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Analýza rozvoje cestovního ruchu Jihočeského kraje
Jirková, Barbora ; Petrů, Zdenka (advisor) ; Straková, Ivana (referee)
Práce popisuje vývoj cestovního ruchu v Jihočeském kraji ? mapuje nejzajímavější atraktivity a lokality této oblasti, analyzuje vybavenost regionu infrastrukturou cestovního ruchu, popisuje minulý a současný stav cestovního ruchu v Jihočeském kraji. Závěrem práce hodnotí využití potenciálu kraje pro cestovní ruch a navrhuje opatření pro zlepšení situace. Jedna kapitola řeší možnosti získání finančních podpor na realizaci projektů v oblasti cestovního ruchu.

Benefits of nursery school for Children with autism spectrum disorder in sel-care
Mitašová, Marie ; Šiška, Jan (advisor) ; Šumníková, Pavlína (referee)
The bachelor thesis concerns benefits of a nursery school for children with autistic spectrum disorder with focus on development of self-care. The thesis concentrates on characteristics of autistic spectrum disorders and it's interconnection with practical aspects of developing self-care skills in a nursery school. Individual chapters describe the definition, diagnostics and related triad of problem areas, the spectrum of individual autistic disorders and the most frequently used methods and strategies of training and education of childrenwith autistic spectrum disorders. The second part of the thesis provides space for individual areas of self-care, cultivated in the nursery school. Individual chapters demonstrate detailed descriptions of practising self-care habits and skills, applied in daily routines of the nursery school. The thesis bases on published works in the area of autistic spectrum, as well as on practical experience of the author, obtained in several years of practice as a teacher in a special class for children with autistic spectrum disorders in a nursery school. Keywords: autistic spectrum disorders, self-care, nursery school, self-care habits and skills

Sustainable tourism development of Vysocina Region
Veselá, Markéta ; Macháček, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Vondráková, Zuzana (referee)
The diploma thesis deals with the topic of sustainable tourism development at the regional level. This phenomenon is elaborated on the example of Vysocina Region. To evaluate sustainability of its development, the potential of this touristic destination is researched regarding various areas, including key products. These are subjected to comparisons with recommendations of significant tourism organization for the purpose of assessing the sustainability of tourism. The diploma thesis also includes a comparison with other Czech regions experience as a touristic destination. Vysocina Region has favourable initial conditions for its sustainable development, especially regarding supply of key products, which include both environmentally friendly goods and cultural attractiveness contributing to the personal development of individuals and promoting intercultural tolerance. The main issue appears to be the spatial imbalance of its development in the region, caused mainly by the concentration of tourist activities to certain areas and low local initiative in the less attractive areas. The diploma thesis proposes a number of solutions, such as utilization of geocaching and products of gastroturism, supporting the foundation of local destination management organisations, promoting cycling tourism and the foundation of highly visited tourist destinations.

Information systems security penetration testing
Klíma, Tomáš ; Doucek, Petr (advisor) ; Čermák, Igor (referee) ; Čapek, Jan (referee) ; Štubňa, Ivan (referee)
The aim of this dissertation thesis is to develop new methodology of information systems penetration testing based on analysis of current methodologies and the role of penetration tests in context of IS/IT governance. Integral part of this aim is evaluation of the methodology. The first part of the thesis is devoted to the presentation of history and current state of research in selected area, definiton of basic terms and introduction of role of the penetration tests. This part is followed by the review of relevant sources and comparative study of current methodologies with a goal to identify their weaknesses. Results from this study are further used as a basis for new methodology development. Classification of IS penetration tests types and testing scenarios are also included. The second part includes design of new methodology, at first its history, structure and principles are presented, then its framework is decribed in high level of detail. In the third part the reader can find (theoretical and practical) validation. The biggest scientific contribution is the methodology itself focused on managment of penetration tests (which is the area currently not sufficiently descibed). Secondary contribution is the extensive review and the comparative analysis of current methodologies. Contribution to the economic and technical (practical) application we can mainly see in the development of new methodology which enables companies to improve management of penetration tests (especially planning, operational management and implementation of countermeasures).

Determinants of Industrialization in sub-Saharan Africa and Possibilities for their Development
Sejkora, Jiří ; Jiránková, Martina (advisor) ; Šaroch, Stanislav (referee) ; Fárek, Jiří (referee) ; Adamcová, Lenka (referee)
Sub-Saharan economies need structural changes that would enhance their productivity, increase economic growth and development. In this regard, industrialization plays a key role. Using regression analysis, the aim of this dissertation thesis is to identify main factors (determinants) of industrialization in sub-Saharan Africa. The results indicate that infrastructure and economy size (measured by population size) represent main determinants of industrialization in the region. The thesis also deals with possibilities for development of those determinants. Case study of infrastructure development in Mauritius emphasizes privatization, cooperation with external subjects etc. Negative consequences of small economy size can be overcome by preferential trade agreements (under certain circumstances), as shown by analysis of the three smallest economies in the region.

