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Re Vision
Švehla, Jakub ; Šrámek, Jan (referee) ; Kögler, Žaneta (advisor)
In form of 3D animation the thesis depicts the steps of mankind towards the expansion of civilization beyond planet Earth. Chronologically it exposes essential moments of technological development (in major) preceding the journey for the distant planets. Images of today's state of civilization are combined with constructions of former theoretical concepts and with fully fictitious elements to form visuals illustrating the roadmap to extraterrestrial expansion.
Review and Evaluation of Available Databases at the Appraisal of Permanent Stands
Pavlák, Jakub ; Alexandr, Pavel (referee) ; Holušová, Kateřina (advisor)
The subject of this master´s thesis is evaluation availability databases sources used in forensic engineering of forest management. Theoretical part describes basic terms about forests, forest management and available databases sources. Practical part deals with describing of this databases and make methods, how can we get useful information.
Diamond wheels and their use in the stone industry
Skryja, Jan ; Kolář, Ladislav (referee) ; Jaroš, Aleš (advisor)
This bachelor thesis deals with stone sawing during stone processing. It is divided into theoretical and practical parts. In the theoretical part diamond blades, the sawing process and stone extraction are described. The practical part is focused on the wear of circular saws in granite circular sawing. The wear is determined for two diamond cutting blades made by different manufacturers and is determined by the blade weight loss and segments height loss as a function of time. Both measured values show linear dependence. The results are the basis for a future comparison of the two diamond blades on the economic side, which is not the subject of this work.
Landscape of mining
Frič, Miloslav ; Ryška, Pavel (referee) ; Vaněk, Vojtěch (advisor)
The landscape of surface mining is a visual play that expoits the land on this large format drawing. My work investigates the limits of hanged art piece through the use of video projection and camera. The spectator is not limited by a clear thought framework but urged to experience a visual experience in this very place and time.
Batelka, Michal ; Stehlík, Michal (referee) ; Kolář,, Karel (referee) ; Cigánek,, Jindřich (referee) ; Adámek, Jiří (advisor)
This work deals with issues aimed at the possibility of treating the material which has not been used yet – coal tailings. The work includes among others the production, its optimalization and utilization of a new type of lightweight artificial aggregate in the process of production of concrete. The possibility of manufactured the artificial aggregate is dealt with the principle of self-burning of the raw material's batch at the agglomerative grate. The optimalization of the burning process was performed both with the homogenous and the layered batch. Further part of the work focuses on the fabrication of diverse types of concrete and determination of their parametres. This section is significantly extended with the comparison of basic physical and specific properities of the new type of concrete with those of the commonly produced types. The last part of presented work deals with the ecological - economic situation of these issues. The proposed solution points to the possibility of utilization of the coal tailings which are put to the tailings heaps. It was managed to optimize the burning process and to find the most convenient system for storing the raw material's batch at the agglomerative grate. Next, it was proved that the types of concrete produced with a new sort of aggregate are also suitable for fabricating the construction concrete with the strength above the border of 50 MPa, which are applicable even in harder conditions. These sorts of concrete also have a lower volume weight and very good bending properties. The major finding, which underlines the contribution of this work, is that the up to now unused material is suitable for fabrication of relatively high-quality and thermally stable aggregate of strength on the border of 5 MPa, which can be use for fabricating concrete with very good results even in this field. Another great contribution of this work can surely be the fact, that a preliminary economic balance of the manufacturing pr
Model ranges analysis of forest harvesters
Dlužanský, Tomáš ; Pokorný, Přemysl (referee) ; Kašpárek, Jaroslav (advisor)
In the bachelor’s thesis is made the basic division of harvesters according to types of chassis, technology process of trees and sizes of harvesters. The next point of thesis is about construction of harvesters and about mechanical parts, especially harvester heads. In the next part division of some operational and technical arguments of Czech machines and foreign machines is made. There was critical classification of machines in groups, on the basis of these arguments. Critique was oriented mainly on wheel harvesters. This group was chosen because of its biggest representation in Czech Republic. Some structural specialities of harvesters and progress of harvester‘s technique were presented.
Black Coal Mining in Czech Rep
Vínovský, Jan ; Škorpík, Jiří (referee) ; Lisý, Martin (advisor)
Throughout history, coal mining has dominated the 19th and especially the 20th century. The period of decline in mining began in the 90s. Between 1990 and 2019, there was a decrease of 88.13%, specifically from 30,714 kt to 3,645 kt of mined coal per year. Currently, only four active mines are in operation and the other two are in a conservation state. The forecast for the future of the sector is very unfavorable. In addition to the economic crisis, there are also reserves of extractable coal, which are currently around 25,000 kt. It is currently planned to end mining at the ČSA and Darkov mines at the turn of 2020 and 2021, ČSM Mines should be closed by 2022 at the latest, which will completely end black coal mining in the Moravian-Silesian Region and the entire Czech Republic.
Cryptocurrency – a modern kind of money
Petrenec, Vojtěch ; Baumgartnerová, Alena (referee) ; Jašková, Jana (advisor)
Kryptoměna se stala známým fenoménem ve světě bankovních a elektronických plateb, ale pro širokou veřejnost je stále záhadou, a ne vše je vysvětleno tak, aby s ní mohl kdokoliv obchodovat. Tato práce se zaměřuje na kryptoměny. Studie se zaměřuje na původ kryptoměn, principy, na kterých jejich zabezpečení funguje, proč jsou jejich transakce nevysledovatelné a jak jsou tyto převody prováděny. Následně se práce zabývá tím, kde může majitel uchovávat své kryptoměny, jaké typy peněženek existují, čím se těžba kryptoměn zabývá a co lze jejím prostřednictvím získat. Jednotlivé kryptoměny jsou diskutovány ke konci práce, včetně jejich historie a které peněženky jsou vhodné pro každou minci. Dále se tato práce věnuje fiat měnám, včetně jejich historie a ekonomických funkcí, které plní. Nakonec jsou tyto ekonomické funkce aplikovány na kryptoměny. Cílem této práce je získat větší přehled o kryptoměnách, včetně toho, co jsou zač, jak fungují a jak s nimi zacházet.
Recultivations Locality/Places after Surfaces Mining Coal / Sand / Ore
Kubíček, Jan ; Jícha, Jaroslav (referee) ; Novotný, Pavel (advisor)
Recultivation of landscape is necessary process, which goes hand in hand with mineral exploitation. Devastated landscape is recovered back to the stage before exploitation as much as possible, which means that the biological factors are restored. Recultivation creates aestetically and functionally useful landscape, which fits in surrounding biosphere and is able to serve for hunanity and nature again.
Cone crushers
Polách, Martin ; Pokorný, Přemysl (referee) ; Malášek, Jiří (advisor)
This bachelor’s thesis is focused on types of cone crushers and their producers. The thesis includes a theoretical part with a description of the crushing principle of each crusher type, research part about producers, and description of crushers. The next part is a proposal selection of the required crusher system.

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