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Succession law - substantive law aspects
Matuševský, Martin ; Frintová, Dita (referee) ; Mikeš, Jiří (advisor)
58 4. Summary The Czech material law of succession The law of succession is one of the most important branches of civil law. It governs the succession of the deceased's property onto his heirs. The Czech law distinguishes two means of succession - the former is testamentary succession while the later is legal succession. The difference between the two lies in the fact that legal succession takes place only when the deceased leaves no last will. In my thesis I thoroughly processed the all the institutes of the Czech material law of succession. The first chapter introduces the meaning of the law of succession and its main principles, e.g. the principle of familiarity or the principle of free disposition. The second chapter concentrates main focus of my thesis and is furthermore sub-divided into sub- chapters. In the first sub-chapter I explain and give examples of the most important sources of law of succession. The second sub-chapter enumerates the premises of succession, i.e. death of the predecessor, existence of the inheritance, legal reason for succession and capacity to be heir. The third and fourth sub-chapters elaborate on the possibility of refusing the inheritance and the succession of debts. The fifth sub-chapter contains all the information about both means of succession - the legal succession and...

An agreement to enter into a contract
Francová, Renata ; Patěk, Daniel (referee) ; Plíva, Stanislav (advisor)
The aim of this thesis is to explore and explain in detail the problems of the Agreement on the Future Agreement according to its basics in the Czech Commercial Code. The thesis is based on the valid legal regulations of the Agreement on the Future Agreement and explains the essential issues concerning its interpretation and application. The thesis is following the characteristics of the legal indicia of the Agreement on the Future Agreement together with its content, parties to the Agreement and its template. Other explored issues are rights and duties of the parties to the Agreement as well as variability of the contracting requirements. The thesis also deals with the fundamentals and purposes of the process between the Agreement on the Future Agreement and the Future Agreement and enables us to understand similar legal institutes. Regarding the recent dual legal regulation provided by the Czech Commercial Code as well as the Czech Civil Code, the aim of the thesis is to compare similarities and differences of these two types of regulation and to indicate advantages and disadvantages of the application of each one during the different stages of the contracting process. The thesis is concerned with the compulsory requirements of the Agreement on the Future Agreement according to the peremptory rules of...

Psychosocial adaptation of people growing up in individual foster care
Homolka, Michal ; Horáková Hoskovcová, Simona (referee) ; Šulová, Lenka (referee)
Rigorous work was created as a partial project of longitudinal study "Protection of mental health of persons exposed to provable psychosocial risk in the childhood.u (IGA MZ ČR č.NF 55 79-3). The theme of rigorous work was psychosocial adaptation of 46 persons growed up in individua! foster care. In theoretical part I presented concept of resiliency that deals with conditions of successfull adaptation despite life risks. Theme of resiliency was filled in related concepts and put into relation with concept of risk and theory of deprivation. Extensively I presented three representative original concepts of resiliency. The problem of individua! foster care I put into context with characteristics of family and substitute family care. In practical part I described actual psychosocial adaptation of whole research group, differences between men and women and I compared two groups divided according to score of social adaptation researched in previous study in 1991-1994. I had to follow methodological procedure of whole research, but in spite of that I attempted to get information that testified existence of specific resiliencies althougt I could not prove their causality. From the results followed, that it is very homogenous and highly socially adaptated group representing unique chance to study resiliency....

Yield of preventive examinations in the office of general practitioner in the meaning prevention of colorectal carcinoma
Havlíková, Šárka ; Hovorová, Helena (advisor)
The topic of his thesis "The yield of preventive examinations in surgery practitioner for adults in prevention of colorectal cancer " I chose based on the seriousness of this issue, and therefore the estimated High probability with which this problem will meet in their further exposure to the medical field, anticipated surgery. My selection partly due to several weeks of practice and the department of surgery at the hospital Sisters of Mercy of St.. Charles Borromeo Petrin hill in Prague, where I could stand by and assist at several operations for colorectal cancer under leadership of head physician. Sequens, PhD. To me again revealed in complexity of the whole issue and the need for early preventive measures such as the above-mentioned preventive examinations in general practitioner doctor The incidence and the mortality rate for colorectal cancer include the Czech Republic compared to the sad world firsts. More precisely, the relative first mortality in men and second in women (1995). Another alarming fact is the fact that mortality from this neoplasm is increasing (for both women and men). Since 1970 to 1995 increased mortality from colorectal cancer in the Czech Republic 61% for men and almost 44% in women. It is therefore very important research within identify risk factors for the development of...

