National Repository of Grey Literature 23 records found  previous11 - 20next  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Gender and management position from the psychological perspective
Čížková, Kateřina ; Höschlová, Eva (advisor) ; Rymeš, Milan (referee)
Thesis deals with gender and its influence on management position from the psychological perspective. Initially it focuses on the general definition of gender as a social category compared to the category of sex. After that it analyses existing differences among women and men and also stereotypes associated with them. In the next part it deals with the question of gender in the field of work and organizations. In the third chapter the thesis focuses on the influence of gender on the management position in several contexts. The focal point of the paper is the analysis of different leadership styles and their application by women and men. The empirical part proposes a research design focused on the differences among women and men in leadership styles in our culture. Its aim is to analyse leadership styles in small groups and satisfaction of subordinates with their superior.
Comparison of the terms of management and leadership
Vlková, Jitka ; Trojanová, Irena (advisor) ; Kalous, Jaroslav (referee)
5 TITLE: Comparison of the terms of management and leadership AUTHOR: Jitka Vlková DEPARTMENT: Education Management Center SUPERVISOR: Mgr. Irena Lhotková, Ph.D. ABSTRACT: The final study deals with the issue of management - in terms of managing an organization, and with the issue of leadership - leading people. The theoretical part will clarify both particular terms: management and leadership in the first place. This part is based mainly on literature. This issue follows from a current problem, which is the fact that directors understand the role of leading people less important than the role of managing organization, or they marginalize this role for lack of time and pay more attention to economic and administrative work. Then, there is a problem to lead a nursery school. 6 Work with people is often disregarded and underestimated in schooling; most of schools is managed too much, and, on the other hand, there is a lack of leadership. This thesis follows results of Věra Fantová's research study from 2004. This research study confirmed that manager activities predominate over pedagogical activities. The study proved that directors are often burdened by frequently changed legislation, they have lack of time for pedagogical leading of school, and united school directors worry about leading people. We all know...
Situational leadership theory and its application in the optical business in the Czech Republic
Otavová, Petra ; Buriánek, Jiří (advisor) ; Trunda, Jiří (referee)
The Theory of Situational Leadership, the core of the thesis, has become nowadays one of the intensively studied area in Sociology of management. The primary goal to be accomplished here in this thesis is to examine leadership styles of leaders in the optical business in the Czech Republic and to determine if the leaders are effective when exercise leading the followers, all with regard to Blanchard's and Hersey's Situational Leadeship Theory. The main part of the thesis consists of empirical study which focuses on leaders and their ledearship styles in optical organizations as well as their effectiveness in leading team of followers. The quantitative survey tool modified by author so can be used in czech environment will be introduced in the methodological part of the thesis. The theoretical assumptions should appropriately illustrate the analytical results obtained by the research. Keywords: Situational Leadership Theory, leader, leadership style, style range, style adaptability, follower readiness
Application of the Person-Centered Approach (PCA) principles in management
Mitaczová, Jana ; Junková, Vendula (advisor) ; Loneková, Katarína (referee)
The basic objective of the theoretical part of this diploma thesis is to present Rogers' Person- centred Approach (PCA) in terms of its development, theory, basic principles and potential applications out of therapeutical context, with emphasis on leadership. The first chapter is devoted to general knowledge of the PCA and in the second chapter there is a more detailed description of possible applications of the PCA in management. The basic objective of the empirical part is to verify the relationship between main necessary conditions of PCA in people management (respectively in person-centered leadership) and employees' organizational commitment. The quantitative research in the form of correlation study has been carried out on a sample of 63 respondents, employees of various organizations in various fields. Barrett-Lennard Relationship Inventory (BLRI) and Organizational Commitment Questionnaire (OCQ) were used as research methods. The results show the significant correlation between organizational commitment and measures of empathic understanding, congruence, and level of regard expressed by managers towards employees. The significant relationship between organizational commitment and unconditionality has not been confirmed. Besides the hypotheses linked to the basic goal there are some other...
Situational Leadership Theory and its application in the optical business in the Czech republic
Otavová, Petra ; Buriánek, Jiří (advisor) ; Trunda, Jiří (referee)
The Theory of Situational Leadership, the core of the thesis, has become nowadays one of the intensively studied area in Sociology of management. The primary goal to be accomplished here in this thesis is to examine leadership styles of leaders in the optical business in the Czech Republic and to determine if the leaders are effective when exercise leading the followers, all with regard to Blanchard's and Hersey's Situational Leadeship Theory. The main part of the thesis consists of empirical study which focuses on leaders and their ledearship styles in optical organizations as well as their effectiveness in leading team of followers. The quantitative survey tool modified by author so can be used in czech environment will be introduced in the methodological part of the thesis. The theoretical assumptions should appropriately illustrate the analytical results obtained by the research.
Leadership and Management
Ševčíková, Jana ; Ronzová, Yvonna (referee) ; Franková, Emilie (advisor)
The master´s thesis entitled „Leadership and Management“ provides not only for a theoretical picture on the issue of leadership and management in general but also a practical view of a company investigated, an undisclosed law firm. The theoretical part will feature some of the basic concepts of the monitored area, especially management, leadership, functions of management, role of management and leadership style. Lessons learned are further applied to the practical part of the thesis and result in recommendations for increased satisfaction both of employees and the entire firm.
