National Repository of Grey Literature 46,160 records found  beginprevious46151 - 46160  jump to record: Search took 2.95 seconds. 

Analysis and prediction of the digital music market
Pulda, Michal ; Raška, Ondřej (advisor) ; Mutl, Michal (referee)
This paper analyzes the conditions and functions of the present music market, with the main focus on the distribution of music in digital formats. It discusses fundamental concepts as well as the law framework which is used in the Czech Republic and worldwide. Firstly, the paper discusses technological aspects, including various music formats, the realization of sales via the Internet, and the usage of file sharing networks. Secondly, the paper discusses important services already available on the Internet, which have had a significant impact on the market, and whose influence will continue well into the future. To better understand the present situation, an analysis of piracy phenomena is crucial. This analysis is based on many published studies and has attempted to reflect the attitudes of customers, musicians, and the music industry in general, towards the present state of the market. Finally, various opportunities are discussed for designing potentially usable services, which could possibly create value for consumers and the music industry in the future. These models include protectionist services transformation, supply diversification, subscription approach and streaming. New models are globally compiled together with outlined relations between them.

The influence of parental's postures on forming responsibility to ourselfs and others
Tůma, Daniel ; Lorenzová, Jitka (referee) ; Pelikán, Jiří (advisor)
UNIVERZITA KARLOVA FILOZOFICKÁ FAKULTA Vliv výchovných postojů rodičů na utváření odpovědnosti jedince vůči sobě a okolí Daniel Tůma Studijní obor: Pedagogika Forma studia: Prezenční Vedoucí diplomové práce: Doc. PhDr. Jiří Pelikán, CSc. Akademický rok 2005/2006 Prohlašuji, že jsem diplomovou práci vypracoval samostatně a k jejímu zpracování jsem využil literatury uved.~D~ v seznamu. 2 Děkuji Doc. PhDr. Jiřímu Pelikánovi, CSc. za citovou a odbornou investici, kterou mi věnoval během celého studia a v rámci vedení mé diplomové práce. 3 Obsah: lJ"ocl.....................................................................................................7 1. Co je to odpovědnost 1.1 Odpovědnost jako teoretický problém z hlediska přírodních a spol. věd............ 9 1.2 Odpovědnost a svoboda................................................................... 16 1.3 Vlastní pojetí odpovědnosti...............................................................20 1.4 Odpovědnost jako vlastnost pomáhajícího profesionála..............................22 1.4.1 Lidská identita..............................................................................24 1.5 Shrnutí empirické sondy..................................................................26 1.6...

The cooperative system for the authority records processing in the Czech Republic
Římanová, Radka ; Bratková, Eva (advisor) ; Svoboda, Martin (referee)
Tématem práce je kooperativní systém zpracování autoritních záznamů v České republice a možnosti jeho dalšího rozvoje v kontextu mezinárodně doporučené metodiky a zkušeností ze zahraničních projektů. V úvodní části je analyzován termín "autorita". Dále práce uvádí základní aspekty mezinárodního vývoje autoritních databází, a to především z hlediska vývoje standardů a doporučení pro zpracování. Dokumentuje vývoj českého národního autoritního souboru pro jmenné i věcné záznamy od konce devadesátých let 20. století do roku 2006. Podrobně jsou hodnocena doporučení IFLA "Směrnice pro autoritní záznamy a odkazy" a konceptuální model "Funkční požadavky na autoritní záznamy". Pro identifikaci autoritního záznamu v kooperativních systémech je významným prvkem identifikátor entity a identifikační čísla záznamů, práce analyzuje několik těchto systémů. Komunikační formáty pro autoritní záznamy UNIMARC a MARC 21 jsou popisovány s ohledem na využití v českých katalozích. Práce se věnuje mezinárodním projektům (NACO, AUTHOR, LEAF) a využití jejich zkušeností v českém systému. Těžiště práce spočívá v rozboru historie, finančního zabezpečení, technického řešení a metodiky projektu "Kooperativní tvorba a využívání souboru národních autorit". V závěrečném shrnutí jsou definovány okruhy problémů, jejichž vyřešení by umožnilo...

Education Programmes in Nursery Schools
Pavlíčková, Jaromíra ; Kropáčková, Jana (advisor) ; Opravilová, Eva (referee)
The thesis deals with different approaches to the creation of school educational programs in the context of the Framework Educational Program for Pre-School Education. The work combines theoretical and empirical approach. In the theoretical part, historical milestones influencing the educational processes in the Czech lands are described. The text presents, in the chronological order, characteristics of curriculum and pre-school educational programs as they had been introduced between 1945 and 1990. The content summarizes current educational trends, major policy changes and requirements applied on contemporary policy documents. The thesis also deals with new policy strategies and procedures connected with the societal changes and pedagogical findings, defines new pedagogical terms and points out the importance of policy documents. The empirical part includes a completed research project on a regional level analyzing approaches to the development of school educational programs, both in terms of concept and form. It also studies the share of directors, teachers and parents in the creation of such a program and identifies problematic areas on the way to an own school educational program. The aim of the research is to identify whether the individual curriculum documents comply with the Framework Educational...

