National Repository of Grey Literature 28,087 records found  beginprevious28078 - 28087  jump to record: Search took 2.10 seconds. 

Agriculture Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia
Štolleová, Barbora ; Kubů, Eduard (advisor) ; Šouša, Jiří (referee) ; Burešová, Jana (referee)
Agriculture of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia institutional change - production - exploitation The work considers changes of agricultural sector in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia that took place under pressure of occupation and war efforts of the Third Reich. It defines Nazi goals that were connected with agriculture, their methods that were to fulfil them and their results. The institutional change, production and exploitation build three main pillars of research. The institutional change, especially implementing of managed economy in agriculture and establishment of new institutions as instruments of Nazi control worked as the prerequisite for Nazi's performance in agriculture. The managed system of economy enabled implementation of wide range of administrative measures that significantly influenced agricultural production, its structure and intensity. The work analyzes relation between administration and performance of agriculture. The general change of this sector and its contribution to Germany are evaluated in wider context of Nazi's exploitation of occupied territories.

Monetary policy of the ECB from the external and internal balance point of view
Šindlerová, Zuzana ; Durčáková, Jaroslava (advisor) ; Čermáková, Daniela (referee)
The European Central Bank implements its monetary policy within the Euro Area -- the biggest project of monetary union in the history. This fact itself draws our attention and gives rise to the questions about the efficiency of the adopted steps in the scope of fulfilling the main objective -- price stability. However when evaluating the overall economic balance we are not only interested in price stability. This paper is focused on ECB monetary policy from a theoretical point of view as well as through comprehensive analysis of its practical effects on economic performance. External and internal balance indicators help us to evaluate the ECB's achievement from 1999 till now. Therefore we can see the origins of the current miserable state of the common currency not in the bad decisions undertaken by the ECB, but in the general conditions, which enabled the formation of the EMU on a very unstable foundation.

New phenomena in the relations between the EU and Australia New Zealand at the beginning of the third millennium
Procházka, David ; Cihelková, Eva (advisor) ; Bič, Josef (referee)
The goal of the thesis "New phenomena in the relations between the EU and Australia New Zealand at the beginning of the third millennium" is to analyze mutual trade and economic relations in the context of new phenomena in regionalism, represented here mostly by bi-regionalism and trans-regionalism. The first part of the thesis characterizes economic positions of EU, Australia and New Zealand in the global economy and emphasizes their historical and societal ties. The second part of the thesis elaborates on the development of mutual relations between the EU Australia and EU New Zealand. In particular it sums up the process of deepening of their cooperation up to the current association of equal partners. This is illustrated by existing legal basis of the relations and the current trade exchange data. The focal point of the thesis is the possibility of further intensification of mutual cooperation, especially through conclusion of a preferential agreement that would remove remaining trade barriers between the EU and Australia New Zealand. In the context of the new phenomena in regionalism, any type of preferential agreement would have potential to foster their relationships as well as bring positive impact to process of multilateral liberalization. The issue of preferential agreement is therefore considered in the light of the steadily rising importance of the Asia-Pacific region. While Australia and New Zealand have concluded an agreement on a free trade zone with ASEAN, negotiations with the EU have been suspended. The thesis confirms one of its main hypothesis, marking their different approaches to agricultural policy as the main obstacle to concluding of a free trade agreement between the EU and Australia New Zealand. Based on the findings, the thesis concludes by outlining several scenarios of possible future development of mutual relations and their positive and negative aspects.

Possible influence of space on the quality of client's life in residential services for seniors
Borská, Klára ; Vodáčková, Daniela (advisor) ; Matoušek, Oldřich (referee)
This thesis deals with the influence of environment on quality of life of seniors living in residential care for elderly. The main source for it was professional Czech and foreign literature and other related updates. The introductory chapter presents definitions of important characteristics of old age and aging, science aimed at this group, supplements and concepts aimed at elderly citizens in the Czech Republic and abroad. The second chapter takes the task of meeting with theories of quality of life, in the context of meeting the needs of the individual. The third section summarizes the definitions of space and its importance in human life. The following factors and that the space in which people live influence. The fourth chapter deals with residential services and their quality. Also deals with the Social Services Quality Standards and Quality Mark project, which focuses on residential care. Research section is intended to evaluate the impact of environment for seniors in their quality of life. Tracks selected areas of significance for the respondents and also satisfaction with their fulfillment. Final summary of research on the basis of the findings suggests points that should be respected in residential care for the elderly.

