National Repository of Grey Literature 34,934 records found  beginprevious34925 - 34934  jump to record: Search took 2.82 seconds. 

Profile of nowadays Czech literature's teacher (at basic schools - second degree)
Zuntová, Lucie ; Hník, Ondřej (advisor) ; Klumparová, Štěpánka (referee)
The profile of nowadays czech literature's teacher This dissertation is about nowadays literature's teacher. I have focused on schoolmasters who teach at basic schools - second degree. These schools are placed in towns which don't have more than 20.000 people. So it is about small-town educational educational system. The real profile should ensue on grounds of development. The development I have realised through the use of checklists which I have distributed to the both teachers and children. So it isn't scientific profile, but profile, which ensue on grounds of views of 2 different groups - pupils and teachers. The checklists I have tried to evaluate, analyse and interpret carrefully and correctly. The final profile I have combined from pupil's results and adult's results. The questions were both free-hearted and small-minden. People have ought to express themselves in any questions but by any questions they could choose from the choice. I have prepared 21 questions for children and 23 questions for pedagogues. I have encoutered with negative accession of leadership during walking about basic schools where I was asking for help and cooperation.But from any teachers I have taken a ctitique. When I have succeed in giving the checklists to the schools thanks to leadership, not every teacher has helped me. Any...

Zdena Fibichová (1933-1991)
Vašátková, Vendula ; Lahoda, Vojtěch (referee) ; Klimešová, Marie (advisor)
The sculptress, Zdena Fibichová (1933 - 1991) belonged to post-war generation, which has emerged at the end of 1950's on the Czech art scene. Times of her studies on VŠUP (Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design) with Josef Wagner, was crucial for her evolution as a sculptress. Here she found not only her great example in the persona of her teacher, but she also met other artists, who shared her art tendencies and also, became her lifetime friends. In 1959, with her fellow students, Olbram Zoubek, Eva Kmentová and Vladimír Preclík (who she married), she joined the "Trasa 54". Along with this group, Zdena Fibichová, has exhibited on all collective exhibitions, not only in the 60's, but also after the revolution. Zdena Fibichová was influenced by many leading art trends at home and in Europe. She was oriented mainly to modern english sculpturing. Vitally important was her first study trip to Vence in south of France, where she became familiar with ceramic clay, later her prevailing material. Expression through more or less numerous cycles, was typical for the artist, which is emphasized by multiple approaches to a single artistic theme. So she created series of sculptures, significant by gradual reduction heading towards abstract shapes. This process escalated in the end of the 60's in the Stele and Pulpits...

Electoral System Effects on Political Representation in the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic in the First Two Cycles of Senate Elections
Lacina, Tomáš ; Lebeda, Tomáš (advisor) ; Kysela, Jan (referee)
Elections to the upper chamber of the Parliament of the Czech Republic is the only case of using a majoritarian electoral system in the country. The type of the electoral system used is a majority run-off system. The thesis aims to analyze effects of such electoral system on political representation in the Senate in the first two cycles of senate elections. That is the period from the very first senate elections in 1996 to the elections of 2002, when the Senate was gradually renewed for the first time. After a theoretical introduction concerning tworound systems in general and their impacts on voting behaviour and party systems, the main focus is put on electoral turnout criterion as well as on electoral support of particular political parties and expression of this support in overall party gains. Powered by TCPDF (

A reflexion of Lima in the work of Julio Ramón Ribeyro
Torresová, Hana ; Housková, Anna (advisor) ; Fousek, Michal (referee)
The thesis aims at reflection of Lima in several pieces of literary work by Peruvian writer Julio Ramón Ribeyro: two novels Geniecillos dominicales and Cambio de guardia and chosen stories from his early work. Lima appeared in Peruvian literature even before, but it was Ribeyra who achieved to depict Lima's atmosphere thanks to his using modern techniques, which he acquired by reading European authors. He does not focus only on simple description of the city as the place where the characters meet and influence one another. On the contrary, descriptive scenes are in his work rare. They are mostly written in phrases without active verbs - this technique reminds us of film shots. A reader gets to know the characters according to their acting and expressions as well as according to the places where they move along and habits they keep. For better orientation, the thesis divides Ribeyro's view on Lima into three categories: the first comprises the city itself, with its streets, squares, buildings, means of transport, etc. Ribeyra intended to catch the changes in Lima in 50's, the time of great boom of industry, destruction of the old quarters of the city and construction of the new ones. He shows the nostalgia of the citizens who long for the old face of Lima, cling to old things and detest all the new and...

Expression of sTGFbeta RII-Fc-Jun from recombinant vaccinia virus
Samková, Zuzana ; Španielová, Hana (referee) ; Němečková, Šárka (advisor)
Expression of sTGFbetaRII-Fc-Jun from recombinant vaccinia virus TGFß has a biphasic role in tumorigenesis. In early phases it acts as tumor sup-pressor. However, in late phases when cells have escaped selectively from the antimito-genic response of TGFß, it may act as a promoter of tumor progression and invasion. One way of control tumor formation and progression is blocking of TGFß signalling pathways in late phases of tumorigenesis. We have constructed recombinant vaccinia virus P13 expressing soluble TGFbeta type II receptor fused with the Fc fragment of IgG1 and with Jun fragment (sTbetaRII-Fc-Jun). This sTbetaRII-Fc-Jun is supposed to increase the effect of antitumor vaccinia virus vaccine expressing SigE7LAMP, which is investigated for the treatment of the HPV-16 associated cervical cancer. Binding of sTbetaRII-Fc-Jun to protein G were tested by SDS-PAGE and by im-munoblotting. We found that Jun fragment and sTbetaRII fragment do not block Fc bind-ing site for protein G. sTbetaRII-Fc-Jun was characterised using SDS-PAGE and immunoblot analysis. We observed that the amount of sTbetaRII-Fc-Jun was higher in cell supernatans of in-fected cells in comparison to cell lysates. In cell lysates we observed higher amount of sTbetaRII than sTbetaRII-Fc-Jun. The expression of sTbetaRII-Fc-Jun was stronger under...

