National Repository of Grey Literature 42,641 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 3.29 seconds. 

New approaches in the human resources management related to leadership
The objective of this bachelor study is to specify decisive approaches in the human resources management related to leadership of people. Research was realized in cooperation with headquarters of Allianz in Czech Republic. For the purpose of research the level of human resource management, leadership and access to new methods of management was used the questionnaire survey supported by other techniques such as uncontrolled interviews or a participating observation. The research shows that the human resource management in the organization could be at a higher level. There are visible differences between employees on lower positions and the middle management. This may affect a performance, results and relationships on the workplace. Based on the analysis can be recommended to the organization to focus on communication flows, especially a downward flow. In addition, the organization should also focus on awareness of employees on lower positions, because these people have the feeling that they are overlooked. Other recommendation concerns trainings and educational events at work. Employees on lower positions have opinion that training and educational events are not adjusted for their knowledge and needs. Therefore is justified that the organization have to focus on the needs of employees, to reflect on how to further engage employees and what courses would be suitable for them to develop their potential. Proposed changes could help the organization to higher employee satisfaction, better relationships at work and would also built a stronger HR system.

Selected problems of application of the Insolvency Act
Kulíř, Martin ; Pohl, Tomáš (advisor) ; Macková, Alena (referee)
Selected problems of application of the Insolvency Act On the 1st of January 2008, Act No. 182/2006 Coll. on Insolvency and its Resolution (Insolvency Act), which constitutes the substance of current legal regulation of bankruptcy law in the Czech Republic, came into force. There was a need to adopt new regulation emerged not only as a result of obsolescence of the original regulation, which - despite numerous direct or indirect amendments - was not able to respond adequately to economic changes, but also due to the necessity to adjust bankruptcy law to European legal regulations. The Insolvency Act together with implementing regulations form the basis of an entirely new and complex legal regulation which stands on its own principles, introduces uniform insolvency proceedings for all kinds of resolutions of insolvency and also new forms of insolvency resolutions. In addition to bankruptcy as a traditional and liquidating form of insolvency resolution, the Insolvency Act introduces a reorganisation and a discharge of debts as preservation methods of insolvency resolution which might be more profitable both for the debtor and his creditors. Reorganisation is designated for entrepreneurs, while discharge of debts was adopted as a resolution of state of insolvency of non-entrepreneurs. But this current legal...

The prohibition of gambling in Czech cities and their economic efficiency since 2010
Lišková, Magdaléna ; Skopeček, Jan (advisor) ; Zeman, Martin (referee)
The bachelor thesis is about an evaluation of economic efficiency of prohibition of gambling in selected Czech cities since 2010. The theoretical part contains a definition of basic terms, a chapter about social costs and it also deals with a prohibition and the shadow economy. The practical part contains chapters about current legislation, about gambling market in the Czech Republic, next chapter is about methodology and at the end of this part there is the evaluation of economic efficiency. This chapter deals with an explanation why we can call the prohibition inefficient. It is also a resume of the thesis which is back up an argument of progress of total social costs and total revenues. The bachelor thesis, in spite of other Czech papers, works with presumption that the social costs are produced by pathological gamblers and it deals just with the original social costs. That is the reason why the thesis provides an original quantification of the social costs and new view on problems which are connected with regulation of gambling.

The Incidence of Suicide Among Alcoholics
LHOTSKÁ, Veronika
For my master thesis, I have chosen the topic of alcoholics' suicide occurrence. There were 1647 people who have committed a suicide in the Czech Republic during the year 2012. Out of the 1647 people, there were 1370 men, and 277 women (ČSÚ, 2013). The deaths of alcoholics are not recorded by the National Evidence Center. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical parts. The information for the theoretical part was gathered from academic sources. The two examined parts are the suicide commitment in the Czech Republic, and the alcohol consumption. The practical part is simply a primary research that I have done in PL Červený Dvůr. The research had two parts; quantitative and qualitative. The qualitative part was done through interviews with chosen respondents. The quantitative part was done through surveys distributed in PL Červený Dvůr. I have chosen to do the quantitative part first, so that I could choose the right candidates for the quantitative part based on their responses. The interviews helped me to complete the information I was looking for. I have set various goals that I wanted to reach through the research. The main goal was to chart the suicide behavior of alcoholics who are patients of PL Červený Dvůr. In order to reach such goal, I have set partial goals. The first partial goal was to contras the reason that lead the patients of PL Červený Dvůr to try to commit a suicide. According to the results I received, the most common reason for committing a suicide is either unfulfilled love, or the breaking-up with partner. Another goal was to discover the way the patients tried to kill themselves. As the majority responded so, the most common way is to cut the veins while drunk. The third goal was to compare and contrast the different reasons why as well as the ways how to commit a suicide. I have focused on two groups of patients of PL Červený Dvůr; the alcoholics and the toxicants. The alcoholics had proven that the reason why the tried to kill themselves was love, but the toxicants stated that they did it because they simply did not have a reason to live anymore. Both of the groups decided to end their lives by cutting their veins.

