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Reflection on EU employment policy at district level (case study of Česká Lípa)
Škoda, Jakub ; Tomeš, Igor (advisor) ; Koldinská, Kristina (referee)
Otázka zaměstnanosti se stala jedním z hlavních témat evropské politiky. Prioritním záměrem není pouze předehnat ostatní mocnosti v produktivitě práce a zaručit tak svým občanům blahobyt. Evropě jde o udržitelnost jejích sociálních systémů, které stojí na základech evropského osvícenství vyvinutého z křesťanské tradice a solidarity. Evropa musí ze své integrace vytěžit co nejvíce, protože demografický vývoj a pomalý ekonomický růst nutí k hledání nových řešení. Příznivý ekonomický rozvoj a vysoká produktivita práce 60. let minulého století byla garancí minimální evropské nezaměstnanosti. Od 80. let 20. století se objevují nové potřeby restrukturalizace trhů práce. Začíná se realizovat politika zaměstnanosti, která má za úkol vytvářet nová pracovní místa a definovat pozici pracovníků na pracovním trhu. Snaha Evropského společenství k zachování vysoké kvality a produktivity práce vyústila ve formulaci Evropské strategie zaměstnanosti v roce 1997. Společenství se však nadále nedaří čelit problémům vysoké konkurence Spojených států a Japonska, stárnutí obyvatel a drahé pracovní síly Unie, která snižuje ekonomický potenciál. Z těchto důvodů Evropská unie (EU) přikročila ke Strategii obnovy a rozvoje. Strategie, známá především pod názvem Lisabonský proces, vytyčila kvantifikovatelné cíle, které mají rozvinout...

The University of Profesor Cactus- An Evaluation of the Orbis Kaktus 2008 Global Education Course Methology
Horáková, Ivana ; Činčera, Jan (advisor) ; Dlouhá, Jana (referee)
The thesis evaluates the Orbis Kaktus 2008 experiential learning course in global and environmental education and assesses the change of attitudes, opinions, understanding and behaviour of its participants. The course relied on three basic concepts (or horizons): the perception of natural beauty (1), the understanding of the world's interconnectedness (2) and the knowledge of one's active involvement (3). The changes in the participants on these levels were assessed and the goals of the methodology were evaluated on both the curricular level (the impact on the participants' understanding of the concepts) and the group development level (to what extent the group had been integrated into a functional unit capable of cooperating on specific projects). The evaluation was based on a written feedback from the course, interviews with participants and data from questionnaires collected before and after the course. In general, the goals of the course had been fulfilled, but the data revealed some factors that might have additional effect on both the effectiveness and the impact of the course. The aim of this paper is to help to develop the methodology of similar programmes and reflect upon its effectiveness. It should also shed some light on the possible barriers of the course goals' fulfilment.

The regulation of asylum within the EU and its impact upon the regulation of asylum in the legal order of the CR
Špinarová, Kateřina ; Pítrová, Lenka (referee) ; Pomahač, Richard (advisor)
Resumé The Regulation of Asylum in the European Union and its Influence on the Regulation of Asylum in the Legal Sysem of the Czech Republic I decided to write this dissertation because I am interested in the issue of asylum. I acquired practical experience in this field during a year of practice in the Organization for Aid to Refugees and during an internship of several months in the Prague branch of UNICEF. The goal I set for my dissertation is to map and summarize asylum policy in the European Union and in which manner the asylum policy of the EU has influenced the asylum policy of the Czech Republic and the extent of this influence. From its beginnings to today, the Czech Republic has gone a long way in the field of asylum. Today, asylum law in the Czech Republic is regulated in a rather complex manner; however, one might pose the question of how effectively this has been done, whether this law is examined from the point of view of state organs or from the point of view of the applicants for asylum themselves. Asylum law is a branch of law which evolves and changes very quickly and very often, as it must reflect changes in international imigration, and not only political imigration - an essential criterion for granting asylum, but also economic imigration. The latter is not a reason for granting asylum;...

