National Repository of Grey Literature 28,899 records found  beginprevious28890 - 28899  jump to record: Search took 1.70 seconds. 

Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in the Information Economy - Impact of ICT on their Competitiveness
Tomečková, Marta ; Očko, Petr (advisor) ; Basl, Josef (referee)
This thesis deals with the influence of ICT on the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises in the information economy. The first part of thesis defines the information society in general and explains the basic terminology related to information, the information science and the information economy. The next chapter is the analysis of the importance of SMEs in the Czech republic, which follows the chapter about information and communications technologies in business. The conclusion concentrates on describing electronic commerce (e-commerce) and Internet business models, the emphasis is mainly on the model of business-to-business (B2B) which allows you to increase competitiveness and helps to achieve better business results for small and medium enterprises was due to increased influence to ICT.

The Judiciary - Europa's (il)legitimate Child?
Štamberk, David ; Zemánek, Jiří (advisor) ; Král, Richard (referee)
The thesis is focused on examination of issues of legitimacy of the Court of Justice of the European Union. The problem is perceived in the context of the growing importance of the judiciary both at national and international levels. Judges are increasingly forced by circumstances to shape law. Their role in the system of bodies of states and international organisations is thus changed. The courts of the highest instance in particular become political actors. Traditional (functional) conception of their legitimacy, based on the requirements of professional credit, independence and impartiality, is then shown to be insufficient and must be supplemented by democratic legitimacy and proven existence of the legitimizing chain. Due to growing influence of international courts of justice this problem is projected to the international level. In the case of the Court of Justice of the European Union the whole problem is even more intense for its supranational character and influence, which it acquires consequently. It should therefore be at the forefront of efforts to improve the legitimacy of the international judiciary. The current situation however does not really corresond to it. Improvements in the appointment of Judges and Advocates-General were therefore proposed. Larger involvement of the European...

The analysis of the labor market of older people in the Czech Republic in 2000-2012
Berousková, Lucie ; Krebs, Vojtěch (advisor) ; Kotýnková, Magdalena (referee)
The thesis is focused on the actual problém of the Czech Republic, which is the issue of unemployment and higher participation of persons over 50 years of age on the labour market, growing mainly due to demographic developments and prolonging retirement age due to the pension reform. Persons older than 50 years are a specific group in terms of the labour market, which has special characteristics and needs the individual approach The main objective of this thesis is to analyse the labour market of older workers for the period 2000 - 2012 in terms of 4 factors, which are - gender, level of education, specialization and territorial allocations and then compare the disparities of this labour market with the employment policy in the Czech Republic. This comparison will provide the answer to the research question - whether employment policy meets the needs of the labour market of persons over 50 years of age.

Flea Market Kolbenova Market as Space, Market as Organism
Klouzalová, Pavla ; Pauknerová, Karolína (advisor) ; Novotná, Hedvika (referee)
My diploma thesis, Kolbenova "flea market" - market as a space, market as an organism, searches what is the nature of such a place as perceived by its visitors. I claim that the market can be taken to be an organism continuously reacting to incentives from both the market surroundings and the market participants. The perception of the market is determined by four main elements - space, in which it is being held, temporal aspect of the market and its influence on the changes of the place, the products being marketed and the participants themselves. Based on the analysis of the data gained mostly by the participating observation and semistructured and random interviews, I have concluded that due to the interacting nature of the four aspects the Kolbenova flea market is not a fixed subject, but is a constantly changing and reacting mixture of the four aforementioned aspects.

Effectiveness of treatment of chronic forms of atrial fibrillation by radiofrequency catheter ablation, application of preventive stimulation modes and hybrid therapies
Šedivá, Lucie ; Aschermann, Michael (advisor) ; Heinc, Petr (referee) ; Horký, Karel (referee)
Výsledky naší studie nám umožňují odpovědět na hlavní cíl studie: Pomocí paměťových záznamů z kardiostimulátoru jsme prokázali největší efektivitu na potlačení FS kombinovanou terapií, tedy radiofrekvenční katetrizační ablací a aktivovanými preventivními funkcemi kardiostimulátoru. Hodnocení celkové zátěže FS, které jsme měli umožněné díky paměťovým funkcím KS prokázalo výrazně lepší výsledky u skupiny C, 63% vyléčených ( FS=0), proti skupině B, která měla úspěšnost léčby 45% ( FS=0) a skupina A pouze 30% ( FS=0). Ad 1 Do naší studie byli zařazeni nemocní s chronickými typy FS, ze 150 nemocných bylo 39 nemocných ( 26%) ve stadiu permanentní FS, 111 nemocných (74%) mělo persistující FS, vyžadující pro výrazné potíže a hemodynamický dopad opakované kardioverze. Ve všech skupinách jsme prokazovali významné zlepšení ( ve skupině A mělo v závěru studie devět nemocných permanentní FS. Ve skupině B to byl jeden nemocný a ve skupině v C měli čtyři nemocní permanentní. Ve skupině C bylo nejvíce nemocných s nulovou zátěží FS ( celkem 24 nemocných). Ad 2 Posouzení kvality života-srovnání dotazníků před randomizací a po dvanácti měsících ukazuje nejlepší výsledek u skupiny C, i když u celého souboru došlo vlivem léčby ke zlepšení kvality života. Ad 3 V celém průběhu studie od aktivace preventivních algoritmů po...

