National Repository of Grey Literature 211 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
How communistic propaganda influenced Czechoslovakian radio's programs for kids between 1968 and 1974
Kaňka, Josef ; Groman, Martin (advisor) ; Bednařík, Petr (referee)
Since the beginning of its more than a hundred-year history, Czech and Czechoslovak Radio has offered a number of programmes for child listeners. Whether it was fairy tales, educational and journalistic programmes or special formats not found in programmes for adults. Children themselves could often participate in the creation of the content. In the politically turbulent 20th century, during which radio experienced the beginnings of democracy, the Nazi occupation, the long socialist era under the control of the Soviet Union and the return to freedom, media content also changed depending on the social situation. From dramaturgy, to form, to content as a key factor. This is especially noticeable in the case of the totalitarian regimes. By excluding or, on the contrary, frequently repeating certain topics and treating them in a critical or servile manner, the representatives of the ruling establishment were able to control the dominant discourse and, with it, influence public opinion and suppress the critical voices. In addition to news and journalism, drama could also be used for this purpose. Using various media outlets, a fictional reality that may have little in common with the real situation can be created very effectively. The aim of this thesis is to search for, analyse and compare these...
Media image of psychologists in the Czech Republic
Pánková, Magdaléna ; Podzimek, Jan (advisor) ; Köpplová, Barbara (referee)
The thesis aims to comprehensively analyze and describe how psychologists and psychology as a field are presented in the Czech media. To identify themes, narratives, stereotypes, and values associated with the profession of psychology, I use the method of discourse analysis, thanks to which the social context can also be observed. At the beginning of the thesis, I introduce psychology, its different fields, and the appearance of professionals in the media. The next part of the thesis is devoted to the method and the presentation of the research model along with the results of the analysis. The sample analyzed consists of interviews with psychologists on television and radio over the past five years, which included both public and private media. It showed that even among the moderators, there is a confusion about the job description of psychologists. There is a noticeable call for a clear delineation of norm and psychopathology, along with demands for the conveyance of concrete practical advice for life that would help as large a group of listeners as possible. The shift from psychological discourse to media discourse is manifested primarily by the emphasis on clarity, attractiveness, and applicability of the message. The media discourse also works more with the emotions, stories and personal...
Options and limits for reforming the Dayton framework: reforming Bosnia and Herzegovina's electoral law
Tomeczek, Kryštof ; Žíla, Ondřej (advisor) ; Kubát, Michal (referee)
Bosnia and Herzegovina (hereinafter BiH) is facing problems arising from the implementation of the constitution contained in the Dayton Peace Agreement of 1995. Although this compromise peace agreement stopped the armed conflict, it failed to solve its causes, thus allowing the conflict to transfer into the political environment. Among the most serious and highly criticized shortcomings of the Bosnian constitution is the imperfectly set sharing of power between members of the constituent nations. As a result, certain groups of the Bosnian population are denied certain political rights. In this context, the need to change BiH's electoral law is being debated intensively, but so far without results, with which, however, the more complex reform of the Dayton framework is closely linked. So far, research into the issue of electoral law reform has focused primarily on a normative assessment of the extent to which BiH's post-war development fulfils the generally defined concepts of democratization, Europeanization, etc. The analysis of the circumstances behind the debates and the specific policies of key actors in Bosnia and Herzegovina has remained in the background until now. The aim of the project is to analyse the development of the discourse of Bosniak and Bosnian Croat political elites regarding...
Discourse on Future in Politics, Media, and Ecological Activism
Simon, Michal ; Zmrzlá, Petra (referee) ; Kotásek, Miroslav (advisor)
Tato práce se zaměřuje na diskurz o budoucnosti týkající se extrémních výkyvů počasí a klimatických změn. Pomocí diskurzivní analýzy zkoumá, jakým způsobem je budoucnost predikována v politickém a mediálním diskurzu a také v příspěvcích klimatických aktivistů na sociálních sítích. Analyzovaný politický diskurz obsahuje části projevu prezidenta Bidena a slyšení výboru Senátu Spojených států amerických. Mediální diskurz je ilustrován analýzami dvou článků ze zpravodajských médií a YouTube videa z kanálu magazínu The Economist. Zatímco analýza politického diskurzu v této práci zdůrazňuje rétorické prvky, modalitu a persvazi, analýza mediálního diskurzu se zaměřuje i na senzacionalismus v nadpisech článků a obrázcích. Prostředky, jako jsou například rétorika, modalita a senzacionalismus, přispívají k ovlivňování a případné manipulaci publika. Cílem této práce je posoudit, jak politici, média a klimatičtí aktivisté ovlivňují vnímání budoucnosti a jakou roli mohou mít při vyvolávání klimatické úzkosti.
