Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 47 záznamů.  1 - 10dalšíkonec  přejít na záznam: Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
Rozpoznávání obličeje ve videu a jeho využití v policejní práci
Fabián, Jan ; Šťastná, Dagmar (oponent) ; Šedrlová, Magdalena (vedoucí práce)
Cílem této bakalářské práce je popsat technologii rozpoznávání obličejů a její využití v praxi. Zejména v posledních letech se technologie rozpoznávání obličejů stala velmi diskutovaným tématem, ať už ve spojitosti s rozšířením této technologie v Číně nebo díky potenciálu této technologie pro bezpečnostní složky. Na jednu stranu technologie rozpoznávání obličejů přináší spoustu nových možností v oblasti prevence kriminality, ale na druhou stranu s sebou také nese riziko narušení soukromí jednotlivých osob. Tato práce se zabývá historií této technologie, metodami, jenž tato technologie používá a také popisuje příklady využití technologie rozpoznávání obličejů v praxi, spolu s riziky spojenými s uvedením této technologie do praxe.
Natural Language Processing: Analysis of Information Technology Students’ Spoken Language
Stanković, Aleksandar ; Šťastná, Dagmar (oponent) ; Ellederová, Eva (vedoucí práce)
This bachelor’s thesis deals with the issue of new artificial intelligence technologies in natural language processing. The thesis consists of a theoretical part and an analytical part. The theoretical part approaches the issue by dividing it into three chapters: artificial intelligence and statistics, natural language processing, and IBM Watson Natural Language Understanding. Each of these chapters is elaborated on by using at least one example from the real world. In the first chapter, the main aim is to frame the theoretical framework of artificial intelligence and its practices, while in the second chapter, natural language processing and its primary functions are explained as well as its relation to artificial intelligence itself. The aim of the third chapter is to introduce natural language understanding as the primary tool for analysis which is done in the analytical part. The analytical part deals with the analysis of students’ spoken language using various methods. Collected video samples are transcribed by means of a machine translator as a natural language processing application, while the textual output is analysed through a natural language understanding engine. The applied knowledge from the theoretical part is used in the analytical part that includes the description of research methodology, presentation and interpretation of research results.
Do alternative search engines comparable to Google exist?
Černovický, Otto ; Walek, Agata (oponent) ; Šťastná, Dagmar (vedoucí práce)
This bachelor thesis deals with the search engine. Almost everyone uses one today, but most of us have no idea how this process works. The aim of this thesis is to understand how the search engine works and het acquainted with the history of Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo!. As Google is the most popular of the three, history, advertising and YouTube are also mentioned. Another important point is how Google’s search engine works. For a better understanding, the first part of this chapter describes how any search engine works. The second part depicts Google’s significant updates. Due to the tremendous speed of search engine development, Internet sources and books are main source to this thesis. To better represent the effect of certain algorithms, screenshots of searching queries are provided directly from Google.
E- and Smart-: Discourse of Selling, Promoting and Advertising Technology
Tichý, Martin ; Šťastná, Dagmar (oponent) ; Kotásek, Miroslav (vedoucí práce)
With a growing and often over-saturated market for digital technology many businesses face a challenge of retaining and acquiring customers. A successful marketing campaign, which has become a vital part of introducing new products to the market, can help achieve this goal. In this bachelor’s thesis relevant materials from different communication channels have been collected and further analyzed in terms of various linguistic elements used in advertising. The analyzed materials possess distinct language properties according to what is their desired function. On billboards, posters and online banners, where short, concise messages fulfill their function of advertising a certain product, long, structured blocks of text would fail. And in a similar fashion, usage of short “catch-phrases” in official documents would be considered unprofessional. This bachelor’s thesis aims to outline and describe some of the linguistic methods used in marketing by gathering data and analyzing it.
Translation tools for specialized electrotechnical texts
Bálka, Miroslav ; Šťastná, Dagmar (oponent) ; Jašková, Jana (vedoucí práce)
This bachelor thesis is focused on examination of translation tools and translation of the professional texts. The work is divided into four main parts. The first part deals with what is it translation and what is the difference between the old and the modern approach. The second part is focused on various translation tools and their definitions. The third part is dedicated to definition of the professional texts, while depicting its difficulties and its specialities. The fourth part presents practical research in form of questionnaire.
