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Oikonomia of Hussites
Šenovský, Jakub ; Spalová, Barbora (advisor) ; Nešpor, Zdeněk (referee)
This work discusses how parishes of The Czechoslovak Hussite Church are managed as well as from which sources this management arises. The entire work is based on my research in two parishes of the church. The research took about a year. The Czechoslovak Hussite Church is one of so called "people's churches", but in recent years this church has to deal with a great loss of its members and high age of the remaining members. All these issues require an adequate response from the administrators of the parishes, which is to a great extend based on the faith, i.e. on a specific theology, which is actually a biblical theology. What is more, this theology affects all dimensions of administration. The main goal of this work is to show that the individual spheres of administration decisions are not separated, but all of them are derived from one source. This source is, indeed, the specific theology of the church. The same principles of administration are applied even in the economic behaviour of the parishes, where one can also observe the same principles, which were applied in the everyday running of the church or in the sermons etc. Key words: The Czechoslovak Hussite Church, church administration, church economy, oikonomia

Abuse of dominant position in EU and US Law
Funta, Rastislav ; Svoboda, Pavel (advisor) ; Smolek, Martin (referee) ; Tichý, Luboš (referee)
Charles University Prague Faculty of Law Abuse of dominant position in EU & US Law Ph.D. Dissertation Department of European Law JUDr. Rastislav Funta, LL.M. Supervisor: Doc. JUDr. Pavel Svoboda, Ph.D., D.E.A. Prague, 2011 Univerzita Karlovy v Praze Právnická Fakulta Zneužitie dominantného postavenia v práve EU a USA Doktorská dizertačná práca Katedra Európskeho Práva JUDr. Rastislav Funta, LL.M. Školiteľ: Doc. JUDr. Pavel Svoboda, Ph.D., D.E.A. Praha, 2011 - 2 - Prehlasujem, že som svoju Ph.D. prácu napísal samostatne, pod dohľadom vedúceho práce a s použitím citovaných prameňov. I hereby declare that I have written this Ph.D. dissertation independently, under the supervision of my supervisor and with use of the sources quoted. ............................. V Prahe/In Prague, 2011 Rastislav Funta - 3 - Abstract "Price competition is the essence of free and open competition. It favours more efficient firms and it is for the benefit of consumers both in the short and the long run. Dominant firms not only have the right but should be encouraged to compete on price" The past and recent decisions of the EU and US Courts refreshed the debate on the different approaches to antitrust policies on both continents. While in contrast to the US where it will be highlighted that Americans protect competition in the EU...

Budget revenues of the European Union
Zajíčková, Miroslava ; Boháč, Radim (advisor) ; Marková, Hana (referee)
Budget revenues of the European Union Resumé (english) The existence of own budget is the first prerequisite to the European Union to become peculiar multinational organization that is able to independently decide and implement their policies and secure running of their institutions. In the present form of 27 Member States the EU has become one of the most important integration groupings of the world which is full counterpart in relation to powers such as USA, Russia or China. The revenue side of the budget is the determining factor in all economic actors, whether states, communities, regions or supranational organizations. The volume of revenues is while respecting the principle of balanced budget a limit of expenditures. The subject of this paper is an analysis of the budget revenues of the European Union, its assessment and finding new ways and possibilities in the EU budget own resources. The own resources of the European Union is founded on four basic sources. The first is the so-called traditional own resources, which combine two of the sources. The first is benefits and other fees under the common market organization for sugar and the second source are duties. The third source is a resource based on VAT and the list closes fourth source, the contribution of the share of GNI. In addition to the four...

