National Repository of Grey Literature 11,882 records found  beginprevious11873 - 11882  jump to record: Search took 0.33 seconds. 

Goethe's and Schiller's ballads. A critical comparison of translations into Czech
Böswart, Štěpán ; Svoboda, Tomáš (referee) ; Veselá, Gabriela (advisor)
The Czech tradition of translation from German comprises a long period of translating ballads by the Classics Goethe and Schiller. Since the middle of the 19th century, there have been many attempts to deal with their difficult subject matter in the praxis of translation. However, there haven't been any studies in translation research that would analyze the original ballads and the translations together and respecting the context both in the German and the Czech cultural and literary tradition. The following text would like to offer a translation analysis and a translation evaluation of the prominent examples of ballads by Goethe and Schiller concerning the following aspects: 1. Which poems have been translated? What was the notion of ballad used by the diverse interpretors and how has it developed from the 18th century up to the present day? This part of the text concerns the genre theory. 2. Were the ballads central to the reception of the German Classics? Was it drama, prose or poetry that predominated? This topic refers to the mapping of reception of Goethe and Schiller in our country. 3. Which aspects of the ballads do Czech translators emphasize? Do they underline the religious and didactic aspects of the text? Do they stress the morality? Or is it the individual character and the story that draws...

Understanding Concrete Environment in Geographical Education Research
Tesařová, Barbora ; Řezníčková, Dana (advisor) ; Kučera, Zdeněk (referee)
This diploma thesis is focused on the phenomenon of understanding landscape among geographers in continuity with didactic purposes. The aim of this thesis is being reached by using a qualitative research methodology. The thesis builds on the initial investigation, focused on the question to which extend do pupils of grade 7th - 9th (upper primary school) are able to use their classroom knowledge on landscape in the field to understand/read concrete environment. In search for a geographical attitude while reading the landscape, four groups (two groups of geography graduates, geography teachers and a control group) were asked to find and come up with a solution in summing up the best way to perceive and read landscape. Diploma thesis consists of four parts. The first one presents definition of landscape and theoretical base to empirical research. The second one is description of my own field program and discussion of its aim and results. The third one describes qualitative research project including suitable methodology along with the description of the respondent choice, the structure of the questioning as well as the way of data collection and data analysis. The last one is focused on analyzing, comparing and summing up the results. Data have been worked up in qualitative analyzing software MAXQDA...

Language, adaptation, and culture
Novotná, Magda ; Opletalová, Lenka (referee) ; Soukup, Václav (advisor)
The main objective of the diploma work Language, Adaptation and Culture is to approach the question of an adaptation of a foreigner through the process of learning the Czech language. A foreigner being new to a particular society has to go through many unknown situations concerning his behavioral patters, his language knowledge as well as his habits and attitudes. I find this process of learning the new "know how" very interesting to study as it brings important ideas and experiences to the intercultural relations. This work particularly focuses on the role of "native" language knowledge in the process of acculturation of an individual. It consists of two parts. The theoretical part, divided into six chapters, is firstly dealing with the terms of acculturation and how it is perceived by both anthropology and cross-cultural psychology. Secondly the focus is put on the phenomena of a foreigner and the characteristic of the relation between "we" group and "they" group. The third chapter is dedicated to the question of a foreigner in the Czech environment, following by the chapter five introducing the origins of language as well as the linguistic anthropology as it is presented by the contemporary human science studies. The sixth part's objective is to briefly inform about the techniques of the qualitative...

