National Repository of Grey Literature 32,943 records found  beginprevious32934 - 32943  jump to record: Search took 1.31 seconds. 

Car insurance on the Czech insurance market
Kubeš, Jan ; Oborilová, Mária (advisor) ; Vohralík, Michal (referee)
The First part of this bachelor thesis is theoretically focused on car insurance, especially AmE property damage liability and accident insurance. The character of these two insurance is further developed in parts of the legislation, insurance contract, insurance terms and conditions and the factors affecting the price of insurance. In the chapter about accident insurance is an emphasis on exclusions from insurance payout, additional GAP insurance and benefits from connecting both insurance under one insurance company. Additional information is summarized in chapter about additional insurance, assistance services and about the system called bonus/malus. The obtained theoretical knowledge is used to compare the insurance products of three selected insurance company. This comparison can be considered as an investigator in a decision making process.

Development of Pleistocene glaciation of the Czech part of the Šumava Mts. (Case study of the Černé and Čertovo Lakes)
Vočadlová, Klára ; Křížek, Marek (advisor) ; Kalvoda, Jan (referee) ; Minár, Jozef (referee)
This Ph.D. thesis presents new facts about a paleoenvironmental development of the northern part of the Bohemian Forest (area of Černé Lake and Čertovo Lake) in the Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene. The main goals of the research are: characterize the glacier landforms in the Bohemian Forest and define the variance of these landforms; determine factors influencing formation and development of the glaciation in the study area; describe environmental settings and its changes during deglaciation and in Early Holocene by using environmental proxies. This research proceeds from original data obtained by geomorphological mapping, morphometric analysis and proxy data analyses originated from a sediment sequence in a peat bog in the Černé Lake vicinity. The common attributes of the Bohemian Forest cirques and cirque variability was determined using morphometric and morphologic characteristics of the cirques on the Bavarian and Czech side of the mountain range. These characteristics were compared with other cirques of the Bohemian Massif and other chosen mountain ranges of the world. The cirque overdeepening was defined on the basis of headwall shapes and it emerged that overdeepening of the cirques in the Bavarian Forest and in the High Sudetes reflects a different extent of the Pleistocene glaciation....

Cartographical Assessment of regional geography teaching
Hátle, Jan ; Hudeček, Tomáš (advisor) ; Bláha, Jan Daniel (referee)
The goal of this thesis is to analyse the role of the teacher in teaching regional geography at school using cartographic tools - mental and teaching maps. Suitable class of elementary school was chosen at first and then the research was taken. The pupils had to draw their mental maps of chosen continent and complete the questionnaire. That served as a source of possible data influence or distortion in drawen maps. Then the mental and teaching maps were compared and was evaluated the role of the teacher. The important part of this thesis is the discussion of reached results.

The verbal expression of Christian symbols in The First Old-Church-Slavonic Legend of St. Wenceslas
Hoppová, Veronika ; Palkosková, Olga (advisor) ; Šmejkalová, Martina (referee)
The thesis presents a philosophically-linguistic analysis of the most prominent Christian symbols in The First Old-Church-Slavonic Legend of St. Wenceslas. The main focus of this study lies in the symbolism of biblical characters, body part denomination, titles and ways of addressing in both religious and secular environment, Christian life phenomena and sacraments, as well as the symbolism of numbers. The linguistic part concentrates mostly on morphology, monitoring especially the manifestations of the classic Old Church Slavonic (excluding the influence of other languages etc.). Numerous changes of the Old-Church-Slavonic morphology (alterations and development of noun suffixes or the development of verb forms), signs of tabooing with some words and symbols, and the influence of the late transcription, in which the legend survived, have been detected during the analysis. Scribal mistakes also play a certain role in the text. In conclusion, The First Old-Church-Slavonic Legend of St. Wenceslas has been found symbolically rich, on the whole making the impression of an extensive prayer, which emphasises its symbolic character even more.

German Budesrat and its Position in the German Political System
Zykmund, Zbyněk ; Just, Petr (advisor) ; Jeřábek, Martin (referee)
Tato diplomová práce analyzuje postavení Spolkové rady (Bundesrat) v politickém systému Spolkové republiky Německo. Její postavení má totiž poměrně specifický charakter. V SRN hrají jednotlivé spolkové země důležitou roli, kterou zosobňuje právě Spolková rada tvořená zástupci jednotlivých zemských vlád, neboť bez jejího souhlasu nemohou být některé zákony na spolkové úrovni vůbec přijaty. Každá ze spolkových zemí má v závislosti na počtu obyvatel ve Spolkové radě od tří do šesti zástupců a určité spolkové zákony nemohou být přijaty bez souhlasu Spolkové rady. Delegáti zemských vlád ve Spolkové radě jsou vybaveni tzv. imperativním mandátem a při hlasování se tak musí řídit rozhodnutím svojí země. Spolková rada patří do systému "brzd a protivah" a jejím základním posláním je reprezentovat na centrální úrovni zájmy zemí a dále plnit důležitou roli prostředníka mezi Spolkem a zeměmi. Powered by TCPDF (

