National Repository of Grey Literature 9 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Architecture of Franciscan Observant Monasteries in Bohemia, Moravia, Silesia and Upper Lusatia in Second Half of the 15th Century
Křenková, Zuzana ; Kuthan, Jiří (advisor) ; Jakubec, Ondřej (referee) ; Jarošová, Markéta (referee)
So far the history of medieval Franciscan Observance has been considered as the history of individual monasteries, or more generally as the history of disputes concerning education, culture and nationality. The aim of the present dissertation is to describe the history in terms of cultural history, to analyze wider issues of architecture regarding monastic buildings of the last big monastic community of The Middle Ages, to describe them and evaluate. The basic structure of the dissertation consists of monographic chapters monitoring the history and building development of fifteen preserved and thirteen extinct monasteries in territory of the Czech monastic province (Bohemia, Moravia, Silesia and Upper Lusatia). The catalogue part is introduced by chapters summarizing the historical context of Franciscan Observants' activities within a short period between the second half of the 15th century and the first half of the 16th century, during which the Observants of the Czech province experienced both the stage of raise and decay. The history of the order is then followed by an essay on the rules of the process of foundation constructions of the convents, the order rules limiting artwork and mainly the character of the order architecture. Key words Franciscan Observants, Late Gothic Architecture,...
The "be/have" variation with Intransitive (mutative) verbs: the development of the construction in PDE
Křenková, Zuzana ; Šaldová, Pavlína (advisor) ; Tichý, Ondřej (referee)
So far the perfective construction of intransitive verbs, which apart from the dominant auxiliary verb have occurred in the past also the auxiliary be, has been analysed especially from the diachronic point of view focusing on the period between the 17th and 19th centuries, when the majority of verbs ceased to be used with the be marker. The present study deals with the occurrence of the be perfective construction in the contemporary English, i.e. the 20th century English. Drawing on grammars and previous studies, the theoretical part of the thesis provides an overview of the present approaches to the issue, presents the conclusions drawn from the analyses of the diachronic material as well as overview of important terms. The research project consists of two parts: drawing from the corpora search the first part assembled the evidence for a group of intransitive verbs and also attested under what conditions a labile verb might acquire the perfective reading. As the be perfective might be considered a fairly rare construction, not only the British National Corpus and the Corpus of Contemporary American English were used but also the web corpus of a considerably larger size. The collected database was used for further analysis related to genre categories, co-occurrence patterns and language variety.
Late gothic and renaissance stove tiles in Municipal museum in Čáslav
Křenková, Zuzana ; Klápště, Jan (advisor) ; Sláma, Jiří (referee)
Tato pπίce se zabyνa nekterymi specitϊckymi rysy spojenymi s problematikou kachloνe produkce 15. a 16. stoletί. Pokusίm se ν ηί postihnout nektere aspekty νztahu techto pamatek hmotne kultury k socialnίmu prostredί, νe kterem byly uZίνany. Zakladnί premisa, ze ktere budu νychazet znί, ze ne_jen technicka ύrονeι'Ί. proνedcnf kachlu, ale i motiνy uzite na je_jich celnίch νyhfίνacίch stranach a zpusob jejich proνedenf mohou νypoνίdat ο majitelfch a jejich socialnfm zazemf (k tomuto detailneji Menou.Vkovά 1999, 375). Protoze by se za soucasneho staνu badanf dalo jen stezί pracoνat s νetsfm νzorkem nalezu, ktery by mohl osνetlit situaci na ύzemί Cech nebo dokonce zemί Koruny ceske, pokusίm se spίse ο mikrosondu ν geograficky ύzce νymezene oblasti. Konkretne sroνnam kachloνe nalezy z prostredf kraloνskeho mesta Caslaνi, hradu Lichnice a Chlumu a nalezu z okolnίch lokalit drobne_jsfho charakteru, ktere by se daly strucne, ale take az prίlis zjednodusene oznacit _jako νenkoνske. Spolecnym jmenoνatelem νsech techto lokalit _je bezprostrednί geograficka blίzkost, mίsto u1ozenί a do znacne mίry i limity, ktere je pro badatelske ύcely omezujί. Casoνe lze pouzitou kachloνou produkci zaradit priblizne mezi druhou poloνinu 15. stoletί a konec 16. sto1etί, _jedna se tedy styloνe _jak ο pozdne goticke, tak i renesancnί...