Zheng Chouyu - the life and works of the classic author of Taiwanese
Piper, Zuzana ; Andrš, Dušan (referee) ; Lomová, Olga (advisor)
Mým úmyslem bylo v této práci postihnout charakteristické rysy básnické tvorby, kterou se Zheng Chouyu natrvalo zapsal do dějin moderní taiwanské poezie. Snažila jsem se poskytnout co nejširší úhel pohledu na Zheng Chouyuho rané dílo a všímala si jak témat a motivů, tak i formálních a jazykových prostředků. Součástí charakteristiky stylu bylo také zamyšlení nad vztahem Zheng Chouyuho díla k tradiční čínské poezii. Soustředila jsem se na estetickou hodnotu básní a posuzovala je jako samostatné entity, i když nebylo vždy možné zcela přehlédnout společenské vlivy, které měly podíl na jejich vzniku. Centrem mého zájmu bylo čtení básní a následná analýza jazyka, techniky zpracování, témat, stylu a obraznosti. V textu jsem uvedla příklady vybraných básní typických pro dané téma nebo pro námět zpracovaný v jisté kapitole. Soustředila jsem se na interpretaci jednotlivých básní a na jejich rozbor.

Vertiginous relations in Eugene O'Neill's Desire Under the Elms and Mourning Becomes Electra
Landerová, Petra ; Roraback, Erik Sherman (advisor) ; Wallace, Clare (referee)
The recurrent theme of inter-human family relationships in a state of loss and decay in plays authored by Eugene O'Neill arises in part from the author's own traumatic relationship with his parents and with his brother James. Trying to deal with his torturous memories, O'Neill seeks answers through his cursed characters, who partly derive from the writer himself, yet also offer a universal portrayal of humankind as a victim of his own mental being and system. Given O'Neill's profound interest in psychoanalysis, the plays mostly take place in the life process of the individual minds of the protagonists and of the animating effect they have on others who populate the play-texts; therefore it is essential for the understanding of the play-works under critical consideration to look at the inner lives and worlds of these enigmatic characters, and to evaluate to what extent they act on their own will and where, conversely, unconscious forms of desire from other characters, memories, wishes, objects and so forth are instead determinant. The canonical plays Desire Under the Elms and Mourning Becomes Electra offer an intriguing blend of the forms and of the contents of the classical-traditional and of the modern stage play, as they extend the heritage and the lineage of ancient Greek tragedy, although situated in...

Contemporary Islamic intellectual trends in the Arabic Maghrib
Grishen, Hasan Omar ; Kropáček, Luboš (advisor) ; Gombár, Eduard (referee)
Poslední etapa vývoje dějin se vyznačovala "humanizací", která dějinám dala skutečný význam, jakožto produkt činnosti lidových mas a jakožto věda s vlastními zákony, jejichž prostřednictvím jsou události dějin vysvětlovány a analyzovány. Nejvýznamnějším průkopníkem etapy "humanizace" dějin byl Ibn Chaldún, který v dějinách spatřoval "umění" a představil je jako vědu s novým pohledem, jenž se nespokojil se studiem vnějších jevů dějin (záhir), jakožto pouhý nástin událostí a zpráv, ale jeho zájem se soustředil na jejich "vnitřní smysl- bátin", jímž je "pohled, prověření a vysvětlení příčin tvorů a jejich přesných principů a znalost podmínek událostí a jejich hlubších příčin"(al-Muqaddima, str.4 ). Jeho metoda tedy spočívá ve spojení syntézy a analýzy, aby tak dosáhl upřesnění mezi podrobným studiem a vyvozováním závěrů v sociologickém výzkumu. Tato metoda obsahuje odmítnutí jednostranného pohledu, který by při vědeckém výzkumu obecně a při studiu vnějších historických jevů zvláště uplatňoval jeden z těchto dvou způsobů. To znamená, že kterákoli z těchto dvou metod má poměrnou hodnotu, kterou je možné prokázat pouze v organickém spojení s druhou metodou, což rovněž znamená, logická syntéza s analýzou a podrobné studium s dedukcí se vzájemně doplňují. Tento pohled vede k překonání prostého výčtu historický...

