National Repository of Grey Literature 4,687 records found  beginprevious4678 - 4687  jump to record: Search took 0.42 seconds. 

Moral ecology - ways out, theories and praktical displays
Brožík, Josef ; Leontovyčová, Jana (advisor) ; Hogenová, Anna (referee)
I tried to describe the theme of moral ecology as the matter of relationship of man and his environment. There was an effort also to mention important connections and circumstances such as history of relationship of man and nature and connected human interventions there that have led to common state.. It is reflected as ecological crisis by big part of experts as well as public. This was by informations coming from reports about state of the world from seventies (when the crisis was recognized) and later from nineties and common time Then there were mentioned supposed causes of this situation. There followed brief exposition of authors dealing with moral ecology and their ideas. Afterwards the attention was focused especialy on strategies of voluntary or intentional simplicity and ways of reasonable consumption as the main practical displays of moral ecology as well as means to solve environmental crisis. The article on efectivity in production as the way of reasonable consumption was added. In the end there was placed part dealing with needed and possible ways of solution of ecological problems on the social, economical and political level. as the next important displays of moral ecology.

Population structure of the gray wolf (Canis lupus)
Říhová, Jana ; Hulva, Pavel (advisor) ; Pivnička, Karel (referee)
Gray wolf (Canis lupus), is historicaly the most widespread carnivore with the former range including most of the northern hemisphere. The ambivalent relationship of humans to this predator resulted in extermination of this species in many areas, on the other hand led to the evolution of the dog, unique domesticant with vast phenotypic variation. The effort of conservation biology in last decades resulted in the shift of perception the role of big carnivores in ecosystems, with consequent recolonization of many regions by wolf, including the Czech republic. This changes brings the elevation of interest in this taxon by both experts and laymans. Present review aims to assemble published information regarding distribution, phylogeography, population structure, social and spatial behaviour of the gray wolf. The chapters describing the domestication process of the dog and hybridization with his wild ancestor are included.

Presidential Election in the US: Barack Obama's Campaign
Hronová, Lada ; Sehnálková, Jana (advisor) ; Calda, Miloš (referee)
Barack Obama's theme of candidature for President of United States of America, campaigning and then succesfuly won presidential election have became milestone in american history, when the afroamerican president has been elected for the first time. When candidate in primaries with Democratic Party or in final fase of presidental election against his republican competitor John McCain Barack Obama became well admired by american and also world public. Unmistakably important role had common unpopularity of previous president George W. Bush. Obama was also well known and treasured for his novel opinions on events in USA and in the world, as called problem regions (Afghanistan, Irac, etc.). But main assumption for his election became the way of leading and financing of his campaign. Organisation team introduced new ideas into system like internet campaign in a first place but mainly decisive was the way of gaining finance fonds. In my work I would like to analyse Barack Obama's campaign and reasons why he was elected to be the president. During this campaign rose logical race question considering Obama's etnic and race origin. I would like to concentrate on how important role in the campaign played color of his skin and if this fact was advantage or disadvantage considering historicaly deeprooted...

Sales contract in international business transactions
Kuba, Stanislav ; Kučera, Zdeněk (advisor) ; Brodec, Jan (referee)
67 SUMMARY International trade is an inevitable part of day-to-day life on Earth. It is important to be aware of the significance of international trade in Europe and of the dependence of relatively small countries on foreign trade. The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (hereinafter referred to as "CISG") has been a great success in promoting and facilitating international trade in goods. As of 1 May 2010 there were 74 states from every corner of the world party to the CISG. Among these are countries from both, industrial nations and developing states. There are of course also several problematic issues concerning the CISG, such as that the CISG is not a "uniform" law for international sale of goods as it was intended to be or that the interpretation of the text differs from country to country. However, the CISG is the uniform international sales law of countries that account for over three- quarters of all world trade (please see Annex no. 1 and 2). The purpose of this thesis is therefore to provide a profound analysis of the CISG in order to prove that the CISG is a modern document which can unify international trade to a great extent and that it should not be overlooked and pushed aside by bussinessmen, attorneys or even judges and arbitrators. The first chapter...

