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Puppies and young dogs nutritions
Šabatová, Kateřina ; Hučko, Boris (advisor) ; Plachý, Vladimír (referee)
Puppies and young dogs nutritions Summary In this work I have attempted to summarize the most important aspects in nutrition of puppies and dogs in growth. The introduction describes the digestive tract and also the changes that have occurred due to domestication. Next is explained the importance of nutrition and water in nutritional requirements of a dog. Important are needs of nutrients and energy that are necessary to maintain the provision of the necessary vital functions. The basic components of food are proteins, saccharides, lipids, minerals and vitamins. I explain the necessary proportions, the amounts and the possible consequences of their lack in food. I focus on essential fatty acids, which in recent years are subject to frequent explorations and their pros and cons are not yet fully understood. I also mention ballast and significant specific active substances. Nutrition of pregnant and lactating females is often neglected, but for puppies it is a very crucial period. The influence of nutrition of pregnant females to the size and weight of newborn puppies has been proved. Further I deal with nutrition of puppies immediately after birth, I explain the composition of colostrum and its effect on the immunity system of the puppy. I also compare ratios of nutrients in the colostrum and milk. Further, I deal with the feeding of the individual at the time of weaning and in different growth periods. There are many possibilities of feeding puppies from after weaning until adulthood described in books. With the new knowledge about nutrition the ways of feeding our dogs have inevitably changed , but also the dogs' nutritional requirements have changed due to the conditions where and how they live and what their nutrient needs are according to their sport, breeding or other use. Currently, there is a possibility of a commercially produced complete nutritional diet or home-prepared fresh food - cooked or raw- barf. In the last chapter, I summarized possible aspects of malnutrition and its potential consequences. I described the most common problems associated with inadequate nutrition of growing dogs such as obesity as well as malnutrition, which also adversely affects the individual. The influence of proper nutrition of the puppy on its growth is clear. If we neglect the nutrition of the dog in the first two years of its life, the consequences are often irreversible.

The noise of death: Raul Brandão's Humus and the problems of its translation into Slovak
Štubner, Juraj ; Voldřichová - Beránková, Eva (advisor) ; Grauová, Šárka (referee)
Raul Brando's Humus is incontestably one of the most important works of fiction in Portuguese literature of the beginning of the twentieth century and it brings a number of innovations on the formal as well as on the ideological level. The specificity due to these innovations makes it a book the translation of which represents very particular difficulties. The paper, based on a philological analysis of the novel, identifies these difficulties and searches for usable solutions, bringing a translation of selected parts of the book into Slovak. It is divided into three parts. The first is a brief presentation of the author's work and places him in the context of portuguese and european literature. The second analyses Humus with regard to the aspects of the novel which are crucial for the understanding necessary as a base for a translation attempt. The third part exposes the general conception of the translation and its theorical bases not omitting the explanation of the choice of tha parts of the text to be translated. Expected specific problems of the translation are presented as well as suggestions of possible solutions to these. Follows the translation itself, several encountered problems are subsequently analyzed and the choices of solutions reasoned and exemplified. The conclusion establishes a hierarchy...

Problem behaviors of the youth in the first half of the 20th century in the Czech lands
Hriňová, Denisa ; Čechurová, Jana (referee) ; Rákosník, Jakub (advisor)
Jako téma své diplomové práce jsem si zvolila problémovou mládež v českých zemích v 1. polovině 20. století. Tato skupina mládeže byla dobově nazývána nejčastěji termínem "mravně vadná", od 60. let 20. století se přistoupilo k užívání termínu "obtížně vychovatelná", dnešními slovy se jedná o mládež "delikventní". Mládež "mravně vadnou" lze vymezit jako mládež s jistými výchovnými problémy, projevujícími se především zanedbáváním školní docházky, touláním se, útěky z domova, prostitucí, krádežemi nebo jinou trestnou činností apod. V určitém procentu se tedy problémová mládež dostávala i do konfliktu se zákonem, ale nebylo to pravidlem. Vznik deviací u mládeže byl přisuzován jednak špatnému rodinnému prostředí nebo obecněji mravní situaci ve společnosti v souvislosti s oběma světovými válkami nebo např. velkou hospodářskou krizí, dále byl přisuzován špatné psychické konstituci mladistvého, méně často byl vznik deviace nahlížen jako následek determinace tělesné stavby. Společnost se snažila tyto deviantní elementy převychovat a transformovat ve výchovných institucích, jež představovaly ve zkoumaném období polepšovny, později vychovatelny a výchovny, které dále změnily název na dětské domovy se zvýšenou péčí a domovy výchovy mládeže. Tyto instituce přijímaly většinou děti a mládež od 6 do 14 let nebo mládež od...

