National Repository of Grey Literature 556 records found  beginprevious537 - 546next  jump to record: Search took 0.05 seconds. 

The aesthetic revolution and subjectivity
Magid, Václav ; Petříček, Miroslav (advisor) ; Karásek, Jindřich (referee)
The thesis is dedicated to the question of relation of Schlegel's conception of the "progressive universal poetry" to the principle of the aesthetic autonomy as the central feature of the modern notion of art. Against the opinion of J. M. Bernstein the point of view is defended, according to which Schlegel's theory doesn't undermine but advances the aesthetic autonomy. The interpretation of romantic philosophy in work of Manfred Frank serves as a base for the argument. The thesis is divided into six chapters. The first two of them offer the basic outline of the problem of the aesthetic autonomy as the context in which Schlegel's romantic aesthetic is to be examined. The third and the forth chapters introduce the main elements of this theory. The fifth chapter summarizes Frank's interpretation of the philosophy of Friedrich Schlegel. The sixth chapter contains the resume and subsequent challenging of the argument of J. M. Bernstein, who argues that the conception of the "progressive universal poetry" leads to the "philosophical disenfranchisement of art". On the background of its criticism the alternative position is offered, which holds, that Schlegel advances the doctrine of the aesthetic autonomy by replacing the view of an artwork as an actual binding of nature and freedom with the notion of the...

Drama Education in Forest Kindergartens
Jančová, Petra ; MARUŠÁK, Radek (advisor) ; MACHKOVÁ, Eva (referee)
In my thesis - Drama Education in Forest Kindergartens - I am describing the environment, philosophy and ways of the Czech forest kindergatens. I am specifying how the environment of those kindergartens influences the use of drama education - the natural space being the most influential feature. The thesis includes analysis of dramatic activities in three forest kindergartens which I visited and describtions of my own drama education projects implemented in Forest Kindergarten Pramínek (Světice, CZE): The Conference of Birds (educational project), Djiro and Four Sacred Scrolls (theatre performance), Dramatic education for forest kindergarten teachers (seminar).

Revitalization Program of Floral Garden in Kromeriz
Chybík, Ondřej ; Ležatka, Lukáš (referee) ; Havliš, Karel (advisor)
Garden culture until the mid-19th century for the highest possible form of art. In addition to architecture and horticulture to connect the sculpture, painting, poetry, music, philosophy etc. Kroměřížs gardens represent more than halfthousand continuous development garden art. History shows the substantial gardens through human thought (micro) and refers to the outside world, macrocosms. It is therefore possible to monitor direction from the Renaissance ideal of man as an administrator balanced univers, through Baroque attempt to control mechanical soulless matter after attempting to return of original nature, the spiritual essence in the 18th and in the first half of the 19th century that However, the 20th century again soon repudiated.

The role of idea, fantasy and imagination in psychosomatic voice perspective
Koderová, Lucie ; VOSTÁRKOVÁ, Ivana (advisor) ; MARTÍNKOVÁ, Nina (referee)
This thesis is concerned with the use of idea, fantasy, and imagination during the process of formation of the natural voice. The thesis is divided into five chapters, which gradually points to connect the physical body with the mental processes and emphasizes the importance of developing images during the voice education process. The first chapter deals with the voice education, reference the history and philosophy, and also introduces the specifics during the voice-creation process. The second chapter introduces the field of psychosomatic disciplines from medical beginnings to its application in voice education, and describes the origins of voice disorders. The concept of idea, fantasy, and imagination is explained in the third chapter, and also their role in voice education is described there. The fourth chapter deals with children in three age periods and also children with special needs. This theoretical overview is utilized in the final, fifth chapter, which presents specific examples of working with imagery in voice education of children in these groups. This thesis provides a theoretical basis as psychosomatic methods of work with a voice, as well as examples of applications in a particular situation.

