National Repository of Grey Literature 15 records found  1 - 10next  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
A model of two-level politics: the case of I.R. Iran's nuclear program
Habibpour Moghaddam, Ehsan ; Tesař, Jakub (advisor) ; Karlas, Jan (referee)
This research undertakes an exploration of the intricate dynamics in foreign policy strategies between the U.S. and the Islamic Republic of Iran (I.R.), primarily focusing on the I.R.'s nuclear program. A game theory framework forms the basis of this study, helping to elucidate the complex interplay between international diplomacy, domestic political forces, and strategic decision-making mechanisms. After conducting a chronological examination of the nuclear issue, from its origins through to the ongoing negotiations, this study introduces several models. These are built upon the theoretical pillars established by De Mesquita's (2010) work on modeling I.R.-U.S. nuclear controversy and Putnam's (1988) analysis of the interplay between domestic and international politics. These models capture two significant elements: 1) the substantial influence of domestic politics within both countries on foreign policy outcomes, and 2) how shifts in each influential parameter within the model affect the outcome of the game. The study underscores how the dynamics of factors such as potential for military action, perceived power status of the involved players, and domestic political pressures critically influence each country's negotiation strategies and potential outcomes within the game's structure. Additionally,...
Evolution of the preferences of the Council of the European Union in negotiating Transparency Register
Štefániková, Michaela ; Martinková, Viera (advisor) ; Plechanovová, Běla (referee)
The thesis examines the evolution of the preferences of the Council of the European Union in the context of the approval of the European lobbying control mechanism, the so-called Transparency Register. In the thesis, the author sets three research hypotheses that seek to prove the influence of three different factors on the positions of the Council, as the last institution to enter the negotiation process. The thesis is based on rational choice theory, specifically the agenda-setting as well as the principal-agent sub-theory. The methodological form of the thesis research is based on the qualitative method of process-tracing, which explains the investigation of the chain of events or decision processes through which conditions are transformed into outcomes. The examination of agenda-setting confirmed the fact that although the Commission as the primary actor of agenda-setting at the EU level has fulfilled this role, it uses only soft power and a diplomatic narrative that lacks authority, which prevents it from convincing the Council to actively cooperate in negotiating the Register. On the contrary, the informal but significant agenda-setting role of the European Parliament, through publicity and inter-institutional dialogue, has achieved that the Council has agreed to the negotiations, even in the...
Parliamentary elections in Slovakia in 2016: Analysis of the causes of election results and post-election negotiations
Trojanová, Tereza ; Švec, Kamil (advisor) ; Perottino, Michel (referee)
Cílem práce je analyzovat příčiny výsledků parlamentních voleb na Slovensku konaných v teoretické části práce je na základě Ústavy SR nejprve popsán průběh sestavování vlády. Dále je prostor věnován důrazem na koaliční vládnutí, teo následujících voleb totiž měla na základě vývoje průzkumu voličských preferencí vzejít právě koaliční vláda. Důležitou součást tvoří také olebního systému, které značně ovlivňují politickou soutěž. nějž navazuje vývoj a podoba stranického systému na Slovensku. Následující část volební kampaně a předvolebních možnostech sestavení vlády. Samotné výsledky voleb jsou poté analyzovány zejména ve snaze nalézt příčiny klesající SD a obecně tradičních stran, propadu strany #Sieť a posílení povolebního rokování tvoří závěrečný úsek práce, v němž jsou srovnány předvolební a povolební rétoriky politiků stran, které spolu posléze vytvořily
Negotiation analysis : nuclear negotiations with Iran
Hulvejová, Jana ; Karásek, Tomáš (advisor) ; Parízek, Michal (referee)
This thesis deals with the topic of the conflict between the US and Iran over Iranian nuclear program and the possibility of resolving it by negotiating a mutually acceptable comprehensive agreement. The aim of this thesis is to analyze whether a zone of possible agreement between the US and Iran on the nuclear issue exists; and if it does, what range of possible agreements falls within it. In order to determine whether a ZOPA exists, the thesis utilizes the negotiation analytic approach, which establishes the elements of the analysis - the parties' underlying interests, their alternatives to a negotiated agreement, barriers to agreement and deal design. By putting the setup elements into a graphical framework representing the negotiation, the analysis finds that a zone of possible agreement between the US and Iran over Iran's nuclear program exists and therefore, a comprehensive deal is possible. However, the existence of major potential barriers to agreement, such as powerful domestic opponents to an agreement on both sides, complicates the negotiating process. The findings of the analysis indicate that to overcome these barriers and reach a mutually acceptable deal, both sides have to retreat from their fixation on maximalist bargaining positions and instead focus on their core underlying...