Joseph Soloveitchik's philosophy of religion
Lyčka, Milan ; Sobotka, Milan (advisor) ; Karásek, Jindřich (referee) ; Sláma, Petr (referee)
Joseph Soloveitchik (1903 - 1993), rabbi and philosopher, one of the most important representatives of modern Jewish Orthodoxy, has made an attempt to translate traditional Jewish religious concepts in the language of modern science and philosophy. As a philosopher, he was versed in the Neo-Kantian philosophy of the Marburg School, as a rabbi he was under the influence of the so-called Analytical School, founded in Eastern Europe by members of his family. From the philosophical heritage of Neo-Kantianism he adopted the emphasis on the pureness of thought, understood as mathematical and scientific, and from the direct Kant's inheritance he endorsed particularly his a priori concept of pure forms of sensible intuition and cognitive categories. The Analytic School affected him through their emphasis on a non-historical analysis of religious concepts, leading to their deeper knowledge, and in the same time establishing a new relation to the Transcendent. In this way, Soloveitchik has rehabilitated religion as a noesis and aimed at its philosophical reflection. The central notion of his religious philosophy is halakhah, traditionally conceived as a set of norms and commandments ruling the life of a practising Jew. In Soloveitchik's view the halakhah has become a philosophical concept, a hermeneutic key to the...

TV Serial as a Social Medium
Havlová, Jana ; Krtilová, Kateřina (advisor) ; Řehořová, Irena (referee)
Divided into a theoretical and practical part, this master's thesis is concerned with TV serials as a social medium. The theoretical part introduces some of the theories of postmodern times (Baudrillard, Virilio, Lipovetsky, Bauer and Bauman), further it analyses the concepts related to media communication and their interrelations (Thompson, Jirák, Köpplová, Berger, Luckmann, Burton, Barhes) in oder to provide a theoretical framework for the analysis of the particular TV serial "Sex and the City" in the practical part of the thesis. With respect to the serial character and content it includes also a gender perspective.

The vision of Mongolian countryside on examples of the culturally specific expressions in the novel of C'. Lodojdamba, Tungalag Tamir
Makúch, Branislav ; Oberfalzerová, Alena (referee) ; Kapišovská, Veronika (advisor)
Tato práce se zabývá užitím tzv. "kulturně specifick-ých výrazů" v románě Tungalag Tamír (Průzračný Tamír) spisovatele C'adraabalyna Lodoidamby. "Kulturně specifické výrazy" jsou takové části řeči, které jsou srozumitelné výlučně pro danou kulturu. Těsně souvisejí s životem a myšlením příslušníků oné kultury a vycházejí z jejích charakteristik. Tyto výrazy vlastně označují jisté pojmy, jisté myšlenkové obrazy, které - pokud jsou správně dešifrovány - mohou nám pomoci proniknout hlouběji do dané kultury a lépe ji pochopit. V této práci se budu především zamýšlet nad mírou přeložitelnosti těchto výrazů skrze interpretaci každého daného výrazu. Vývody, které z takového zkoumání povedou, by měly být v budoucnu dobře využitelné k překladové praxi, a tím by měly pomoci ke správnějšímu zprostředkování mongolské kultury českým čtenářům. Při své metodologii jsem se nechal inspirovat knihou PhDr. Aleny Oberfalzerové: Metaphors and Nomads. Powered by TCPDF (

Ethics of the self as an aesthetics of existence in Wharton's "The house of mirth" and "The age of innocence"
Černá, Pavlína ; Roraback, Erik Sherman (advisor) ; Rhoads, Bonita (referee)
Most Edith Wharton scholars have argued The House of Mirth1 (1905) and The Age of Innocence2 (1920) to be naturalist novels interwoven with and based upon socio-economic determinism. Feminist critics, such as Judith Fetterley and Cynthia Griffin Wolff, have depicted Lily Bart in The House of Mirth as a victim of patriarchal society; meanwhile, Marxist critics like Wai-Chee Dimock have been preoccupied with the omnipresent power of the marketplace in the novel. In the case of The Age of Innocence, the criticism has often focused on Wharton's usage of the tribal world of manners as the determining and inescapable force in an individual's life.3 This thesis will engage in reading The House of Mirth and The Age of Innocence as naturalist novels with an emphasis on the notion of human conduct and ethics.

