National Repository of Grey Literature 20,118 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 1.36 seconds. 

Alternative Plant Utilization for Obtaining of Significant Nature Substances: Can Weed Find a Utilization?
Wimmer, Zdeněk ; Sajfrtová, Marie ; Sovová, Helena ; Pavlík, Milan ; Svobodová, Hana ; Jurček, Ondřej ; Wimmerová, Martina
Numbers of compounds and their mixtures, which are produced by plants, can be obtained by extracting plant materials by supercritical fluids. Phytosterols and phytoecdysterotds represent an important family of these plant products. They can be used in a synthesis of supramolecular structures with possible importance for targeted effect of drugs or other biological(y active compounds. Target organisms for the compounds investigated are: (a) insects - pests and human food competitors, also important as model system in investigation of convenient application forms of biologically active compounds; (b) cell cultures used during basic pharmacological research. Supramolecular structures may form convenient matrices for practical application of the biologically active compounds. It has already been proved that numbers of medicinal or cultural plants produce important natural compounds. The present question has appeared to be answered, if so far inutile weeds may be turned into important sources of pro-drugs for disease treatments.

Evaluation and motivation in public administration
Vašíčková, Natálie ; Mitwallyová, Helena (advisor) ; Vláčil, Jan (referee)
The theme of the bachelor thesis is the evaluation and motivation of employees in public administration. The introductory part outlines the evaluation and motivation of employees on a general level, and then describes the specifics applicable for public administration. The practical part is focused on the evaluation and motivation systems used at selected institutions of public administration. It aims to assess these systems, suggest possible recommendations and find out whether the systems in use include modern management methods, such as evaluation interviews, competency models and regular system of employee evaluation as such. The research method consisted of interviews with human resources managers at selected institutions of public administration. Complementary information was obtained from materials created by these institutions themselves. All institutions of public administration are governed by Act No. 234/2014 Coll. on Civil Service, enshrining the evaluation of state employees. However, it depends on whether employees are evaluated formally, or if additional evaluation tools beyond the framework of the law are deployed, e.g. competency models. Officials of territorial authorities are subject to Act No. 312/2002 Coll., which does not explicitly define employee evaluation, yet employees are evaluated at many regional as well as local administration units. The results of the research survey confirmed that modern management methods are used in public administration and that the evaluation systems do not have any significant shortcomings.

The Model of Financial Compensation for placement of a Deep Geological Repository of Radioactive Waste in the Czech republic in period from 2010 to 2016
Englerová, Anna ; Zeman, Martin (advisor) ; Vebrová, Ludmila (referee)
Author examines a way of allocation of governmental financial resources to municipalities in locations preselected for deep geological repository. She is searching for a way how to add a motivational incentive to the process of allocation of financial resources in order to improve municipalities attitude towards deep geological repository. Hypothesis, examined in this thesis, contains two related questions. It is assumed that (1) amount and structure of financial resources can significantly affect municipalities decision making and also that (2) current mechanism of allocation of compensations is ineffective and does not create sufficient incentives. Currently (end of the year 2016), negotiations between government and municipalities are in crisis despite significant financial compensation from government nuclear account to the municipalities. This thesis have potential to change municipalities negative stance on deep geological repository through motivational model of resource allocation. Theoretical part reviews basic economic background and introduces historical, sociological, technological and economic views of radioactivity and deep geological repository. In practical part author analyzes socio-economic situation, compares evolution of transfers from government to municipalities with their attitude towards deep geological repository in time and shows that current system of resource allocation does not motivate the municipalities to change their stance on deep geological repository. That confirms second part of our hypothesis. Author also proposes a motivational model of resource alllocation. She confirms its viability by comparing it with similar models from other countries, by surveying mayors of concerned municipalities and also by examining experts opinion. Verification of the model confirmed its motivational effect. By that, first assumption of our hypothesis, that structure of resource allocation can significantly affect municipalities decision making, was confirmed.

