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Food safety in perception of citizens of The Czech Republic
Tabery, Paulína ; Štohanzlová, Iva ; Vinopal, Jiří
The Public Opinion Research Centre conducted complete quantitative survey in population of The Czech Republic. The aim of the research was to explore issues of food quality and safety. In general, it was explored what people mean by food quality and food safety represent and what they think about quality and safety of food sold in The Czech republic.

Invasive fish species in the Czech Republic
Lusk, Stanislav ; Lusková, Věra
In the Czech Republic, the following fish species are evaluated as invasive: Carassius auratus, a species showing a significantly negative influence on the occurrence of native species Carassius carassius and Tinca tinca in natural habitats. Certain manifestations and properties (such as the invasive way of dispersal, numerous populations, great ecological tolerance etc.) typical of invasive species can also be seen in Pseudorasbora parva, Ameiurus nebulosus, and Proterorhinus marmoratus. In some of its manifestations, even Cteropharyngodon idella can affect biodiversity in a negative way. One cannot exclude the future invasion or introduction of any alien species evaluated as invasive, particularly those of the genus Neogobius that occur in the Slovakian part of the Danube, and Perccottus glenii that has already invaded the Tisza River drainage area and the lower part of the Danube.

Theory of the Firm from the view of New Institutional Economics and some Aspects of Institutional Framework Quality in the Czech Republic
Vitík, Robert ; Sirůček, Pavel (advisor) ; Soukup, Jindřich (referee) ; Žák, Milan (referee) ; Mlčoch, Lubomír (referee)
This doctoral thesis presents the basic and the main developments of the theories of the firm rooted in Transaction Cost Theory (TCT). Since the article of Coase on the nature of the firm, this question has been elaborated by number of economists. In my point of view, I would like to introduce the last theory developed by the representative of the school called New Institutional Economics. The theory concentrates on the role of institutions. We distinguish institutions formal and informal. The formal are laws, constitution, regulations, contracts and other written rules. The informal don't require a written form and they represent informal restrictions such as rules of behaviour, conventions, traditions and habits. The main purpose of the institutions in their various forms is mainly to protect property rights, enforce voluntary contracts and establish the physical and regulatory infrastructure to facilitate economic activity. Generally, we can call them the rules of the game. They inform us about possible economic behaviour and give us basic restrictions in this sense. First -- the theoretical part of this thesis, we can find a simple model with human asset specificity based on TCT. The main proposition is that transactions with a high level of asset specificity are more probably internalised because the firm handles better such transactions compared to the market, even if asset specificity increases the cost of coordination in the firm. If the hierarchy, for example through the formation of routines, may enhance the efficiency compared to the market, we can modify the previous model. The model developed according to a Knowledge-based view assumes that asset specificity reduces transaction costs inside the firm and increases transaction costs on the market. In the conclusion of the theoretical part is discussed the reply on first formulate hypothesis if the TCT is still compatible with a newer Capability and Knowledge based view. In my opinion based on the presented arguments and views, both theories are compatible, they can answer more questions and explain more issues. The last step links the aforementioned theories into one Theory of firm boundaries. In the practical part of the thesis, I bring basic arguments about the institutional framework quality in the Czech Republic. These arguments rely on the latest studies of the international institutions such The Transparency International, The Heritage Foundation, The Kurtzman Group and mainly The World Bank. Studies reveal certain weak arrangements concerning for example the number of procedures when starting a business, complicated construction permits, rigidity of working hours, time-consuming and administrative demanding tax system, duration of judicial process which results in ineffective contract enforcement and mainly poor protection of property rights. Taking these disclosures into account we have to say that emergent transaction costs are enormous. These transaction costs influence negatively the competitiveness of the firms and the whole Czech economy. Therefore a negative response to the second hypothesis relating to the quality of the institutional framework in the Czech Republic.

Organic agriculture and consumption of organic foodstuffs in the Czech Republic
Michálek, Martin ; Grosz, Jan (advisor) ; Milan, Milan (referee)
The master thesis deals with the organic farming and the organic food consumption, not only within the Czech Republic. The theoretical part of the master thesis, characterizes this dynamically developing industry, subsidy policy, legislative page and describes each of the production and non-productive functions of organic farming. It also presents the action plan for the following years, in which the sector should take. On approaching the definition of the concept of organic foodstuff, its specifics, the essentials of marking, control system and forms of sale. Finally, it deals with comparison of nutritional values of organic food and conventional food and also organic food consumption itself on the domestic market, with a forecast for the next years. Filling the empirical part is a statistical comparison and analysis of time series of organic farming, to which are added the individual predictions for the following four years. Furthermore, the practical part, respectively the consumption of organic food, supplements the statistical analysis of data obtained from an anonymous questionnaire survey concerning the preferences of consumers in matters of purchasing and consumption of organic food. Conclusion of the work is devoted to a summary of the data from the questionnaire investigation and proposing recommendations for organic farming and the Czech organic food market.

