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Self-reflection of a student, who study leisure studies
This Bachelor thesis examines the method of self-reflection in the reflective practise as a tool for improving the professional and personal skills of students of leisure studies. First part deals with definitions and meanings of self-reflection and connection with process of reflection and the improvement of the reflective thinking. Next part examines also the charakteristics which a teacher of leisure studies should have and what education he must have to be able to work in the state organizations. The last part introduce practise in high school education and examies where is possible to impriove self-reflection skill.
Teaching psychology at secondary school and its effect on the student's self-concept
This bachelor thesis aims to more specify the teaching of psychology at high schools and basically all connected to this topic, including the effecting of students what does the student carries through his/her life and how it turns to be useful in practicing of his/her living. In the theoretical part of this thesis, you can find a detailed description of the teaching of psychology at high schools, linking with educating system in our country. In the practical part, you will find my personal self-reflection of what exactly affected me during my high school psychology´s lessons. The practical part also contains the specific type of survey made in the high school at Strakonice. To be more concrete at Gymnázium, Strakonice, Máchova, 174.
Psyche et soma. Art as health promotion
Sojková, Irena ; Uhl Skřivanová, Věra (advisor) ; Fišerová, Zuzana (referee)
Sojková, I.: Psyche et soma. Art as health promotion. [Master's Thesis] Prague 2016 - Charles University, Faculty of Education, Art Education Department, 67 pages. This Master's Thesis explores opportunities to improve various aspects of health, as defined by the World Health Organization, through art. The research is backed up by appropriate sources from philosophy, physiology, pedagogy, and psychology. The art tasks and activities which make up the research portion of this thesis are also based on these sources. My own artwork as well as that of several contemporary artists serve as another source for the didactic direction. KEY WORDS body, health, individuality, selfreflection, artephiletics, expression game, experience, school and extracurricular enviroment.
Sofie Podlipská. Public Activities in the Light of Historical Documents
Oudová, Radka ; Štěpánová, Irena (advisor) ; Remišová Věšínová, Kamila (referee)
The master's thesis called Sofie Podlipská. Public Activities in the Light of Historical Documents makes a contribution to the history of Czech women's emancipation. It deals with Sofie Podlipská and her social, literary, and cultural activities. She is presented as an independent and creative woman who gained the respect of society as a writer and philanthropist and, at the same time, managed to combine motherhood with her career. Anthropological reflection of the life story of Sofie Podlipská in the context of her social activities is the substantial part of the thesis as well as the reflection of the key factors that helped shape her opinions, attitudes and viewpoints. The major part of the thesis is the description of these activities as reflected in historical resources that have survived in the Literary Archive of the Museum of Czech Literature and the Náprstek Museum of Asian, African and American Cultures. Research perspectives that open possibilities for future studies and the interpretation of existing archival documents of the Literary Archive of the Museum of Czech Literature and the Podještědské Museum in Český Dub are also significant parts of the thesis. KEY WORDS Sofie Podlipská, 19th century, self-reflection, ego-documents, marriage, family, emancipation, society, fellowship,...
Self-portrait and self-reflection. Self-portrait as artefiletic medium in educational practice
Šuková, Petra ; Čech, Viktor (advisor) ; Daniel, Ladislav (referee)
A content of the bachelor thesis is a research of self-portraits from the perspective of an expression of self-reflection of a role in a society. A look at the history of art and a genesis of artist's position , which was projected into the portraiting themselves. A comparison with an actual understanding of an artists role in a modern world. An effect of a personality psychology on a self-reflexion in the art creation. Application of self-portrait as artefiletic medium in pedagogical practise.
Teacher as reflective practitioner
Blažková, Klára ; Kasíková, Hana (advisor) ; Vincejová, Eva (referee)
Diploma thesis Teacher as a reflective practitioner is divided into theoretical and practical parts. The aim of theoretical part is characteristics of basic concepts related to reflection, dealing with issues of teacher education and opportunities for teachers who have already participated in the educational process. It presents the most commonly used techniques and methods of reflection and self-reflection, but other less common ones have been mentioned as well. The aim of the practical part analyses the current situation of teachers as reflecting practitioners at secondary schools with gastronomic specialization. Diploma thesis compares reflective processes among teachers of general educational subjects, professional courses and training.