Sociological interpretation of hippies movement
Koropecká, Markéta ; Duffková, Jana (advisor) ; Sládek, Jan (referee)
My bachelor thesis explores the hippie movement, which emerged in the middle of the sixties in the United States of America. The theoretical framework consists of sociological concepts of culture, subculture, youth and youth subcultures, communities, communes and social movements. The hippie movement was young people's response to middle class consumerism, which preferred material prosperity to moral and cultural values. The American transcendentalist movement and the Beat Generation can be considered its intellectual precursor. The movement's main characteristic was rejection of middle class values. Therefore, some authors have called it a counterculture. Hippies gave up studies and tangible assets. Typical for them was lack of confidence in the future, interest in oriental philosophy and religion, close relationship to nature, specific clothing style, living in communes and the use of drugs, especially LSD. The movement dissipated at the end of the sixties. Its influence is still evident in the effort to fight for human rights, peace, free network, but also in music and clothing. Some of the hippie movement's ideas are the source of today's youth subcultures and movements. Key words: social movement, youth, community, hippies, LSD

Sacrificing their lives and fortunes? The conservative thought and the issue of selfgovernment in political strategies of the Bohemian nobility after 1848
Georgiev, Jiří ; Hlavačka, Milan (advisor) ; Galandauer, Jan (referee) ; Velek, Luboš (referee)
The presented work follows the classical methodology of political history and history of political ideas, although it does not omit interdisciplinary approach especially overlapping the political philosophy and jurisprudence. In the case of the change of political strategies of leading personalities of the conservative nobility, the treatise verifies the feasibility of Klaus Epstein's typology (in some aspects corresponding with the approach of K. von Beyme and partially of S. Neumann too) in the milieu of the Bohemian political conservatism. The conservative political stream came round in the middle of 19th century in the Habsburg monarchy. While the slumberous situation of the Bohemian Diet (Landtag) in the Vormärz period did not enable to develop the competition of platforms, a quick evolution of events in the revolutionary year 1848 accelerated the necessity of the establishment of a conservative grouping. Considering the composition of the historic Estates and the increased risk of the threat to the traditional social structure, we cannot be astonished that the nobility assumed the role of the bearer of efforts how to preserve natural relations of the historically established societas civilis. The specific situation in Bohemia, where extensive ancestral domains with own administrative structures in...

Vaclav Havel and His Philosophical Talent
Urban, Michal ; Pelcová, Naděžda (referee) ; Funda, Otakar A. (advisor)
The thesis deals with the talent for philosophy of a playwright, politician and thinker Václav Havel (born 1936). It examines in what ways is Havel's talent for philosophy active, where it finds its fulfillment and to what degree it has been meaningfully put in practice. In the first chapter the author briefly characterizes the concept of a philosopher and discusses some deceptive notions which are commonly associated with philosophers. The following three chapters reveal Havel's world of ideas and the way Havel works with philosophical topics. The author does so by presenting the themes of responsibility, of the relation between the being and consciousness, and on the problems of the natural world. Havel's approach is always compared with that of other philosophers. In the concluding chapter, Havel's main thinking qualities as well as their limits are described.

Merleau-Ponty and the beginings
Urbanová, Kateřina ; Janoušek, Jaromír (referee) ; Šulová, Lenka (advisor)
This work whishes to open phenomenological paradigm in child psychology. It is inspired by the philosophy of Maurice Merleau-Ponty. It, at first, foreshadows his thinking, which is not very extended in czech psychology. So, it discusses the relationship between psychology and phenomenology too. Then it tends to put down how it is possible to understand some aspects of infant perception. The pivotal part of the work is a consideration about the nature of the "beginings" of our life and about how their conception influences developmental psychology at all. We try to find out what gives a fashion and direction to the development of man. Hier, it takes advantage also from others fenomenological authors. The result of this work is summary of the phenomenological view on child and it's development. It suggestes non-privative conception of child and it's world. It couldn't be uderstanded only as an imperfect wolrd of adults. We show, that the task of the other people is rather "to introduce" a child to the world.