Utilization of unconventional biomass for energy production
Boumová, Markéta ; Kropáč, Jiří (referee) ; Pavlas, Martin (advisor)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá netradičními druhy biomasy využitelnými v České republice a Španělsku a jejich srovnáním. V prvních kapitolách jsou popsány netradiční druhy biomasy, mezinárodní projekty, smlouvy a legislativa. V následujích kapitolách je rozbor netradičních druhů biomasy zejména vznikajících z potravinářského průmyslu každé země s detailním rozborem a srovnáním zbytků z průmyslového zpracování slunečnice a oliv. V závěru je uděláno celkové srovnání těchto druhů biomasy České republiky a Španělska z aspektů výkupních cen, výhřevností, vlhkosti a množství popelovin.

Establishing a Marketing fund in the Czech Republic to support the agricultural and food sector
Moudrá, Erika ; Hesková, Marie (advisor) ; Ehlová, Zdenka (referee)
The thesis deals in its theoretical part of the Czech food market - their promotions and opportunities for improvement in the context of establishing the Marketing fund with the insipration taken from the Austrian and German models. It shows some of the proven mechanisms of applied Wine Fund of the Czech Republic. A separate chapter is devoted to the Federation of the Food and Drink Industries of the Czech Republic, which its 20 years of history inseparable part of the food market and one of the main promoters of establishing a Marketing fund in the Czech Republic. Other chapters are devoted to the Austrian model of Marketing fund (Agramarkt austriacus AMA) which works flawlessly since Austria's entry to the European Union and analysis of implementation of the Fund in the Czech environment.

Analysis of the determinants of unemployment in the Czech Republic, focusing on the influence of characteristics of the region
Čechová, Gabriela ; Brožová, Dagmar (advisor) ; Svoboda, Miroslav (referee)
This thesis deals with the analysis of equilibrium and disequilibrium factors that have impact on the unemployment rates in the regions of the Czech Republic. Panel data from the 1993 to 20012 period were used in the analysis.One of the main factors of the differences in the unemployment rate between the regions is the proportion of people aged from 15 to 29 years in the population. The increase of one percentage point in this ratio causes an increase in the unemployment rate in the respective region of 2.5 %. Another important factor that was revealed in the analysis was the proportion of high school graduates among the population. With the increase of one percentage point in this factor, the unemployment rate falls by 7.3 %. The regions were divided into two groups based on their unemployment rate for the purpose of an extended model. The results suggest that the unemployment rate in the regions with higher unemployment rates is more influenced by the sectoral composition of the economy than in those with lower unemployment rates. In these regions it is the regional amenities that play the key role.

Trends in retail private labels development
Straková, Linda ; Filipová, Alena (advisor) ; Kubistová, Petra (referee)
The aim of diploma thesis is to find out what are the current trends in retail market in the Czech Republic with the focus on private labels. Private labels are very common especially on the retail market of the United States of America and european retail market as well. In my thesis I concentrate especially on the distribution channels hypermarkets, supermarkets and discounter stores even though private labels are present as well in traditional trade and in retail chains specialised in drug. Private labels are present in various segments of retail, food, drug and other fast moving consumer goods. My focus is on the development of private labels in the segment of food and drug goods.

Analýza dat týkajících se risku sebevraždy u mentálně nemocných
Hron, Jiří ; Rauch, Jan (advisor) ; Malá, Ivana (referee)
The three goals of this thesis are to present a coherent overview of the research on suicide in both the general population and among mentally ill, to analyse records of hospitalisations of mentally ill from years 2006 to 2012 while looking for patterns either leading to identification of suicide risk factors or useful for predicting probability of suicide at the time of discharge, and finally to compare a selected subset of statistical, data mining and machine learning methods in relation to their applicability to the second goal. The overview is based on information from over 40 published articles. The analysis and the comparison make use of associative rules mining, visual and stepwise methods for exploration, standard and conditional logistic regression models for inference, and variations of random forests for prediction. To the best of author's knowledge, none of the three goals was previously pursued by any other researcher in the Czech Republic, certainly not using the data set provided for purposes of this thesis. A new modification of random forest combined with a set of logistic regression in order to refine prediction accuracy is also briefly explored. The structure closely follows the above--stated goals starting from the chapters on related work and on the theoretical basis of the methods used, and concluding by the analysis itself and discussion of its results.

Žofková, Eliška ; Komárková, Lenka (advisor) ; Krejčová, Iva (referee)
The thesis describes the history, structure and function of Eurostat in the European Union. Furthermore, it deals with the Eurostat database and maps the field for which the European statistical data are publicly available. It also discusses the topic of population and its health conditions in more depth and based on the data obtained from the Eurostat it examines the position of the Czech Republic within the European Union.