National Repository of Grey Literature 32,508 records found  beginprevious32499 - 32508  jump to record: Search took 2.75 seconds. 

User interface for data extraction from GenBank data format
Jurečková, Kateřina ; Škutková, Helena (referee) ; Maděránková, Denisa (advisor)
This bachelor thesis contains a literature review on the topic of the GenBank database, its most used flat file format gbk and its comparison with other formats of sequential data. Furthermore this thesis describes the structure of mitochondrial DNA of animals and plants and plastid DNA of plants. In the practical part of this thesis is evaluation of successful automatic data extraction from GenBank flat file format from whole mitochondrial sequences by genbankread function in Matlab. And it describes also a new application for GenBank data extraction. In the end this application is used in analyses of mitochondrial genomes.

Vliv reaktivátorů acetylcholinesterázy na cholinesterázy a cholinoreceptory
Brátová, Lucie ; Vopršalová, Marie (advisor) ; Soukup, Ondřej (referee)
Charles University in Prague Phaculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Pharmacology Candidate: Lucie Brátová Supervisor: PharmDr. Marie Vopršalová, CSc. Title of Diploma Thesis: The effect of acetylcholinesterases reactivators on the cholinesterases and cholinoreceptors This thesis is concerned with the effects of oximes on the muscarinic receptors. In the first half of the theoretical part there is a description of the autonomic nervous system, main receptors and action of acetylcholinesterase (AChE). The second part summarizes important nerve gases, organophosphate poisoning and its treatment and finally introduces oximes and their mechanisms of action. The practical part shows the metodology of experiments on the atria tissues in the rat. Both in vitro and in vivo procedures demonstrated effect of oximes on the M2 receptors and their antimuscarinic properties. The in vivo studies were focused on the two contradictory effects - the inhibition of AChE and the inhibition of muscarinic receptors by the very same compound.

Hlaváček, Luděk ; Žemlička, Michal (referee) ; Holan, Tomáš (advisor)
The goal of this work is to design and implement general-purpose macro processor. This macro processor supports common features such as conditional evaluation, file inclusion, user-defined macros and manipulations with macros in runtime. Various modifications of the configuration of the macro processor are possible in run-time as well. Also it is possible to change the way of invoking built-in commands Several examples are included to demonstrate implemented features. The work also contains brief description, history and comparison with existing macro processors and theoretical principles of macro processing.

Studying of atorvastatin effects lipid profile in mice models of atherosclerosis.
Slanařová, Martina ; Nachtigal, Petr (advisor) ; Hyšpler, Radomír (referee)
Atherosclerosis is a chronic inflammatory disease of blood vessels with a successive, very slow progress which takes many years and ,,plugs"disabled vessels. Faults and changes in representation and quantity of lipoproteins are for this disease very typical. In human medicine is mostly used medication Statins during a therapy of dyslipoproteinemia. The aim is this thesis was to describe the changes of biochemical lipoproteins levels at the various mice models of atherosclerosis. Furthermore we wanted to describe the changes lipids after administering of atorvastatin in apoE-defitient mice and apoE/LDLr-deficient mice. Female of apoE-deficient mice and apoE/LDLr-deficient mice were divided into a control and with atorvastatin treated group, where atorvastatin was administered in a period of 8 weeks in a dose of 100 mg/kg mouse. Biochemical analysis of lipids was performed by a separation method of lipoproteins by means of ultracentrifugal technique. Biochemical analysis of blood of apoE-deficient mice demonstrated, that 8 weeks atorvastatin treatment in a dose of 100 mg/kg significantly increased levels of total cholesterol, VLDL, LDL and HDL cholesterol. The blood analysis of apoE/LDLr-deficient mice demonstrated, that 8 weeks long treatment with atorvastatin in the same doses significantly reduced...

název v anglickém jazyce není uveden
Kališová, Lucie ; Paclt, Ivo (advisor) ; Höschl, Cyril (referee) ; Schreiber, Vratislav (referee)
At present, depressive disorders affect a considerable proportion of population, their incidence showing an increasing tendency in the developed world. Depression mostly afflicts people in the age of 25-35. It occurs in females twice as often as in males. Depression involves an intense subjective suffering accompanied with a disruption of normal everyday functioning. Moreover, when compared with the healthy population, there exists a thirty times higher danger of suicide in the people affected with depression. The illness unfortunately tends to become chronic, the probability of recurrence of an episode being 50%. Furthermore, some patients suffering from the depressive disorder do not adequately respond to an antidepressant therapy; we call such patients treatment-resistant. There certainly exists a close relation between the endocrine and the central nervous system, most endocrine disorders being potentially accompanied with changes of psyche and vice versa. With affective disorders the most frequently reported disruption involves an interference with the function of the hypothalamicpituitary- adrenocortical (HPA) axis, though various studies repeatedly acknowledged also deviations of the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid (HPT) axis. The most frequent findings comprise an altered serum thyrotropin response...