European great powers and the partition of Poland
Sautin, Viktor ; Kovář, Martin (referee) ; Skřivan, Aleš (advisor)
I research in this study the question of the three partitions of Poland in the years 1772, 1793 and 1795, which created one of the main problems of international politics in the second half of the 18th century. This problem had its importance for the whole Central and Eastern Europe. The backwardness of Poland and its growing anarchy in this country initiated the struggle of three Great Powers - Russia, Austria and Prussia. Following this process, Poland, the second largest kingdom in Europe, was erradicated from the political map and for more than a century its independence was destroyed, which caused serious problems in the future. By destruction of Poland the three Great Powers liquidated a buffer zone between themselves and gained common borders. I concentrated myself on the analysis of the internal conditions in Poland and on the international circumstances, which influenced the development on the way to the partition. I tried in my paper to answer some basic questions concerning the internal development in Poland, importance of the partiton for participating Great Powers and for the European power-ballance.

Strategies of survival during the genocide in Rwanda 1994
Spejchal, Petr ; Horčička, Václav (referee) ; Pullmann, Michal (advisor)
The genocide in Rwanda was one of the most horrifying events of the 20th century. It happened in front of the UN troops, which did not manage to prevent the slaughter of almost 800 000 people, mostly Tutsi. Inspite of extensive research we still do not know how it happened. The problem is that if we are speaking about genocide we usually focus on the perpetrators while the victims are seen as passive actors. If we leave the notion of genocide outside the micro level of historical research, we can more clearly focus on strategies, which the people engaged in order to survive. Their strategies were rooted in their historical memory, which was profoundly affected by the colonial history of Rwanda and Burundi and the authoritarianism which came afterwards. Economic crisis and global geopolitical change at the beginning of the 90's pushed the Rwandan regime towards democratization. Ongoing civil war and the assassination of the president of Burundi made the situation very tense. The genocide started when an airplane carrying the president of Rwanda was shot down. In Kigali the killings were very fast and intense. Initially people got the information from the extremist radio RTLM, but their next steps towards survival were more dependent upon their personal relationships, which provided them the possibility to be...

Josef Václav Sládek - the founder of Czech "American studies"
Vosmanská, Jana ; Menclová, Věra (referee) ; Kalivodová, Eva (advisor)
Sládek's American experience influenced all fields of his work. This thesi s analyzed Sládek a s a publisher, editor and translator, i t also focused on hi s correspondence and essays. Sládek admired America and strived for national confidence in our country a s well. The enthusiasm about America was j oined by Sládek' s de sire for hi s homeland 1 for freedom in Czech lands; generally1 for the improving of Czech situation. In his correspondence 1 Sládek wrote more about his physical problems and pains and he mentioned more negatives of American life. We can find there also more Sládek's own negative opinions. As far as the essays are concerned1 I focused on two of them: "Ústava Spojených obcí severoamerických" ("The Constitution of U ni ted States of America") and "První století severoamerické republiky" ("The First Century of the North-American Republic"). Also, I looked at Sládek's activity in Lumír (a Czech magazíne of 19th century) 1 where I was trying to find which translations Sládek published there. Finally1 Sládek as a translator is very sensitive to the relationships between poetical form and content. Though 1 we can say that his tendency is to nivelize the intensity of romantic dramatic expres s ion. On the other side 1 hi s translations of poems that resemble songs are perfect.

Problems of language and subject in Paul Ricoeur's philosophy
Miškovský, Miloš ; Němec, Václav (referee) ; Čapek, Jakub (advisor)
This work is engaged in a problematic of language and its relation to a subjectivity, as it is presented above all in Paul Ricoeur's book, called Le conflit des interprétations. Ricoeur own position is formed by confrontation of three important intelectual systems of twentieth century: structuralism, psychoanalysis and phenomenology. In structural linguistics the language means first of all langue, certain closed system of signes, based on own interior laws and relations, which is absolutly independent on the exterior (non-linguistic) reality. Ricoeur wants to overcome this simplifying view and show, that language is something in which somebody says something about something. He wants to return back to language in which we speak and he makes it by ascending from a lower to a higher level of sentence. In a philosophical reinterpretation of Freud's psychoanalysis is refused a traditional belief, that we can found the origin of language in a consciousness. On the contrary it si shown, that the deepest base of langauge is in a unconsciousness. Thanks to that it is revealed an ontological foundation of this phenomenon, that before I speak, I am.