Mulla, Atdhe ; Kolář, Viktor (advisor) ; Silverio, Robert (referee)
Názorem, který čiší z téměř každého článku nebo recenze, týkající se knihy fotografií Roberta Franka "Američané" je, vedle mnoha dalších názorů ten, že jeho dílo nese silné politické poselství. Takové tvrzení se ale zdá být nedostatečně rozpracované a neodkazuje na žádný konkrétní politický princip nebo konkrétní téma, kterého by se měla daná práce snad týkat. Domnívám se, že jedním z důvodů je snaha vyhnout se spojování s politickými filozofiemi nebo ideologiemi, z nichž je nejprominentnějším komunismus, na které je v USA z historického hlediska nahlíženo jako na nebezpečné a bývají veřejně diskreditovány. To bylo silným trendem obzvláště v padesátých letech, kdy se v Americe v období studené války odehrávaly pod vedením senátora Johna McCarthyho téměř inkvizitorské kongresové výslechy, jejichž účelem bylo označit visačkou kajýkoli vůči společnosti silný kritický názorový proud, mezi ně komunismus ve své podstatě rozhodně patřil. Frank měl tu možnost tento trend zakusit na vlastní kůži při svém fotografování. V závodech Ford Motor v River Rouge v Michiganu se jeden z dozorců obával, že by mohl být komunistou. Ale Rober Frank není komunista. Pokud má tedy mít Frankov dílo politický význam, je nezbytné nastínit některé z politických principů, které se v jeho obrázcích objevují nebo jsou jimi posilovány. Jeho kritika společnosti se odehrává za použití ztvárněných kritických vyobrazení a jejich vyjádření. Politická kontroverze "Američanů" tedy přichází v důsledku skutečnosti, že současné způsoby vyjadřování, diktované redakčními radami, mají jasný politický princip; tedy udržovat a posilovat současný status quo. Politická kontroverze Frankova díla je výzvou k tomu, aby byl znovu důkladně Přehodnocen již zažitý obraz Ameriky jako úspěšného a prosperujícího druhu reality, plné neomezených možností a Frank s tím začíná v samotném jádru lidské zanedbanosti, v každodenním životě. V první kapitole této diplomové práce v krátkosti pojednávám o převládajícím kulturním kontextu v Americe dvacátého století a pnutí, která ji formovala. Ve druhé kapitole využiju Karla Marxe, Herberta Marcuse, Maxe Webbera abych mohl nastínit převládající politickou opozici daného statusu quo vytvořeného kapitalismem, konzumismem a třídní společností. Ne snad proto, že by Robert Frank svým dílem něco takového zamýšlel, ale proto, abych ukázal směr, jakým by mohlo vést politické šetření vyvolané "Američany". V rámci toho podrobím v poslední kapitole analýze to, jak mohou Frankovy obrazy doplňovat myšlenky prezentované ve druhé kapitole a zjistím, jak tyto myšlenky prispívají k daným obrazům a nakoli se vztahují k poměrům jednadvacátého století.

The corporality and landscape phenomenon in the mutual relation-ship
Černá, Johana ; Bláha, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Jakubcová Hajdušková, Lucie (referee)
There are six chapters in the theoretical part of my diploma work. In these chapters I treat the corporality and landscape phenomenon in the perspective of philosophy, visual arts and the environment. I focus on the relationship of human being to landscape and its influence on the natural processes and the continuity in the feedback from landscape to human being. In the following I try to make the parallel comparison and synthesis of these two seemingly different topics and try to analyze these notions from many different angles. I offer critical comment on two most significant "representatives" of the corporality and landscape problems - land-art and body-art - and try to provide other solutions and connections. The educational part of my work was named The Project "The Way". It gives a suggestion of the educational application of my topic and reflects practically proved part of my project. The Project is mainly focused on the restoration or searching for the relation to the place, which has formative meaning to a child. The very last, graphic part, that was called "The Place", reflects the evolution of my theoretical and art contemplations from the corporality and landscape phenomenon towards the final artwork.