Hegrová, Kateřina ; Chybík, Ondřej (referee) ; Ponešová, Barbora (advisor)
Based on a series of analyses the construction programme has been created, merging the center of architecture accessible to both students and professionals and the gallery with accompanying spaces. The project is motivated by the current situation in the field of architecture. The task is to raise public awareness about the social role of architecture not only through exhibitions but also discussions and other events. At the same time to create a creative center for students where they will have a chance to meet and work with professionals. Apart from working environment workshops will be held at the same place, optionally also lectures, presentations, etc. The character of the buildings around creates enclosed city blocks. The new development at a busy intersection of the streets Milady Horákové and Koliště should as well enclose the very exposed corner of the current block. The proposed design is a reaction to where the building is placed and a typology it conceals.

Sex chromosomes in the house mouse hybrid zone
Understanding the genetic basis of reproductive isolation is the ultimate goal of the study of speciation. Here I present the results of a study of gene flow and its barriers at sex chromosome markers across the central European portion of the hybrid zone between two house mouse subspecies, Mus musculus musculus and M. m. domesticus. We identified strong introgression of Y musculus chromosome into the domesticus area accompanied by a perturbation of the census sex ratio. In addition, we detected stochastic effects that can distort results of hybrid zone studies. Finally, we confirmed a strong effect of sex chromosomes on reproductive isolation and hence their important role in the process of speciation.

Yield (revenue) management and its utilisation in hotel industry
Hanušová, Karolína ; Indrová, Jarmila (advisor) ; Kondrashov, Alexey (referee)
Tourism trade as well as hotel industry plays an important role in the services sector of the national economy of many countries, including the Czech Republic. The success of the whole branch is significantly influenced by demand fluctuations which usually occur in seasonal terms. Nowadays, however, when the world economy is afflicted by economical crisis, the demand downturns are apparent even in the times of high season. That is why the companies search for methods which would help to soften the impact of the crisis. Yield management appeared in hotel industry more than 20 years ago and is now used in many hotel chains and even small independent hotels. Its goal is to eliminate the demand fluctuation through an effective use of the hotel capacity. In practice it means to ensure that the right rooms are sold to the right customer for the right price. The aim of this thesis is a presentation of an application of Yield management theory in practice, in case of Hilton Prague hotel and to find out the opportunities of the Yield management to reduce the impact of economical crisis. First, we will need to define the base and principals of Yield management. Then we will apply them in practice to the Hilton Prague hotel. Finally, for the use of this hotel, we will examine the methods of smoothing the stroke of the crises.

Czech and Austrian feature film 1939-1945: propaganda, collaboration, resistance
Kašpar, Lukáš ; Kuklík, Jan (advisor) ; Kvaček, Robert (referee) ; Harna, Josef (referee)
Anglicke resume Throughout my thesis, I have strived to portrait the feature film production and manifestation of collaboration and resistance in the field of Czech and Austrian feature film as comprehensively as possible. I have attempted to answer the question, whether the Nazis misused this mass media. After the occupation, Czech cinematography was being taken over by the Nazis. There are two main trends in movies prevailing at the time. The first one is stressing the national traditions and expecting that this will be favourably received by the public. The second trend represents an obvious escape of a number of movies, especially conversation comedies. If we look at the emphasis on national traditions in terms of the reaction by cinema audiences or through the eyes of the reaction in the press, their importance seems to be extremely significant. The escape and amusement of movies should be viewed in the context of the intentions of the Nazi propaganda. Then we can say that, it was about much more than an escape from the routine drudgery of the protectorate life, it was also about intentional relaxation, which was supposed to facilitate regeneration of energy necessary for a problem-free functioning of the protectorate. Feature film passed by censorship was in this sense an inseparable part of the...

Flannery O'Connor as satirical priest
Petrušová, Gabriela ; Wallace, Clare (advisor) ; Ulmanová, Hana (referee)
49 Summary Although her literary career was short, Flannery O'Connor made a great impression with her peculiar characters which are probably the most unsympathetic ones in the world of fiction. These self-indulged, ignorant individuals remain in our minds long after we have finished our reading. This fact perhaps results from the notion that Flannery O'Connor herself did not have sympathy for them either. Despite her deeply religious point of view, her characters are not treated in the light of assumed Christian humanism. On the contrary, at the end they are facing violent deaths, they are robbed of their artificial limbs and every time when it is possible they are in the centre of her scornful satirical and acid humor. This thesis aims to discuss the specific role of the last mentioned phenomenon and that is O'Connor's acid and satirical humor which interwoven with religious concerns plays a specific role in her fiction. The primary aim of the first chapter is the introduction of the tradition of Southern literature and contextualization of Flannery O'Connor unique place within the Southern literary canon. The first chapter, in addition, discusses the role, history and use of humor in Southern literature. Chapter two then shifts the focus on the special quality of O'Connor's humor in particular; moreover...