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Journalistic document from an environment of elementary art school - The magic of recorder
Navrátilová, Barbora ; Lokšík, Martin (advisor) ; Štoll, Martin (referee)
The main aim of this practical bachelor's thesis is to present author's audio-visual film. The theoretical part describes the basic principles of documentary and journalistic production. Further it generalizes the basic aspects of audio-visual communication. The final theoretical part of the thesis develops the phenomenon of videojournalism. It describes important principles, briefly the procedure of work and it illustrates videojournalism on the Czech environment, especially in the field of mobile journalism. The main part of the practical bachelor's thesis is the journalistic document, which is based on the principles of videojournalism. During the process, the author found herself in the role of reporter, cameraman, sound engineer or editor. The journalistic film will capture the environment of the recorder at the elementary art school with emphasis on presuming recorder as non-full-fledged instrument. The audiovisual film shows the opinions of elementary art schoolteacher, professional recorder player and student of music academy. They talk about the uniqueness of the recorder, its vulnerability, and the threat of the stereotype.
Motor abilities of primary school children
Pelikánová, Michaela ; Hájková, Jana (advisor) ; Kainová, Lucie (referee)
The aim of the diploma thesis is to find out and compare the level of motor abilities of younger school age children attending dance lessons at Elementary Art school and then to compare it with the level of motor abilities of younger school age children which do sports only in Physical Education. It has been testing at the Elementary Art school in Chotěboř and at the Primary School Smetanova in Chotěboř and I used the battery test - Unifittest (6-60), which I completed by the holistic motoric test, called the Jacík test. I also used a questionnaire to find out what other sports activities do pupils of the dance branch. The research part of this work shows that the dance students achieved on average better results than the pupils of the Primary School dedicated to sports only in Physical Education. The biggest difference was between the test groups in the repeatedly "Leh-Sed", when the dance students were better by almost 30 %. Using a questionnaire survey I found out that 9 out of 14 pupils of the dance branch attend at least one other sports club. KEYWORDS motor abilities, primary school age, elementary art school, dance subject, UNIFITTEST (6-60)
Coordination abilities at primary school
Schubertová, Gabriela ; Hájková, Jana (advisor) ; Pádivý, Martin (referee)
Diploma thesis is focused on pupils' coordination abilities on primary grade of elementary school. The main goal is comparison of pupils' levels in coordination skills, who attend dancing lessons in elementary art school and pupils who do not. It leads to be found out how dance and movement education influence coordination skills. The research part consists of motor tests, which find out levels of rhythmics, reacts, balances, orientations, associations and rebuilding. These tests are supplemented by questionnaire, which finds out information needed for processing of results. The questionnaire finds out what sports and how long the pupils do them in an organized way, whether the pupils do sports in an unorganized manner or not at all. In results there are compared measured values. Each test is described and evaluated. In the tests there are compared pupils of primary grade of elementary school and they are split to four categories - non-sporting pupils, unorganized sporting pupils, organized sporting pupils and elementary art school. For comparing results there were chosen values - arithmetic mean, minimum and maximum measured value and supplemented by graphical processing of comparison of selected four groups. From the measured values and their subsequent comparison, it turned out that pupils who...
Influence of the social environment on extracurricalar music education of children
Jiroušková, Lucie ; Veverková, Jana (advisor) ; Hurníková, Kateřina (referee)
This thesis deals with social environment, especially its influence on out-of-school musical education of children. The thesis also examines factors, that influence out-of- school education of children. The thesis contains theoretical and practical part. In theoretical part the term of social environment and its possible influence on out-of- school musical education of children are defined and clarified. Different social groups, that children usually walks through in their lives, are described in individual chapters. Big attention is given to these social groups. In thesis problematics of influence of massmedia on children's musical development is delineate. The thesis also offer detailed list of institutions in which children have opportunity to musically educate themselves. The practical part consists of research of influence of social environment on out-of-school musical education of children and maps factors, that decide where children musically educate themselves, which musical instrument children play and also delineates problematics outlines of commuting to out-of-school music instititions. The research was realized in the form of questionnaire for parents of children, who study on three elementary art schools in cities, which significantly differ in size. It was ZUŠ Vimperk, ZUŠ Bohumila...
Music schools in Pribram district
The thesis deals with the theme of music schools in Příbram. Elementary Art School in Sedlčany, Elementary Art School in Dobříš and Antonín Dvořák Elementary Art School in Příbram. This work informs about the brief history of these important cities. Others focus on the emergence and historical development of individual schools. It describes the teaching staff and school activities in competitions and cultural events.
5-minutes neighbourhood
Kouřilová, Monika ; Zadražilová,, Miroslava (referee) ; Menšíková, Naděžda (advisor)
The territory in question for the design of architectural study is located in the city of Brno-Zidenice, cadastral area of Zidenice, on the left (east) bank of the river Svitava, 2 km east of the historic core. An area of about 4.1 ha is bounded on the south Bubenickova street, on the east side is street Kopernikova, Lazaretni is on the north and on the west side is nameless street, which currently serves as a handler - connecting. The subject of this diploma thesis is the architectural study of the design of the urban spatial structure with intensive use of city urban area, designed in pre-diploma project, which preceded diploma thesis. The meaning this proposal is to achieve higher densities while maintaining quality of life and living environment. The shape of the object´s ground plan based on the area. The shape defined Bubenickova street from the south side and street Kopernikova defined the shape from the east side, which are themselves almost perpendicular. Also the shape is parallel with a very important point territory - the urban spa (architect B. Fuchs, 1931), which is adjacent to the proposed facility and the stresses their importance in terms of architecture. The spatial resolution respects the surrounding buildings. The aim is to release the most western part, which is defined for parking, urban public transportation, entrances to underground garages and green areas. Green area is also located in the northern part of the territory where it is created park with a water feature and tangled hiking trails. From the western and eastern parts of the object is tree-lined because the object is very the close to the surrounding streets. The object is for vehicular traffic completely closed and is only for pedestrians. But it also has a public plaza with green areas and water features for relaxation and wellbeing.
Ideas of selected students of elementary art school about healthy lifestyle: two-year follow up study
Mach, Petr ; Zvírotský, Michal (advisor) ; Linková, Marie (referee)
Univerzita Karlova v Praze Pedagogická fakulta Katedra pedagogiky DIPLOMOVÁ PRÁCE PŘEDSTAVY VYBRANÝCH ŽÁKŮ ZÁKLADNÍ UMĚLECKÉ ŠKOLY O ZDRAVÉM ŽIVOTNÍM STYLU: STUDIE PO DVOU LETECH IDEAS OF SELECTED STUDENTS OF ELEMENTARY ART SCHOOL ABOUT HEALTHY LIFESTYLE: TWO-YEAR FOLLOW UP STUDY Bc. Petr Mach Vedoucí diplomové práce: PhDr. Michal Zvírotský, Ph.D. Studijní program: Učitelství pro střední školy Studijní obor: Učitelství všeobecně vzdělávacích předmětů pro základní školy a střední školy - pedagogika - výchova ke zdraví Praha 2015 Abstract Ideas of Selected Students of Elementary Art School about Healthy Lifestyle: Two-year Follow up Study Diploma thesis "Ideas of selected students of elementary art school about healthy lifestyle: two-year follow up study" builds on the bachelor work of the author. The theoretical part tries to capture the essence of a healthy lifestyle in a holistic context and mentions some of its important factors. This part also offers a historical insight for a better idea of their connections and interrelations. It describes the field of Health Education in the National Curriculum for secondary education, gives examples of school education program in the specialization and minimum prevention program. The practical part tries to show healthy lifestyle imaginations of the students in the...

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