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Bronx - address substitution (reconstruction house of correction)
Janoušková, Zuzana ; Staňková, Eva (referee) ; Havliš, Karel (advisor)
Bronx - address substitution (reconstruction house of correction) The graduation thesis deals with an architectural study of a new utilization of the top security prison building and its sorrounding in „the Bronx“ of Brno. The prison with the chapel of the Assumption of the Virgin from the 18th century is a significant building of about one city block large. The project includes the modification of the original prison building and its extension, the removal of the unsuitable parts of the building and building of new objects connected to the prison and public places. The group of buildings has been designed with the regard to the alternative culture and forms of living places, which would lead to healing of the Roman ghetto. New arrangement and size of objects form two new squares. It reveals the prison in its original shape at the same time. On the south site there is a tall building designed as a dominating feature of the area.

Gamblers'habitus: An Ethnographical Reconstruction of a radical Alternative in the Era of Really-existing Socialism
Horáček, Michal ; Abu Ghosh, Yasar (advisor) ; Alan, Josef (referee) ; Kolář, Pavel (referee)
The doctoral thesis hereby submitted is an ethnographic reconstruction of the world perpetuated in Czechoslovakia in the period of the so-called really-existing socialism by gamblers. Even though that world is now a thing of the past, the character of the referential reality itself has called for an ethnographic, and not an historical, perspective: gamblers leave no tangible traces. By the same token and at the same time, there is an all-too-real peril that one of very specific and robust worlds will disappear in the past for good without a record or description that might have contributed to our understading of the social conflict of the given era.The essay betrays doubts about the institution of "marginality", taking for granted that disparate historical objects are equivalent. It introduces the gamblers' world as one arising from specific organizational principles and governed by specific logic; the world of the weak who, facing the overpowering might of the regime, tried to become stronger and to defend their autonomy more fruitfully than they might have done elsewhere.One of the key features of the essay is its methodology: given the progress of ethnography from erstwhile arm-chair research to participant observation to the current studies using observing participation, this thesis goes even...

The Help to children with emotional defects in a process of education
Glajchová, Petra ; Krykorková, Hana (advisor) ; Sedláčková, Daniela (referee)
This diploma thesis, which has a descriptive and analytical feature, comprises a determination of emotional disorders with their various manifestations and symptoms. I also described social consequences of a neurotic child because they are neurotic children's crucial factor having significant consequences in the process of education. I also analysed the omitted topic of emotional intelligence, which has been studied in the field of science recently. The crucial part of the diploma thesis includes the analysis of a neurotic child motivation within the process of education and the adequate pedagogical and educational attitudes which involve specific treatments. Regarding the basic part of child's emotional life consists of upbringing within a particular family, it precedes not only the period of school education but also it forms its core and is a natural continuance of the prenatal period. The end of the diploma thesis comprises a description and analysis of a large variety of therapeutic options and alternative ways of treating emotional disorders. Nowadays it is possible to treat emotional disorders effectively even without a pharmacological therapy and their correction can be rather permanent. CRUCIAL VOCABULARY: emotional disorders/defects anxiety tension self-concept family upbringing family...

Rossini's biography and work: Bassoon Concerto and Issue of Autorship
Hlavatý, Petr ; SEIDL, Jiří (advisor) ; HERMAN, František (referee)
Gioacchino Rossini, who lived from 1792 to 1868, was the author of 39 operas, various works of sacred music, cantatas and other vocal and instrumental compositions and various smaller pieces, which are called Péchés de Vieillesse (Sins of Old Age). He worked mainly in Italy and France. He interrupted his compositional activity in 1829 and to the end of his life just composed mostly minor and occasional pieces. Typical features of his works are melodically creative themes, sotto voce alternating with fortissimo full orchestra, the accompaniment alternating bass and themes starting sixteenth value followed a half note (or their variations). Bassoon Concerto, whose autorship is not yet confirmed, was probably written between 1845-48 for the bassoonist Nazzareno Gatti for one of his final exams at lyceum of music. From detailed analysis of the work can not be concluded that the concert is completely original work of Rossini. Today, the most valued works are that written in the style of Italian opera buffa (eg. The Barber of Seville).

