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The dilemma of a social worker in connection with the proposed alternate care for minor
In the theoretical part, there I devote to the family itself, what are its functions, further I deal with a marriage and parenthood. In the next chapter I explain the divorce with minor children, causes of the divorce rate and the children´s reactions to the divorce. This is followed by a chapter on the social worker dealing with the children´s social and legal protection, his roles and competences, which dilemmas he encounters during his work. Last but not least I deal with the mutual and alternate care. What are prerequisites of the successful alternate care, its advantages and disadvantages. I chose a technique of a semi-structured interview for the qualitative research. There is a minimum of topics and questions that the interviewer must discuss. These basic topics and interviews then are attached by various other additional topics that the interviewer seemed to be meaningful or suitable to an extension of the original assignment. Data obtained through the interview I worked out using the coding. The research sample has been represented by the department of the children´s social and legal protection. This department belongs under the department of social affairs in municipalities with extended powers. Specifically, they were social workers of this department who I gained all the necessary information for the research from. The aim of this thesis was to describe the dilemmas of the social worker in the area of the social work in connection with the decision on the alternate care for the minor child. The research showed that there still prevails the number of children, who are placed by the court in the sole custody of mothers in the Czech Republic. It more often happens, that children´s fathers who were for the alternate care at the beginning, after a certain time revise their opinions and decide to leave the education of the children to their mothers. Regarding the dilemmas of the social workers dealing with the children´s social and legal protection, there are situations which occur more and more. These are especially situations when parents cannot agree on any rules on which the alternate care could run smoothly. In those above mentioned situations the child is placed in the sole custody to one of the parents. The everyday problem of the social workers is a large number of clients. The main reason for this is a growing number of divorces. To be able to cope with so many clients, all leads to the fact that the social workers are forced to reduce their time, energy, but also their attention which is to be paid to individual clients. Specifically in České Budějovice, the social workers from the department of the children´s social and legal protection lead only very few consultations with their clients directly in their office. It is especially due to the lack of their time, because they more often go to investigate a particular family on demand of the court. Many social workers meet the fact that the family wants to realize the alternate care, but for the reason of the non-cooperation of the both parents most of the alternate cares come to an end. As for the forms of the alternate care, most families realize a week alternate care. Mainly it is at the primary school-age children for the reason that the children are small and after a short time they miss the other parent. A 14-day alternate care is realized at the older children. They usually dislike their permanent moving from one parent to the other. A contribution of this thesis is to provide a topic for the social workers dealing with the children´s social and legal protection, to use it in their own practice in connection with the alternate care. Finally, the results can be used for an evaluation of the social workers´ approach to the families wishing to realize the alternate care.

Is import of goods from european countries to Czech republic more or less influenced by changes in nominal and real exchange rates than in non european countries?
Vereš, Jan ; Stroukal, Dominik (advisor) ; Slaný, Martin (referee)
This bachelor thesis analyses the connection between import of goods from foreign countries to Czech Republic and the exchange rate changes. The initial hypothesis of this paper is to prove that the depreciation of domestic currency has positive influence on balance of trade balance. For this purpose there is eight econometric models which were created by using time series from years 2003 to 2016. These models are divided in pairs among four chosen countries. For each country two models were created that follow the development of trade balance between Czech Republic and one of the countries in two different time frames. All the models always use the real effective exchange rate, growth rate of GDP for Czech Republic and growth rate of GDP for one of the countries as explanatory variable. It is connected with the second task of this thesis, which is the analysis of the differences in the behaviour of the models that belong to the countries which are members of the EU and these that are not. The aim is to find out whether the existence of tariffs on imported goods from countries out of the EU causes visible differences in the behaviour of the variables that were included in the models. Based on the outcomes of all eight models the main hypothesis has been proved right for three out of four countries. In the models for Germany, China and France the relation of real exchange rate and trade balance came out as positive in long term, in short term the outcome was ambiguous. The second question of this thesis has been answered, but its added value is questionable. The final models for each state do show some noticeable differences and they can be used to determine if the influence of the change of exchange rates on trade balance is smaller or bigger in the countries where tariffs are used. On the other hand, from the results we can learn that the sample of only four countries is insufficient for the deduction of any conclusions.

Strategic Trade Policy in Defence and Security Industry
Neumannová, Pavla ; Žamberský, Pavel (advisor) ; Jiránková, Martina (referee)
The master thesis is devoted to a nontraditional, however, in the todays world to a very current topic, arms industry and its support. The thesis connects the theoretical concept of the strategic trade policy (defined by P. Krugman or J. Brander) to its practical interpretation and application in the defence and security industry. The first chapter explains the strategic trade policy using the Brander Spencer analysis. The topic of the second chapter is strategic industries and this chapter answers the question whether the defence and security industry is a strategic industry or not. The third chapter analyses the possibilities of the support of DSI and compares approaches of different EU member states. The last chapter is devoted to the solution of this problem. The main contribution of this thesis is a new interpretation of the strategic trade policy, analysis of the importance of the defence and security industry and its support and suggestion of practical measures for Czech companies and for the Czech Ministry of Defence.