Security interest in the Czech legal system
Vinš, Rudolf ; Dvořák, Jan (advisor) ; Salač, Josef (referee)
LIEN IN THE CZECH LAW Summary Lien is one of the typical private rights. Lien is tenure. This means that it operates not only between the subjects of law, but against all. It is tenure to an alien property, which is reflected by the object owner restricts the right of ownership in favor of the lien creditor. The essence of the lien is to secure claims of a lien creditor. That may satisfy his claim from the proceeds of liquidation of the collateral, if not properly and timely met. As a result of its accessory nature it can never exist alone, but always only in relation to an existing claim. The thesis describes the concept of lien and its essence. It focuses on the individual components of a lien, a secured claim, lien and legal fact that links to the emergence of a lien. It describes to what kind of claims can be secured by the lien, what the lien could represent and what manner leads to emergence of the lien. Further more, the thesis describes the rights and obligations of a lien creditor and the debtor's pledge of a lien and the realization of a lien. It mentions the possibility of conduct of the lien and how a pledge can satisfy his claim from the proceeds of liquidation of the collateral. There is a great deal of ways to realize a lien, so this thesis tries to show the advantages and disadvantages of...

Biochemical diagnostics of expansive brain contusions
Vajtr, David ; Průša, Richard (advisor) ; Bouška, Ivan (referee) ; Zima, Tomáš (referee)
TBI is one of the major causes of morbidity and mortality. Outcome for brain-injured patients is determined by the type, severity, location of the injury, ischemia and inflammatory response following TBI. Aim of the study: We focused on the relevance of a risk factor, kinetics of all markers in the blood reflecting different types of pathophysiological changes of the BBB in focal and diffuse injuries. We analyzed the BBB impairment in focal and diffuse brain injuries by immunohistochemistry and electon microscopy. Methods: The patients (n=38) were divided into group of diffuse axonal (DAI, n=10) and focal (n=28) brain injuries. Blood samples were collected during 10 days after admission to the hospital. Serum protein (S-100B, NSE) concentrations were measured on immunoassay analyzer Roche Cobas e411, GFAP by Biotrak activity assay systém, NF-H by ELISA immunoassay, and inflammatory markers on immunoassay analyzer. The BBB was studied by immunohistochemistry and electon microscopy. Results: With regard to the kinetics of NSE and S-100B we found the decrease of value of NSE and S-100B protein in survived patients with focal brain injury, on the other hand the increase of NSE (32,72 μg/l up to 86,95 μg/l) and S-100B protein (3,41 μg/l up to 5,80 μg/l) 2 up to 3 day was observed in 5 patrients who died. Within...

Benedikt Ried in late Gothic architecture northwest Bohemia - Louny
Bařicová, Lenka ; Scholz, Stefan (advisor) ; Kuthan, Jiří (referee)
Resumé Vliv Benedikta Rieda v severozápadních Čechách souvisí s celkovým historickým vývojem této oblasti, v těsném sousedství s německým územím, přijímající okolní vlivy a vzájemně se reflektující. Osobnost Benedikta Rieda, pozdně gotického královského architekta, v sobě ukrývá více otázek než odpovědí. Na které stále hledáme uspokojující odpovědi. Jisté je, že přínos Benedikta Rieda překračuje nacionální hranice a souvisí s celkovým středoevropským architektonickým děním. Hlavní otázkou této práce měla být spojitost mezi Benediktem Riedem a městem Louny. Město Louny má jedinečný archivní materiál dokládající průběh stavby svého kostela od zničujícího požáru po přípravu stavby, nákupu materiálu a mzdy dělníkům podílející se na této stavbě. S určitostí však nelze říci, zda všechny záznamy můžeme připsat přímo pro stavbu lounského kostela. Tak i personální působnost přes tyto hodnotné archivní informace nelze Benedikta Rieda potvrdit ani vyvrátit jako tvůrce a hlavního koncepčního autora. Tyto otázky si musíme klást pro nesporné kvality kostela sv. Mikuláše v Lounech po stránce architektonické a umělecké. Jistotu máme v určení políra této stavby, jehož známe právě z městských účtů je jím Mistr Pavel z Pardubic do doby stavby lounského kostela pracující na obnově města Pardubic. Severozápadní Čechy se mohou...