The Representation of Space in Art by Children in the Period before Beginning their Compulsory School Attendance
Žáková, Alena ; Hazuková, Helena (advisor) ; Hušková, Julie (referee)
Anotation: Žáková, A.: Expression of the spatiality in areal art creation of children in a period before their compulsory education. /A diploma work/ Prague 2006 - Charles University, Pedagogical Fakulty, the Art Department, 153 p. + riders (text ones: no.: 1 . - 5 . , CD presentation: no.: 6. - 69 of kindergarten children's art work). Subject: A diploma work theme is elaborated in a form of the qualitative pedagogical research and it is divided into two parts - theoretical and empirical one. Developmental psychology knowledge and children's art expression ontogenesis, with a view to a spatial relationship presentation as well as the problems of space perception, are compiled and arranged in the theoretical part. The main aim of this work was to elaborate and verify the examination methology for a representative sample of child population. On the basis of children's work analysis results then to bring the actual information about the standard of the third dimension in art expression of preschool children that could become a way out for pedagogical diagnostics. The part of an empirical study is focused on the examination of teachers' professional competency standards in kindergarten schools. The research proved that the competency standards as well as the teachers' motivation can influence the form and the...

Tapestry in architecture
An object of this disertation is a tapestry and its join or integration in the interiorr of public building. A single text is separated into a few parts. Into theoretical a documentation to practical work and finally is added hooked illustration. Every part has its specificity and it deals with definite topic. History of worlďs and Czech tapestry short describes the first part, the theoretic. My effort here was dokument in more details historic and contemporary creation of both Czech manufactures conversant with tapestries. In the documentation to practical part I besides of interiorselection public building target the psychologically and colour incidence of given space. Another chapters then solves proportions, colourfull ness material and finally art, which will be the tapestry made an issue of previous thinking and treatise was an origin of final design tapestry in two variants of final fulfilment also in two possible techniques.The last chapter this part deal with suitable location of tapestry in the space of borehall. Final variant sof tapestry installed by the help of computer programme Photoshop we find in the last, also picture part.

Legal consequences with respect to the breach of contract under civil law
Hoder, Jan ; Švestka, Jiří (advisor) ; Salač, Josef (referee)
- 54 - 6. Resumé Consequences of breaking the contract in civil law - Most of the relations is in civil law established by the contract. Contractual freedom is one of the basic freedoms provided by modern democtratic state. But unfortunately with the increasing amount of contracts there is also increasing number of cases when the contract is breached (intentionaly or not) by one of the contractual partners. The law presumes such cases and provides particular consequences. These consequences are the subject of this thesis. According to the Czech civil law there are following istitutes which can follow after breaching the contract: Default, the interest on the sum in arrears, a late payment charge, damages, penalty clause, liability for defects. The thesis is divided into several parts according to the described consequence. At the beginning of the thesis, there is an introduction into the problem, then there is described the contract. There is explained the term, then the process of making the contract (proposal and its acceptation). After clarifying the basic term of the thesis follows the description of mentioned consequences. The first is damages, it is placed in the front place because of its importance and many variations and possibilities of use. It comes after fulfilling certain conditions: Breaching...

