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Somatisms in Czech Phraseology (The Respiratory System)
Máchová, Miroslava ; Janovec, Ladislav (advisor) ; Holanová, Radka (referee)
The bachelor thesis deals with the linguistic picture of the world of somatic idioms with components of the respiratory system, namely the nose, throat, lungs, diaphragm, and bronchi. The theoretical part explains the basic concepts and fundamentals of cognitive and cultural linguistics, primarily focusing on cognitive linguistics, the linguistic picture of the world and its definition and properties, anthropocentrism, the theory of conceptual / imaginary schemes, metaphors, metonymy and its types, and last but not least, phraseology. The practical part is organised into chapters, each of which revolves around a single corresponding somatism. Their etymological and anatomical characteristics are discussed, as are particular semantic areas and idioms in which the somatisms play a primary role. Lastly, those imaginary schemes thar are involved in the conceptualization of a given organ in the linguistic picture of the world are presented. The thesis is supplemented with the knowledge of psychosomatics which, given the premises of some idioms being conditioned directly by psychosomatics itself, have turned out to be of great utility.
The objectification of postural function of abdominal muscles
Novák, Jakub ; Kobesová, Alena (advisor) ; Davídek, Pavel (referee)
This thesis evaluates the possibility of using objective measurements to assess the postural function of abdominal muscles. The theoretical part provides an overview of findings regarding postural function of the abdominal muscles and the context for their co-activation using intra-abdominal pressure. The results are summarized in the form of research studies relating postural function and low back pain (LBP). The overview of the methods used to measure intra-abdominal pressure and the abdominal muscle activity is the main focus. In this section, we present a new methodology for measuring the activity of the abdominal muscles by using pressure sensors attached to the abdominal wall in the areas of the groin and the lumbar triangle. Methodology: In the experimental part, we tested 35 healthy subjects (average age 21.26t, SD ± 1,62) in 3 posturally different seated scenarios: 1. resting breathing, 2. with added external load (the subjects held a dumbbell 20% of their body weight) and 3. with maximum voluntary increase in intra-abdominal pressure (the diaphragm test). Results: An independent samples t-test indicated that the pressure created by the abdominal wall for both sensors in situation resting breathing increases in situation external load (HA1: upper sensor p=0.0079, lower sensor p=0.0009). We...
Activity of lower oesophageal sphincter in healthy patients in various postural positions
Beranová, Kateřina ; Bitnar, Petr (advisor) ; Hlava, Štěpán (referee)
The aim of this thesis is to describe information about GERD, its etiology, anatomy, pathology, treatment options and rehabilitation in patients with GERD. Lower oesophageal sphincter and antireflux barrier. The study was approved by the ethics committee. 30 probands were included in the study and their health status was verified using the Health Related Quality of Life questionnaire. A manometric catheter was inserted, proband was instructed to maintain various postural positions. Lying supine with lower limbs elevated above the surface, lying supine with lower limbs elevated above the surface with head fixated manualy, sitting and standing position, load in the center of gravity 3/6/9 kg, load outside the center of gravity 3/6/9 kg, lifting of the office chair. It has been shown that LES pressure increases in all postural positions compared to resting pressure. The positions activate the diaphragm to demonstrate the postural function of the diaphragm. The most significant change in LES pressures was in the postural position of lying supine with lower limbs elevated above the surface, the LES resting pressure of 20.34mmHg changed to the pressure of LES 40.92mmHg. Clinical experience and studies have shown that patients with GERD have disposition for respiratory and / or vertebrogenic difficulties....
Impact of a posture on the vocal performance
Koverdynský, Luděk
The aim of the dissertation thesis is to clarify the impact of a posture on the quality of voice performance. Through the method of a natural experiment, the authors carries out a research about the importance of a postural function in connection to building up basic voice skills. We will observe, both from theoretical and practical point of view if and through which means can we influence the incorrect postural habits and how these changes affect voice performance. The methodological handbook is a natural output which takes into account the relation of the postural function, breath and its development with assistance of vocal hearing as a corrector of the quality of voice performance. The outcomes of the research that helped to verify the new methodological approach approved correctness of suggested methods and their general validity. As a result, a knowledgeable teacher can use the new teaching method at all levels of students'musical development. KEY WORDS: Voice performance, postural function, diaphragm, vocal hearing, breath excercises with fonation. Powered by TCPDF (
View of physiotherapy on Physical Education at the University of South Bohemia in the city of Ceske Budejovice
BUŘIČOVÁ, Kateřina
The bachelor thesis deals with the teaching of a Physical Education at the University of South Bohemia in the city of Ceske Budejovice from the view of physiotherapy. In the first part of this thesis are described the anatomy and physiology of the axial system, the muscles of the deep stabilization system of the spine and fascias. Also there is a description of the scoliosis as a pathological condition of an axial system. In the last chapter there are information about principle and dividing of stretching. In the second part there is practical research uses mixed methods. The research set contains nineteen respondents Faculty of Education and Physiotherapy students. The research set was chosen according to specified criteria. The data were collected during the observation and interview. Every respondent was interviewed face to face. The main target was to map the teaching of Physical Education at the University of South Bohemia form the view of Physiotherapy at the chosen set. The main target by the students of the Faculty of Education was to get know if they perceive the sport in a context of healthy exercise. By the students of Physiotherapy, who have the Physical Education in their curriculum, was researched if they are educated with respect to healthy exercises. The research in the first group shows that these students have very low knowledge about the deep stabilization system of the spine and its importance for doing an physical activity. On the other side they perceive the stretching as a significant part of exercise. The students of Physiotherapy are not satisfied with current teaching of Physical Education, which lack versatility, diversity and connection with Physiotherapist knowledge.