Phonetic literacy of Czech secondary school pupils in the Russian language
Konečný, Jakub
The dissertation deals with the pronunciation of Czech pupils in the Russian language. In this work, the phonetic literacy is defined and the attention is paid to its formation. The text is divided into three basic parts - the first is devoted to theoretical foundations which influence pupils' acquisition of the phonological system of a foreign language (from the linguistic, psychological and lingvodidactic points of view); the second part summarizes the results of the analysis of the relationship of Russian language teachers to the examined problem, the results of an analysis of available textbook sets and it describes a performed phonetic testing of secondary school pupils including the interpretation of its results; in the third part of the thesis there is a synthesis of the findings from both preceding chapters, followed by a discussion. During the research within the domain of the dissertation focus, quantitative and qualitative methods of educational research were used: a survey, content analysis of textbook sets, phonetic testing and analysis of recordings of students' authentic speech. The work provides a comprehensive view of the examined problem in the context of the current situation when the Russian language at Czech schools is taught as L3. It proves that Russian language teachers emphasize the...

Library of Nymburk
Hrbáček, Adam ; Utíkal, Aleš (referee) ; Utíkalová, Ivana (advisor)
Topic of my diploma thesis is creating design documentation on level of detailed design, Library of Nymburk. Project contains engineering reports, realization drawings, thermal assessment, fire safety assessment, static ceiling evaluation, simplified foundation design and design of staircases. Projected building has three above ground floors and one partial basement. Structural system vertical is made of mansory walls, based in basement on drilled piles and in first upper floor on strip foundations. Staircases are made of cast-in-place reinforce concrete same for ceiling slabs and joist slabs. Roof structure is warm flat roof. Project was designed in computer programs: ArchiCAD 19, IdeaSTATICA7, WDLS 5, Svoboda software and vizualization done in Lumion 3D.

The body culture phenomenon in czech special interests magazines
Strouhalová, Iva ; Jirák, Jan (advisor) ; Macková, Veronika (referee)
Body culture represents a typical example of sociological phenomenon which has been a subject of mass commercialization for nearly several decades. At certain stage of this process, new magazines of special interest were been created with focus on a specific concept of the physical culture. Their content coverage ranged from fitness, strength training, bodybuilding, health lifestyle, to physical exercise in general. The diploma thesis "The body culture phenomenon in Czech special interests magazines" aims to survey an origin and evolution of such magazines in the Czech Republic and tries to shed light on how physical culture represented by increasing popularity of fitness activities among general public had been reflected in this segment of media production. While analyzing three Czech magazines, Svět kulturistiky, FITNESS and MUSCLE&FITNESS, the thesis examines how the mass popularization and commercialization of physical culture have affected a content structure of the magazines. The research focuses on selection of topics, target audience, use of language and graphic design. Qualitative content analysis will be used to study how the physical culture phenomenon is represented in selected magazines. The thesis also gives a brief insight into the history of bodybuilding and fitness movement in the...

Potential of Inbound Tourism of Australians to the Czech Republic
Dvořáková, Adéla ; Valentová, Jana (advisor) ; Dragula, Ladislav (referee)
This diploma thesis discusses inbound tourism of Australians to the Czech Republic and weighs its future potential. The theoretical part contains a situation analysis with a brief characterization of inbound tourism of the Czech Republic, marketing activities of the Czech Republic as a tourist destination and a thorough socioeconomic characterization of Australia and its outbound tourism. Furthermore, this paper evaluates what the Czech tourist destinations have to offer to the Australian market. The practical part covers the outcome of the primary survey of Australians´ travelling consumer behaviour and their perception of the Czech Republic.

Dostoevsky's Double and it's film version
Bohuslav, Vojtěch ; MRAVCOVÁ, Marie (advisor) ; RYŠAVÝ, Martin (referee)
This thesis‘s primary concern is the novel ‚Double‘ by F. M. Dostoevsky and it’s film adaptation by Richard Ayoade. Firstly it focuses on the novel’s literary predecessors. The major interest of the very analysis of The Double is it‘s main figure – mr. Goljadkin. It also tries to point out the challenges of the potential adaptation. Then it attempts to grasp the fundamental ,shift‘, that the director Ayoade carried out while making the Double a movie. The last part of the Thesis contains a theme for the author’s original film version of the Double.

The style composition - The research of the structure of composition in the selected works of pupils
JECH, František
This thesis deals with the structure of the composition which we can find in stylistic expression of pupils of the basic school. The fact that the attempts of pupils are in the initial stage is taken into the account. We will talk about the history of stylistic lessons, its goals and requirements. There will be mentioned stylistic forms which are typical for the basic school. We will find how teachers can prepare and correct the stylistic expressions of pupils, about typical mistakes in the expressions of pupils and how teachers can prevent them. We will briefly look at the history of naratology and we will mention a few aspects which are connected with the narrative analysis. A few selected expressions will be analyzed in the practical part.