National Repository of Grey Literature 19,286 records found  beginprevious19277 - 19286  jump to record: Search took 1.12 seconds. 

Biogeography and specificity of Asterochloris photobionts
Řídká, Tereza ; Škaloud, Pavel (advisor) ; Vondrák, Jan (referee)
This diploma thesis has focused on the diversity and biogeography of Asterochloris photobionts. Since no study so far has been published on the biogeography of symbiotic microorganisms, the presented thesis is the first attemp to trace the biogeographic distribution and endemism of symbionts. By gathering 121 Asterochloris sequences obtained from lichen thalli sampled outside Europe and America, the diversity within the genus increased dramatically. The phylogenetic analysis based on the concatenated alignment of ITS rDNA and actin sequences obtained from Cladonia and Stereocaulon photobionts revealed 28 differently supported clades. Of them, eight lineages were newly discovered. Three environmental factors explaining the best the distribution pattern of Asterochloris photobionts were selected according to the statistical tests of the phylogenetic signal: two different types of biogeographical ecoregions and the substrate type. In general, the genus Asterochloris is distributed cosmopolitally, with a very low rate of endemism. Newly obtained data indicate that the restricted distribution of any photobiont clade is not caused by either historic or biological factors, but more likely by specific climatic or habitat preferences.

Some semantic methods in intuitionistic logic
Bergmannová, Pavla ; Švejdar, Vítězslav (advisor)
V práci se podíváme do světa intuicionistické logiky. Zjistíme že v intuicionistické logice nelze definovat logické spojky pomocí jiných logických spojek. Podíváme se, jak je to v intuicionistické logice s jednoatomovými formulemi, ukážeme, že je můžeme vyčerpávajícím způsobem zorganizovat. Také se budeme věnovat kripkovským modelům a uvidíme, že v některých případech lze vydatně zredukovat nosnou množinu kripkovského modelu. Předložíme nástroje, pomocí kterých poznáme, které prvky jsou v modelu jaksi "navíc" a tudíž je můžeme z modelu "vyškrtnout". Na závěr se soustředíme na jednoatomové modely a na to, jak to vypadá s jejich složitostí, když je maximálně redukujeme. V práci je využito toho, že lze písmem rozlišit dvě implikace ---+ a ~- První z nich je používána jako implikace v rámci diskutovaných formulí, druhá jako prvek metajazyka, kterým si povídáme o této problematice. Při důkazech tvrzení o intuicionistické logice se řídíme pravidly klasické logiky. Písmena A, B, C, ... a z, cp, lf/, . . . představují formule, písmena p, q představují atomy.

ln the tension of contrasts - the reception of G.K. Chesterton in the Czech culture between WW1 and WW2
Lukavec, Jan ; Vojvodík, Josef (advisor) ; Med, Jaroslav (referee) ; Wiendl, Jan (referee)
I distinguished several contradictory aspects of Chesterton o s work: polysemiotics - ideological monosemiotics, movement to negation of reality and order - movement to affirmation of reality and order. Different interpretations emphasized unilateraly m relation to different horizons of expectation individua! aspects of Chesterton o s work. Chesterton's reception in Czechoslovakia was very heterogeneous. "The Pragmatic Generation" (Karel Čapek, Ferdinand Peroutka, Miroslav Rutte) read Chesterton in the pragmatic context (Chesterton was praisefully quoted by William James, but abroad he was not taken for pragmatist, neither by himself). Through influence of these authors was the interpretation of Chesterton as pragmatist quite expanded by us (Arne Novák). Peroutka looked for basis for his liberalism by Chesterton (Chesterton was more conservative, and they both had sympathies to socialism), and Catholic Chesterton was one of his most cited authors, on the other hand Peroutka fought against the Catholic Church and Chesterton's religious attitudes Peroutka left out. His reception was very selective and it is a good example of creative misreading. Rutte estimated Chesterton as a founder of pragmatic aesthetics. Čapek was inspired with both political and fictitious work of Chesterton. Chesterton was for all of...

