National Repository of Grey Literature 34,677 records found  beginprevious34668 - 34677  jump to record: Search took 2.55 seconds. 

Non-termic skin losses at the Prague Burn Centre through the years 1998 -2008
Pintar, David ; Zajíček, Robert (advisor)
Exfoliative loses of the skin are rare, but potentially lethal disorders that includes toxical epidermal necrolysis and staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome. They should be considered in a differential diagnosis and a quick transfer to the burn center is essential. The level of care and the effectiveness of the treatment at the burn unit significantly decreases the morbidity and mortality of these diseases. A transport of the patient proceeds with a time delay and the usage of the systemic corticosteroids at the previous hospital unit is frequent, according to the results of our clinical study. TEN patients are often unsuccesfully treated at the different units, mostly at the dermatological clinics and the infection diseases clinics, where the treatment of the involved skin surface is insufficient and corticosteroids are often administered. This evidence indicates that there is a requisiteness of an wider education intended for the medical public, especially for the medical members who may have a greater probability of encountering TEN patients.

Transformation textile company Fezko in Strakonice in 19th and 21st century
Vlčková, Gabriela ; Jakubec, Ivan (advisor) ; Skřivan, Aleš (referee)
The Bachelor's Thesis deals with the south-Bohemian textile company Fezko situated in the city of Strakonice. After founding in the beginning of the 19th century, the company was in progress and changed differently over the years. It became famous mainly as a manufacturer and a supplier of fezzes, a kind of red headgear worn largely by Islamists. Fez was exported to distant places, especially in Turkey. The company was not only specialised in fez production, but there were also made other headgears, such as berets, and common pieces of clothing, such as coats, suits and scarfs. At present, the company focuses on the manufacturing of textile interiors for the automotive industry. In the thesis, there are also stated the reasons why fezzes were produced in the city of Strakonice and its surroundings. Last but not least, the thesis explores the life conditions of company workers, their wages, working time, in what way the company influenced their lives and, finally, the possible reasons why the workers went on strike.

Neurogenesis and gliogenesis after ischemic brain injury in EGFP/GFAP mice
Dlouhá, Veronika ; Anděrová, Miroslava (advisor) ; Vargová, Lýdia (referee)
Focal ischemia induces enhancement of neurogenesis/gliogenesis in the subventricular zone (SVZ) of the lateral ventricle and it also leads to glial scar formation in the vicinity of the ischemic lesion. The gliotic scar is mainly formed by reactive astrocytes that express glial fibrilarly acidic protein (GFAP), nevertheless this protein is also expressed in adult multipotent neural stem cells (NSCs). Therefore, we have used the strain of transgenic mice (GFAP/EGFP mice), in which the enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) is expressed under human GFAP promoter in astrocytes as well as in NSCs, thus allowing us an immediate vizualization of these cells, and to estimate the effect of ischemic injury on their fate during proliferation and differentiation in vitro. Focal ischemia was induced by the occlusion of the middle cerebral artery (MCAO) and 3 days post injury, an immunohistochemical analysis was carried out. Furthermore, the cell isolation from SVZ and the region of gliotic scar was performed, followed by their cultivation under proliferative conditions (as neurospheres) and their differentiation for 7-10 days. The differentiation potential of these cells was studied using immunocytochemical analyses and patch clamp technique was employed to estimate their membrane properties. Based on increased...

Provincial town, culture and etnography
Jeníčková, Kateřina ; Sochorová, Ludmila (referee) ; Štěpánová, Irena (advisor)
Eleonora and Marie Prosek were the teachers and ethnography research workers, which on the break 19 and 20 century worked in Turnov. Their fates show us what acceptance had ideas of women emancipation among active women in small provincial town. Their interest in ethnography show us beginning of ethnography as a scientific branch and what importance had women in that. Eleonora was born on 13 th December 1844 in Prague and Marie was born on 10 th February 1858 also in Prague. Sisters obvious come from family, which came under the middle classes. In Prague sisters attended the school. Sisters were venerable much distant and so possibilities of education they had different. Eleonora gained education of teacher of needlework, but Marie was able to gain education on school for teachers and started to teach also specialist subjects. To Turnov came Eleonora in 1872 and started to teach needlework on school for girls. In this time she was interesting of national dresses and textile. This interest she specified from 1886 in cooperation with museum in Turnov. She cooperated also on preparation on big exhibitions in 90. 19 century, which took place in Prague. She completed national dress of Turnov and lake the first she described national dress of Turnov, which retained in 80. 19 century. With museum she cooperated to...