The Escape from Nazism. The Exile Art Scene in Bohemia 1933-1939
Rokytová, Bronislava ; Rakušanová, Marie (advisor) ; Novotná, Eva (referee)
THE FLIGHT FROM NAZISM. THE EXILE ART SCENE IN BOHEMIA 1933-1939. The development of political situation in Germany during the thirties, when the Nazi Party radicalized and Adolph Hitler's power gradually became unlimited, meant not only a danger for the political opponents of fascism. The new state self-presentation as a successor to the Rome Empire of German nation is reflected even in reference to classicism in art creation. Artists, who did not meet the criteria of the Nazi regime or even commit to its disadvantage, had to choose asylum in countries where they could not only continue in free expression, but also where their lives had not been confronted with threats or danger. In addition to Great Britain, France and Netherlands, Czechoslovak 1st Republic became a haven for refugees from Nazism. This work is focused on the Czech environment, and especially artists, with whom the former foreign literature is dealing rather marginally, in the context of other artistic disciplines and countries providing asylum to emigrants. Not only politically or racially persecuted artists are investigated in this work, but also remigration itself - Czech Germans, who for similar reasons returned to their birthplaces. Czech-German conditions provided artists with opportunity for active continuing to fight...

Freedom of expression versus right extremism in case law of ECHR
Málková, Lucie ; Moravec, Václav (referee) ; Benda, Josef (advisor)
My bachelor thesis deals with freedom of expression, as it is formulated by the European Court of Human Rights in its practice. In the introductory part I describe the most relevant normative theories of media and I suggest, how they can be reflected in a law. I am going to demonstrate, how theory of media can influence a certain decision of a court. In my thesis I am concerned with the conflict of the right to arbitrarily spread a media content and need of our society to defend itself from extremist activities. I am describing the intricacy of the relation between democratic society and extremism. Democracy is built up on the pluralism of ideas, but some ideologies can be harmful to it. Law is a means of regulation of human behavior also in the area of mass media. I discuss how law can contribute to a correct behavior of mass media. I mention the most important instruments of human rights protection and why is the European Convention on Human Rights so significant. My thesis focuses on analysis of chosen judgements of the European Court of Human Rights. Using these decisions I demonstrate when, under which conditions and for what reasons is it possible to limit freedom of expression. My work seeks an answer to the question, if a position of an individual differs from a position of a professional...

The Economic Policy of Angola during the Civil War
Osičková, Martina ; Pavlík, Petr (advisor) ; Šaroch, Stanislav (referee)
The following Bachelor's thesis deals with the analysis of the politics of Angola in the period of the civil war and after its end. The thesis unravels issues related to the outbreak of internal conflicts both theoretically and through the case study of Angola. Furthermore it deals with economic policy during the war and describes the political developement since achievement of independence until the end of the war and various political orientations which were present in the country. In detail the thesis focuses on the policy of oil industry. It tackles a question of its impact on economy of the country and dependency of Angola's economy on this industry. Moreover the thesis explains the situation in agriculture and Angola's agricultural policy. An important chapter is that which refers to corruption in Angola. The corruption is expressed by figures and illustrated with an example of a particular corruption affair. The last chapter mentions some basic economic data which illustrate the development of Angola since the beginning of the civil war until present.

Physical interactions of the splicing factor Prp45
Kratochvílová, Eliška ; Folk, Petr (advisor) ; Doubravská, Lenka (referee)
It is well known that chromatin posttranslational state, transcription and splicing influence each other. Nevertheless, the details of this coupling are not fully understood. In S. cerevisiae, it is possible to induce conditions, in which splicing is uncoupled from transcription. Such situation occurred in cells expressing a mutated splicing factor Prp45, whose human homolog has been proved to participate in transcription regulation and also in splicing reactions. Based on previously indicated interactions in high throughput two-hybrid screens, we have been looking for physical links between Prp45 and proteins involved in chromatin posttranslational modifications. Finding of such a link would provide insight into the relationships of gene expression processes. Using coimmunoprecipitation and affinity purification, we were unable to detect physical interactions between Prp45 and our candidate chromatin regulators. Alternative approaches are discussed. Using the precipitation techniques, we mapped the interaction of Prp46 with truncated variants of Prp45. This observation contributes to our knowledge of protein-protein interactions within the spliceosome.

Talent as an important component of dramatic expression and the possibilities for its cultivation
Havlínek, Tomáš ; SCHEJBAL, Milan (advisor) ; PAVELKA, Tomáš (referee)
This thesis deals with the theme of actor´s talent and outlines the possibilities for its cultivation, which is perceived by author as the key basis for artistic progress and professional growth. The theme of talent is first subdued to theoretical analysis through defining coherent terms and their interaction. The core of the thesis is survey the theme with eyes of young actor, the theme of talent is shown on the specific examples in connection in the acting profession and its specifics. Ways leading to the identification and cultivation of talent are described with help of specific examples from the career of the author, starting with first stage experience via his studies at the Academy of Performing Arts up to professional practice experience. The further target of the thesis is to concentrate on the assessment and evaluation of actor´s talent while attempting even a significant self-reflection.