Perception of income inequalities
Gajdečková, Olga ; Tuček, Milan (advisor) ; Kuchař, Pavel (referee)
7. Resume A considerable disapproval to the exceedingly big range o f income inequalities still remains in czech society. However, contrary to the situation during the 90ties, the general criticism o f the great differences is dramatically diminishing whereas the thought o f their adequacy is establishing. The community is getting more tolerant o f general level o f the salary differentiation. The low status professions are mostly considered to be undervalued whereas within the high status professions, a satisfaction with the evaluation prevailed. A general approach in the equitable range o f wages between the two professions is getting the more progressive the greater is the difference between the incomes. Following the group discussion, a conclusion was made that the idea of well-deserved income implies predominantly consistent thoughts about the equitability o f the remuneration, people with the idea of unrighteous income, on the level o f macro principles o f equity, differ in the reasons o f their disapproving sentiment. It depends on the range o f sources o f remuneration fairness within which the people are speculating. The first attitude is connecting its discontentment with a general overvaluation o f meritocratic principles o f remuneration. The second one judged the legitimacy o f the wage...

Encounters with Otherness in E. M. Forster's A Room With a View and D. H. Lawrence's The Lost Girl
Skopečková, Eva ; Grmelová, Anna (advisor) ; Ženíšek, Jakub (referee)
In my dissertation, I examine encounters with otherness in E. M. Förster's A Room With a View and D. H. Lawrence's The Lost Girl. Primarily, I focus on the development of the main protagonists, which is influenced by such a sudden encounter. I also discuss the particular views of the two writers concerning this issue. In both books, Forster and Lawrence dramatize their belief in the great potential of southern emotionality and suggest a sort of solution to the dehumanized and stiff life of the English middle classes, which the writers severely criticised. In both novels, Forster as well as Lawrence choose Italy as the representation of the great potential of the Southern nations and they place it against the criticised stiffness and sterility of the English middle classes. The portrayal of this southern element, however, differs in several aspects in the respective books. What is more, the conception of otherness appears in various forms in both works, reflecting their author's approaches. The depiction of the development of Forster's and Lawrence's heroines actually demonstrates their author's beliefs in a possible way for a young middle class woman oppressed by social conventions and values towards her inmost feelings and passions on the grounds of an encounter with otherness. Moreover, there is another...

Fair Vida: from popular ballad to drama of desire
Benhartová, Tereza ; Nedvědová, Milada (referee) ; Jensterle Doležal, Alenka (advisor)
Krásnou Vidu lze považovat za jeden z ústředních symbolů slovinské literatury. S tím souvisí i její obsahová šíře. Od dob vzniku lidové písně, která ve formě balady zaznamenala konkrétní historickou událost, se tento motiv stal jedním z nejrozsáhlejších zdrojů literární inspirace. Svědčí o tom jeho mnohá zpracování autory 19. a 20. století.126 Postupně se rozšiřoval o psychologické a antropologické přístupy, čímž se otevíralo spektrum interpretací. Lidová píseň o Krásné Vidě nebyla v 19. století již pouhým "historickým obrazem", ale žila svým vlastním životem, coby básnický útvar. Jako taková se stala motivací pro romantického básníka France Prešerna, který ji zbavil lidové epičnosti a vystavěl ji podle pravidel romantické lyriky. Promítl do ní vnitřní rozpor mezi ideálem a skutečností, přičemž zdůraznil toužení po nedosažitelném. Krásná Vida, v díle Ivana Cankara a bezpochyby i ostatních spisovatelů, není již Vida z lidové písně, ale především Prešernova Krásná Vida. Krásná Vida se mění ve slovinské literatuře především pode toho, co jednotliví autoři považovali za příčinu Vidina toužení. Původní lidová píseň je v tomto případě nejméně konkrétní. Poskytuje nicméně několik společných motivů. Vidu vyžene do světa neuvážené manželství, nemoc dítěte, špatná materiální situace, ale především naděje, že dostane...