National Repository of Grey Literature 1,397 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.09 seconds. 

Advancement of the Quality in Public Administration by means of the Application of the CAF Method
TŮMOVÁ, Stanislava
In thesis is apply method Common Assesment Framework. In thesis is resume method CAF. It is desribe principle this method, development and gradual implementing in conditions public administration. It is implement evaluation of selective administration according to metodists CAF, analyse situation in select organization and suggest steps to innovation of actual state.

Kidney Transplantation in Theological-Ethical Reflexion
Zárubová, Jaroslava ; Milfait, René (advisor) ; Vlková, Eva (referee)
In my diploma work i tried to valued transplant in a christiant (religious) point of view. My essay (diploma work) is consisit of (devided to) two parts - medical part, in which I have written about individual steps made before the exact transplant and I also explained what are the benefits and negatives of transplant. In the first part I also included law issues of transplant in Czech legislation, about the difficulty to donate the organ, perhaps the risk of the individual donors. I described the criteria of death from medical and ethical point of view. In a second part(teological) I have written about the value of the transplant from the ethical point of view, the religious side (reflexion) it means till when the human being is still considered as a person whose dignity has to be (needs to be) respected and whether the human autonomia is the ethical password. From the religious point of view (side) does not exist objection against volunteery transplant donors. Donor transplant is morally accepted with agreement of the donors themself and without excessive (enourmous) risks included. The purpose of th death of the individual is diagnosed (found out) first before the transplant can be donated. The possibility of the donation (transplant) abuse is the organs selling market. In the christian way the life is...

Human nature as a task. On human nature in the Nicomachean Ethics
Synek, Stanislav ; Sokol, Jan (advisor) ; Jirsa, Jakub (referee) ; Špinka, Štěpán (referee)
Title: Human Nature as a Man's Task. Study of Human Nature in the Nicomachean Ethics Author: Mgr. Stanislav SYNEK Department: Faculty of Humanities, Charles University, Prague Supervisor: prof. PhDr. Jan SOKOL, Ph.D., CSc. Abstract: The thesis concentrates on two basic concepts of Aristotle's ethics: happiness (EUDAIMONIA) and (human) nature (FYSIS). It's main aim is to show that human nature is not a state into which an individual is born but an end that is to be achieved through excellent, i.e. virtuous activity during the course of the whole human life. In chapter one ethics is introduced as a theoretical enquiry that is trying to understand the true nature of this end (EUDAIMONIA). This enquiry must be based on practical effort of acquiring the requisite excellence, which is shown in chapters two and three. The best human life consists in performing excellent actions. Thus excellence is a criterion of what is good or bad in terms ofliving the best way life. But excellence for Aristotle is not a general concept: it is always a disposition of some individual that is manifested in his actions and in the way he understands variable actual situations. Emphasis on excellence so understood means also that human nature demonstrates itself not (only) in what is usual or common but also on what is...

Modern Trends in Public Administration Management
Kozlová, Martina ; Krbová, Jana (advisor) ; Pavlík, Marek (referee)
The Thesis analyses modern trends in the management of Public Administration in Czech Republic. The reforms and changes in Public Administration are supported by the implementation of management tools and tools focused on quality of Administration. These tools, including elements of corporate governance and some principles of private sector market, aims to improve and make the Public Service more effective. New Public Management (NPM) can be considered as a general name for the tools and for the concept of the Management of Public Administration, in particular meaning the principles of Process Management, the Balanced Scorecard (BSC), Benchmarking, the Common Assessment Framework and other methods and tools based on the models of TQM and EFQM. The practical part of the thesis contains the surveys and evaluation of the efficiency of the above mentioned models by the Regional Authority and selected municipalities, including their strengthts and weaknesses.

Mortgage (of real property) and its tax aspects
Tomíček, Zdeněk ; Boháč, Radim (advisor) ; Vondráčková, Pavlína (referee)
Mortgage Credit and its Tax Aspects Summary The mortgage credit is quite popular and many people use it to make their dreams of a new condo or villa come true. The occurrences in the mortgage market of the United States of America or the member states of the European Union had no influence on the Czech mortgage market, which means that people in the Czech Republic use mortgage credits very often. (ČSOB, one of the largest banks in the Czech market, completed its 2008 annual plan for selling mortgage credits in the end of June this year.) The dissertation is divided into two parts. The first part provides general information about the historical evolution, the related legal act and the main requirements for the mortgage credit. The second part deals with tax issues related to mortgages. The basic characteristics of the main Czech taxes are described first. Second, I consider the interest payments relating to the mortgage credit that can be deducted in some circumstances from the individual income tax payments. The last chapter of the second part of the dissertation is the practical one. I try to compare the burden of taxation in the different situations using four examples, in all of which the following general points are identical: I calculate the individual income tax of a single childless man71 with the...