The improvement of CRM in a telecommunication company
Pokorná, Martina ; Pour, Jan (advisor) ; Radkovský, Lukáš (referee)
Customer relationship management represents operating the relations towards customers of company. Nowadays the sense of CRM has changed is little bit as it doesn't mean only software which helps to solve problems but big value is added in relations with customers as such. The subject of this paper is to describe how Vodafone CZ settled with an innovation of CRM. The objective of this paper is to bring closer the improvement of CRM in a telecommunication company. The first chapter focuses on CRM products on the Czech market. I have chosen the most important solutions for small, middle and big companies. The second chapter attends to company Siebel Systems and its product CRM eBusiness, which was apllied in Vodafone CZ. The third chapter introduces the implementation of a new solution. In conclusion I evaluate the benefits of new CRM for Vodafone a.s

Psychological aspects of gender at work and in management
Pauknerová, Daniela ; Riegel, Karel (advisor) ; Rymeš, Milan (referee) ; Gregar, Aleš (referee)
V současné době se do středu zájmu odborníků z oblasti věd o člověku a společnosti dostala problematika rovných příležitostí pro muže a ženy, která má zásadní vliv i na život každého z nás. Velmi aktuální a významná je zejména pro hospodářskou praxi, a to z hlediska působení jednotlivců v pracovním procesu, kde stále existují určité limity pokud jde o reálné možnosti uplatnění žen, a to jak ve funkcích řadových zaměstnanců, tak především v oblasti managementu. Výraznější zájem o tuto problematiku v našich podmínkách přitom podnítilo zejména postupné pronikání informací o hnutí za zrovnoprávnění šancí pro ženy, které dlouhodobě existuje v USA a západoevropských zemích. Kromě toho se zde však podílely i již delší dobu trvající rozpory mezi mírou zaměstnanosti u mužů a žen ve vztahu k jejich možnostem a hmotnému ocenění jejich práce. A konečně nejvýznamnější měrou se v současnosti na bouřlivém vývoji zájmu o tuto problematiku aktuálně podepsala i nutnost přizpůsobit naší legislativu podmínkám EU.

Liturgical music after Vatican II. in the Czech Republic
Saláková, Leona ; Eliáš, Vojtěch (advisor) ; Kotas, Jan (referee)
- Liturgical Music after Vatican II. in the Czech Republic The beginnings of the sacred music on our territory are connected with the outset of Christianity in the 2nd half of the 9th century. In more than thousand years the development of the sacred music went through many stages, from choral and one-voice religious songs to magnificient vocal-instrumental works. From all these periods musical compositions have been preserved which prove a variety of interpretation of liturgical texts as well as the invention of composers. Second Ecumenical Council of the Vatican summarized the informations about sacred music into the constitution Sacrosanctum Concilium, specifically in the chapter Num. 6. The sacred music should be based in gregoriant chant, which is the most important wealth of the Church. The basic language is Latin, but there is a big area for the national languages. The Vatican II. prohibits no kind of music, but there are some regulars. The sacred music serve God, its musical means of expression don't contain secular elements. There are two epochas after Vatican II in our territory. The first is until 1989 - the period of deep totalitarianism, the second is after velvet revolution; this period brought freedom. In the period of Communism, people, who devote liturgical music were prosecuted....