Searching for New Forms of Cooperation between Parents and Schools
Suchá, Naděžda ; Havlová, Jana (advisor) ; Opravilová, Eva (referee)
The aim of this diploma work is to investigate opinions and reflections of pre-school pedagogues in the field where reciprocial relationship is being generace.Each chapter describes the possible forms of co-operation between the family and nursery schoul, how this relationship developes. The new educational programmes in nursery schools come from the General Education Programe for Pre-school Education.This programme helps the pre-school institucions to work on the own schoul programmes. The alternative education programmes might be a good theme for pre-school arrangements.They are described at the of diploma work. Powered by TCPDF (

Reflection on the works of Bronius Radzevičius in Lithuanian literary criticism
Dvořáková, Magdaléna ; Kusá, Mária (advisor) ; Šeferis, Vaidas (referee)
FILOZOFICKÁ FAKULTA UNIVERZITY KARLOVY V PRAZE Ústav východoevropských a slavistických studií Magdaléna Dvořáková REFLEXE DÍLA BRONIUSE RADZEVIČIUSE V LITEVSKÉ LITERÁRNÍ KRITICE Vedoucí: Prof. PhDr. Mária Kusá, CSc. Oponent: Mgr. Vaidas Šeferis, PhD Prohlašuji, že jsem diplomovou práci pouze uvedenou literaturu. vypracovala samostatně a že jsem použila 2 iV I .Z-{U./ Jtw~L,~) ÚVOD LITERÁRNÍ KRITIKA V OBECNĚJšíCH RYSECH 1.1 1.2 1.3 Úvod V. Kubilius: Problém hodnot v kritice Život Broniuse Radzevičiuse 1.4 Literární a mimoliterární kontext tvorby B. Radzevičiuse REFLEXE DÍLA B. RADZEVIČIUSE V LITERÁRNÍ KRITICE 2.1 PRVNÍ KRITIKY 70. LET 2.1.1 3.1 M. Sluckis: Mladí prozaici a současná situace LITERÁRNÍ KRITIKY OSMDESÁTÝCH A POZDĚJšíCH LET 4 6 7 10 13 15 17 20 3.1.1 R. Šilbajoris: B. Radzevičius v detailu, světle, smrti 23 3.1.2 S. Žukas: Člověk ve sněhu 26 3.1.3 A. Zalatorius: O lidskosti v novelách B. Radzevičiuse 33 3.1.4 R. Braženaite: Hledání ztraceného času 37 3.1.5 S. Žukas: O vztahu tvorby Broniuse Radzevičiuse s biliunaskou tradicí 42 3.1.6 J. Spindyte: Lyrika v současné litevské próze 49 3.1.7 L. Gutauskas: O hodnotě románu Priešaušrio vieškeliai 51 3.1.8 V. Kelertiene: Metafyzika svítání 52 3.1.9 A. Nyka-Niliunas: Fragmenty z deníku. 1971 - 1998 53 4.1 FILOZOFICKÉ STATĚ 4.1.1 A. Šliogeris:...

Psychosocial rehabilitation role with schizofrenia
Čápová, Michaela ; Šípek, Jiří (referee) ; Junková, Vendula (advisor)
The main topíc of this thesis is a serious psychical illness schizophrenia. Theoretical part of this essay describes development of the term and the theories of etiology, whereas the accent is on the ones, which can be usefull for treatment and psychosocial rehabilitation of schizophrenic people. Then there are introduced the treatment methods with the emphasis on new concepts- early intervention and rehabilitation. The main part describes psychosocial rehabilitation and especially the programs, which are widely used in the last years - cognitive functions training, social skills training and supported education. These concepts are crucial in schizophrenia research nowadays as well in practical use and they are dosely related to the subject ofthe practical part ofthis thesis. In the practical part a specific psychosocial rehabilitation program is introduced - "Program Student". The goal of my investigation was to find out using qualitative research methods, if the clients perceive any benefits from this program. The results reflects not only the benefits related to the educational process, but also the benefits for many other areas of the clienť s life - activation, self-concept and self-confidence etc. It was also proved the importance of the group work during the program as well as establishing of an...

Stress in acting
Bartoš, Vojtěch ; HLAVICA, Lukáš (advisor) ; TÖPFER, Tomáš (referee)
Main topic of this thesis is psychological stress of an actor during his performance. Thesis describes psychological stress in general, shows categorization, determines its causes and reactions of body exposed to stress during long and short timeload. Special attention is dedicated to stress management (coping) and to mechanics of its intervention and prevention. Stressing working conditions and actors personality traits that can reduce or increase stress are researched on this theoretical background. Some of most casual stress phenomena are analyzed. Also reflection of the nature and importance of stress in acting is presented.