Models of time structures of interest rates and their use in valuation of liabilities of life insurance Company
Turussova, Valeriya ; Witzany, Jiří (advisor) ; Mazáček, David (referee)
This master thesis aims to describe problematics of the stochastic modeling of time structures of interest rates with Vasicek, CIR and Hull-White models and the use of these models in valuation of liabilities and time value of options and guaranties in life insurance. In the theoretical part of the thesis there are fundamentals of stochastic calculus, stochastic models of interest rates and introduction to problematics of life insurance defined. Furthermore, the last practical part of the thesis demonstrates impact of particular models on the value of liabilities in relation to clients and on the value of TVOG of real European life insurance Company.

The Economic Efficiency of House Arrest
Michailidis, Simon ; Babin, Jan (advisor) ; Rod, Aleš (referee)
The main purpose of this bachelor thesis is to determine whether house arrest is more economically efficient than imprisonment. House arrest was first evaluated in terms of the impact on public budgets, followed by an assessment of its overall economic efficiency. For the purposes of the analysis, the cost function of the Prison Service was estimated using the high-low method. This function made it possible to determine potential savings in the Prison Service by replacing one imprisonment with house arrest. The costs of house arrest using electronic monitoring and random checks were then calculated. The costs and potential savings are similar in amount, although significant savings in public funds by replacing imprisonment with house arrest was not demonstrated. For evaluating the overall economic efficiency, both the previous cost analyses and the conclusions of the modern economics of crime were used. In this context, house arrest is clearly more cost-efficient than imprisonment. This fact has been confirmed by the frequent use of house arrest abroad.

The use of Competitive Intelligence methods for company Intergraph
Kuznetsova, Kristina ; Molnár, Zdeněk (advisor) ; Zumr, Jiří (referee)
Thesis deals with the use of Competitive Intelligence methods for selected IT company. The main objective of this work is the use of competitive intelligence analysis within the company and the characteristics of the company's competitive environment. Another goal is to identify appropriate information sources to obtain information about the external business environment and tools for monitoring them. The theoretical part of this work comes from the professional literature and focuses on the characteristics of competitive intelligence, and the intelligence cycle, including a description of its phases. Furthermore is mentioned the categorization of information sources and described the tools for collecting and analyzing information on the Internet. Part of theoretical part is a chapter devoted to CI in small and medium-sized companies. The practical part of this thesis deals with designing a system of competitive intelligence for a particular company. The first part includes the evaluation of the current situation in the ICT sector. Next chapter contains useful information sources to track and monitor information. Part of the proposed solution is a proposal profile person responsible for the conduct of CI. Thesis contribution in general involves a practical demonstration of using the CI methods possibilities in small business. From the practical side is the benefit mainly evaluating various analyzes, the conclusions and recommendations drawn from them.

Panasonic FX7 Digital Cameras Simulator and Trainer
Urban, Petr ; Drozdová, Martina (referee) ; Kunovský, Jiří (advisor)
My thesis is focused on the creation of materials which should be used at the University of the third age. I worked with camera Panasonic LUMIX FX7 to which I created a user manual and also a simulator which simulates the functions of this camera. The simulator and the user manual could be used as training materials as well as materials to demonstrate this camera, for instance on promotions.

The Influence of European Central Bank Interest Rates upon Consumption in Eurozone Countries
Glykner, Daniel ; Mandel, Martin (advisor) ; Chytilová, Helena (referee)
First, this paper presents basic definitions of the consumption function and gives a summary of main theoretical concepts of consumption as well as an overview and discussion of important papers on consumption. Above all, papers examining the influence of the interest rate upon consumption are accented. Furthermore it contains a brief context summary of current and potential eurozone members, work of the ECB and execution of common monetary policy. Subsequently we discuss the hypothesis of a possibly asymmetric impact of the interest rate upon consumption in individual countries, expand and justify the hypothesis based on indebtedness, wealth, etc. Empirically, hypotheses are tested on historical data of individual countries: transmission between interest rates of central banks (later the ECB) and market interest rates, correlation analysis of consumption changes and central interest rates in individual countries, correlations with year-on-year changes. Also, consumption functions are estimated using time series models while testing alternative variables in the regression equations. We discuss analysis results and methods used; the influence of the interest rate upon consumption seems to be small and the relationship type is not much different across the eurozone countries. Eventually, we outline possible implications of our results with respect to the future of the eurozone and related activity of the ECB.