National Repository of Grey Literature 22 records found  previous3 - 12next  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Economic Crisis: Media Representation and Public Opinion
Picková, Martina ; Jeřábek, Hynek (advisor) ; Remr, Jiří (referee)
This thesis deals with the current global recession, its presentation in the media, and the public opinion on the economic situation in the Czech Republic. It is based on the theory of agenda-setting. Content analysis is used to examinate the intensity of attention of two different journals paid to the subject of the recession in the observed period September 2007 - December 2011, with a special focus on December 2008. The objects of the current study are two Czech nation-wide journals: the economic newspaper Hospodářské noviny and the tabloid newspaper Blesk. The study shows that the economic journal presents the recession more intensively, from a more general point of view, and questions the causes of the recession. The tabloid concentrates on the Czech Republic, writes about the recession primarily in the context of non-economical news (especially sport), and does not use the mechanisms typical for tabloids as much as expected. A secondary analysis of the outcomes of public opinion surveys examines the readerships of these journals separately. The economic expectations of the readers of the economic journal correspond with the intensity of attention paid by this journal to the recession, but only in the first half of the analysed period. The expectations of the tabloid readers correspond with...
Contemporary news coverage of Radio Impuls and Radiožurnál (Comparative study)
Voska, Ondřej ; Maršík, Josef (advisor) ; Moravec, Václav (referee)
This bachelor thesis compares news coverage of two of the most significant radio stations in the Czech Republic. The first one is Radiožurnál, the main radio station of public radio Czech radio. Radiožurnál combines spoken word and music. The second one is Rádio Impuls, the most listened radio station in the Czech Republic. Rádio Impuls combines spoken word and music as well. In the first part of the thesis, the author describes the development of both stations in the Czech radio market, their financial options and their current news coverage from theoretic point of view. The author also made interviews with editors in chief of both stations. The second, practical part is the analysis of news coverage from three different angles - thematic, genre and language during one week in September 2015 and one week in January 2016. The main analysis is the thematic one and comparison of news coverage in the same topics. Results of individual analysis are completed by statistics and graphs and are processed in the end of every chapter. Powered by TCPDF (
Broadcast coverage of the coronavirus epidemic 2020 as a possible world
Bergerová, Michaela ; Jirák, Jan (advisor) ; Křeček, Jan (referee)
This diploma thesis explores the theory of possible worlds and its relation to broadcast during the coronavirus pandemic. It perceives news, especially broadcast, as a possible world. Using narrative analysis, this thesis describes the characteristics of two possible worlds that arose during the first wave of the coronavirus pandemic on Czech Television and television Prima. The main goal of this research is to examine what kind of possible worlds have these two TV stations constructed in their main news programs and to point out how these two possible worlds differed. My diploma thesis should primarily contribute to a clear comparison of how the depiction of the coronavirus pandemic differed by individual television channels in the first half of 2020.
Usage of social network Instagram for news coverage in case of the Czech Television
Kohlová, Barbora ; Lokšík, Martin (advisor) ; Macková, Veronika (referee)
This thesis examines the social network Instagram as a means of news coverage, specifically in case of the Czech Television. The theoretical part of the thesis brings a complex description of Instagram including its evolution and the most important terms. The practical part brings results of quantitative analysis of the form and content of posts added to instagram profile ct24zive in 30 following days. For better context we also simultaneously analyze profile bbcnews. The aim of this thesis is to compare two approaches to management of Instagram profile of public service media. The BBC fits the environment of social media by bringing entertaining, soft news content. On the contrary, the Czech TV tries to provide complex news service for young audience for which Instagram is one of the most important sources of information. Description of these different approaches could inspire other media in creating and managing their Instagram profiles. The research also focuses on the way of using defined instagram in- struments. The results are discussed with the Czech TV in order to offer other ideas of managing their Instagram profile ct24zive. 1
The Environmental Issues in the Czech Daily Press: News Coverage of Water Issues
Hanušová, Anna ; Nečas, Vlastimil (advisor) ; Jirků, Jan (referee)
This diploma thesis investigates the evolution of news coverage of water-related issues in the Czech daily press from 2014 to 2019. Its theoretical part describes the relationship between mass media and the environment. The characteristics of environmental news are explained more in detail and in the context of environmental topics' features, journalistic routines, news normative demands and economic pressure in the media industry. The topic of the thesis is linked to the media theories about news values, gatekeeping, agenda-setting and framing as well. There is also a review of the studies examining news coverage of the environment and a brief description of the water management situation in the Czech Republic. The methodical part introduces the research goal and previous studies which were used as a base for the method in this paper. The results of the content analysis enabled to describe the news about water issues quantitatively and to explain its features and development according to the theoretical framework and previous findings. This thesis concluded that Czech dailies do not treat the topic of water issues as very important, they are event-oriented, dependent on the official sources and focused on risk-related topics. This can limit public awareness of the problem with decreasing water...
