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Overview of the fossil bryophytes of the Cretaceous and Tertiary of Bohemian Massif
Veselá, Veronika ; Kvaček, Zlatko (advisor) ; Kvaček, Jiří (referee)
The bachelor thesis summarizes the findings about previously described and published findings of bryophytes from the period of Cretaceous and Tertiary on the territory of the Bohemian Massif. It contains a chapter with current knowledge of taxonomy and life strategies of bryophytes, used to approach the studied groups. Part of the thesis is dedicate to the brief characteristics of the geological settings of locations with known findings of fossil bryophyte. Those locations are situated mainly in the České středohoří Mountains, the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin and the Českobudějovická Basin. For example and comparison are involved also two locations from Outer Western Carpathian. There are only two liverwort species (Notothylacites filiformis and Riccia cf. fluitans) and a few mosses (Hypnum heppii, Muscites sp.) described so far. Because of partial preservation of most of the findings any detailed systematical attribution remains ambiquous. The thesis has purely review character and is supposed to become a basis for further research and study. Key words: Bryophyta, Czech Cretaceous and Tertiary, review
Fairy Tales activities in kindergarten: Hansel and Gretel
Veselá, Veronika ; Laufková, Veronika (advisor) ; Ronková, Jolana (referee)
The thesis thema is "Fairy Tales activities in kindergarten: Hansel and Gretel". Theoretical part of this thesis displays the definition of fairy tale and specifications of the preschool age. The goal of practical part is to compare different versions of the fairy tale and chose the best one for preschool age childern. Next step then is preparation of project foccused on children skills developement by work with fairy tale Hansel and Gretel. Organisation of lessons in the ordinary kindergarden. Summary of the project and recomendation for praxis. Methhods as interview and observation has been used. Childern have been developping six types of inteligence by participation in this project, they also developed their ideas presentation in the group and also in comunication with the teacher. KEYWORDS: pre-reading literacy, work with book, dramatization of fairy tales, development of reading methods pre-reading literacy, Hansel and Gretel
The analysis of the issue of hosting the Olympic Games
Veselá, Veronika ; Crossan, William Morea (advisor) ; Kolář, František (referee)
Title: The analysis of the issue of hosting the Olympic Games. Objectives: The aim of this thesis is to describe the functioning of the Olympic Movement, the development of the Olympic Games size, the development of the Olympic Marketing, the bidding process for the Games and to examine this reality in light of the problems each subject creates. Identify positive and negative aspects of the Olympic Games through SWOT analysis. Furthermore, this thesis aims to determine how the Olympic Agenda 2020 is changing the function of the Olympic Movement, the Olympic Games and how it contributes to the future sustainability of games. Used methods: This thesis is a theoretical paper that has a descriptive and analytical nature, so the main method used is an analysis and study of documents, literature and web sources. The information was analyzed and comprehensively processed. Results: Identified problems can be summarized in these points: Decreased interest in bidding for the Olympics due to non existing government guarantees, rejection of Olympics from residents, negative perception of gigantism. Hosting the Olympics is historically linked with cost overruns, for the Summer Games of 230%, for the Winter Games of 94%. China is expected to become the sport epicenter. Gigantism threatens Olympic ideals and...
Lula - a man from sertao who reached Brasília
Veselá, Veronika ; Binková, Simona (advisor) ; Grauová, Šárka (referee)
This bachelor thesis portrays Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, a Brazilian ex-president and tries to find answers to two suppositions stating that "Bolsa Família led to Lula's popularity and his reelection in 2006" and "Mensalão - a corruption scandal harmed Lula's image and affected his political career, while still having been reelected". Based on this I collected data regarding Lula's poor childhood, his presidency and especially Bolsa Família and mensalão. An analysis of these dates resulted in verification and falsification of key problems. Key words Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva Workers' Party mensalão Bolsa Família workers' movement Brazil
Team Communication in Klatovy Hospital
Veselá, Veronika ; Janák, Vladimír (advisor) ; Šíma, Jan (referee)
Title: Team Communication in Klatovy Hospital. Objectives: The aim of this bachelor thesis is to present opinions of the staff and the manager of the organization on the current state of the communication process. This thesis is focused on the transmission of the information in both horizontal and vertical plane. The next step is to compare the results of the questioning and to point out differences. Used methods: To collect the primary data there was used a method of written questioning of the staff and manager of one firm. For the interpretation of the research results were used standard statistical methods. Results: The outcomes of this thesis are the findings which show the functioning of the communication process in the transmission of information in both horizontal and vertical plane. This information is summarized in tables and shown in bar and pie charts. Key words: Communication, process of communication, communication skills, manager, team.
Fan art in official promotion of video games
Veselá, Veronika ; Švelch, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Nečas, Vlastimil (referee)
With the rise of Internet, Web and new media technologies come increased opportunities for audience to recreate media content and influence its flow across different media platforms. The fan as a demanding yet enthusiastic consumer has become a centrepiece of media industries' marketing strategies. On the one hand, this qualitative change often described as participatory culture means a giant leap forward for fans, who can now serve new roles within the media industry. On the other, it represents a potential exploitation of media users, as unpaid volunteers do the labour professionals are paid for. This study investigates this tension in a case of videogame fans. On their official websites, videogame developers encourage fans to contribute with their fan art harnessing fan creativity for their advertising purposes. Convergence culture raises conflicts and compromises between creators of fan art (fan artists), and the owners of the copyrighted works they appropriate (game companies). This study addresses three main issues: (1) the way and circumstances under which game companies are displaying fan art on their official websites, (2) how fans understand the tensions between empowerment and exploitation, how do they address the issue of free labour, (3) how fans view issues concerning intellectual property...
Cluster point processes in insurance mathematics
Veselá, Veronika ; Pawlas, Zbyněk (advisor) ; Dostál, Petr (referee)
Title: Cluster point processes in insurance mathematics Author: Veronika Veselá Department: Department of Probability and Mathematical Statistics Supervisor: RNDr. Zbyněk Pawlas, Ph.D. Abstract: In the present work we study point processes and their importance in insurance mathematics. With the help of cluster and marked point processes we can describe a model that considers times of claim occurence and times and hei- ghts of corresponding payments. We study two specific models which can be used to predict how much money is needed for claims which happened. The first model is chain ladder in the form of Mack's model. For this model we show chain ladder estimators of development factors, estimates of their variance and their proper- ties. We try to find one-step ahead prediction and multi-step ahead prediction, which we use for calculating prediction of reserves. We shortly review asymptotic properties of the estimators in Mack's model. The second model is the Poisson cluster model. Firstly we define this model and the variables entering the model. Then we devote attention to one-step ahead and multi-step ahead prediction. We also study prediction when some variables have specific distributions. Finally, we use both methods of prediction on simulated data and compare their average relative absolute errors....
BBC Radio 7 - public service for children
Veselá, Veronika ; Osvaldová, Barbora (referee) ; Moravec, Václav (advisor)
The object of this dissertation is to map out broadcasting to children on the BBC's public digital radio channel, BBC Radio 7. First, it will introduce BBC Radio 7 as a new digital radio station, that has been broadcasting since December 2002, whilst referring to BBC Radio's 7 history, it's programming and programm format and it's weekly reach and budget. Furthermore, the dissertation focuses on the characteristics of programmes aimed at children, that BBC Radio 7 broadcasts. Equally, it closely analyzes BBC World News for Children, the news bulletin created for children it's structure, the scope of news topics, the substance of the news stories, it's language and the way the news are made.

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2 Veselá, Vladislava
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4 Veselá, Věra
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