The Legitimacy of Public Service Media in the 21st Century: The Role of Audience Analysis
Vysloužilová, Kristýna ; Nečas, Vlastimil (advisor) ; Trampota, Tomáš (referee) ; Kroupa, Jiří (referee)
The dissertation thesis addresses the current position of European public service media. After many years in the position of naturally monopolistic broadcasters, these media are competing for attention not only with a number of private media but also with an unlimited number of online platforms. The thesis analyzes the main potential threats to the legitimacy of public service media and gradually describes the normative requirements that are imposed on public service media primarily by legislation, but that also arise from a socio-historical context. Furthermore, it describes technological trends in the media sector that influence media consumption patterns. Finally, it covers the transformation of the relationship between public service media and their audience. The audience and their expectations are identified as the key source of public service media legitimacy. The research in the thesis aims to analyze to what extent and how the public service media in Europe use audience analysis when defending their own legitimacy. It also presents specific recommendations and results of the author's own quantitative pilot research on a representative sample of the Czech population, which verifies the potential of some of these recommendations on the example of the Czech Television's perception.
Automobil Industry on the pages of newspaper in year 2007
Dobiáš, Petr ; Trampota, Tomáš (advisor) ; Jirák, Jan (referee)
Bachelor thesis deals with quantitative content analysis of topical rubrics of newspapers named above involving all releases in 2007. The analysis is focused just on rubrics conversant questions of automotive industry. Its goal is describe similarities and differences in content selections, how it is led along, what space is devoted to it and what kind of information gives to its readers. This thesis is devoted to segmentation of space on quantifiable parameters and outcomes of analysis are put through the statistic analysises . All the findings are presented through schemes and diagrams. An outcome is quantitative description of chosen topical units which describes topical and spatial zoning of automotive industry as a topic presented on pages of totally different newspapers regarding the historical background and different reader's bases. There are answered questions on seasonality and space devoted to motorism.
The spin
Pudlák, Štěpán ; Trampota, Tomáš (advisor) ; Křeček, Jan (referee)
The topic of this thesis is spin doctoring. It understands terms "spin" and "spin doctoring" as deliberate manipulation with public opinion by means of communication. The thesis includes an account of relevant concepts as are public relations, propaganda or corporate spin. It describes academical approaches to this issue. The authors criticize especially a corruptive influence of spin doctoring on democratic society and manipulative nature of public relations, but they offer possibilities of counteraction against these practices as well. The thesis considers both historical and recent manifestations of spin doctoring. Many examples analyzed in this thesis concerns political environment of the Great Britain. Techniques and practices of spin doctoring such as "third party technique", "astroturfing" or "denigration campaings" are thoroughly explained. The perspective of semiotics and spin doctoring as manipulation with signs within social environment are concerned. The conflict between critics of spin doctoring and representatives of public relations is interpreted as discoursive discrepancy and both the antagonist discourses are analyzed. One chapter is devoted to spin doctoring within pharmaceutical industry. The practices and techniques of spin doctoring are interpreted in detail on this example....
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Transformations Czech media behavior on the example of "political scandals" 1997-2007
Jílková, Helena ; Trampota, Tomáš (advisor) ; Just, Petr (referee)
The rigorous thesis "Changes in Behaviour of Czech Media in Connection with "Political Scandals" 1997-2007" deals with the occurrence of so-called "mechanisms of scandalization" in media coverage of political affairs. The aim of this piece of work is to find out whether and to what extent the chosen media use these mechanisms and whether there is some recognizable change in their use over the course of time and how this change signifies. The question is to what extent the media are active force in the emergence of scandal, whether "scandalization" has become a common feature of nontabloid Czech press. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
Online news about European Parliament elections 2009
Nikodem, Pavel ; Trampota, Tomáš (advisor) ; Křeček, Jan (referee)
The submitted Bachelor paper analyses media coverage of the European Parliament Elections in 2009 on special thematic webpages of Guardian (United Kingdom), Idnes (Czech Republic), IrishTimes (Ireland), DiePresse (Austria), Sme (Slovakia), Sueddeutsche (Germany) and Wyborcza (Poland). The work is based on quantitative media content analysis. Firstly, europeanization of media content is measured. The results show that news are framed prediminantly as a national event and that national actors in the news prevail. Secondly, the media organizations strategy towards the coverage of the EP elections are discussed based on the scale sacerdotal vs. pragmatic approach. Despite the second-order character of EP elections examples of sacerdotal approach are found. Thirdly, the concept of depolitization of politics in media contents is discussed. Results support the trend towards depolitization. Share of news featuring political programmes and candidates is limited compared with other types of news.
Programme Diversity in Czech Televisions between 1998 and 2006
Čihák, Marek ; Trampota, Tomáš (advisor) ; Kruml, Milan (referee)
The present thesis entitled "Programme Diversity of Czech Nationwide Television Channels in the Years 1998 - 2006" focuses on the normative requirement of the society regarding the diversity of mass media, and the approach of mass media thereto: we distinguish between media diversity introduced in the market media model and the diversity presented as part of the public sphere media model. Furthermore, this thesis attempts to search for and determine the requirements regarding media diversity as laid down in the applicable legislation of the Czech Republic or the European Union. The research part of the thesis deals with one of the many levels of diversity in the mass media environment, particularly the diversity of television programme types, i.e. television genres accepted by the interest groups: academics, broadcasters or audiences etc. The present analysis includes nationwide TV stations providing analogue broadcasting via terrestrial transmitters in the years 1998 to 2006, focusing on majority audience - Czech TV1, Prima TV and TV Nova. By means of the Relative Entropy Index and the Deviation Index the diversity of the offered programme types is examined both on the vertical level (a single selected TV station) and on the horizontal level (across the monitored TV stations). The application of...
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Media image of Cuba in daily newspapers Právo and Mladá fronta Dnes in the year 2009
Javůrek, Karel ; Trampota, Tomáš (advisor) ; Křeček, Jan (referee)
The theme of this BA thesis deals with news related to Cuba. The reason for choosing this theme is an opportunity to cover a media image of a particular country with political system and ideology that is different from our country and which, nevertheless, connect us through the same historical experience. Last but not least reason for this choice was my personal interest in this country and its history. Data were investigated in daily newspapers Právo and Mladá fronta Dnes. The result of this work is a description of message stereotypes in these newspapers. Further the comparison of differencies in the representation of this country in the two newspapers is drawn, in terms of different target groups of readers. I have also attempeted to identify what news values have been accented in these newspapers. The method chosen is a qualitative analysis. The theme has not been proccesed yet.