The Christian theodicy as a paradox of philosophy
Jirousová, Františka ; Němec, Václav (referee) ; Karfíková, Lenka (advisor)
This thesis deals with the christian theodicy - an attempt to explain why God permits evil. This work shows from the historical point of view that the christian theodicy was originated as an alternative to the gnostic dualism. The logical outcome is that the christian theodicy seems to be an attempt to put together three statements. 1.God is good. 2.God is almighty. 3.The evil exists in the world. In real example ( Augustin, "The theodicy after Osvetimy", Paul Ricoeur) is shown that it is only partly in function and the price for this is weakening or even denying the statement concerning God's good as the Almighty. The author tries on the base of Teilhard de Chardin's detailed understanding of evil to identify future of the contemporary theodicy, its benefits could bring a new philosophical way of thinking for features of evil in the world, knowing that the evil must always remain mystery of God as it is understood in christianity. The main conclusion of this thesis is a view that full rationalization of evil in the world leads to totalitarian of thinking and to a dishonored view of christians towards God. The inability to rationalize evil and the explanation of what reasons God permits evil is in this work understood as the biggest positive example of the christian theodicy and as a guarantee against...

Correlation of cytokine gene polymorphisms and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid gene expression profiles in patients with interstitial lung diseases
Slimáčková, Eva ; Vašáková, Martina (advisor) ; Vencovský, Jiří (referee)
Idiopathic pulmonay fibrosis (IPF), extrinsic alergic alveolitis (EAA) and sarcoidosis are interstitial lung diseases (ILD) of distinct pathogenesis. While IPF represents primarily fibrosing lung disorder of unknown etiology with dominant Th2 cytokine milieu, sarcoidosis is a systemic disease presenting with noncaseating granulomas and Th1 cytokine pattern. EAA develops after repeated exposure to inhalation antigens, and can present either with a granulomatous formation or progressive pulmonary fibrosis according to the stage of the disease and relationship between antigen exposure and immune system status. Th1/Th2 imbalance is dominant feature of these ILDs and we suppose that the susceptibility to them could be genetically encoded in cytokine gene polymorphisms. Cytokine gene polymorphisms could influence cytokine protein expression, which might lead to imbalance of Th1/Th2 immune reactions. Enhanced Th2 type cytokine production might induce the alternative activation of alveolar macrophages (AM), with consequent stimulation of colagen production by fibroblasts. the way from gene to protein leads through messenger RNA (mRNA) expression. Results of the pilot studies suggest that expression profiling could help to identify pathways relevant to pathogenesis of these disorders. The aim of our study was to...

The directing style of Robert Altman in the late 1970's
Šmíd, Jakub ; Valak, Radim (advisor) ; Bernard, Jan (referee)
The thesis provides an analysis of Robert Altman's directing style in the late 1970's. It is concerned with the use of particular elements of the cinematic language for the expression of theme in the films Nashville, Buffalo Bill and the Indians and 3 Women. The analysis addresses genre, mise-en-scene components, cinematography, editing, sound, music and art direction. The aim of the inquiry is to specify common features, alternatively distinctions, in both content and form of selected films.