Criminal Proceedings in the news coverage of ČTK
Kuchař, Roman ; Trunečková, Ludmila (advisor) ; Šmíd, Milan (referee)
The Czech News Agency (ČTK) is a media institution that collects, processes and provides its customers with information on domestic and foreign events. It represents an important source of information (not only) for other media. However, trying to provide prompt information on interesting events may lead to inaccuracies and excessive simplification, especially in areas where there is a specialised element. One of them is criminal proceedings, which take place within the limits set by law. Therefore, this diploma thesis aims to map the form of criminal proceedings taking place before the Czech courts, as depicted in the ČTK news, and possibly to draw attention to their shortcomings in terms of legal standards and ČTK's ethical rules. The diploma thesis is divided into five basic parts. The introductory part briefly describes the concept of criminal proceedings, its course, selected basic principles and terminology. The following part outlines the importance of news for criminal proceedings (public control over the lawfulness of the criminal proceedings) and the boundaries between protecting freedom of speech on the media's part and the personal rights of prosecuted people and the victims. ČTK, its legal status and structure, ethical rules (ČTK Code) and a text report as a basic research unit of...
Artificial nintelligence in journalism and its use on examples of press agencies Reuters and AP
Jahn, Oliver ; Moravec, Václav (advisor) ; Láb, Filip (referee)
Cílem této diplomové práce je představení zcela nového způsobu vytváření i distribuování zpráv a obsahu, kdy se do tohoto jinak tradičně "lidského odvětví" začínají v poslední době promítat automatizované a chytré počítačové systémy využívající umělou inteligenci. Hodlám vysvětlit, co tento pojem znamená s ohledem na mediální prostor, představit jeho poměrně krátkou historii a popsat, jak dochází k jeho zavádění v žurnalistické praxi. Jelikož se jedná o stále vyvíjející se část možná budoucí novinářské práce, která je zatím v začátcích, nepracují s ní zatím ve větším tuzemská média, i když postupně začínají experimentovat například se strojovou žurnalistikou, tedy předstupněm plně automatizované umělé inteligence. Výzkum je proto zaměřen na vývoj a používání umělé inteligence tiskovými agenturami Reuters a AP, které s těmito nástroji už začaly pracovat a na jejichž případu hodlám ukázat možný budoucí nástup i praxi. V závěru zhodnotím největší výhody i nejdiskutovanější etické problémy fungování umělé inteligence v žurnalistice.
Media Coverage of Terrorist Attacks in Europe and in the World in Example of ČT 24 News
Musil, Jakub ; Štoll, Martin (advisor) ; Nečas, Vlastimil (referee)
Terrorist incidents have been on the rise in Europe recently and are therefore a greatful media theme. An interesting fact, however, is the apperently larger media space in the Czech republic which recieves attacks in European countries as opposed to terrorist attack elswhere in the world. Even if the number of victims of such attacks is often many times larger than in Europe. This work focuses on the media coverage of terrorist attacks on CT24 news television. In the first part of the thesis the author first focuses on the theoretical basis of terrorism, on its characteristics and definitions. In the next part, he is devoted to TV news with respect to CT24 news. Author describes CT24 as a national news station and describes its current and breaking broadcasting scheme. In the analytical part, the author deals with the coverage of selected terrorist attacks in Pakistan, Spain, the USA and Egypt and tries to find out how CT24 devoted to these attacks. Emphasis is placed on the quantitative content analysis of media coverage and on the quantification of types of news reports used to cover CT24's terrorist attacks coverage.
Media's perception of the Arab Spring
Houšková, Lenka ; Havlová, Radka (advisor) ; Žáková, Gabriela (referee)
This master's thesis deals with events related to the Arab Spring, specifically during the years of 2011 and 2012 in Egypt, Libya and Syria. It is concerned with media and how selected media covered most important affairs. It presents findings from media theory, as well as the development of Arab Spring in the named three countries. The third part is devoted to the role of traditional media during the Arab Spring, that is of pan-Arabic television networks and national media, and that of the new media, especially of social networks. The fourth part of the thesis analyzes how articles from five news sites in the US, Great Britain, Russia, China and India covered selected events of the Arab Spring in Egypt, Libya and Syria.
New Forms of Reporting in the TV News
Lukašiková, Evženie ; Lokšík, Martin (advisor) ; Géla, František (referee)
Following thesis deals with the question of how the four main television channels in the Czech Republic process and create news. Based on her own observation, the author has tried to find and describe the main tendencies in the field of the television news reporting. The thesis thus gives a general overview of the newsmaking routine according to the specialized literature, but also provides the reader with the results of those observations. The work consists of two parts: the theoretical and practical. The first part starts with the basic components of the news reporting, followed by a more detailed description of the television part. The last part of the theory includes the development trends in the television news and deals with the visual and audial components of the news as well as the role of the reporter in it. The latter includes the verbal as well as non-verbal communication, i.e. linguistics of the news and means of expression of the reporters and news anchors as well as the importance of the reporter and the part he plays in the news. The practical part analyzes given pieces of news, using the information provided in the previous part; the analysis is thus based on the above stated criteria. These analyses should then help to describe the way television works with the news and...

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