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Film Editing and Narratology
KAVKA, Vojtěch
This bachelor work deals with theory of narration in the film art, cut composition and their interrelationship. Concretely, this work is based on David Bordwell´s narration theory. Film cut possibilities are explained in conjuction with this theory. These possibilities are used for method exploration of characters introducing and their function in the whole film structure. The last part of this work is based on previous parsing of chosen characters from selected two-part film by director Quentin Tarantino whose narration style and the way of formation are described by this analysis.
Looking Back at the End of Life´s Journey. A Retospective View of Seniors
HOLÁTOVÁ, Veronika
In this bachelor thesis I would like to introduce the process of aging and aging with regard to previous developmental stages in human life. I choose this topic - life story of seniors, because I have a very positive relationship with old people and I was always very interested in thein life stories. The aim of my bachelor thesis is to explore the lives of seniors and their most important periods and seech at impact has relive the past on life in old age. The theoretical part deals with the different developmental stages, old age, aging, life story and life in old age. The practical part is focused on the target group of seniors, and especially thein life stories. The main objektive is to explore the lives of seniors, and it is signifiant periods. This bachelor thesis identified the main research question chat is the impal of relive past on life in old age? On the basic of the main research questions I set out five specific research questions. For the empirical part of my thesis I choose qualitative research strategy, narrative interview method and technice of cluster. Operationalized questions were dividend according to specific research questions and by development stages. The research group consists of six seniors who were selected by quota selection hen this quota is equal representation of men and women aged 71-81 years who are willing to give interviews. There sults were obtained based on narrative interviews in the Home for elderly "Pohoda", in Netolice. Based on the mapping of the life of seniors and thein significant period, it was found that the old age is the reset of the whole life time. Although each of senior had different life, in old age their lives resemble each other. Given the times in which they lived and chat they lived through, they can now appreciate everything. Today's time is perceived ether negatively, but they are happy with thein lives in old age. Relive the past has a very signifiant effect on old age. This bachelor thesis could be beneficial for specific social services and results may help to better understand the life stories of users. Knowledge of thein lives can help to improve the quality of life of seniors in homes for the elderly. Also I think, that knowledge of interesting life stories can penetratein to the depths of thein lives and help to understand the seniors. This bachelor thesis could be alsouseful for other students who deal with the topic of life stories.
Beyond the limit of interest - the genesis of creativity
Chmelíková, Alžběta ; Jakalová, Zuzana (referee) ; Vaněk, Vojtěch (advisor)
Artistic work is to a large extent viewed holistically - the receiver perceives the whole of the work, seeks its meaning, tries to interpret it. The final text is torn off by a thick black line from its genesis. However, just observing the development of the idea, concept, processing, or method itself is most often a more complex experience than the finished work. The course of my studies, permeated by three separate studios and by itself representing the macroclimate of an individual thinking about artistic attitude and meaning, motivated me to turn attention from the work to the course of creation. The work can be understood as a metacritical view of the creative processes, enveloping the finalized work itself, among which a structure of similarity and otherness emerges; this I will try to capture as a text in the form of a gamebook.
Personal literary writing with an authorial commentary
Wilczková, Lucie ; Peterka, Josef (advisor) ; Píšová, Ina (referee)
The Thesis Personal prose with an authorial commentary is divided into two parts. The first part consists of the personal prose called Before it Happened. This is a more perspective psychological prose from family life in which Mirek plays the lead role (is the main character). Mirek has been a more active child since his childhood. It brings to his parents a number of worries that multiply with increasing age. At the age of twelve, at the time when the story unfolds, his problems get too far and cause a number of complications in his parents' marriage as well. In the second part of the thesis the author reflects her own story. It deals, for example, with the characteristics of the individual characters, the motivation for the choice of the subject, the variants of the conclusion and the choice of the literary code and the title. Two literary criticisms and an author's statement to them form an integral part of the thesis. KEYWORDS psychological prose, Before it Happened, family relationships, troubled child, title, narration
Before and Beyond Embedding: A Reference Fable from the National Library of Technology in Prague
Skenderija, Sasha ; Stehlík, Martin ; Houdek, Tomáš
Rewind the tape telling the story of reference services at the National Library of Technology (NTK) in Prague to 2009: a closed stacks specialized library with a long, complicated institutional history re-opens its arms to the public with a new “open stacks spirit” in an innovative building—an architectural jewel. Students (80% of all visitors) and the public embrace an inspiring space in the heart of a STEM campus and it rapidly fills with activities ranging from conferences to art exhibitions to concerts. But lost in this mélange are modern academic reference and information services. Despite being governed and financed directly by the Czech Ministry of Education, the narrative of value to academic stakeholders is shyly whispered. “We’re the flagship of Czech librarianship,” we gloat. Nothing, and almost no one, shouts: “We can help you succeed in your academic journey.” Fast-forward to 2017. In our paper, we will relate how we are weaving together the first fabrics of academic value narratives. Our story has not been linear; threads related to internal strategic planning, creation of intranets and reusable staff educational modules entwine with other threads (user-based online development, social media statements, “backward designed” instructional efforts) which we discuss using notable examples. Common to all narratives are themes of academic success, rigor, and individual engagement; internally in relation to ongoing staff development and externally, with intimate involvement (even bowling!) with colleagues and students. While our campus may not yet be fully ready for such approaches, we are now strongly declaring our value as essential players in the successful education of students.
