National Repository of Grey Literature 49 records found  previous11 - 20nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Siblings in pre-school age
Rindošová, Milena ; Smetáčková, Irena (advisor) ; Sotáková, Hana (referee)
ANOTACE: Rodina je místem, kde dochází k prvním sociálním vztahům a vazbám. Každý jedinec, má potřebu kontaktů s jinými lidmi. Ještě před dovršením tří let věku dítěte roste v každém touha být ve společenství vrstevníků. Tyto první kontakty dítě zažívá v rodině se sourozenci a v mateřské škole. Sourozenecká skupina vymezuje osobnost jedince, má vliv na jeho osobnostní charakteristiky a chování. Vědomí sama sebe se buduje prostřednictvím vztahů k druhému. Jakou roli bude dítě v rodině mít, je spjato s mnoha faktory, kterými jsou: počet sourozenců v rodině, pořadí narození sourozenců, věkový rozdíl a pohlaví. Následně záleží na výchovném přístupu rodičů. Vstup dítěte do mateřské školy je velkou životní změnou pro dítě i pro celou rodinu. Aby vstup proběhl hladce, musí být dítě připraveno odloučit se od rodičů, zvykat si na nové prostředí, na společenství vrstevníků, najít si svou vlastní identitu. Jak proběhne vstup a adaptace do skupiny vrstevníků, záleží na stupni socializace předškolního dítěte. V diplomové práci se zabývám na základě poznatků z rozhovorů, dotazníků a pozorování porovnáním schopností a dovedností sourozeneckých dvojic při nástupu do mateřské školy. Ve výzkumu se soustřeďuji zejména na to, zda ovlivnilo adaptaci mladšího sourozence vědomí, že v mateřské škole má staršího sourozence a jakým...
Psychosocial Aspects of Changes in Human Mobility
Votrubová, Alena ; Krahulcová, Beáta (advisor) ; Zelinková, Olga (referee)
The diploma thesis - "Psychosocial Aspects of Changes in Human Mobility," focuses on family and siblings of people with physical disabilities, as well as on finding the appropriate support for these families in their specific situation. It particularly deals with people suffering cerebral palsy and spina bifida and possibilities to support the families with disabled individuals in the Czech Republic. The thesis is based on theoretical knowledge gained from publications and laws, hands-on experience acquired in service as a personal care assistant, as well as own research project on siblings of people with physical disabilities. In the first part of the thesis, the author gives basic information about classifications, diagnostics and manifestations of cerebral palsy and spina bifida with major influence of the change in human mobility. In addition, the thesis focuses on the relationship of both parents and siblings, to the handicapped child. The next part is devoted to a research project called "Life with a Sibling with Physical Disability". The research project deals with the direct experience of siblings of people with physical disabilities, critical moments in their lives, resources of coping with this difficult life situation, but also looks at benefits for their personal growth. The aim of...
Psychosocial situation of siblings of children with disabilities
Husová, Lucie ; Šturma, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Mertin, Václav (referee)
The thesis deals with a psychosocial situation of siblings of children with a pervasiv disorder. The labour surveys new findings about the autism and an effect of autistic child on its sibling in the theoretical part. The part devoted to the autism is mostly focused on neurobiological findings of this disease. The part about siblings is specialised in pieces of knowledge from available researches and describes the present condition of scientific knowledge. The empirical part describes a psychosocial situation of siblings of autistic children. A qualitative method was used during the research. The main used method is a test called "FAST" (Family System Test) and a follow-up interview. The diploma work goes towards a deeper understanding of a psychological and social situation of a healthy sibling. Detailed studies of cases which indicate possible risks resulting from living with an autistic child are presented in the project. There are also mentioned tendencies of further research progress. Keywords: Siblings, autism, psychosocial situation of siblings.
The influence of birth order on chosen mental disorders
Havlová, Adéla ; Kuba, Radim (advisor) ; Tureček, Petr (referee)
This work provides a basic introduction to the problematic of how the birth order affects human mental health. It explores the effects of birth order on three selected mental disorders: schizofrenia, anxiety and depression. The introduction provides explanation of basic terms and formulations for better orientation in this topic. There are several studies exploring the birth order effects on human mental health included in this work. The researches show, that in case of schizophrenia, the effect may apply to last born children, in the case of anxiety, the effect may apply to middle children and in the case of depression, it applies to firstborns. This work uses knowledge from fields of psychology, biology, evolutionary biology and human ethology.
Sibling of human with special
Egertová, Jana ; Mužáková, Monika (advisor) ; Mlčková, Marie (referee)
1 ABSTRACT The goal of this thesis is to study the process of starting independent life of individuals with an intellectual disability. Specifically, it focuses on the role of siblings and the whole family in this process. Disabled individuals tend to benefit from their relationships with siblings which help them to be more easily integrated into society.At the same time, it draws attention to possible problems that may arise according to the warnings and placing excessive samples. Qualitative research focuses on starting an independent life with respect to the relationships with siblings, the main method for collecting information is interviewing disabled individuals and their families. The aim is to draw attention to the relationship between the brothers, situations in which help each other. Other oppinions are the relationships of an individual with a disability with his parents, how they become independent and other possible unpleasant situations in which people are interviewed. Answers to one's own person are also important. How they perceive themselves, how they feel and what they want to achieve. These questions are mainly about people with mental disabilities, but from the point of view of a person with a mental disability and also from the point of view of his family. The conclusion summarizes all...
Siblings of people with an impairment and his position in family
Šolaja, Tatiana ; Bartoňová, Miroslava (advisor) ; Hádková, Kateřina (referee)
This thesis discusses the topic of siblings of individuals with disabilities and their position in the family. The theoretical part aims to define family and its functions, specifics of a parent-child relationship, different kinds of nurturing of a child and also discusses the role of an intact sibling in the family with a child with disability. The second part of the theoretical chapter talks about the place of the child with special needs in the family and in the educational environment, presents different attitudes towards inclusive education, defines the disabilities that are relevant for our further research and presents specifics of living with a child with disability from the point of view of the intact sibling. The main aim of the research was to find out how the siblings themselves reflect on the impact of living with a child with disability on their own development and their future. This thesis was based on literature analysis and qualitative research with elements of grounded theory. The main research technique was an analysis of literature and unstructured interviews with five young adult siblings of individuals with disabilities. This method enabled us to gain a complex view of the specifics connected to living with a child with disability. The answers provided us information about the...

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