The positive influence of Christian environment and its impact on children's lifes
Machancová, Věra ; Matějek, Marek (advisor) ; Eliáš, Vojtěch (referee)
Author: Věra Machancová Institution: Catholic Theological Faculty of the Charles University in Prague Title of the work: The Positive Influence of Christian Environment and its Impact on Children's Lives Number of pages: 50 Number of literary works used: 21 Number of characters: 89,569 Key words: Child, development, family, christian environment, God's love Summary: The work deals with the influence of Christian environment on the pre-school child's life. It gives a brief description of the stages of the child's development from the birth up to the age of 6. It goes on to give a more detailed description of some representative areas of Christian and secular environment, such as the Christian family, the Church, the consumer way of life, the Christian kindergarten, etc., and their specific influence on the child. The work also makes an attempt to find out whether these areas influence the child in a positive or in a negative way and how they can stimulate the child to form a positive attitude towards life and faith.

Czech-German Economic Ties after the 2004 EU Enlargement: A Neofunctionalist Perspective
Janíčko, Martin ; Kučerová, Irah (advisor) ; Petříček, Tomáš (referee)
The submitted diploma thesis deals with the issue of the Czech-German economic relations after the 2004 enlargement of the European Union. Economic relations are in more detail divided into the trade relations and the investment (financial) relations. The main aim of the thesis is to evaluate the hypothesis that the so called "Eastern Enlargement" has led to somewhat intensified determination of the economic development in the Czech Republic by the one in Germany. The pivotal transmission mechanism in this process should have been positive spill-over effects that might have been in effect even before the very accession of the European Union by the Czech Republic. Such spill-over effects, that to an extent allowed for more significant determination of the Czech business cycle by the German one, may take form of e.g. common European Union trade framework, deregulation of capital flows, and/or perspective of the future development of the Czech economy within the European Union.

Carbon Capture and Storage Technology in Energy Industry
Šulcová, Anna ; Melichar, Jan (advisor) ; Dvořák, Antonín (referee)
Given the growing worldwide interest in fossil fuels on one hand and mitigation of climate change on the other hand, it is necessary to research into new technologies as Carbon Capture and Storage. This technology became a matter of interest as an option to diminish greenhouse gas emissions of power plants. It is essential to find out about the costs of Carbon Capture and Storage and expected future costs of power plants with CCS. Impact of this techology is not only in the sphere of capital and operational costs, but it also influences power plant efficiency and fuel consumption in negative way. Analysis of reductions in the costs of this technology as a result of learning-by-doing is observed on Experience Curves. This study observes influence of CCS on costs of mainly PC, IGCC and NGCC type of power plant. CCS technology has positive impact not only on environment, but it is possible to assess Enhanced Oil, Methane or Gas Recovery, which can partly offset costs of this technology.

Corporate Social Responsibility and its influence on corporate image
Baranová, Petra ; Filipová, Alena (advisor) ; Zeman, Jiří (referee)
The master thesis deals with the topic of Corporate Social Responsibility and its impact on corporate image. The theoretical part of the thesis defines the concept of CSR and the environment of a company that CSR activities relate to. Subsequently, the thesis is concerned with corporate image and on the example of several studies in this area is examining the relationship between corporate social responsibility, company's image and purchasing behavior of consumers. The next chapter is focused on communication of socially responsible activities, as accuracy and efficiency of corporate communication may influence perception of corporate image and consequently customer's purchase intention. The next section analyzes the diverse portfolio of socially responsible activities of the Bosch Group that the author got to know thanks to an opportunity of a one year internship at this company. The Bosch CSR program represents an example of consistently planned CSR activities that are a part of a long-term corporate strategy. The last chapter of the thesis includes an own survey, in which the author focuses on the consumers' knowledge about the concept of socially responsible behavior, about trends in development and in particular about its effect on firms' image and purchasing behavior of customers. Results of the survey are compared with related surveys and studies.

Immunochemical detection of tissue damage
Vytášek, Richard ; Herget, Jan (advisor) ; Pavelka, Karel (referee) ; Nečas, Emanuel (referee) ; Fučíková, Terezie (referee)
Primární podnět, vedoucí k tkáňovému poškození, je obvykle exogenního původu. Endogenního původu jsou zřejmě ta poškození tkáně, kdy dochází k soustavnému, dlouhodobému modifikování (např. vlivem stárnutí) některé její komponenty, která vede k ztrátě její funkčnosti (např. glykace proteinů čočky či racemisace jejich aminokyselin). Exogenní zásah, vedoucí k poškození tkáně, může být fyzikální podstaty (mechanickýporanění, tepelný - popálení, ionizující záření atd.), chemický (např. toxiny, alergeny, ale i přebytek či nedostatek kyslíku) nebo biologický (např. infekce). Chemický či biologický podnět vyvolává primární odpověď a tou je obvykle uvolnění cytokinů do extracelulárního prostoru anebo produkce volných radikálů. Účinek cytokinů na ostatní buňky je velmi různorodý a závisí na jejich typu, ale cytokiny jako takové tkáně nedegradují. Oproti tomu volné radikály mohou sice mít vlastnosti hormonů (oxid dusnatý) a mít protektivní účinek, ale mnohem častěji tkáně poškozují, ať už jako takové nebo svými reaktivními produkty (po reakci s kovy, oxidanty nebo reduktanty). Volné radikály, díky své reaktivitě, mají krátkou dobu existence a proto jejich stanovení je obtížné a často se převádí na stanovení stabilního produktu vznikajícího reakcí volného radikálu. Příkladem může být měření produkce oxidu dusnatého na...