Jazykové charakteristiky úvodních sekcí v odborných článcích v elektrotechnice
Ondryáš, Radek ; Šťastná, Dagmar (referee) ; Haupt, Jaromír (advisor)
V této práci použijeme analytický rámec navrhnutý Swalesem k analýze vědeckých článků z oboru elektrotechniky, abychom mohli zkoumat jejich strukturu a lingvistické prvky. Každý text je rozdělen na takzvané tahy („moves“), neboli jednotky textu, které reprezentují část textu se stejnou komunikativní funkcí. Tahy jsou pak rozřazeny podle Swalesova modelu, analyzovány a jsou v nich vyznačeny lexikální prvky. Pokud možno, tahy jsou dále rozděleny na menší jednotky zvané kroky („steps“). Naše analýza se shoduje se Swalesovým modelem skoro ve všech bodech. Jedinými výjimkami byly některé kroky, které se v elektrotechnických textech nevyskytovaly, jelikož pro tuto vědní oblast nejsou důležité. Alternativní pohled na vědecké články je poskytnut vzorce textu („patterns“) popsanými Hoeym. Tyto vzorce na rozdíl od Swalesova modelu byly navrhnuty pro všeobecné texty spíše než specificky pro žánr výzkumných článků. I přes jejich rozdíly ukazuje analýza, prezentována v této práci, že se tyto metody navzájem výrazně překrývají.
English Language in AJEI-H Technical Courses
Tomanová, Michaela ; Šťastná, Dagmar (referee) ; Zmrzlá, Petra (advisor)
Cílem této práce je poskytnutí přehledu technicky zaměřených předmětů vyučovaných programu Angličtina v elektrotechnice a informatice a poskytnout konkrétní diskurzní analýzu dostupných vyučovacích materiálů. Přehled obsahuje metody vzdělávacích kurzů a jejich cíle, stejně jako předpokládané výstupy. Dále se práce zabývá metodami a kritérii hodnocení, strukturou portálu informačního systému E-learning a doporučenou literaturou. Nakonec je popsán vyučovací přístup. Pro diskurzní analýzu byly vybrány výňatky z prezentací, skript nebo knížek doporučené literatury. V těchto analýzách je popsána struktura obsahu, gramatická a lexikální koheze a obsažnost terminologie. Tyto výňatky jsou také srovnány s teoretickými poznatky o profesionálním vědeckém stylu.
Carpathian German Minority 1953-1990: Changes of Homeland Images in Expellee Journal Karpatenpost
Ďurková, Mária Kristína ; Emler, David (advisor) ; Konrád, Ota (referee)
The master's thesis deals with the linguistic images of homeland (Heimat) in the expellee journal Karpatenpost. The research subject is the newspaper of the displaced Carpathian Germans, Karpatenpost, which began to be published in the Federal Republic in the early 1950s under the auspices of the Carpathian German Expellee Association. This periodical dealt with issues of homeland and intensively discussed the state of the Carpathian German minority. It contains memories from the old homeland and information about the state of the Carpathian German minority in the Federal Republic. Therefore, Karpatenpost can be considered an authentic source of the displaced Slovak German-speaking minority. Discourse analysis was chosen as the method, which shows that in the expellee journal Karpatenpost, there are semantic shifts in the concept of Heimat. The loss of the territorial old homeland forced the expellees to retreat into the homeland of memory. Their ideas about the old homeland are often idyllic and exalted. However, the confrontation with transforming familiar spaces during the expellees' journeys conditioned a re-definition of the concept.
Disinformation in France: A Strategy of Information Warfare in the Digital Age
Bourdas, Annabelle Marie Amelie ; Střítecký, Vít (advisor) ; Scotto, Thomas (referee)
Political elections are a fertile ground for disinformation campaigns to prosper as have shown studies on Brexit and the 2016 US elections. The 2022 presidential French elections took place in a particular setting due to the social and political context marked by the rise of far-right parties and movements as well as the succession of crises such as the 2015 terrorist attacks, 2018 yellow vests movement, the Covid-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine. This context and the health crisis in particular have given a new lease of life to far-right movements. Indeed, they spread disinformation, mainly on social media, on the pandemic and fuelled anti-system feelings to advance their agenda. In this context, the far-right political candidate to the 2022 elections, Éric Zemmour, a famous polemicist, thrived and managed to impose himself in the national political landscape. He did so notably by using discursive practices and his media presence. As a result, there has been a banalisation of far-right rhetoric and conspiracy theories in society. This has two major consequences: first, the undermining of democratic and electoral processes and second, the risk of a resurgence of domestic terrorism. Therefore, disinformation is a threat for democracies as they exacerbate social tensions and divisions which can...

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