Space (in) film: theoretical conceptions of space from reality to intermedia
Svatoňová, Kateřina ; Hanáková, Petra (advisor) ; Bílek, Petr (referee)
FILOZOFICKÁ FAKULTA UNIVERZITY KARLOVY V PRAZE KATEDRA FILMOVÉ VĚDY PROSTOR (VE) FILMU teoretické koncepce prostoru od reality k intermedialitě Diplomová práce VEDOUCÍ PRÁCE KATEŘINA SVATOŇOVÁ PhDr. PETRA HANÁKOVÁ, Ph.D. PRAHA 2006 2 Prohlašuji, že jsem diplomovou práci vypracovala samostatně s využitím uvedených pramenů. Upřímně děkuji1 Petře Hanákové, Ph.D. za velice moudré a inspirativní vedení napříč časoprostorem a svému otci za to, že tato procházka od reality k intermedialitě mohla být takto příjemná. 1 Stejně jako není možné uchopit problematiku prostoru v celé jeho šíři na rozměru diplomové práce, není ani adekvátní a zcela výstižné takto strohé poděkování... 3 OBSAH: Úvod I. Záměry a cíle diplomové práce. Struktura tématu 5 II. Metody a současný stav bádání 10 Prostor a jeho možná vymezení I. Žitý prostor 12 I.1. Filozofické koncepce prostoru 19 I.2. Prostor jako antropologická kategorie a jeho vnímání 22 I.3. Problematika času a prostoru v jednotlivých teoretických konceptech 31 II. Mimetický prostor 38 II.1. Transformace prostoru médiem a jeho abstraktní chápání 39 II.1.1. Prostor díla 48 I.1.2. Prostor v díle 65 II.2. Problematika času a prostoru v mimetických uměních 74 Prostor jako komunikace, prostor jako narace III.1. Vývoj naratologických konceptů směrem k prostorovosti 91 III.2. Prostor...

The changes of imagination-portrait of the city by using digital technologies in the context of analog media
Poláková, Sylva ; Dolanová, Lenka (referee) ; Hanáková, Petra (advisor)
1 Filosofická fakulta UK v Praze Katedra filmových studií Proměny imaginace-portrétu města vlivem digitálních technologií v kontextu analogových médií Vedoucí diplomové práce Autorka práce PhD. Petra Hanáková Sylva Poláková Praha 2006 2 Prohlášení: Prohlašuji, že jsem diplomovou práci vypracovala samostatně a uvedla jsem v ní všechny použité prameny a literaturu. V Praze dne 27. srpna 2006. Sylva Poláková Rooseveltova 47 Praha 6 3 Poděkování: Na tomto místě bych chtěla poděkovat své vedoucí diplomové práce PhD. Petře Hanákové za její kritické poznámky i trpělivý přístup. 4 OBSAH 006 Úvod 013 Městský film nebo portrét velkoměsta? 018 Flâneur 018 Kdo je tedy flâneur? 027 Flâneurské zkušenosti mění způsob dívání se 031 Zrození flâneura ve filmovém příkladu: Alexander Hackenschmied, Bezúčelná procházka 033 Flâneuse 033 Neexistující flâneuse 038 Pátrání po flâneuse a její přínos flânerii 041 Vnímání velkoměst v raném filmu: fobie a modernistické utopie 041 Městské fobie v narativním filmu dvacátých let - uliční filmy a kammerspiel 046 Nadšení prvních městských filmů: Walter Ruttmann, Berlín, symfonie velkoměsta 051 Dziga Vertov, Muž s kinoaparátem 055 Osvětlení - prodloužení flâneurova dne a ohrožení jeho svobody: Svatopluk Innemann, Praha v záři světel 060 Urbanistické vize v didakticko-osvětových a...

Proceedings for the granting of international protection
Mašková, Barbora ; Vopálka, Vladimír (advisor) ; Prášková, Helena (referee)
The thesis deals with procedure of asylum and additional protection granting in the Czech Republic. The thesis focuses on characteristic features of the process; primarily the proceeding the application of protection and asylum granting by official authorities. To a certain extent, the thesis copes with substantive law; it defines terms of refugee and asylum law. It enumerates and characterizes the mentioned terms in connection with the process of the asylum and protection granting in the Czech Republic. Impact of the European Union law on the Czech internal law is also discussed.