The six-party talks and the North Korean nuclear weapons programme: negotiation analysis
Sdun, Maika Malina ; Parízek, Michal (advisor) ; Ditrych, Ondřej (referee)
ble agreement did not exist due to the involved parties' irreconcilable positions. Two hypoth- eses addressing factors that are exogenous to the negotiations such as the parties' underlying negotiators' pursuits within the Six
Vztahy EU a Turecka: Vliv politiky AKP
Forýtek, Lukáš ; Němec, Jan (advisor) ; Dvořáková, Vladimíra (referee)
The master thesis deals with the issue of the Turkey-EU relations. The main aim of the thesis is to reveal the main causes of growing lack of interest of the Turkish government to become a member of the EU. The analysis of the Justice and Development Party s (AKP) effect on the Turkish foreign policy is covered as well. The thesis includes a theoretical part dealing with regionalism and regional integration and the phenomenon of Europeanisation. There is an analysis of the impact of Europeanisation on the candidate countries. The history of the Republic of Turkey and the roots of the AKP are covered. The thesis also works with the results of the general elections in the last decade. The history of the relations and accession negotiation between the EU and Turkey are analysed as well. Finally, the main potential causes of the deterioration of the negotiations are mentioned and analysed.
Parliamentary elections in Slovakia in 2016: Analysis of the causes of election results and post-election negotiations
Trojanová, Tereza ; Švec, Kamil (advisor) ; Perottino, Michel (referee)
Cílem práce je analyzovat příčiny výsledků parlamentních voleb na Slovensku konaných v teoretické části práce je na základě Ústavy SR nejprve popsán průběh sestavování vlády. Dále je prostor věnován důrazem na koaliční vládnutí, teo následujících voleb totiž měla na základě vývoje průzkumu voličských preferencí vzejít právě koaliční vláda. Důležitou součást tvoří také olebního systému, které značně ovlivňují politickou soutěž. nějž navazuje vývoj a podoba stranického systému na Slovensku. Následující část volební kampaně a předvolebních možnostech sestavení vlády. Samotné výsledky voleb jsou poté analyzovány zejména ve snaze nalézt příčiny klesající SD a obecně tradičních stran, propadu strany #Sieť a posílení povolebního rokování tvoří závěrečný úsek práce, v němž jsou srovnány předvolební a povolební rétoriky politiků stran, které spolu posléze vytvořily
The 4th Austro-Hungarian Economics Compromise
Benda, Peter ; Županič, Jan (advisor) ; Skřivan, Aleš (referee)
This thesis follows the course of negotiations regarding the fourth Austro-Hungarian economic compromise on governmental and parliamentary level during years 1895-1899. It mainly deals with their impact on domestic politics in Cisleithania (Austria) and Hungary, as well as on relations between the two parts of the Habsburg monarchy. It seeks to define and briefly describe disputed issues and reasons why negotiations ultimately failed and the economic compromise wasn't done the regular way.
Negotiation analysis : nuclear negotiations with Iran
Hulvejová, Jana ; Karásek, Tomáš (advisor) ; Parízek, Michal (referee)
This thesis deals with the topic of the conflict between the US and Iran over Iranian nuclear program and the possibility of resolving it by negotiating a mutually acceptable comprehensive agreement. The aim of this thesis is to analyze whether a zone of possible agreement between the US and Iran on the nuclear issue exists; and if it does, what range of possible agreements falls within it. In order to determine whether a ZOPA exists, the thesis utilizes the negotiation analytic approach, which establishes the elements of the analysis - the parties' underlying interests, their alternatives to a negotiated agreement, barriers to agreement and deal design. By putting the setup elements into a graphical framework representing the negotiation, the analysis finds that a zone of possible agreement between the US and Iran over Iran's nuclear program exists and therefore, a comprehensive deal is possible. However, the existence of major potential barriers to agreement, such as powerful domestic opponents to an agreement on both sides, complicates the negotiating process. The findings of the analysis indicate that to overcome these barriers and reach a mutually acceptable deal, both sides have to retreat from their fixation on maximalist bargaining positions and instead focus on their core underlying...

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