Methodology of archival survey of works of art from the second half of the twentieth century in public space
Říhová, Vladislava ; Křenková, Zuzana
The aim of the methodology is to acquaint the professional public with the possibilities of archival research of works of art from the second half of the twentieth century situated in architecture and in the public space. Its origin is related to the ever more pressing problems of the preservation of these artistic implementations. The spectrum of usable written and pictorial sources ranges from private archives and estates of artists or architects to variously thorough documentation in regional museums and galleries and to funds in which the official approval procedures for the works are recorded; these took place on the level of state authorities (national committee) and within the agenda of professional organizations. The text provides basic orientation in archival funds. It focuses above all on more systematic possibilities of research in the archival materials of the Czech Visual Arts Fund’s company Dílo. With this originator, which centrally administered orders for artwork commissions in the socialist state from 1954, it is possible to study the works not in isolation but in a wider context of their origin, within the framework of the individual regions, etc. The methodology includes segmentation of regional funds of this kind and presents characteristic types of archival materials that can be used in the research.
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Methodology of preventive protection and exploration of laminate sculptures in exterior
Knotek, Vítězslav ; Červinka, Josef ; Křenková, Zuzana ; Říhová, Vladislava
The methodology is focused on preventive protection and exploration of polyester laminate sculptures placed in exterior. The introduction of the methodology briefly describes the history of development and use of polyester resins in Czechoslovakia. The characteristic damage occurring on laminate sculptures was described. The next part presents methods and procedures of field and laboratory research of laminate sculptures, which is evidenced by example studies. At the end of the methodology, suitable methods of preventive preservation and protection are discussed to maximize the lifetime of laminate sculptures.
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Architecture of Franciscan Observant Monasteries in Bohemia, Moravia, Silesia and Upper Lusatia in Second Half of the 15th Century
Křenková, Zuzana ; Kuthan, Jiří (advisor) ; Jakubec, Ondřej (referee) ; Jarošová, Markéta (referee)
So far the history of medieval Franciscan Observance has been considered as the history of individual monasteries, or more generally as the history of disputes concerning education, culture and nationality. The aim of the present dissertation is to describe the history in terms of cultural history, to analyze wider issues of architecture regarding monastic buildings of the last big monastic community of The Middle Ages, to describe them and evaluate. The basic structure of the dissertation consists of monographic chapters monitoring the history and building development of fifteen preserved and thirteen extinct monasteries in territory of the Czech monastic province (Bohemia, Moravia, Silesia and Upper Lusatia). The catalogue part is introduced by chapters summarizing the historical context of Franciscan Observants' activities within a short period between the second half of the 15th century and the first half of the 16th century, during which the Observants of the Czech province experienced both the stage of raise and decay. The history of the order is then followed by an essay on the rules of the process of foundation constructions of the convents, the order rules limiting artwork and mainly the character of the order architecture. Key words Franciscan Observants, Late Gothic Architecture,...
The "be/have" variation with Intransitive (mutative) verbs: the development of the construction in PDE
Křenková, Zuzana ; Šaldová, Pavlína (advisor) ; Tichý, Ondřej (referee)
So far the perfective construction of intransitive verbs, which apart from the dominant auxiliary verb have occurred in the past also the auxiliary be, has been analysed especially from the diachronic point of view focusing on the period between the 17th and 19th centuries, when the majority of verbs ceased to be used with the be marker. The present study deals with the occurrence of the be perfective construction in the contemporary English, i.e. the 20th century English. Drawing on grammars and previous studies, the theoretical part of the thesis provides an overview of the present approaches to the issue, presents the conclusions drawn from the analyses of the diachronic material as well as overview of important terms. The research project consists of two parts: drawing from the corpora search the first part assembled the evidence for a group of intransitive verbs and also attested under what conditions a labile verb might acquire the perfective reading. As the be perfective might be considered a fairly rare construction, not only the British National Corpus and the Corpus of Contemporary American English were used but also the web corpus of a considerably larger size. The collected database was used for further analysis related to genre categories, co-occurrence patterns and language variety.