Personality and social education and its influence on the classroom climate
Ulvrová, Renata ; Krčmářová, Tereza (advisor) ; Kargerová, Jana (referee)
This work is focused on the topic of school class climate and its enhancement by the methods of personality and social education in a concrete class where the author is working as a teacher. The theoretical part is dedicated to the class climate and its characteristics. It describes what influences, by which methods it can be investigated and what can it be influenced by. In the practical part the author uses the methods of the teacher's active research to investigate the climate in her own class and also self-reflexively examines herself from the view of the beginning teacher. During the time period of one school year continually monitors the climate in her class and states the most effective ways towards improvement. The results of the research show that the methods of personality and social education have an influence to the class climate if they are used in a natural and casual manner. KEY WORDS: Class climate, teacher's active research, beginning teacher, social skills, self - reflection, begin together, personality and social education, cooperation, relations, pre - puberty, problematic pupil, method.
Projective techniques and work with symbols as a tool for personality development
Bobek, Milan ; Niederlová, Markéta (advisor) ; Šípek, Jiří (referee)
The work focuses on qualitative research of possibilities and limits of the use of picture cards symbols (including Tarot) that would serve the clients in coaching and therapy as a projective technique leading to their deeper self-knowledge and personal development. Respondents told their life story based on picture cards. We show here under what conditions this projective technique brought them new information and inspiration for their self- development, in what forms the method can be applied and what methodical procedures are most effective. The simple clients' description of the selected images did not bring them much substantially new. It began to be more inspirational for them when a consultant added targeted questions, his reflections and hypothetical interpretations, or even explained standard meanings of symbols. Then this technique started to speak to clients more and brought them new impulses. Even more inspiring for them it became, once an element of chance was incorporated - when they pulled out some cards at random. The thesis finally formulates detailed recommended general methodology for projective technique application for personal growth and discusses possibilities and limits of the use of projective methods in coaching, therapy and personal development seminars.
Czech media standards-setting in press during the post-revolution period and 20 years after
Šrajbrová, Markéta ; Trampota, Tomáš (advisor) ; Hájek, Roman (referee)
The main object of this diploma thesis is to describe the process of setting ethical standards for the Czech media after the Velvet Revolution. The thesis also describes the media's reflection on how the journalists abide by these ethical rules and what is their approach to ethical self- regulation. The thesis consists of two main parts. The first one is theoretical, it describes the evolution of media ethics in the Czech environment and also it lists the main issues of media ethics. The second part is analytical. The subject of the qualitative analysis is a number of texts published in years 1990 - 1992 and 2010 - 2012 in Respekt weekly, Reflex weekly and the dailies Mladá fronta Dnes (former Mladá fronta) and Právo (former Rudé právo). Both time periods were analyzed separately. The outcomes of those two analyses were thereafter compared. In order to get an idea about what ethical issues are considered to be the most problematic by the media audience, a quantitative analysis of complaints to the syndicate ethical committee is also included in the thesis.
Changes in Motivation to Teacher Profession During the Teaching Career
Stojaspalová, Kamila ; Krykorková, Hana (advisor) ; Vincejová, Eva (referee)
Kamila Stojaspalová, Proměny motivace k učitelské profesi v průběhu učitelské kariéry Anotace: Mladý pedagog vstupuje s očekáváním na první pracovní pozici a to často není naplněno. Usilování o naplnění stanoveného cíle je znepříjemňováno, až dochází k demotivaci, útlumu v pracovním tempu a prvotní nadšení mizí. Popsaný jev je bohužel celkem častým odrazem reality. Práce se z teoretického hlediska zabývá proměnnými, které ovlivňují motivaci či demotivaci pedagoga při výkonu pedagogické profese. Jaké proměnné vstupují a skrze jaké proměnné můžeme do motivačního procesu vstoupit. Zaměřena je na učitele základních škol. Na jejich teoretickou a praktickou připravenost. Práce se zabývá situací v České republice a tedy i místním systémem vzdělávání a podpory pedagogů. Abstract: The young teacher enters with expectations for the first job is often not fulfilled. Striving to fulfill the stated objective is znepříjemňováno until there is a lack of motivation, attenuation in the pace of work and the initial enthusiasm fades. Described phenomenon is not altogether common reflection of reality. Text from a theoretical perspective focuses on the factors that affect motivation / disincentives teacher in the exercise of their profession . The focus is on primary school teachers. On their theoretical and practical...

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