Prague graffiti subculture - development and context
Hronešová, Lucie ; Štěpánová, Irena (advisor) ; Krupková, Jaroslava (referee) ; Kadeřábková, Jaroslava (referee)
Přestože neoficiální či nelegální nápisy, kresby a malby umístěné na místech veřejně přístupných jsou součástí našich měst již velmi dlouhou dobu, v poslední době se jejich jistá varianta i u nás rozšířila natolik, že se pro mnohé stala skutečnou obtíží. Pro etnologa zabývajícího se urbánní etnologií se stala fenoménem, který vyvolává čím dál více zvědavosti i profesionálního zájmu. Nesrozumitelnost těchto děl vede okolí k pocitu, že zde existuje jakýsi tajemný svět graffiti. Svým způsobem tomu tak je, pokud termínem "svět" označíme stejně jako Marc Augé "společenství, jež se podílejí na nějaké činnosti a navzájem sdílejí některé zvyky, vztahy a hodnoty." 1. Tento svět respektive tato subkultura a její vanace v českých podmínkách se stala předmětem mého zkoumání. Přestože subkultura graffiti se v Čechách začala utvářet před téměř patnácti lety, její etnologické zkoumání nemá u nás prakticky žádnou tradici.2 Tato práce je tedy v převážné míře založena na poznatcích dlouhodobého terénního výzkumu. Protože se domnívám, že psaním o subkultuře graffiti představuji čtenářům této práce nový "svět", je tomuto předpokladu přizpůsobeno uspořádání jednotlivých kapitol. Seznámení se slangem a část teoretických výsledků, které jsou opřeny jak o studium literatury tak o výsledky terénního výzkumu jsou prezentovány...

Formulation of extemporaneous paediatric liquid preparations in the hospital pharmacy
Klovrzová, Sylva ; Šklubalová, Zdeňka (advisor) ; Dittrich, Milan (referee) ; Masteiková, Ruta (referee)
Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradci Králové Department of: Pharmaceutical Technology Candidate PharmDr. Sylva Klovrzová Supervisor doc. PharmDr. Zdeňka Šklubalová, Ph.D. Title of Doctoral Thesis: Formulation of extemporaneous paediatric liquid preparations in the hospital pharmacy In the paediatric population, oral solutions and/or suspensions represent a suitable alternative to preparation of hard capsules in the pharmacy. This thesis aims at formulation of stable liquid oral preparations with cardiologic drugs, propranol- hydrochloride, sotalol-hydrochloride and furosemide, for the children aged from newborn to approximately 6 year. At the formulation of the preparation compositions, the simple routine preparation in a pharmacy was the main target as well as the use of excipients safe for paediatric population in the minimal necessary amount. Using a high performance liquid chromatography, chemical stability of the active ingredient and, simultaneously, the preservative was determined in all formulated preparations stored at two different temperatures at time points over minimum 180 days. In order to achieve this, the specific analytical methods were developed and validated at the department of Analytical chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové. However, the...

Veniamin and Juraj Križanić in Russia
Příhoda, Marek ; Pelikán, Jan (advisor) ; Svatoň, Vladimír (referee)
Práce je formálně rozdělena na dvě samostatné části - "Juraj Križanié v Rusku" a "Veniamin v Rusku". Podobný přístup je dán faktem, že oba zkoumaní autoři žili v různých dějinných epochách a jejich díla vznikala v rozdílné historické situaci a s jiným záměrem. Přes tyto odlišnosti jsme přesvědčeni, že psát o nich v rámci jedné práce má svoje opodstatnění a svůj smysl. Oba působili v Rusku v obdobích jeho historie, která můžeme charakterizovat jako přechodná. V případě Veniamina v údobí vymezeném ukončením formální závislosti moskevského vládce na tatarských chánech (1480), sjednocením velké části severovýchodní Rusi do jednoho celku s centrem v Moskvě a dobou Ivana IV. Hrozného (1547 - 1584). U Križaniée se jednalo o dobu mezi tzv. Smutou (1584 - 1613) a nástupem nové dynastie Romanovců ( 1613) na jedné straně a reformami Petra I. (1689 - 1725) na straně druhé. Jejich názory se utvářely zcela pod vlivem tradice evropského Západu, přesto se oba (každý vlastním způsobem) stali součástí duchovnosti staré Rusi a reagovali na situaci, v níž se moskevský stát jejich doby nacházel. Oba s sebou na Východ přinesli nové impulsy a oba (byť v odlišných podmínkách a rozsahu) ovlivnili (nebo se o to vědomě pokusili) politický a myšlenkový vývoj Moskevské Rusi. Powered by TCPDF (