English as a Lingua Franca in Business Corporations
Pankina, Sofia ; Šťastná, Dagmar (oponent) ; Zmrzlá, Petra (vedoucí práce)
This thesis will explore the term lingua franca, define its sources, key areas and practical implications. It will also contain definitions of the language of business and different types of discourse, genres and the differences between them. In its last part the thesis will contain the comparison of texts written for business purposes in different genres.
British VS. American English – A comparative study
Ohrazda, David ; Šťastná, Dagmar (oponent) ; Sedláček, Pavel (vedoucí práce)
This bachelor thesis compares the differences between British and American English, the two most common variations of the English language, which is used worldwide as either the mother tongue or the second language teaching for more accessible international communication. The thesis briefly deals with the history of the language and then analyzes the differences in grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary with examples of the issue. The thesis also discusses the cultural influences that have influenced language development. Books and internet resources were used for the work. The main goal of the bachelor thesis is to provide and show how one language can differ based on different nationalities.
Komentovaný překlad - technologie pro inteligentní domy.
Los, Marek ; Kotásek, Miroslav (oponent) ; Šťastná, Dagmar (vedoucí práce)
Bakalářská práce se zabývá překladem textu v odborném stylu z českého do anglického jazyka a také lingvistickými náležitostmi spojenými s překladem. Byl vybrán text, který se zabývá problematikou technologií pro chytré domácnosti. Tento text byl přeložen do angličtiny a následně proběhla lingvistická analýza, která se zaměřila na jazykovědné náležitosti, např. termíny, akronyma, neologismy a kohezi. Tato práce odhalila spoustu obtížností, se kterými se překladatel může potýkat při překladu z češtiny do angličtiny. Většina těchto obtíží je spojena se zachováním původní myšlenky překládaného textu.
The process of localisation and translation of videogames
Vynar, Illia ; Walek, Agata (oponent) ; Šťastná, Dagmar (vedoucí práce)
The aim of this work is to analyse the process of video game localization. Based on the literature studied, the work is focused on how to adapt software product (in this case video game, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt) to different cultures and languages, how to introduce new terminology and how to translate and localize new concepts of software products, especially of video games. Bachelor thesis reveals the problems, which usually occurs during the process of translation and localization of names of game characters, names of places, idioms, humour, curse words, stories, fixed expressions, localization of words or/and names, which were invented in the source language. And solutions to these problems on the example of the localization of the game ‘The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt’. Explaining not only the way how CD Project RED dealt with these problems but analysing why they have chosen exactly this way not another. Bachelor thesis consists of two parts, the first part of which is theoretical, explaining the concept of localization in general, referring to Bernal-Merino and his work ‘The Localisation of Video Games’ (2013), Heather Chandler and Stephanie O'Malley and their work ‘The Game Localization Handbook’, also Dunne, (2006:1), Cooke (1992: 212-3), Esselink (2000), O’Hagan (2007) and many others. A practical part on the example of the game shows the difficulties that were described and explained in the theoretical part.
A Comparative Study of English as a Lingua Franca in International Corporations
Juráň, Vilém ; Šťastná, Dagmar (oponent) ; Langerová, Petra (vedoucí práce)
Nowadays, English has become a Lingua Franca of international communication. The thesis focuses on important linguistic problems that arise among the employees in international corporations. In the thesis specific language issues are analysed, such as pronunciation and idioms. The main aim of the thesis is to present useful ways how communication can be performed more efficiently. Valuable evidence was obtained in BMW UK.

Národní úložiště šedé literatury : Nalezeno 47 záznamů.   1 - 10dalšíkonec  přejít na záznam:
Viz též: podobná jména autorů
4 Šťastná, Dana
2 Šťastná, Denisa
2 Šťastná, Dominika
1 Šťastná, Dora
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