National Repository of Grey Literature 88 records found  beginprevious75 - 84next  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Media representation of foreign tourism destinations and its effect on foreign tourism of Czech citizens
Kozlová, Markéta ; Ježková, Tereza (advisor) ; Hrabánková, Markéta (referee)
Content of this bachelor thesis is media representation of foreign tourism destinations and its effect on foreign tourism of Czech citizens between 2012 and 2015. The mainly research method is quantitative analysis of online news in a specified period. Reported were only the news articles, which are related with factors influencing the holiday destinations. They were reported only the countries with decrease in traffic of Czech citizens. Factors influencing the choice of the holiday destination were verified by a supporting research method, a questionnaire survey. The questionnaire survey also found the importance of individual factors, which ensured an interesting comparison with the space in media, which was devoted to the individual factors. The analysis showed that one of the influences on the traffic of the countries could be references to the security situation in the country and the stability of the state. Most of the media space was devoted to the experience of tourists, but the impact was not confirmed on this topic. Lack of space was devoted to price fluctuations, according to the questionnaire survey, are one of the most important factors influencing the choice of holiday destination. These findings could be one of the guiding principles for PR tourism objects, which should be...
Museum Marketing: The National Gallery in Prague During the years 2012-2014
Pajgrtová, Anežka ; Ježková, Tereza (advisor) ; Halada, Jan (referee)
This paper examines marketing practices and marketing tools in the context of art related museums. The subject of this paper is the National Gallery in Prague, a significant art institution that has the ambition to build a strong museum brand of international significance. The aim of this paper is to form a a set of recommendations for the National Gallery in the field of marketing and communication. The recommendations are based upon the confrontation of the research of the ongoing trends and opportunities with the analysis of National gallery's marketing activities. This paper is divided into three parts. Firstly, it defines the theoretical framework and the key terms such as museum marketing, strategic marketing, visitors profile, marketing and communication mix. Secondly, it describes trends and opportunities in the field of museum marketing. Finally, it analyzes activities of the National Gallery and puts forward recommendations for improvement of the current marketing processes.
Media image of David Černý and his work in the zech press
Kušiaková, Anna ; Sládková, Hana (advisor) ; Ježková, Tereza (referee)
This bachelor thesis "The medial image of David Černý and his work in the czech press" is trying to present the medial image of contemporary czech controversial artist in selected periodicals, formed both by the media and his personality. For specific documentation of the image, its changes and development while outlining development of periodicals themselves were selected two seasons; five-year period before the turn of the millennium (1996-2000) and equally long period after the turn of the millennium (2006-2010), the periodicals were chosen from among the most read newspapers (MF DNES, Lidové noviny, Hospodářské noviny and Blesk) and weeklies (Reflex, Respekt a Týden). In the first part is presented the biography of David Černý and his work, as well as some of the press trends since 1989. The second part of the work is focused on a specific period and personality in the monitored titles, the aim is to describe from selected articles the medial image of David Černý and describe, how it has been transformed, how has changed expression of the artist and which changes have occured in press. David Černý is a significant czech artist and because it does not occur too many comprehensive publications, dealing closer with his controversial person and work, I would like this work to contribute to the...
Analysis of domestic gastronomy periodicals after year 2000
Eliášová, Klára ; Zábrodská, Kristina (advisor) ; Ježková, Tereza (referee)
Bachelor thesis Analysis of domestic gastronomic periodicals after year 2000 is focused on development of the most read periodicals in Czech republic from gastronomy sphere. Main goal was to find out, which outside effects are influencing them the most and how. Also if all of the effects influenced all of the titles the same way. The anticipated outside effects are financial crisis of 2008, possibility of importing products, famous gastronomy people and growing interest in healthy lifestyle. Content analysis was used for the research, because it is systematic, it is possible to apply it on all of the periodicals and it provides clear results. First the paper researches each of the titles individually and after that compares them between each other. In the end some of the hypothesis proved right, mainly hypothesis about advertising growth and presence of the exotic recipes. Recipes focused on health in Apetit and Gurmet proved development of science fields. Hypothesis connected to famous and important people of gastronomy was found not to be correct. Periodicals did not react to the same influences the same way, but all of their reactions are noticeable and provable.