Project Management in the E-business projects
Houžvička, Jakub ; Pour, Jan (advisor) ; Derfler, Václav (referee)
The bachelor work propose complex procedure of managing e-business projects. It begins in project concept (rights establishment of goals, deadlines, budget and selection of resources), after that follow analyses (market analysis, database analysis, process analysis and analysis of application architecture). Than it continues with process plan (list of tasks to be done and their delegation) and project implementation, at which is closely connected testing (user, security and execution) it ends with closing of project. The second part contains list of selected software tools, which enabling efective managing of project and its description. The tools are divided to commerce and non-commerce.

Analýza a perspektivy vzájemných ekonomických vztahů Evropské unie s vybranou oblastí Latinské Ameriky- Spojenými státy mexickými
Poláchová, Marie ; Štěňhová, Božena (advisor) ; Mertlíková, Františka (referee)
Spojené státy mexické, země s velkým trhem i možnostmi, jsou již v této době výrazně zapojeny do dění v mezinárodním obchodu. Staly se jeho nepřehlédnutelnou součástí a jsou významným partnerem v obchodních vztazích nejen pro USA, ale i pro další země či regiony a uskupení, mezi nimiž zaujímá nezaměnitelnou pozici také Evropská unie. Tato práce si klade za cíl analyzovat ekonomické vztahy mezi těmito dvěma partnery. Aby mohla být dobře pochopena daná problematika, je nutno utvořit si patřičnou představu o mexické ekonomice, její otevřenosti a možnostech a dále se podrobněji zabývat obchodně-politickými podmínkami, které jsou nastoleny mezi Mexikem a EU. Následuje již samotná analýza ekonomických vztahů mezi partnery a dále také mezi Mexikem a ČR, pro kterou je Mexiko jednou z prioritních zemí v rámci exportní strategie pro období 2006 ? 2010. Z této analýzy poté vyplývají perspektivy pro vývoj v blízké budoucnosti. Za velmi zajímavé aspekty této práce, určitou ?přidanou hodnotu?, chceme-li, si dovoluji označit část práce, ve které se české společnosti, působící na mexickém trhu, vyjadřují k podmínkám pro podnikání a k tomu, jak se pro ně změnily podmínky po vstupu ČR do EU, respektive poté, co se na ČR začala vztahovat Dohoda o ZVO. Dále bych poukázala na informace o studentech VŠE, kteří studují španělštinu, jako výhled do budoucna k poznatku MPO, které považuje za slabinu českých podnikatelů nedostatečnou jazykovou vybavenost. Prostor je dán i alternativním názorům neziskových organizací, jejichž pohled na uzavření Dohody o ZVO se značně liší od názoru, který uvádí v oficiálních prohlášeních oba partneři.

Analyze of migration Czech doctors abroad
Svoboda, Jakub ; Gráf, Václav (advisor) ; Loužek, Marek (referee)
The main aim of the work is analysis of labour migration of czech doctors.Work is divided to several parts. At first for clearing up the situation is czech health-care system compared with other OECD countries. After that the work is focused on migration of high skilled labour, which is group where doctors belogns to. Next part is survey among doctors and students of medicine. The aim of the survey is find out their migration potentional, their target countries and migration barriers. At the and the work is focused on situation in czech health-care system in the end of the year 2010. The result of analysis is clear. Number of czech doctors migrating abroad is not increasing dramatically. Mass exodus of czech doctors abroad will not happen.