Outsourcing and its impacts on company through Enterprise architecture
Štěpán, Jakub ; Šebesta, Michal (advisor) ; Bruckner, Tomáš (referee)
This final thesis is dealing with the theme of outsourcing and its influence on company in connection with enterprise architecture as the main carrier of ongoing changes. Main focus of this thesis is to provide the overview of the area of Enterprise architecture and outsourcing as well as the description of the selected notation of Enterprise architecture modeling, which will be main instrument in describing the transformation. Theoretical part of the work is divided into three parts. Firstly there is description of the enterprise architecture and chosen connected areas, followed by description of the outsourcing process and description of the modeling language ArchiMate. Practical part of the work is composed of analysis, description and evaluation of the transformation of the selected company. Among the main contribution of this thesis there is description of the changes during the transformation using the ArchiMate modeling language and identifying of concrete impacts of outsourcing on Enterprise architecture of the company.

The way of consumerism in the interwar Czechoslovakia nn the example of consumption of coffee, cocoa, chocolate and tea.
Syrová, Tereza ; Jakubec, Ivan (advisor) ; Jančík, Drahomír (referee) ; Štemberk, Jan (referee)
Dissertation thesis discusses the consumption of cocoa, coffee, tea and chocolate in the interwar period in the Czechoslovakia. On the basis of statistical data and examination of archival sources comes with the definition of the middle classes of the population, which those commodities consumed. The thesis shows the distribution of consumption of commodities based on the survey in blue-collar and white-collar families. Furthermore provides insight into the lives of families, distribution of their spending and the size of income. It refers to the representation of cocoa, coffee, tea and chocolate in the consumer basket and shows the elasticity of the mentioned commodities. For the central part of the research of the dissertation thesis chose the Czech territory only, because here were without difficulty accessible data sources. The Dissertation thesis clarifies the causes of consuming cocoa, coffee, tea and chocolate and concludes that each was consumed from another purpose, which resulted status of these commodities. Tea consumption has been designed especially for the higher classes of the population, chocolate bought mostly white-collar family, but over twenties speared consumption of chocolate products also among the middle and lower classes into the population. The chocolate products were subject to early 20s of the luxury tax. Cocoa was used in connection with cooking and baking, but families didnt use this product frequently. Coffee drank all layers of the population, but consumption was based on the social status of the consumer. Very frequently families consume rye coffee and chicory coffee. Dissertation thesis also highlights the regional differences between the classes, which were further intensified. Thesis examines in detail the amount of the duties of the commodity, which in the interwar period varied widely, and concludes that the duty to disproportionately increase the price of products and made it impossible for consumers to buy more of cocoa, coffee, tea and chocolate.

Multimedia communication
Vondra, Zdeněk ; Horný, Stanislav (advisor) ; Skrbek, Jan (referee) ; Jurášková, Olga (referee)
Multimedia is a form of communication and sharing knowledge using synergic effect of parallel connected communication channels. Its main use is in producing communications products and services and in design of user interfaces. Main objective of this dissertation is to develop and create a model of multimedia communication for better understanding of the meaning and the purpose of using multimedia forms in communication process. The model will describe a system of elements and parameters of multimedia communication within the internal and external context. Another objective of this dissertation is to develop multimedia communication methodology that will be used for the design, development and evaluations of concepts of multimedia communication. The methodology will be created by applying the model of multimedia communication into the procedure structure. In theoretical way this dissertation is based on analysis of different definitions and approaches to the multimedia communications topic. This is followed by an analysis of communication theories, concepts of media, multimedia, delivery channels, and communication functions. The theoretical part is followed by the outcomes of the research in practice of four different fields of multimedia use. The knowledge gained is analyzed in the following parts in purpose of creating the model of multimedia communication and the methodology which is derived from the model. The methodology is further validated through case studies and the recommendations for further development are formulated. The model and the methodology of multimedia communication created in this dissertation present complex view on multimedia communication topic that is considered as a useful tool for meeting a specific communication purpose. Dissertation provides mechanics for use and study of multimedia communication and also defines the opportunities for further development of the methodology.