Relationship between pulmonary function and function of the diaphragm in patients with obstructive pulmonary disease
Hellebrandová, Lenka ; Bunc, Václav (advisor) ; Smolíková, Libuše (referee) ; Herget, Jan (referee)
Problém: Obstrukce dýchacích cest a průtoková limitace, způsobená chronickou obstrukční plicní nemocí (CHOPN) nebo astma bronchiale (AB), může způsobit změny tvaru, pozice a pohybů bránice v důsledku zvýšení plicních objemů. Hypotézy: U pacientů s obstrukčním respiračním onemocněním se bude funkce bránice lišit oproti kontrolní skupině zdravých jedinců, což se projeví na jejím postavení a rozsahu pohybu. Existuje vztah mezi plicními funkcemi a polohou a pohyby bránice. Cíl: Cílem práce bylo zjistit, zda pozice, tvar a pohyby bránice u ležících pacientů s průtokovou limitací během maximálních dechových a posturálních manévrů se liší od tvaru, pozice a pohybů bránice za stejné situace u jedinců bez patologie respiračního systému. Zkoumali jsme rozdíly mezi pacienty s CHOPN, pacienty s AB a zdravými jedinci. Cílem bylo také stanovit tyto vztahy v kontextu vážnosti průtokové limitace, resp. obstrukce dechových cest. Metodika: Soubor tvořily 3 skupiny probandů, celkem 31 dospělých: 10 jedinců s klinicky stabilním AB (5 žen a 5 můžů), 11 jedinců s klinicky stabilním, středně těžkým CHOPN (7 mužu a 4 ženy) a kontrolní skupinu tvořilo 10 zdravých jedinců (5 mužů a 5 žen). Všichni probandi podstoupili komplexní měření plicních funkcí a kardiopulmonální zátežové vyšetření. Bránici jsme vyšetřovali pomocí...
Differences during quiet standing when breathing abdominally
Gantar, Sebastjan ; Pavlů, Dagmar (advisor) ; Vláčilová, Ivana (referee)
Title: Differences in postural activity during quiet standing when breathing abdominally. Aim and purpose: Aim of this study was to examine the effects of abdominal breathing on selected muscles and stability during quiet standing to find empirical evidence if it can reduce the strain and change the activity pattern, which erect standing demands from the muscles. Methods and materials: This thesis begins with an introduction to theoretical part in which we gathered all the already existing and written information needed to form the knowledge base for our experiment. Continuing in 9th chapter, methodology and experiment procedure are described where we measured muscle activity using surface EMG and to monitor changes in stability we used force- plate for posturography where only linear parameters were acquired. Both devices were used simultaneously while the subject was in quiet stance for a period of 90 seconds. Results: Results shown decrease in most of the muscles, with a higher increase in body sway in medio- lateral than in antero-posterior direction. Signal didn't change to a more distinct wave-like pattern of rhythmic oscillations, as we had thought it would. Keywords: Posture, quiet standing, abdominal breathing, diaphragm, system interrelation, EMG, posturography
Influence of the breathing muscles using POWERbreathe.
Čapková, Alena ; Šorfová, Monika (advisor) ; Strnad, Pavel (referee)
Title: Influence of the breathing muscles using POWERbreathe. Objective: The main object of this thesis is to determine, if it is possible to use 3D kinematic analysis to measure changes of trunk shapes during quiet breathing and breathing when using POWERbreathe and if it is possible to identify the changes. The thesis is divided to two parts. The first part contains theoretical part, focused on issue of kinesiology and biomechanics of breathing. The special part is concentrated on research, where I find changes of trunk kinematics during application of POWERbreathe. Method: Measurements were made on 6 probands in the same age category (women), when each measurement was performed during quiet breathing, maximum inhale/exhale, resistive breathing when using POWERbreathe and then another quiet breathing and maximum inhale/exhale. Quiet breathing was chosen as benchmark. The experimental measurements was done during one day. The research was used 3D kinematic motion analysis using system Qualysis. Were observed changes in the shape of the trunk and possibly caused breath changes during using POWERbreathe. Results: Measurements has confirmed, that the system Qualysis is able to detect mobility and the trunk shape changes. At a certain threshold load device POWERbreathe prevailed movements cranial...
Influence of postural stability changes on respiratory muscle strenght
Dařinová, Jitka ; Bitnar, Petr (advisor) ; Čakrt, Ondřej (referee)
The presented thesis is focused on the influence of postural stability changes on respiratory muscle strength. The aim of this thesis was to determinate whether the respiratory muscle strength will change during the increased demands on postural stability, and if so, then how exactly. The theoretical part summarized the findings about the diaphragm and its postural stabilizing function, about the connection between breathing and postural control as well as about the influence of body position on respiratory muscle strength. In the practical part of the thesis, the values of the maximal respiratory mouth pressures were measured (PI max and PE max) on 21 healthy subjects ranging from 20 to 26 years of age using the spirometer in three postural situations - standing, standing on the balance surface and standing on the balance surface with no visual control. Throughout the whole group, there were no significant statistical differences ( p ≥ 0,05 ) in the outcome values of the measured postural situations. Two trends were observed in the changes of values of PI max and PE max. During the increased demands for postural stability the value of PI max was higher for 29% and lower for 71% of the measured individuals. The value of PE max was higher for 33% and lower for 67% of the measured individuals. This...

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