Spiritual service in the home for the elderly in Jindřichův Hradec
The spiritual care in all Elderly Houses is perceived as a part of total care of clients. Contemporary holistic interpretation distinguish biological, psychological, social and spiritual dimension of human person. All these spheres form a complex, are inseparable and influence each other. The duties of care of clients are characterized not only as a care of biological needs but also as a help in solving social, psychological needs and an assistance in filling of the spiritual needs. The spiritual needs of each person and it would be a failure to think, that the spiritual needs are only for believer human people. The rate of satisfying these needs is changing during client´s life and present foreign researches indicate, that the need of spiritual is increased in old age and in illness. The clients can this spiritual care seek out when they need stimulation in exacting part of their life, they want to talk about spiritual or existential topics or when they are interested in various churches. In some countries is already common that the hospital employs own priest or a hospital chaplain. In our republic the installation of hospital chaplain is also started to discuss, even some hospitals employ the chaplains. The target of this bachelor´s work is to map the offer of spiritual care in Elderly House in Jindřichův Hradec, if these services are used there and which the most frequent spiritual services the clients use. Work found out which the spiritual services are interested and how many clients use them. And also from the clergyman´s side indicated which the spiritual services are offered to the clients and from the side of the social worker found out that the majority of clients, who are coming to the Elderly House, is informed, that the spiritual services are running there and he or she can use them. The hypotheses were verified by quantity study. In order to find patient´s interest of satisfying their spiritual needs was used the method of controlled talk and the same method was used in the case of talk with the clergyman and the social worker.

Feasibility study of sport regeneration centre
Kaplan, Matěj ; Čáslavová, Eva (advisor) ; Procházka, Jan (referee)
FAKULTA TĚLESNÉ VÝCHOVY A SPORTU UNIVERZITY KARLOVY V PRAZE DIPLOMOVÁ PRÁCE NA TÉMA Technickoekonomická studie sportovně - regeneračního centra VEDOUCÍ PRÁCE: ZPRACOVAL: Doc. Ing. Eva Čáslavová, Csc. Matěj Kaplan Prohlašuji, že jsem diplomovou práci vypracoval samostatně a použil pouze uvedené zdroje. _______________________ Matěj Kaplan Děkuji paní Doc. Ing. Čáslavové, Csc. za praktické a teoretické rady vztahující se k diplomové práci. Abstrakt Diplomová práce na téma Technickoekonomická studie sportovně - regeneračního centra navrhuje investiční projekt ve formě technickoekonomické studie pro zřízení a provoz sportovně - regeneračních služeb v Roztokách u Prahy. Obsah technickoekonomické studie tvoří marketingová strategie, geografická strategie, lidské zdroje, materiálové vstupy a energie, organizace a řízení, finanční plán a analýza a analýza rizik. Klíčová slova: Technickoekonomická studie, finanční analýza, rizikovost projektu. Abstract The thesis on subject of Feasibility study of sport&regeneration centre is showing the investment project in form of feasibility study for development and running of the sport&regeneration facilities in Roztoky u Prahy. The feasibility study is made of marketing strategy, geographical strategy, human resources, costs of material and energy bills, organisation and...

Czechoslovak Ocean Shipping in memory of Czechoslovak sailors (1959-1989)
Krátká, Lenka ; Mücke, Pavel (advisor) ; Vaněk, Miroslav (referee)
The main target of the work is to extend our current knowledge concerning history of the Czechoslovak Ocean Shipping company during the period from the company's founding in 1959 until year 1989. The main basis for this task fulfillment there are interviews with former Czechoslovak sailors realized with help of the oral history method. Beside this, the paper is supported also by archive materials. The text reflects certain specificity of the topic (maritime business running in the inland country, in addition country ruled by non-democratic regime) and it aims to the company's history; but its main part is concentrated on the sailors' living conditions. It processes direct testimonies about sailors' life and work on Czechoslovak ships; there are included topics as travelling, emigration, direct experience with communist regime on ships, private life of sailors, and their father and husband role. The author does not propose definite conclusions; her effort is aimed to see the topic from various points of view. Sailors are not portrayed as exceptional people but as men whose meaning of life was work on the sea. And this fact principally influenced their lives as well as lives of their families.