Multimedia communication
Vondra, Zdeněk ; Horný, Stanislav (advisor) ; Skrbek, Jan (referee) ; Jurášková, Olga (referee)
Multimedia is a form of communication and sharing knowledge using synergic effect of parallel connected communication channels. Its main use is in producing communications products and services and in design of user interfaces. Main objective of this dissertation is to develop and create a model of multimedia communication for better understanding of the meaning and the purpose of using multimedia forms in communication process. The model will describe a system of elements and parameters of multimedia communication within the internal and external context. Another objective of this dissertation is to develop multimedia communication methodology that will be used for the design, development and evaluations of concepts of multimedia communication. The methodology will be created by applying the model of multimedia communication into the procedure structure. In theoretical way this dissertation is based on analysis of different definitions and approaches to the multimedia communications topic. This is followed by an analysis of communication theories, concepts of media, multimedia, delivery channels, and communication functions. The theoretical part is followed by the outcomes of the research in practice of four different fields of multimedia use. The knowledge gained is analyzed in the following parts in purpose of creating the model of multimedia communication and the methodology which is derived from the model. The methodology is further validated through case studies and the recommendations for further development are formulated. The model and the methodology of multimedia communication created in this dissertation present complex view on multimedia communication topic that is considered as a useful tool for meeting a specific communication purpose. Dissertation provides mechanics for use and study of multimedia communication and also defines the opportunities for further development of the methodology.

The analysis of an impact of realised projects of the OP Prague - the competitiveness of program period 2007-2013
Kellnerová, Markéta ; Wokoun, René (advisor) ; Krejčová, Nikola (referee)
The purpose of this dissertation is to evaluate an impact of realized projects of Prague operating program The competitiveness on a development of the Prague region. Theoretical part is dedicated to formation and development of regional politics, consequent establishment of the EU and its dividing into the program periods including given aims. Subsequently, the dissertation examines the possibilities of using the funds of the EU, after, these possibilities are discussed, specifically for the CZ. Due to the fact, that it is the OP which is referred only to the capital city Prague, one chapter is given to this issue. The last section of the theoretical part is an implementation of the OP. The practical part is concerned about quantitative and financial analysis of the OP, which is divided into the program years. In the end of the practical part, an effect of the OP is totally evaluated, mainly its impact on the development of Prague through horizontal subjects and achieving of set indicators. Finally, the effect on the region of Prague is evaluated, in terms of applicants for funds.

Urban development of the town of Lomnice nad Popelkou
Musilová, Barbora ; Kouba, Vojtěch (advisor) ; Lindner, Milan (referee)
This thesis deals with the urban development of Lomnice nad Popelkou and conservation areas within its territory. Describes the history of the city and examines causes of the current condition of the monument fund. Describes the efforts of the city representatives in buildings restoration, through the City Development Strategy for period of 2016 - 2023. This thesis assesses the extent to which this strategic document managed to respond to the condition of historic buildings and also the needs of city residents.

Rozvoj obce Zabrušany a její perspektivy
Škuthan, Vítězslav ; Prášilová, Marie (advisor)
Cílem diplomové práce je definování a zhodnocení možných směrů rozvoje obce Zabrušany s posouzením proveditelnosti a možného financování. Na rozvoj obce bude nahlíženo jak pohledem vedení obce, tak pohledem občanů. Budou analyzovány rozvojové aktivity jak z hlediska zařazení do strategického rozvojového dokumentu obce, tak aktivity mimo něj, potřebné pro zabezpečení řádného chodu obce (infrastruktura, bezpečnost, kultura atd.) Výstupem diplomové práce bude návrh pětiletého plánu rozvoje jednotlivých oblastí obecních zájmů, který bude zpracován realisticky vůči finančním možnostem dané obce a nabízeným možnostem dotačních mechanismů.

Development of electronisation of local administration of Zábřežsko micro region in relation with e-government
Filipová, Lucie ; Ulman, Miloš (advisor) ; Martin, Martin (referee)
Thesis "Development of an electronisation of local administration of Zábřežsko micro region in relation with eGovernment"examines the issues of the development of electronisation of autonomy in relation to legislation and eGovernment. The topic of the public administration has been increasingly discussed in recent years not only in the context of increasing demands for processing speed and information, but also to facilitate transparency and sub-processes in public administration. Theoretical part describes the role of eGovernment in the public administration, the process of electronisation of public administration and individual services of eGovernment (Czech POINT, data boxes, basic registers, communication infrastructure of public administration), which are being in place with municipalities. The practical part evaluates the situation of software and hardware equipment, legislatively bound on a contract software and service of eGovernment on a sample of villages Zábřežsko. On the basis of the results of the questionnaire researches are determinated recommendations for sample of 20 micro region Zábřežsko.