Why began new wave of violence in Pattani?
Šimeček, Petr ; Barša, Pavel (advisor) ; Nožina, Miroslav (referee)
Nejjižnější část Thajska, někdejší malajský sultanát Pattani1, leží již více nežli dvě století na orbitu bangkokského politického centra. Region Pattani byl vojensky ovládnut a volně připojen již r. 1786 a po zrušení veškerých privilegií rádžů r. 1902 byl začleněn do centralizovaného thajského státu. Veškeré cyklicky se opakující snahy o jazykovou a kulturní homogenizaci jeho malajský hovořícího, muslimského obyvatelstva, nebo alespoň o získání jeho loajality se dosud ukazují jako zcela neúspěšné. V 19. století postupně došlo k nahrazení volného vazalského vztahu přímou kontrolou z Bangkoku. Ve stejné době začalo i systematické budování thajské národní identity shora. Roku 1909 byla ustanovena současná hranice , která oddělila jazykově, historicky a kulturně blízké obyvatelstvo sousedních malajských sultanátů od Pattani, které bylo rozděleno na provincie a definitivně začleněno do Thajska. Snahy o odtržení, nebo alespoň o získání autonomie byly potlačeny. Rada následujících snah o unifikaci obyvatelstva pattanské Malajce značně znepřátelila.

The breeding analysis of birds order Ciconiiformes and Phoenicopteriformes in the Ohrada Zoo
STUPKOVÁ, Veronika
Birds belonging to the orders Ciconiiformes and Phoenicopteriformes are common inmates of zoological gardens. There are 12 species of the order Ciconiiformes and 1 species of the order Phoenicopteriformes bred in the Ohrada Zoo. All these species bred in the zoo are found in the Old World chiefly. The successful breeding of mentioned species depends on detailed knowledge of their biology and on providing appropriate breeding conditions. This thesis is an effort for complete analysis of the history and the present of breeding mentioned species in the Ohrada Zoo. The main aim of this thesis was to evaluate the success of nesting of birds mentioned orders in relation to breeding conditions in the zoo according to all available data processing; and to evaluate the success of nesting season of the year 2012 according to watching nesting of the birds in mentioned year. The own watching was carried out since 9th April to 30th June 2012. There are 6 species in this zoo which breed successfully regularly: the Cattle Egret (Bubulcus ibis), the Little Egret (Egretta garzetta), the Black-crown Night-heron (Nycticorax nycticorax), the Glossy Ibis (Plegadis falcinellus), the Eurasian Spoonbill (Platalea leucorodia) and the Greater Flamingo (Phoenicopterus ruber roseus). One species ? the Black Stork (Ciconia nigra) bred for the very first time in this zoo in 2012. Especially successful is the Greater Flamingo breeding in the Ohrada Zoo. The Eurasian Spoonbill, The Black-crown Night-heron, the Glossy Ibis and the Cattle Egret breeding is successful in relation to breeding conditions in this zoo, too. The nesting season of the year 2012 was exceptionally successful for the Cattle Egrets, the Eurasian Spoonbills and the Glossy Ibises, on the contrary this nesting season was not very successful for the Little Egrets.

To the character and importance of the Portuguese activities in Morocco 1415-1769
Staněk, Karel ; Opatrný, Josef (referee) ; Skřivan, Aleš (advisor)
The Portuguese era in Morocco can me defined by the years 1415-1769, nevertheless, the Portuguese interest in so-called Berber lands goes back to 12th century. The Portuguese sovereigns constantly wanted to control the frequent naval routes run through the Gibraltar channel and connecting the south-west Europe with Mediterranean. One of the main efforts of the Portuguese was to secure the safety for coastal areas of southern province of Algarve, which is primary connected with expansion to Morocco from the geographical point of view. The deep religious exaltation as one of the consequences of reconquista penetrated through all invasions to North Africa and based them from the ideological point of view. The seize of the city of Ceuta, strategically very important port in Gibraltar strait, began the period of Portuguese territorial expansion to non-European areas, which was in 15th century exclusively limited to Morocco, in 1415. The history of the oldest overseas world empire started right here. The necessity to secure the safety for the garrison in Ceuta, to enlarge very limited area for possible operations and to fight off the Castilian threat at the same time, resulted in 1437 in the attack on another very important centre in the Gibraltar channel - Tangier. Nevertheless, this attempt resulted in...