The value of life from macroenomic point of view in United States of America, Czech republic and Russia between years 2007-2014
Antoš, Michal ; Zeman, Martin (advisor) ; Brabec, Petr (referee)
The subject of this bachelor thesis is the research of the value of life calculation in the Czech republic, United states of America and Russia in 2007-2014.The main purpose is to analyze and compare values of life and major factors influencing them. The hypothesis is that value of life differs in selected countries due to distinctions of sections influencing them. The theoretical part is devoted to sections directly or indirectly influencing values of life, and then analyzing and comparing them together within the selected countries. The selected sections are education, health care, labor market, inequality and living standards. The practical thesis approach is to calculate the values of life for the individual states. The values of life are calculated for so called, representative individual, who is 40-years old citizen of selected country. In the period, in which is the value of life calculated, the retirement age and life expectancy are also considered in formula. Calculated values are examined and the economic and political measures are offered to the states, which can turn into significant increases in the value of life in future.

Progress of the system of public health insurance and health insurance companies in the Czech Republic for the period 2000 - 2015
Pecková, Tereza ; Lukášová, Tereza (advisor) ; Bartůsková, Lucia (referee)
This bachelor´s thesis analyzes the basic funds of health insurance companies for the period 2000 - 2015 in the Czech Republic, especially the creation of resources and their use and the entire system of public health insurance in the Czech Republic. Basic funds are one of the components of the overall economy of health insurance companies. First it is necessary to describe the market of the insured. The insured create and use the finances within public health insurance. Also important are contributions from the state budget for those insured by the state. We can conclude that the cost of health insurance companies are rising and that population is aging in the Czech Republic. However, this is not a balanced linear growth. The number of pensioners grew at a slower rate of growth, but according to population development forecast, there should be faster growth in the number of pensioners in the following years. Significant growth in cost is particularly noticeable in the age category of 80 and above, and increasingly more people should live up to this blessed age, also thanks to modern public health.

The analysis of price elasticity of demand for beer
Hromadníková, Kateřina ; Mirvald, Michal (advisor) ; Babin, Jan (referee)
The thesis analyses price elasticity of beer demand. Hypothesis about inelastic demand is tested first for nationwide level and then on data of specific brewery. Elasticity was determined by regression analysis, specifically by ordinary least squares with all variables expressed in logarithmic form. Consumption of beer is the endogenous variable and price of bottled beer (price of one hectoliter of beer in case of brewery), average gross income and price level are in the role of the exogenous variables. The hypothesis about inelastic demand was successfully proved. Price elasticity estimates range from -0,66 to -0,2. In case of specific brewery price was not significant. On the other hand, average gross income seems to be the significant determinant. According to income elasticity beer seems to be luxury good in case of specific brewery and necessity in case of nationwide level.

Development of interest rates in the mortgage market in the Czech Republic between 2006-2016
Ditrichová, Gabriela ; Strejček, Ivo (advisor) ; Klement, Josef (referee)
This bachelor's thesis is focused on the development of interest rates in the mortgage market in the Czech Republic in the decade between 2006 and 2016. A strong economic growth between 2006 and 2007, which had positive effects in the mortgage loan market, was followed by a deep slump in the form of global financial crisis unleashed by speculations in the real estate market in the U.S. The main aim of the work is based on the development of mortgage interest rates and the significant factors that affect their amount - to verify or disprove the hypothesis that interest rates respond to changes of these factors. The results confirm the hypothesis only in certain areas. The influence of changes of interest rates has been proven in the case of inflation and discount rates by usage of the econometric model. Factors that have not shown a significant direct influence of interest rates may have an indirect influence on their change.