Analysis of Female Specific Leadership Style in Organizations Dealing with Information Technology Development
Hlaváčková, Eva ; Hodný,, Jiří (referee) ; Franková, Emilie (advisor)
The aim of the diploma thesis „Analysis of Female Specific Leadership Style in Organizations Dealing with Information Technology Development“ is based on an analysis of working styles of man and woman lead with regard to defining the specifics of women's leadership in comparison to men. The theoretical part provides basic terms related to this topic, especially the gender, and the related stereotypes. Adequate attention is paid to the current situation in management from the women’s perspective. Empirical part documents the course of quantitative research performed in the company, when the style of leadership has been studied in accordance with the stated hypotheses. At the end the summary of the findings is discussed in the context of their potential contribution to the company's experience in the field of management and cultivation of human resources.
Proposal of Team Motivational Programme in the Company FlatEarth
Lukaniaková, Nina ; Staňková, Lenka (referee) ; Konečná, Zdeňka (advisor)
Diplomová práca sa zameriava na vytvorenie návrhu motivačného program v spoločnosti FlatEarth. Návrh tohoto programu sa odvíja od výsledkov výskumu uskutočneného v športových teamoch a medzi bývalými zamestnancami spoločnosti FlatEarth.
Safety standards in the department
The present state: Safety culture is a package of measures increasing safety of a patient in a health resort and in nursing care. These activities are implemented by individuals or organisations with the aim of protecting patient from damage to health, resulting from failure of care (24).Subject: The main purpose of investigation was surveying relations of the level of organisation culture in relation to domains of interest and safety of nursing care. Methodics: The impirical part of the bachelor?s thesis was done with the use of quantitative method of research ? data collecting by questionnaire. Evaluation of the style of leadership of the head nurse and questions applied to communication in team was undertaken with the use of modified questionnaire following Kollárik et al. Range of social atmosphere in a group (35). In statements exploring the culture of safety were included questions adopted from AHRQ methodics (36), Czech translation by Filka and Kotrbová (37). The research was conducted in April 2013 in the IKEM hospital in Prague. The data obtained were processed by statistical analysis with the use of SPSS 16.0 programme.The investigation set: Nurses and nursing assistants employed in the IKEM hospital in Prague. Out of the total of 160 distributed questionnaires, 118 completed pieces were obtained. The return rate was thus 73.8 %.Results: The aim of the research was evaluation of relations among the head nurse leadership, communication in team, and safe care of patients. The results of research concerning communication indicate positive evaluation of nurses as to timely distribution of important informations; somewhat worse were results concerning systematic and timely distribution of information. As to rating of effective communication in the team of nurses, 45.8 % of nurses responded positively and 68.6 % of nurses mentioned possibility of discussion. Complience with rules of correct behaviour and discretness seem to be matter of course. Important is respect to differences in opinion and mutual perception in the team. Unfortunatelly, chicane at the workplace is not an exception. A positive feature is that nurses are not afraid to ask colleagues for advice if patient safety is concerned.In implementation of leadership style in relation to patients head nurse is interested in members of team not only as to professional aspects but also as to personal aspects of nurses. She accepts discussion about about tasks, considers opinions of members of the team as well as individual nurses as to new information. Empathy is a positive character quality of a head nurse and she takes interest concerning problems of individual nurses.Among basic rules of safe care belongs hygiene of hands with the nursing personal and safe identification of a patient. Hands hygiene is the simplest prevention of hospital infection, which hospital personal must keep according to law and which they comply with, according to responses. There is possibility of improvement in application of safe care serving medicine as ordered by phone information and serving generic medicine without correction in consulting room. Doctors should be involved in removing these shortcomings. Highly positive is the approach of nurses in reporting an adverse event; nearly all respondents (98.3 %) would not hesitate to report, disregarding the opinion of the head nurse. According to opinion of nurses, head nurse is interested in adverse events and nurses are informed about mistakes which occur at the department, and discussion on prevention of repeated mistakes takes place.Conclusions: From the results of research follows that safe care is considered by personal positively. It is important that this idea is accepted and supported by head nurse and leadership of the hospital. The nurses percept the head nurse in a positive way. Effort in preventing communication mistakes in the team should include empathy and listening.
Comparison of self - image evaluation of students at common secondary and at Waldorf type school.
This bachelor work called "Comparison of Childrens´ self-esteem at Common types of secondary schools and at Secondary schools of Waldorf type " has been focussed on students´ self-esteem and its methodology.The target of the work is to compare what the situation in common secondary schools and secondary schools of Waldorf type is like. In the theoretical part is the problem of self-esteem observed from the point of pedagogy and psychology. Further it presents methods of self-esteem as well as the influence of teacher´s attitude dealing with self-esteem of adults. The practical part brings some results of the search which was done in both types of secondary schools included teachers and students view. Based on the gathered results it is obvious that Waldorf type of school has got better conditions for gaining Children´s self-esteem.

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