Analysis and design of intranet structure
Novák, Miroslav ; Pour, Jan (advisor) ; Šedivá, Zuzana (referee)
Nowadays, Intranet is an inseparable part of every company, notwithstanding of their size or field of activity. Both, in my work and personal life, I often come across different intranets that usually do not get a positive response. But they usually have the same source of the problem, which is based on their wrong structure. This is why is chose this topic for my thesis. The goal of my thesis is to perform an analysis of an existing intranet of a particular company and subsequently create a design of the intranet new structure using the card-sorting method. This thesis primarily represents a generalized method of how to proceed during such realization and which areas to look into. Theoretical part of this thesis covers the topics of information architecture and also the term intranet itself, where the most frequent issues I came across in the intranets are pointed out. Practical part covers the analysis itself, where I focus on the structure of the existing intranet, categorization of its content, connections with other systems, customization, permission management, surveys of contentment, and intranet usage. The analysis is performed manually by scanning through the existing intranet of the company, since other methods or approaches could not be applied due to technical limitations or insufficient permis-sions. Based on the outputs of the analysis, web categorizations and the card-sorting method, a design of a structure of the new intranet has been proposed. The design itself is a demonstration of the method how to approach the new intranet design.

Clustering and regression analysis of micro panel data
Sobíšek, Lukáš ; Pecáková, Iva (advisor) ; Komárek, Arnošt (referee) ; Brabec, Marek (referee)
The main purpose of panel studies is to analyze changes in values of studied variables over time. In micro panel research, a large number of elements are periodically observed within the relatively short time period of just a few years. Moreover, the number of repeated measurements is small. This dissertation deals with contemporary approaches to the regression and the clustering analysis of micro panel data. One of the approaches to the micro panel analysis is to use multivariate statistical models originally designed for crosssectional data and modify them in order to take into account the within-subject correlation. The thesis summarizes available tools for the regression analysis of micro panel data. The known and currently used linear mixed effects models for a normally distributed dependent variable are recapitulated. Besides that, new approaches for analysis of a response variable with other than normal distribution are presented. These approaches include the generalized marginal linear model, the generalized linear mixed effects model and the Bayesian modelling approach. In addition to describing the aforementioned models, the paper also includes a brief overview of their implementation in the R software. The difficulty with the regression models adjusted for micro panel data is the ambiguity of their parameters estimation. This thesis proposes a way to improve the estimations through the cluster analysis. For this reason, the thesis also contains a description of methods of the cluster analysis of micro panel data. Because supply of the methods is limited, the main goal of this paper is to devise its own two-step approach for clustering micro panel data. In the first step, the panel data are transformed into a static form using a set of proposed characteristics of dynamics. These characteristics represent different features of time course of the observed variables. In the second step, the elements are clustered by conventional spatial clustering techniques (agglomerative clustering and the C-means partitioning). The clustering is based on a dissimilarity matrix of the values of clustering variables calculated in the first step. Another goal of this paper is to find out whether the suggested procedure leads to an improvement in quality of the regression models for this type of data. By means of a simulation study, the procedure drafted herein is compared to the procedure applied in the kml package of the R software, as well as to the clustering characteristics proposed by Urso (2004). The simulation study demonstrated better results of the proposed combination of clustering variables as compared to the other combinations currently used. A corresponding script written in the R-language represents another benefit of this paper. It is available on the attached CD and it can be used for analyses of readers own micro panel data.