Marketing activities Euromedia Group in 2011-2013
Janků, Michaela ; Halada, Jan (advisor) ; Ježková, Tereza (referee)
The aim of the thesis "Marketing activities Euromedia Group in 2011-2013" is to present the marketing communications of one of the strongest publishing houses in the Czech Republic: Euromedia Group. The company also owns a nationwide distribution network through which it gets its titles to all households, bookshop networks, supermarket chains or to booksellers and also one of the biggest reader's club in the country. At the beginning of the thesis the company is introduced, including its history and rules of membership in the reader's club. The following chapters focus on its marketing activities. They include the current members care, recruit new members recruitment and book events for the public. The thesis addresses also support of Czech authors and the Knižní klub Literary Award that is one of its tools. The promotion of books in various media is explored in the final chapters. Powered by TCPDF (
Last play of Thomas Bernhard "Heldenplatz" and its picture in contemporary austrian press
Marešová, Petra ; Köpplová, Barbara (advisor) ; Ježková, Tereza (referee)
My bachalor thesis offers analysis of medial coverage of the indignation caused by publicizing and staging of Thomas Bernhard's play Heldenplatz. Through qualitative content analysis, I compare newspaper articles published before and, also, after the opening night of this play in particular newspapers of temporary Austrian press. With the help of articles published in the Profil, Salzburger Nachrichten and Neue Kronen Zeitung, I present how mass media are able to stir deprecating reactions and how they develop technique of scandalization, how they use stereotypes to influence public opinion, or, how they reflect upon each other. I also take a deep look into several concepts, which gradually became a part of discourse in mass media and society. In the first place, it is a piece of rhetoric "Freiheit der Kunst", meaning "art freedom / freedom in art", next, calling the author "Nestbeschmutzer", at the time a popular label, and calling the director with the humiliating expression of "Piefke" and "Schuft". A number of newspaper articles which were published after staging Heldenplatz was far smaller than a number of articles published prior the opening night. Scandalousness of both Bernhard's drama and its later first performing was still deepened by the Neue Kronen Zeitung tabloid. However, the Profil...
Media in Czech Fine Arts
Ježková, Tereza ; Köpplová, Barbara (advisor) ; Sládková, Hana (referee)
The thesis Media in Czech Fine Arts deals with the relationship between media and fine arts. The thesis aims to find, among other things, whether media can be considered a distinct theme in arts. The objective, methodology, and resources utilized are all addressed in the first chapters. A brief overview of how the topic was addressed in foreign fine arts follows; this was the main inspiration for the pursuit of this work. The main part consists of a selection of works of art where the topic of media appears and where the author of the work was a Czech fine artist. The thesis focuses mainly on painting, drawings, graphic arts and sculpture. The artworks are sorted into several subheads, primarily by the topic they portray, then chronologically. Each thematic unit makes a connection between history and theory of media, and the history of art.
The issue of death and its psychological potencial
Ježková, Tereza ; Štětovská, Iva (referee) ; Šípek, Jiří (advisor)
In this study we wanted to explore, if there exists a relationship between spiritual orientation of people and their attitude to death. In the theoretical part, there were this two subjects (spirituality and death) described, explained and related to other important issues (for example: fear of death, the spiritual clime in the modern society, spiritual growth and motivation for the spiritual way of life, spiritual care of dying people etc.). This part discusses three representative kinds of spirituality too - the Christian reigion, the Buddhist spirituality and the "faith of atheists" - especially in their relation to death. In the empirical part we used a modified version of The Test of Colour Semantic Differential to verify that there exists greater integrity between conscious and unconscious dimension of attitude to death among the people with clear-cut spiritual orientation. Howewer, the results of the research haven't made it possible to falsificate the zero hypothesis.
Arts marketing : a comparative study of communication activites of the National Gallery in Prague and the Museo Nacional del Prado in Madrid the years 2007-2009
Ježková, Tereza ; Hejlová, Denisa (referee) ; Dolanský, Pavel (advisor)
The bachelor thesis "Art marketing : a comparative study of communication activities of the National Gallery in Prague and the Museo Nacional del Prado in Madrid in the years 2007-2009" deals with posibillities of marketing in the area of art, concretely art galleries. After defining the term of arts marketing, the description of the marketing environment, customer and the marketing tools with focus on marketing communication follows. The second part of the work consists of case study focused on description and comparison of marketing activities of two european national galleries - National Gallery in Prague and Museo Nacinal del Prado in Madrid with emphasis on the communication and promotion as well.
Mechanism of patients with anorexia nervosa
Ježková, Tereza ; Šivicová, Gabriela (referee) ; Hrachovinová, Tamara (advisor)
The Defence Style Questionnaire which assesses three factors of defence mechanisms ( mature, neurotic, immature) was completed by 44 anorexie women aged from 14 to 30 years, and 121 healthy women. The Thematic Apperception Test used to assess ego developpement and defence was completed by 15 patients. We found that the anorexie women differ from the healthy population in use of neurotic and immature defence mechanisms. In contrast, no difference was found between restrictive and purgative patients who do not differ in any factor of the Defence Style Questionnaire.

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