Role of the European Union in Latin America: a Change after the Rio Summit?
Bakule, Martin ; Cihelková, Eva (advisor) ; Dvořáková, Vladimíra (referee) ; Kašpar, Václav (referee) ; Opatrný, Josef (referee)
The thesis "Role of the European Union in Latin America: a Change after the Rio Summit?" focuses on alternations of the position of the European Union (EU) in Latin America after the Rio Summit (1999) which was supposed to be a milestone in European-Latin-American relations. The main objective is to identify and explore the EU role and its trends which result not only from the economic links but also the actions of the EU institutions. Factors of unequal position of Latin America in mutual relations, as well as the impact of the interregional strategy of the EU are of special focus. The thesis is organized as follows. The chapter 1 lays conceptual and theoretical grounds and develops the methodology of "the Atlantic triangle" to frame the issue in interregional relations concepts. The chapter 2 analyses the EU and Latin America as subjects of interregional relations. As for the Latin-American region, its social-economic features, development strategy orientation and its impacts and subregional integration are examined. The EU region subchapter is focused on the interregional strategy, its design and development, as well as the multidimensional nature of the relations and its component dynamics (trade, political dialogue, development cooperation). The Chapter 3 identifies and explores external factors which influence the European-Latin-American ties. According to the triangle methodology, the inevitable influence of the United States (the Anglo-American region in the thesis concept) is studied separately from the global environment and other regions. The Chapter 4 quantifies the economic links of the Latin-American region. It examines the shares and trends in trade, investment, development cooperation transfers and migration. The Chapter 5 studies the institutionalised relations within the Atlantic triangle. It classifies the existing links of the Latin-American region (treaties, fora), assesses the role of interregional summits, compares the political approaches from the United States (US) and the EU in trade, development and security areas and studies in detail the EU impact on several aspects of Latin-American institutional configuration (e.g. regional integration). Among others, the most important conclusions drawn in the last chapter are the following: The unequal position of Latin America in relations with the EU can be attributed to its development characteristics as well as its fragmentation that has recently been progressing. It results in week coordination capability of Latin-American countries on the subregional level and absence of effective coordination on regional level. The interregional strategy of the EU aimed at building "Birregional Strategic Partnership" has not met Latin-American expectations. Although the situation in both regions and global environment has changed substantially from the strategy initiation, the strategy concept remains unaltered which is reflected the mutual relation stagnation. The EU strategy has not proved to be effective in fostering the EU role in Latin America. The free trade negotiation balance of the EU and the US is unfavorable to the EU which has not been able to conclude the association agreements (a basic tool to build the partnership) with its major Latin-American partners (MERCOSUR). The mid/long-term trends in the economic positions on the Latin-American markets have been also unfavorable to the EU in favor to the US and Asian partners. The ineffective strategy did not reverse nor stop such trends. However, the EU role is still not negligible in Latin-American aspirations to diversify its external links from the US influence. The relations with the EU display evident counter-balancing features. The EU also plays the role of "external federator" on subregional level but its influence is rather limited. The overall conclusion is that the Rio Summit did not start closer cooperation. The weakening economic relations are not supported by an effective interregional strategy from the EU. The role of the EU is therefore diminishing.

Private Equity and Venture Capital as instruments of business financing
Zvárová, Petra ; Machková, Hana (advisor) ; Sato, Alexej (referee)
The objective of this diploma thesis is to introduce the sector of Private Equity and Venture Capital which is aimed to finance perspective companies that are not publicly traded. The first chapter presents the development of sector and main featuring players on the market. The second chapter explains phases of the investment process. The topic of the third chapter is analysis of the sector in terms of development trends and comparisom of particular types of investment as well as comparison of the main markets which are the USA and Europe. The goal of the last chapter is to present and analyze the Alternative Investment Market in London as a new market for the venture capital backed companies.

Acquisition of Czech by French learners: automatic analysis of errors in declension
Šmilauer, Ivan ; Hajičová, Eva (advisor) ; Hrdlička, Milan (referee) ; Cardey-Greenfield, Sylviane (referee)
Our work presents the realization of a platform of computer-assisted language learning CETLEF, featuring on-line fill-in-the-blank exercises with automatic feedback on errors. CETLEF, consisting of a relational data base and author and learner interfaces, rendered necessary the definition of a model for declension in Czech. This model contains a detailed classification of the paradigms and rules for the realization of vocalic and consonantal alternations. It enables the morphological annotation of required forms, the didactic presentation of the morphological system of Czech on the learning platform, as well as the automatic error diagnosis. Diagnosis is carried out by the comparison of an erroneous production with hypothetical forms generated from the stem of the required form. An appraisal of the diagnosis of the productions collected on CETLEF shows that the vast majority of errors can be interpreted with the aid of this technique.