The ireality in the short prose by José Donoso: Tres novelitas burguesas
Pěstová, Helena ; Vydrová, Hedvika (advisor) ; Housková, Anna (referee)
Donoso je autor, který čtenáře nejprve poněkud zaskočí příběhy lidí, kteří jsou v zajetí různých obsesí a traumat, posléze si však k němu vnímavý čtenář nalezne cestu, protože pochopí jeho úmysly a jeho způsob psaní mu začne pronikat "pod kůži". Téma ireality se objevuje ve více Donosových dílech. S jejími prvky se můžeme setkat i v některých jeho povídkách, jako například v Puerta cerrada (Zavřené dveře), Santélices, Ana María, CharZestón nebo Paseo (Procházka). Jeho román EZ Obsceno pájaro de Za noche (Obscénní pták noci) je plný neobvyklých situací, které jsou výplodem bludu protagonisty příběhu Mudita. Obscénní pták noci je nesporně velmi zajímavým románem, pokud jde o hojně se vyskytující prvky ireality v díle. Mě však z tohoto hlediska nejvíce zaujaly Tres novelitas burguesas (Tři měšťácké románkyl), tři krátké prózy autora, které svým pojetím mají možná blíže k povídkovému žánru než k románu nebo k novele. Své tvrzení se budu snažit dokázat v následující kapitole o krátkých výpravných prózách. Tyto prózy mě zaujaly i proto, že se v nich objevují všechna hlavní Donosova obsedantní témata, a zároveň je jim vlastní jistá dávka ironie, což ukazuje na určitý autorův odstup. Už se zde nejedná o blouznivé stavy potřeštěné mysli Mudita. Už zde nejde jenom o příval slova myšlenek psychicky nemocného jedince....

Nursing care of the patien with intracranial haemorrhage using the concept of basal stimulation
Dvořáková, Helena ; Gutová, Lenka (advisor) ; Novotný, Pavel (referee)
Cílem bakalářské práce je přiblížit ošetřovatelskou péči o pacienta s kraniocerebrálním poraněním s využitím konceptu bazální stimulace. Téma jsem si vybrala na základě praktických zkušeností, neboť pracuji jako edukační sestra pro koncept bazální stimulace v Ústřední vojenské nemocnici. Podstata konceptu mě oslovuje svým individuálním přístupem k nemocnému a otevřeností. V dnešním ošetřovatelství, kdy jsme často nuceni pracovat s přístroji, se tak otevírá cesta k nemocnému, k respektu k němu samému. Koncept bazální stimulace mění přístup ošetřovatelského personálu k nemocnému, aktivně reaguje na potřeby nemocného s ohledem na jeho zdravotní stav a schopnosti. Bakalářská práce popisuje případovou studii nemocného, u kterého byla prováděna bazálně stimulující péče po dobu 21 dní. Hospitalizace je rozdělena do tří období. Nedílnou součástí péče byla integrace blízké osoby do ošetřovatelské péče. Klinická část je věnována podrobnějšímu popisu anatomie a fyziologie nervové soustavy, neboť s prvky vývojové psychologie, poznatky z fyzioterapie a psychologie tvoří teoretickou základnu pro koncept bazální stimulace. Ošetřovatelská část popisuje základy konceptu bazální stimulace jako nástroje podpory, péče a vedení těžce nemocných lidí. V závěrečné části je uvedena případová studie pacienta, jenž dokazuje, že...

European Union - A Global Actor?
Mizerová, Iva ; Urban, Luděk (advisor) ; Weiss, Tomáš (referee)
European Union participates recently in a great number of global affairs and its presence could be felt in many spheres of political and business life. It is thus often referred to as a global actor or global power, and its influence is widely praised. The goal of this paper is to determine, if the European Union in its current state really constitutes a global actor. This fact is examined in theoretical as well as in practical circumstances. This paper further aims to establish, whether this position is constant, or develops in time. As the European Union is neither a state, nor an international organisation, it is firstly set within the framework of the predominant international relations theories. Having taken this enlistment into consideration, it is then established, what kind of unit it actually is in the international system, and if it is hence in fact possible that such an entity could be a global actor. Subsequently, the leading actorness theories are applied to establish what kind of actorness it could perform. In the end of this part, it is assessed what kind of role the European Union actually plays in the theoretical field. Consequently, this allegation is examined in the practical terms. On the basis of facts, examples and actual events, it is thus evaluated, if the practical actions of the...