Theatricality of early dance: French renaissance
Bryan, Mikuláš ; Christov, Petr (referee) ; Stehlíková, Eva (advisor)
This thesis, Theatricality if earfy dance: French Renaissance, concentrates on providing a commented translation of the crucial dance manual of the 16th century: Orchesographie by French canon Thoinot Arbeau. Since it is the ftrst full translation of a period dance manual to the Czech language ever, its task is mainly to set the stage for wider awareness of early dancing, both on academic grounds and amongst the general public. Due to the extent of the original work, the introductory study is mostly concerned with the problems of translation, footnotes throughout the work fill in mainly the essential life and institutions and provide a discussion on handling the objectionable and questionable passages. Orchesographie itself purveys critical information on social ballroom behaviour and on the interaction of musicians and dancers, covering a full spectrum of late Renaissance dance; therefore it makes an excellent starting point for further examination of various other topics: the influence court masks and their theatricality had on social dancing and vice versa, overall culture of movement giving birth to the tradition of French court ballet and musical theatre and last but not least the dance references in period dramatic works, for example of The Elizabethan Era or The Spanish Golden Age. Czech scholars...

Problem of suicide in modern Japan
Bradna, David ; Labus, David (referee) ; Sýkora, Jan (advisor)
Japonsko je zemí známou sebevraždami. V poměru sebevražd především mladých lidí a žen je ve světě na prvním místě. Takřka každý den se v novinách objevují články o sebevraždě. Emil Durkheim, významný francouzský sociolog, který se jako jeden z prvních pustil do studia sebevražd na přelomu devatenáctého a dvacátého století poznamenává, že "připravenost Japonců zemřít pro sebemenší důvod je dobře známa". To, co Japonsko historicky proslavilo jakožto zemi sebevražd, byly především dva druhy dobrovolné smrti. Za prvé je to samurajská tradice a její kodex cti, bušidó, který se často interpretuje jako absolutní připravenost zemřít a ukládá samurajovi rozpárat si břicho, pokud by mu hrozilo zajetí. Za druhé jsou to sebevražedné mise japonských vojáků v Pacifiku za Druhé světové války. Japonští piloti nalétávali na spojenecká plavidla s bombou připevněnou k letadlu a stávali se tak dobrovolně živou bombou. Kromě letadel šlo i o jiné, méně známé prostředky, jako byla torpéda s lidskou posádkou, sebevražedné čluny a další. Oba tyto fenomény vzbuzují rozporuplné reakce a představy o podivném myšlení a chování Japonců. Kromě výše zmíněných dobrovolných smrtí existují i další, o kterých je na Západě poměrně menší povědomí. Jedním z nich je takzvaná ojako šindžú. Jde o společnou "dobrovolnou" smrt celé rodiny i s dětmi,...

Religious socialism and Its Czech reception
Tomanová, Petra ; Doubek, Vratislav (advisor) ; Pavlincová, Helena (referee)
This thesis is based on the premise that the function of the Church in public space cannot be reduced to providing religious service to their members, therefore the goal of this paper was to inspect their public activity. From the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century Christian Churches begin to take part in the events round them - the Roman-catholic Church has come with its own social theory (represented by the encyclic Rerum novarum) and has started founding its own confessional polical parties. Numerous reformation Churches based on Calvin's teachings have started their public activities with self-criticism on the one side, and with demands on fundamental changes of the existing order on the other side. The theme of the first chapter was to examine the differences between these two kinds of Western Christiandom in a point of view whether or not they had affected their approach to social problems. The second chapter is focused on the life and work of Hermann Kutter and Leonhard Ragaz, for it was these two men who co-founded the international oecumenical politico-religious movement which chose for itself the title "Religious Socialism" in order to differ from Roman-catholic "Christian Social Theory". The aim of the movement was to emphasize the righteousness of the claims of...