National Repository of Grey Literature 8 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
From the Wold of Business to the World of Planned Distribution. A Look into Development of Czech Consumer Cooperatives: 1945-1956 (Ústí nad Labem Region)
Slavíček, Jan ; Kubů, Eduard (advisor) ; Jančík, Drahomír (referee) ; Kocian, Jiří (referee)
From the Wold of Business to the World of Planned Distribution A Look into the Development of Czech Consumer Cooperatives: 1945 - 1956 (Ústí nad Labem Region) The dissertation deals with changes in the content, forms and roles of the Czech consumer co- operatives in the years 1945 - 1956. This issue is a theme in four surveyed areas (territorially - organizational structure, the role of co-operatives in the Czechoslovak economy, relations with the Communist Party, economic activity of co-operatives). These are prerequisites of the transformation of consumer cooperatives from autonomous business entities in the subordinate sections of the state-organized distribution. The dissertation analyzes this transformation in its various stages and puts it into a broader context of Sovietisation, creation of a system of centrally planned economy and the economic, social and political development of Czechoslovakia during the researched period. Keywords: economic history, co-operatives, consumer co-operatives, Sovietisation, centrally planned economy, 1945-1956
Stalin and Soviet foreign policy in 1945-1947
Lehnert, Jiří ; Litera, Bohuslav (advisor) ; Kolenovská, Daniela (referee)
This bachelor thesis deals with the analysis of Soviet foreign policy after World War II, especially in 1945-1947. The paper focuses on aspects of Soviet foreign policy against the backdrop of increasing tensions between the powers of the anti-Hitler coalition, especially between the Soviet Union and the United States. This work deals with the Soviet strategy at the conferences of the Great Troika in Yalta and Potsdam in 1945. The Soviet reactions to international development in 1945-1947 are connected with the process of sovereignty of Central and Southeastern Europe. The work is briefly focused on post-war developments in Poland, Bulgaria, Romania and Germany, as well as on the Soviet reaction to the new US foreign policy of containment of Communism through the Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan in 1947. The Soviet Union reacted to this situation by establishing of The Information Bureau of the Communist and Workers' Parties in the same year. One of the main goals of the thesis is also the effort to capture the role of Soviet leader Josif Vissarionovich Stalin in the foreign policy agenda of the Soviet Union. The thesis also aims to find out, if and how the international situation of this period affected the relations within the Soviet leadership.
From the Wold of Business to the World of Planned Distribution. A Look into Development of Czech Consumer Cooperatives: 1945-1956 (Ústí nad Labem Region)
Slavíček, Jan ; Kubů, Eduard (advisor) ; Jančík, Drahomír (referee) ; Kocian, Jiří (referee)
From the Wold of Business to the World of Planned Distribution A Look into the Development of Czech Consumer Cooperatives: 1945 - 1956 (Ústí nad Labem Region) The dissertation deals with changes in the content, forms and roles of the Czech consumer co- operatives in the years 1945 - 1956. This issue is a theme in four surveyed areas (territorially - organizational structure, the role of co-operatives in the Czechoslovak economy, relations with the Communist Party, economic activity of co-operatives). These are prerequisites of the transformation of consumer cooperatives from autonomous business entities in the subordinate sections of the state-organized distribution. The dissertation analyzes this transformation in its various stages and puts it into a broader context of Sovietisation, creation of a system of centrally planned economy and the economic, social and political development of Czechoslovakia during the researched period. Keywords: economic history, co-operatives, consumer co-operatives, Sovietisation, centrally planned economy, 1945-1956
Comparison of the Czechoslovak and German prison system following World War II.
Pinerová, Klára ; Štaif, Jiří (advisor) ; Veber, Václav (referee) ; Roubal, Petr (referee)
Title: Comparison of the Czechoslovak and German prison systems following World War II Author: Klára Pinerová Department: Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Arts, Institute of Economic and Social History Supervisor: prof. PhDr. Jiří Štaif, CSc. After World War II, countries that fell into the Soviet sphere of influence experienced major social, political and economic changes in a process which is in literature usually referred to as "Sovietization". This dissertation analyzes this process in the particular case of prison systems in Czechoslovakia and the Societ Occupation Zone which later became the German Democratic Republic. Its main focus lies on the way the Soviet model was applied in both countries, what kinds of similarities or differences can be traced in its development and what were the factors and reasons causing them. The main argument of the dissertation is that Sovietization, even though it produced similar results, was carried out in different ways in the individual countries, depending not only on previous development, but also on the geopolitical position and specific features of the country as well as on the will of the local communist establishment to adopt the Soviet model. It should be also noted that the Soviet model was not uniformly defined, but subject to konstant...