Fulltext: idr-1106_1 - Download fulltextPDF
Slides: 122-Skenderija-presentation - Download fulltextPDF
Flashback as a narrative means for expressing memory. Czechoslovak New Wave in the mirror of flashback
Čechová, Briana ; Hanáková, Petra (advisor) ; Bernard, Jan (referee) ; Přádná, Stanislava (referee)
Tato práce má dvě roviny a s nimi související dva cíle: teoreticky zakotvuje téma "Flashback" v domácím odborném prostředí, a vytváří tak zázemí pro jeho další zkoumání, v rovině analytické se soustředí na období československé nové vlny. Filosofické zázemí pro zkoumání flashbacku jakožto zásadního vyjadřovacího prostředku filmové narace, schopného zachytit fungování paměti, mi poskytla filosofie paměti Henri Bergsona. Než jsem přistoupila k primárnímu zdrojovému materiálu, formulovala jsem si pracovní definici pojmu flashback a vytvořila základní historický přehled o jeho existenci v rámci dějin kinematografie světové a v tomto přehledu akcentovala vývoj kinematografie české. Období domácí nové vlny mi nabídlo pro studium sledovaného tématu kreativní prostor i příhodné podmínky. Vymezila jsem její časové určení, předchůdce, představitele a inspirované souputníky, jejichž tvorbu jsem však zkoumala v kontextu veškeré domácí hrané produkce. Tak bylo zjištěno, že v letech 1963 - 1969, kdy bylo realizováno 218 dlouhometrážních hraných filmů, se v jedné třetině z nich objevuje flashback. Tyto filmy se pak staly předmětem mého výzkumu: analyzovala jsem už literární a technické scénáře, filmy samotné i jejich kritickou odezvu, to vše výhradně z hlediska využití a percepce flashbacku jako narativního...
The image of history in film
Váňa, Martin ; Činátl, Kamil (advisor) ; Randák, Jan (referee)
(in English): The thesis focuses on therelationbetweenhistory, philosophy and film. Ituses film and TV seriessourcesproduced in the Czech Republic in the last fewyears. The thesis comprisesfrominterpretationof these sourceswiththe use ofappropriatemethodology as well as itdevelopsitsownmethod to beused to workwithhistorical film. Methodofthe thesis isdefinedaboveall by: the film thinkingofGillesDeleuze, theworks on history, time, art and ideology by Slavoj Žižek and Henry Bergson's Matter and Memory. Author uses concepts of Gilles Deleuze such as movement-image, time-image, time crystal and other, in order to describe the relation between history, memory and time, all that on the background of following audiovisual material: Czech Century, It's Gonna Get Worse, Lost in Munich, Burning Bush.
Narratives and Religion: Particularities and Functions of Narration in Religious Context
Širl, Radim ; Chlup, Radek (advisor) ; Lyčka, Milan (referee)
The aim of this thesis is to analyse certain aspects connecting religion and narration (which is understood here as a common human faculty to think and express oneself in the form of narratives). The first part of the thesis is concerned with methodology; first of all, the issues of defining narrative are introduced and a more elaborate definition is presented. A complete methodology is then formulated with a help of several authors (mainly James W. Pennebaker and Mary Douglas) in order to distinguish particularities and functions of creating narratives in religious contexts. Two main points are stressed here: that the content of the narratives is often concerned with problematic aspects of experience and that the expression of these narratives is beneficial for their creators. The second part focuses on several religious institutions concerned with creation of narratives which are interpreted with the outlined methodology. In this manner, the act of confession in Catholicism, prayer in Christianity and certain healing rituals are described and interpreted. Conclusions of this thesis should help the reader get a basic idea of the way created narratives in religious contexts affect their authors.

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