval with the examination, they had not got enough time for a thoughtful decision if they should have undergone the examination. Based of this information, doctors and health workers should change their access to the pregnant women. An individual approach to each pregnant woman would ensure a real understanding of both positive and negative aspects of the genetic examination. An individual approach would enable the pregnant women to think over, if they will undergo the examination or not. This change would help to remove a persisting paternalistic approach in the health service. The results of my research can serve as a basis for a further research of the current care for pregnant women.
Basal stimulation of children
ABSTRACT Basal stimulation of children Basal stimulation concept is an inherent part of life of people with physical or mental disability. It is a contribution for patients who experience any perception problems but also within a care for premature infants. The basal stimulation concept has currently been in the period of implementation and putting into practice. Various medical and social facilities have currently been operating with this concept in the Czech Republic. Through a qualitative investigation using a non-standard interview we tried to find out, whether the basal stimulation has any contribution for child{\crq}s development. There were chosen two objectives: O1: To find out the contribution of basal stimulation for child{\crq}s development from the view of general and children{\crq}s nurses. O2: To find out the contribution of basal stimulation for child{\crq}s development in the view of a family. The objectives were fulfilled. During the investigation we addressed eight general and children{\crq}s nurses. Three nurses have been working at the neonatal and children{\crq}s department of Nemocnice Písek, Joint Stock Company. Other two nurses have been working at the neonatal department of Nemocnice České Budějovice, Joint Stock Company. The remaining three nurses have been working in Světluška, the public beneficial organisation and the children{\crq}s social welfare institution in České Budějovice. Other research sample were parents of four children experiencing basal stimulation. It ensued from the result analysis that general and children{\crq}s nurses think that basal stimulation has a contribution for child{\crq}s development and can see changes of perception and behaviour after involving basal stimulation in care. It further ensued from the results that also parents think that basal stimulation has a contribution for child{\crq}s development and can also see changes of perception and behaviour after basal stimulation has been involved within care.

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