Differences between men and women in the Czech labour market
Stroukal, Dominik ; Kadeřábková, Božena (advisor) ; Pavelka, Tomáš (referee) ; Němec, Otakar (referee)
This thesis consists of five articles that apply current world research on labor economics at the Czech Republic and confirms the significant differences between men and women in this market. It shows that gender has a significant influence on the preference on the labor market and, consequently, on employment and health. First, the thesis shows that preferences are relevant determinant of career and then we study the difference in preference of salary for men and women. Subsequently it shows that gender plays a significant role in explaining the relationship between homeownership, and unemployment, as well as unemployment and health. The first chapter was able to demonstrate that the preference for a career has a positive influence on the choice of career. The influence of higher education on prioritizing career proved to be positive and significant. Probability of a career choice is reduced by the presence of children, however, is not dependent on their number, which is contrary to the theory of preferences. The second chapter shows that Czech women prefer more non-monetary rewards than men. It has also been shown that people with university education are same in the preferences of non-monetary rewards regardless of the gender of the respondents, however, compared to the world's research, the Czech higher education increases this preference. It turned out that women prefer risk less than men. The third chapter demonstrates that although the housing market undermines labor mobility and employment in the Czech Republic at the regional level, therefore, that in regions with a higher rate of home ownership is higher unemployment, at the individual level, the owners of housing are unemployed are less likely. The estimates are significantly different for men and women. Men living in owner-occupied housing have a higher likelihood of employment than women. At regional level, however, this thesis shows that the high rate of home ownership increases unemployment for both men and women, in the long run only to women. The fourth chapter showed that men transition to homeownership reduces the likelihood of unemployment next year. For women, this relationship has proved to be insignificant. In addition, as insignificant showed the opposite relationship, the transition from unemployment to the newly acquired home ownership. The last chapter shows that the change in the working status to unemployment will increase in the future probability of worse health. Influence in less than two years, however, proved to be significant. An important conclusion is that men have a significantly stronger relationship between health and unemployment than women.

Multicriteria games
Tichá, Michaela ; Dlouhý, Martin (advisor) ; Lachout, Petr (referee) ; Čičková, Zuzana (referee)
Theory of multicriteria games is a special field of game theory, when one or more players have at least two payoff functions and want to maximize simultaneously. The work introduces a number of new findings. It examined the concept of finding equilibria in pure strategies in noncooperative multicriteria game. It is possible to find all the equilibria in pure strategies by full search and solving two linear programs for each point. Furthermore, two linear programs are formulated for verifying that a selected point is the equilibrium of the game or not. In the noncooperative games is also introduced the concept that with knowledge of the equilibrium of bimatrix game determines preferences of the players. Although finding the equilibrium point of the bimatrix game is nonlinear problem, finding the preferences is linear problem. The latest findings in the noncooperative games is a generalization of the concept that solves multicriteria game by assigning weights to each criterion of each player. The work demonstrates that it may not be necessarily linear weights, but it can be more general function that describes the player's preference. The remaining part is devoted to knowledge in cooperative games. There is considered that the players know their preferences and are able to express them by weights. The game with known preferences is defined and solved with the use of bargaining theory. Then it is generalized to a case where players have more payoff functions, from which they can choose. Finally, the multicriteria case of voting game is defined. It is designed completely new concept, which selects the winning coalition in the voting game. This concept is then applied to the real situation after the elections to the Chamber of Deputies in 2013.

Work-life balance
Maturová, Inha ; Šmíd, David (advisor) ; Legnerová, Kateřina (referee)
This bachelor work focuses on adaptation process of new employees in a particular company. The goal is determination of adaptation process and comparison with needs of the company on onboarding field. A few methods of quality research were used in application part. The first one is analysis of internal documents related to adaptation process. The second is application and analysis of structured inquiry of head of human resources department of the company. Application part of the work brings evaluation of analysed adaptation process.

Building and use of smaller computer networks
Kyzivát, Marek ; Pinkas, Otakar (advisor) ; Šmejkal, Ivo (referee)
The thesis describes the initial state of the computer network Basic Schools and Kindergartens Ohradní (ZŠMŠ Ohradní) in Prague 4 and then its reconstruction, which I largely contributed. ZŠMŠ Ohradní consists of four pavilions and from one building on the other side of the street. The aim of this study is to assess the initial state of the network and point out the shortcomings that we discovered. We found deficiencies in the operation stress tests, measurements and data cabling overall analysis. Original networks connectivity was 100Mb/s. Together with a colleague, we are network administrators. Furthermore, I am going to introduce a new form of network, which has identified deficiencies improved, by using on newer technologies. I will describe its structure, address allocation, active and passive components, and operated services. New network is capable of 1Gb/s, and its spine is going to be 10Gb/s soon. Benefits of this reconstruction is faster, more stable and more modern network that will facilitate the work of employees of ZŠMŠ Ohradní. To these improvements, I have mainly contributed by measurements. I participated in the design and implementation of new form of data network. I collaborated with fellow Poc to the configuration of active elements and network services in reconstructed network.