Armed Anti-Soviet Resistance in Lithuania 1944-1953
Skalník, Ondřej ; Švec, Luboš (advisor) ; Vykoukal, Jiří (referee)
This bachelor thesis discusses in great detail the anti-Soviet military resistance in Lithuania between years 1944 and 1953. It introduces the guerrilla movement, its structure, chronology, tactics, geographical location and development. It also defines, who were its members; the reasons that led them to the uneasy choice of life in the underground; their age, nationality, social structure, etc. On the same note, it also describes methods used by particular Soviet law-enforcement agencies in their fight against the "banditism" (that is, against the guerrillas) and in enforcing "Soviet law". It also covers a chapter on active resistance in the whole region, focusing on comparison with Latvian, Estonian and partly also Ukrainian guerrilla movements and their specifics. Guerrilla warfare and the fight of Lithuanian guerrillas (also called "forest brothers"- miško broliai) against sovietization of the country after the reinstatement of the soviet dominion in 1944 is significant and controversial topic of contemporary historiography. The discussions of the topic and the research in this area is often liable to political views and ideologies. For this reason, the bachelor thesis also explores the picture of guerrillas as seen by contemporary Lithuanian and Soviet historiography, which may also cover some...
The Paasikivi's "Horrible Years" 1944-1948: J. K. Paasikivi and a threat of sovietization of Finland
Volák, Jiří ; Švec, Luboš (advisor) ; Skálová, Barbora (referee)
The Paasikivi's "Horrible Years" 1944-1948 Jiří Volák Abstract Finland did not become a Soviet satellite after the World War II, despite that many preconditions were in favor of such development. The country was defeated and, as stated in the Moscow Armistice of 1944, obliged to cede its territories and to pay severe war indemnities to the Soviet Union. Firstly, the thesis approaches domestic roots which led to this absolutely unique international position of Finland during the early Cold War years. The main goal is to map a role that Finnish Prime Minister and later President Juho Kusti Paasikivi had in securing and maintaining the surprising "Finnish path." Of what ideology he profited? Could he be compared to President Edvard Beneš of Czechoslovakia? Both primary and secondary sources are being used. According to the conclusions, Paasikivi was highly responsible for preservation of the Finnish democracy. Secondly, the significance of a Czechoslovak coup d'état is not omitted. Fear of a similar fate had a great influence on the Finnish society in the year 1948, while Agreement of Friendship, Cooperation, and Mutual Assistance between Finland and Soviet Union (YYA-sopimus) was negotiated. The result created a legal base of Finno- Soviet relation for forty years to come and the "Years of Danger", as Finnish...
Intervention in Afghanistan: Soviet and American experience
Tzoumas, Janis ; Matějka, Zdeněk (advisor) ; Knotková, Vladimíra (referee)
This diploma thesis analyzes the approach of the Soviet Union and that of the US-led coalition to state-building in Afghanistan, which today, as in the past, takes place against the backdrop of counterinsurgency warfare. The analysis in the field of politics, economy and security shows that in both cases the intervening powers have focused on building a strongly centralized system of government, in spite of the fact that the Afghan countryside's relationship to the Kabul-based government had traditionally been characterized by broad autonomy. The intervening powers' efforts have futhermore been associated with the export of exogenous political structures and for this reason attention is also drawn to the question to what extent the intervening powers' approach to the modernization of Afghan society has contributed to the escalation of unrelenting conflict.
Czechoslovak foreign trade 1945 - 1953
Merta, Ondřej ; Szobi, Pavel (advisor) ; Chalupecký, Petr (referee)
The aim of this paper is to analyze the development of international trade in Czechoslovakia from the end of World War II to the period of "sovietization". The author will examine foreign trade during the first post war years. He will concentrate on international trade in Czechoslovakia during 1945 -- 1953, especially on the problem of restricting trade with West European countries and strengthening ties with the Eastern bloc. The contribution of this paper consists mainly of creating a compact view of Czechoslovakian foreign trade after World War II until the end of the first five year plan (after the communist revolution).

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