Educational Simulation in Task Situations (A survey focusing on the aspects of acceptance, interactivity, and authenticity)
Hannemann, Tereza ; Krykorková, Hana (advisor) ; Pinkas, Jaroslav (referee) ; Páchová, Anna (referee)
The dissertation 'Educational Simulation in Task Situations' is focused on a new medium - educational simulation, which is starting to establish itself in the field of education. This work is examining educational simulations from three different points of view: 1) the acceptance of educational simulations in the school environment, 2) the interactivity of learning material, and 3) the authenticity of learning material. The experimental results are divided into three separate chapters according to the respective viewpoint. The investigation focused on acceptance in the first chapter draws from the evaluation of 34 Czech teachers and more than 1000 students, who both evaluated the benefits and shortcomings of particular educational simulations that were used by the teachers and their students. The experiment on interactivity (N = 152) in the second chapter is focused on the experimental comparison of learning material with activated interactive features and learning material with deactivated features. The third experiment on authenticity (N = 48) compares teaching material using authentic media sequences and the same material converted into an animated form. All three main chapters contain a theoretical review of the respective topic and our own experimental research. The methodology is based on the...

Public art. "Mural art" of Pasta Oner.
Němečková, Gabriela ; Řehořová, Irena (advisor) ; Marcelli, Miroslav (referee)
Thesis is focused on art in public areas and tries to show how it is changed by the art, what are its functions and how are the interpretational roles of the viewer changed in comparison to the perception of art in a gallery. Theoretical part of the work is based on the concepts of R. Sennett and K. Lynch. Second part of the work is based on the case study which is focused on a analysis of a large-area paintings of Pasta Oner, which are painted on walls in public space. Part of the analysis are also dominant parts of his work, although accent is also made on the interaction of work of art with space in which it is placed. Keywords Public space, art, Pasta Oner, wall art, mural art

Southeast Asian Englishes and their perception
Bukraba, Maria ; Matuchová, Klára (advisor) ; Bojarová, Marie (referee)
The aim of this bachelor thesis is to prove that words from Southeast Asian varieties of English which were included in Oxford English Dictionary bear a unique meaning and thus are indispensable. Theoretical part depicts a classification of Englishes by Braj Kachru and later explores historical and socio-political aspects of English in countries where it is spoken by a large part of population such as Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines and Hong Kong which technically belongs to East Asia, but for the linguistic purposes it is included in the list. The practical part examines lists of words included in Oxford English dictionary from the mentioned varieties of English with the aid of local context such as magazines, blogs, newspapers and other unofficial sources. On the basis of the results of this research, it can be concluded that words from Southeast Asian varieties of English are irreplaceable due to their distinctive meaning.

Application of Balanced Scorecard
Jandová, Alena ; Neumaierová, Inka (advisor) ; Mikan, Pavel (referee)
The concept of the Balanced Scorecard taking a part in the strategic management of a company, is a main focus of this thesis. There are the theoretical and methodological parts of the Balanced Scorecard characterized individually, as well as the development and the history of this concept. This thesis is dealing with a draft of the practical implementation of the mentioned methods. The practical part of the thesis is following the theoretical introduction where the practical part is focused on a practical application of the Balanced Scorecard method for a specific company. The company is specified by the Corporate Performance and Business Model Canvas by using the PESTEL Analysis, Porter's Five Forces Model and Financial SWOT Analysis. The company strategy is specified based on the previous conclusions. The set strategy is an underlies for a follow-up Balanced Scorecard, where causal links between the intended targets and the strategy are displayed in the Strategic Map. The implementation of the strategy to the everyday use of the company is a part of the thesis, as well.