Support for Unemployed People Aged Under 30 Years at Entry to the Labor Market
The Bachelor Thesis deals with the problems of unemployment benefits for people at the age up to 30 when entering the employment market. Unemployment is currently one of the serious problems in the world. The reduction in the number of unemployed people is one of the political priorities. The meaning of work as a job is taking an irreplaceable position for the life within our culture. Job loss has a considerable influence on social as well as personal life of an individual. The age is playing a significant role when seeking a job. Especially the time connected with the beginning of the career. School leavers who apply for their first job are concerned. They have no working experience, no practice, and they have so far had no possibility to acquire the basic work habits. A disharmony between zero experience and excessive earnings demands belongs to other root causes of the lack of interest in giving work opportunity to school leavers. Employment Office plays an irreplaceable role for the mediation of job and the consultancy. To solve unemployment within each target group, active and passive labour policies are available. The situation of the specific target group is stimulated especially through single programs and projects. The theoretical part pays attention to the definition and objectification of the unemployment-related terms and the analysis of labour market in Ceske Budejovice. Observations of a number of authors who are dealing with these problems and the related issues are summarized herein. The empirical part is formed by observations from own investigation. Two job-related targets have been set. The first target is to analyse the ideas the young people aged up to thirty, living in the district of Ceske Budejovice, have of their employment. The other target is to analyse the employers´ ideas of giving work to school leavers and young people. In order to fulfil the above targets, two investigative questions have been put: 1: Young peoples´ ideas of earning possibilities are unrealistic. 2: Employers find the European Social Fund helpful in giving work to young people. For the purpose of answering the investigative questions a qualitative research method, namely a case study the study of a few cases was selected. Interviewing was chosen as the most suitable method of data gathering. Initially, ten participants aged up to thirty were interviewed. At the time of interviewing, all of the participants were registered at the Employment Office in Ceske Budejovice and were taking part in a retraining scheme arranged by the Employment Office. When talking with young people I found that their gross commencing salary is expected to amount to approx. 16 200 CZK. The other selective group comprised five employers in Ceske Budejovice. It emerged from the interviews that one of the companies does not utilize the programs and projects announced by the European Social Fund at all. Two of the companies complain about excessive administration. One of the employers must always carefully consider its ability to satisfy the involvement conditions. Some negative feelings also appeared about the frequent changing the blank forms, a low number of announced projects for a particular business branch. The programs being related to deepening knowledge and staff training were most appreciated. The results of the Thesis will give the Employment Office a feedback on the utilization of the European Social Fund by employers and will help in adjusting the conditions for further projects being prepared.

Building and use of smaller computer networks
Kyzivát, Marek ; Pinkas, Otakar (advisor) ; Šmejkal, Ivo (referee)
The thesis describes the initial state of the computer network Basic Schools and Kindergartens Ohradní (ZŠMŠ Ohradní) in Prague 4 and then its reconstruction, which I largely contributed. ZŠMŠ Ohradní consists of four pavilions and from one building on the other side of the street. The aim of this study is to assess the initial state of the network and point out the shortcomings that we discovered. We found deficiencies in the operation stress tests, measurements and data cabling overall analysis. Original networks connectivity was 100Mb/s. Together with a colleague, we are network administrators. Furthermore, I am going to introduce a new form of network, which has identified deficiencies improved, by using on newer technologies. I will describe its structure, address allocation, active and passive components, and operated services. New network is capable of 1Gb/s, and its spine is going to be 10Gb/s soon. Benefits of this reconstruction is faster, more stable and more modern network that will facilitate the work of employees of ZŠMŠ Ohradní. To these improvements, I have mainly contributed by measurements. I participated in the design and implementation of new form of data network. I collaborated with fellow Poc to the configuration of active elements and network services in reconstructed network.

The transformation of the Spanish party system in the context of elections 2015 and 2016
Kleinová, Tereza ; Němec, Jan (advisor) ; Fleissner, Kamil (referee)
This bachelor thesis deals with the transformation of the party system in Spain in connection with the rise of new political parties Podemos and Ciudadanos and parliamentary elections 2015 and 2016. Thesis describes the fragmentation of the Spanish political system which was caused by the results of parliamentary elections. The aim of this thesis is to find the causations why the political parties couldn't form a coalition and have a majority. The first part is about the theory of party systems and theory of coalitions. The second part deals with transformations of the Spanish party system since 1975 and political parties PP and PSOE. The third party is focused on parties Podemos and Ciudadanos, elections 2015 and 2016 and causations of not forming a coalition.

The Centralisation of the Management of the Agriculture Commodities Transportation
Šťastná, Tereza ; Rathouský, Bedřich (advisor) ; Mervart, Michal (referee)
The main objective of my thesis is to evaluate a suitability of the project of the centralisation of management of agriculture commodities transportation in AGF Logistics. The evaluation is based on the analysis of operational and economic data. The results of the application of theoretical models confirmed my hypothesis that the project of a centralisation is a suitable solution for performance optimisation. It is possible to compare the actual state of the project with expected goals based on acquired data and find out the opportunities and risks connected with the project.