Late gothic and renaissance stove tiles in Municipal museum in Čáslav
Křenková, Zuzana ; Sláma, Jiří (referee) ; Klápště, Jan (advisor)
Tato pπίce se zabyνa nekterymi specitϊckymi rysy spojenymi s problematikou kachloνe produkce 15. a 16. stoletί. Pokusίm se ν ηί postihnout nektere aspekty νztahu techto pamatek hmotne kultury k socialnίmu prostredί, νe kterem byly uZίνany. Zakladnί premisa, ze ktere budu νychazet znί, ze ne_jen technicka ύrονeι'Ί. proνedcnf kachlu, ale i motiνy uzite na je_jich celnίch νyhfίνacίch stranach a zpusob jejich proνedenf mohou νypoνίdat ο majitelfch a jejich socialnfm zazemf (k tomuto detailneji Menou.Vkovά 1999, 375). Protoze by se za soucasneho staνu badanf dalo jen stezί pracoνat s νetsfm νzorkem nalezu, ktery by mohl osνetlit situaci na ύzemί Cech nebo dokonce zemί Koruny ceske, pokusίm se spίse ο mikrosondu ν geograficky ύzce νymezene oblasti. Konkretne sroνnam kachloνe nalezy z prostredf kraloνskeho mesta Caslaνi, hradu Lichnice a Chlumu a nalezu z okolnίch lokalit drobne_jsfho charakteru, ktere by se daly strucne, ale take az prίlis zjednodusene oznacit _jako νenkoνske. Spolecnym jmenoνatelem νsech techto lokalit _je bezprostrednί geograficka blίzkost, mίsto u1ozenί a do znacne mίry i limity, ktere je pro badatelske ύcely omezujί. Casoνe lze pouzitou kachloνou produkci zaradit priblizne mezi druhou poloνinu 15. stoletί a konec 16. sto1etί, _jedna se tedy styloνe _jak ο pozdne goticke, tak i renesancnί...
Town locators in the Bohemian lands in the 13th and 14th centuries
Křenková, Zuzana ; Klápště, Jan (referee) ; Žemlička, Josef (advisor)
Tato diplomová práce pojednává o specifické skupině osob, které se výrazně podílely na hospodářských a společenských změnách odehrávajících se v Evropě v období mezi 11. a 14. stoletím. V dané době se celé regiony osídlené často jen sporadicky staly cílem aktivit lokátorů, kteří ve službách příslušníků elitních vrstev podstupovali práci spojenou se zakládáním nových sídlišť. Konkrétně se soustředím jen na městské lokátory na území českého státu (v podobě, které dosahoval ve 13. století, resp. v první polovině 14. století), a to především kvůli udržení únosné šířky tématu. Nebude brán ohled na podniky Přemysla Otakara II. v rakouských zemích, a to jak z důvodů praktických (ztížená dostupnost pramenné základny a částečně i literatury), tak z důvodů koncepčních (dlouhodobý samostatný politický a společenský vývoj zmíněných území). Chronologicky se práce věnuje celému období, pro které jsou městští lokátoři v českých zemích známí nebo se o nich v literatuře vážně uvažuje: jedná se o téměř celé 13. století a první polovinu století následujícího (nejmladší městské založení, kde jsou doložení lokátoři, je datováno k roku 1337). Částečně ale budu věnovat pozornost i době mladší, protože je nutné reflektovat (když už ne vysvětlit), proč vlastně lokátoři z písemných pramenů zmizeli, přestože urbanizační proces...

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