Language recognition performed on a short text sample
Zahornadský, Ján ; Raab, Jan (referee) ; Bejček, Eduard (advisor)
This paper extends the work of Cavnar and Trenkle N-gram text categorization [2], enhances the study of statistics application on document language recognition as simplier variant of categorization. Proposed program shows qualities like modular design or running on one universal character set. As an enhancement of the original work is presented an automatic text sample filtration algorithm altogether with Internet text extraction and iterative improvement for this purpose. Presented paper studies accuracy development, concentrating on short samples. Similar work was not found in available literature, as categorization (and in corollary language recognition) usually assumes long enough input. In conclusion, a discussion about using the learned data and algorithms created here to mark foreign phrases. To be specific, we study the application on Prague Dependency Treebank [8], where the foreign phrases are not recognized, only their occurences specified.

Valuation of IKEA Česká republika, s.r.o.
Walica, Michal ; Kislingerová, Eva (advisor) ; Boukal, Petr (referee)
Today's dynamic period requires sufficient amount of high-quality information to make right decision. Valuation of a company may be one of the sources. It is a result of complex valuation of a company and its activity from different points of view. Information gained during the process valuation can be used to effective management of a company, too. The main aim of this thesis is to evaluate the company's environment, the market where the business runs as well as the analyses its future possibilities. Following historic data, strategic and financial analyses will be carried out and these results will serve for company value determination, using the yield method. Gained information will be valuable as far as company's management as well as investors are concerned. The result lies in historical progression, contemporary situation, potential and future prediction valuation. Recognized company's value will serve as the final output.

Individula movement program to influence fitness and affect body weight
Kupr, Pavel ; Bunc, Václav (advisor) ; Strejcová, Barbora (referee)
INVIDUAL MOVEMENT PROGRAM TO INFLUENCE FITNESS AND AFFECT BODY WEIGHT Aims: The main aim of this thesis is to influence the fitness assumptions and to affect the body weight of a chosen person on the basis of an applied intervention program. Particular aims involve creating the intervention program, its fulfillment and practical verification, confirmation of defined hypotheses, stating and particulary explaining the differences between measured dates before and after the intervention and formulating relevant conclusions and recommendations.. Methods: The research method used in the thesis was an experiment. Its basis was creation and especially application of the six months lasting training program and further testing in laboratory conditions before and after the intervention. Results: The controlled person fulfilled the training program without complications and in a full scale. The created interventional program involved aerobic activities (running), bodybuilding and other activities (fitbox, cycling, in-line skating, swimming) without adjusting nutrition habits or an eventual diet. The feed-back tests showed/proved that the condition assumptions of the controlled person distincively improved in all chosen function parameters. Requested weight reduction though was not achieved. Key words:...

Investigations of uratic concrements in urolithiasis
Kultová, Lenka ; Zadina, Jiří (advisor) ; Kotaška, Karel (referee)
Urolithiasis is wide - spread disease, which can lead to serious complications as far as acute renal failure. It is important to analyze the composition of calculus for accurate diagnosis and effective prevention. I deal with analysis of urinary stones by infrared spectroscopy and polarization microscopy in this work. In the first part of the work I intent on the methodical aspects of assesment. The set of ten samples, which included rife components of calculi, was evaluated by two software programs - Kidney Stone Analysis and Omnic. Programme Kidney Stone Analysis gives just one end - result. Programme Omnic indicates ten possible results of the constitution of the sample, which best matches with spectra from libraries. The evaluative person has a possibility to compare these results and decide for the end - result, according to how quantitative data in the evaluation repeat. The result of component's content around 10 % can not be regard as totally reliable. The polarization microscope enables to check and specify the results of the analysis. To use a combination of both methods claimed to be very profitable. In the second part of the work, patients' urinary stones were analyzed, in the way how samples are evaluated in laboratory running. Patient group was formed by 20 persons (17 men and 3 women) in the...