The Controlling Study
Herda, Tomáš ; Mikovcová, Hana (advisor) ; Herda, Zdeněk (referee)
The main goal of this Diploma´s Thesis is to make a model for calculation of water and sewer rates for the company Vodovody a kanalizace Náchod, a.s. when sticking to the set criteria both from the side of VaK Náchod, a.s. and law regulations. Based on the theoretical part an analysis of customer sensitivity to the price changes using the data for last 20 years follows. Findings from the first two parts are used in risk analysis in next part. The created model calculates the water and sewer rates based on the information from the company accounting system in the way to generate sufficient financial resources to fulfill the renovation plan of infrastructural property plant and equipment and to transfer given amount to the company funds. In addition, the model monitors whether the legal condition of maximal allowable increase of profit per m3 is met. In the customer sensitivity to the price changes part the price elasticity of demand for water and sewer rates is calculated based on the data from 1995 to 2015. The assumption of inelastic demand is confirmed. Risk analysis part is deals with potential risk regarding the demand and prices. Potential impacts for the most significant risk are quantified. The analysis uses knowledge gained in the first two parts. It was confirmed that potential risks are exiting but do not have any significant impact on the going concern of VaK Náchod, a.s. The created model has been already used for the calculation of prices for the year 2017. Customer sensitivity analysis to the price changes and link to the potential risks is an additional information for VaK Náchod, a.s. which validates that nowadays, there are no significant threats which could affect the demand and water and sewer rates significantly.

Differences between men and women in the Czech labour market
Stroukal, Dominik ; Kadeřábková, Božena (advisor) ; Pavelka, Tomáš (referee) ; Němec, Otakar (referee)
This thesis consists of five articles that apply current world research on labor economics at the Czech Republic and confirms the significant differences between men and women in this market. It shows that gender has a significant influence on the preference on the labor market and, consequently, on employment and health. First, the thesis shows that preferences are relevant determinant of career and then we study the difference in preference of salary for men and women. Subsequently it shows that gender plays a significant role in explaining the relationship between homeownership, and unemployment, as well as unemployment and health. The first chapter was able to demonstrate that the preference for a career has a positive influence on the choice of career. The influence of higher education on prioritizing career proved to be positive and significant. Probability of a career choice is reduced by the presence of children, however, is not dependent on their number, which is contrary to the theory of preferences. The second chapter shows that Czech women prefer more non-monetary rewards than men. It has also been shown that people with university education are same in the preferences of non-monetary rewards regardless of the gender of the respondents, however, compared to the world's research, the Czech higher education increases this preference. It turned out that women prefer risk less than men. The third chapter demonstrates that although the housing market undermines labor mobility and employment in the Czech Republic at the regional level, therefore, that in regions with a higher rate of home ownership is higher unemployment, at the individual level, the owners of housing are unemployed are less likely. The estimates are significantly different for men and women. Men living in owner-occupied housing have a higher likelihood of employment than women. At regional level, however, this thesis shows that the high rate of home ownership increases unemployment for both men and women, in the long run only to women. The fourth chapter showed that men transition to homeownership reduces the likelihood of unemployment next year. For women, this relationship has proved to be insignificant. In addition, as insignificant showed the opposite relationship, the transition from unemployment to the newly acquired home ownership. The last chapter shows that the change in the working status to unemployment will increase in the future probability of worse health. Influence in less than two years, however, proved to be significant. An important conclusion is that men have a significantly stronger relationship between health and unemployment than women.

Specific Attributes of the Czech National Football A-Team
Hüblová, Anika ; Malý, Milan (advisor) ; Velinov, Emil (referee)
The aim of this thesis is to analyze specific attributes and contemporary practice in managing of the Czech National Football A-Team and define a scope for its improvement by using general principles of management. It describes basic general terms of management and in details elaborates on the management of the Czech Football A-Team. It is also focused on main management functions and their practical use with the National A-Team. A significant part of the text describes and analyzes the general management principles such as decision-making, planning, organizing and supervision and their application in the control activities of the Czech National Team. At the end of this thesis the specific attributes of the management of the National Football A-Team of the Czech Republic are listed and measures and suggestions how to improve the management process are proposed.