Creation of the Enterprise Architecture model according to the TOGAF framework
Čapek, Jan ; Doucek, Petr (advisor) ; Zeman, Petr (referee)
The present diploma thesis aims at introducing the Enterprise Architecture and creating an abstract model of a company. The primary focus is on application and process layers as defined in the architecture framework TOGAF. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical part. The theoretical chapter starts with a business model analysis which means to describe mission vision and companys values as a part of the strategy framework. Furthermore the business processes are described in the latter part of this section. This chapter attempts to explain how to map a business process and to categorize it by nature and maturity level. Penultimate chapter introduces the Enterprise Architecture in general. This section includes arguments as to why the companies should be concerned with the Enterprise Architecture advantages of the Enterprise Architecture implementation into the companys documentation relationship of companys core business and IT and examples of the Enterprise Architecture frameworks. The last chapter deals with the TOGAF framework where Architecture Development Method is described. This means how Enterprise Architecture model is created and how to implement changes into the layers according to the TOGAF framework. Simultaneously the last section of this chapter describes the reference models which provide graphical overview of all abstractions layers. The practical part of the thesis elaborates on the theoretical part using the Architecture Development Method process in order to create the Enterprise Architecture model according to TOGAF framework. Same as the theoretical part it only focuses on the application and process layer. Firstly the business model is decomposed into vision mission and companys values to the companys strategy and business goals in order to grasp further understanding of business processes detailed description. Subsequently the abovementioned aspects are recomposed to create process map which provides the management overview. The application layer undergoes the same process; nonetheless the process map is replaced by information system description and reference model creation. Once the models are created the thesis compares them with the business and strategic goals. The benefit brought by this thesis is critical evaluation of current status to propose changes to achieve target architacture according business and strategic goals established by management.

Dance Therapy as Help in Integration of Peoplewith Cerebral Palsy
Šourková, Barbora ; Ortová, Marie (advisor) ; Olšiaková, Jasmína (referee)
Dance therapy is a form of psychotherapy where move is the main mean of change. A man uses its own body for this change because body is physical aspect of personality. This therapy helps to create positive image of myself. It is a new profession which is still in proces of defining itself. Dancing education and art performance in this therapy is not the aim. In this therapy the esthetic aspect of movement is not concidered. The Greek word therapy has the same meaning as Czech word accompany. Therapist is the one who accompanies client on his way to recovery and self-knowledge. The principial moment of dance therapy is connection of body movement and emotional experience. Connection body-mind is easy and harmonical functioning systém. Discruption continuity of this system can point out psychological and physical stress. Relation between emotion and movement charakterize an individual. That speaks about face expression, posture, space largeness, where the body moves etc. If psychotherapy changes psychical attitude, even the physical standard will change. In dance therapy thisprincipal also works but in revers order. Participant of this change of mans behaviour is his body. The fact that physical comunication becomes less important due to speach development is also surfaced. It is obvious that animals are in...

Path planning of a nonholonomic mobile robot
Šindelář, Jiří ; Dvořák, Jiří (referee) ; Krček, Petr (advisor)
This thesis deals with robot path planning by means of selected methods. Specifically by the methods RRT, IGPPR and ISSD. The theoretical part contains the overview of existing methods for path planning and description of previously mentioned methods. The practical part describes implementation of each methods which are applied to nonholonomic mobile robot working in 2D workspace with static obstacles.

An Environment for the game Atari-go
Starý, Tomáš ; Majerech, Vladan (referee) ; Hric, Jan (advisor)
These days Go game and its simpler variant game Atari Go means a major challenge for Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence (AI). The Go game represents yet unresolved question in the programming of Artificial Intelligence that would have been in the game stronger than man. This Bachelor Thesis aims to create a computer environment to play Atari Go on small boards in dimension to 9 x 9 intersections. The objective of this program is to introduce users to Atari Go game and teach them how to play this game. Another aim of this program is to motivate users to switch from Atari Go game to a more difficult variant Go game. The target group of users are those users who have not played this game, but they want to learn the joy of Atari Go. Program will serve equally well to users who have tried Atari Go game and would like to get practice in the game or find out more information about the Go game.

The Darkness of the God according Gregory of Nyssa
Žáková, Lenka ; Noble, Ivana (advisor) ; Bauerová, Kateřina (referee)
Summary: The diploma thesis is called The Darkness of the God acording to Gregory of Nyssa. The aim of this diploma thesis is to find out what Gregory of Nyssa means by term Darkness of the God and how he interprets it on basis of biblical story of Moses. Primary information source for interpretation of the Darkness is Gregory's book The Life of Moses. The book presents particular phases of Moseses looking for God from literary nad contemplative point of view. The book Gregory of Nyssa: God's and human intinity from Lenka Karlíková is secondary information source which explaining Gregory's teaching and interpretation of the Darkness. The diploma thesis is devided to six main chapters. First three deal with kontext which Gregory entries and which infuences him in terms of theological tradition, as well as Gregory's theological teaching and related important terms. Chapters four to six connect theoretical teaching and practical application within human spiritual life. Reader finds out in practice, what it means within the spiritual life to see God in the Darkness. The diploma thesis interprets Darkness of the God as a way of thinking of God, the top of human spiritual journey and as one of God's theophanies. Keywords: Gregory of Nyssa, The Life of Moses, The Holy Trinity, The Darkness of the God, the...