Local cult of the Saints in the Hradec Králové diocese
Smetanová, Barbora ; Petráček, Tomáš (advisor) ; Brož, Prokop (referee)
Bc. Smetanová Barbora. Charles University in Prague. Catholic Theological Faculty, 2009, Diploma Paper. Title: Local cult of the saints in the Hradec Králové diocese The Thesis undertakes the task to inform about the lives of patron saints of Hradec Kralove diocese - St. Clement of Rome, St. John the Nepomucene and St. Adalbert, together with St. Anna, the patron saint of Orlické Mountains, and St Lawrence, the patron saint of the Krkonoše. The paper deals with these saints according to their promulgation of being a patron saint of the diocese from the most antique one to the most recent one. The Thesis deals with the saints' lives, legends and other areas of interest concerning these patron saints, in particular in their relationship to the Hradec Kralove diocese. The Thesis evaluates the impact of mentioned patron saints upon the diocese in the times of their promulgation, studies the circumstances of their promulgation and searches for the impact of the cult of the saints upon the church buildings and other works of art in the diocese. The Thesis does not overlook the the devotion to these saints of the believiers in the territory of Hradec Kralove diocese and tracks the pilgrim festivals from the beginnings of the patrocinium celebration to the present times.

Legal regulation of phytosanitary care
Schlesinger, Petr ; Damohorský, Milan (advisor) ; Žákovská, Karolina (referee)
62 Sedmá kapitola: Závěr Základním cílem předkládané diplomové práce je popis a rozbor platné právní úpravy rostlinolékařské péče v České republice a v komunitárním právu. Rostlinolékařská péče zahrnuje v současnosti tři základní oblasti, které jsou upraveny právem. Jedná se o opatření proti šíření a zavlékání škodlivých organismů, oblast přípravků na ochranu rostlin a oblast mechanizačních prostředků. Cílem současné rostlinolékařské péče je péče o zdraví rostlin. Tento pojem sám o sobě implikuje nejenom opatření proti šíření a zavlékání škodlivých organismů, nýbrž - a fakticky převážně - prevenci. Historický exkurz vývoje právní úpravy rostlinolékařské péče ukázal na příkladech, že se nejstarší právní úprava rostlinolékařské péče v českém i komunitárním právu týkala pouze izolovaných škodlivých organismů a boje proti nim. V československém a později českém právním řádu byla rostlinolékařská péče až do roku 1996 součástí zákonů o rostlinné výrobě. Až etapa samostatných zákonů o rostlinolékařské péči se stala výrazem změny pojetí rostlinolékařské péče jako snahy o uchování zdraví rostlin. Zákon č. 147/1996 Sb. i současný rostlinolékařský zákon č. 326/2004 Sb. nejenže upravují všechny tři hlavní oblasti rostlinolékařské péče, nýbrž nahlížejí na rostlinolékařskou péči jako na obor, jehož význam není jen v...

Politika hospodářské soutěže EU v oblasti dominantního postavení a fúzí - vliv na konkurenceschopnost firem
Měřínská, Markéta ; Komárková, Ingeborg (advisor) ; Šaroch, Stanislav (referee)
Diplomová práce se zabývá politikou ochrany hospodářské soutěže se zaměřením na příčiny její existence, její cíle a nástroje, dále na historický vývoj této politiky, ale i její současnou praktickou aplikaci. Práce obsahuje charakteristiku soutěžních pravidel v oblasti dominantního postavení a fúzí, které používá Evropská unie a také Česká republika. Závěrečná část je pak věnována dopadu soutěžních pravidel na konkurenceschopnost firem.