National Repository of Grey Literature 41,771 records found  beginprevious41762 - 41771  jump to record: Search took 2.60 seconds. 

The referendum on the Treaty astablishing a Constitution for Europe in France - analyses of the results and consequences
Miklošová, Kateřina ; Perottino, Michel (advisor) ; Kasáková, Zuzana (referee)
Diploma thesis "The referendum on the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe in France - analyses of the results and consequences" deals with the theme of the referendum as a method of decision making in general, but also focuses on the referendum in the context of the European integration process. The French referendum on the European constitution is analysed from the point of view of the campaign. Special attention is paid to the assesment of the results. The main purpose of the theses is to evaluate and sum up the impact of this unique event on the situation in France and European integration process in general. The singularity of the French referendum is demonstrated on the special reaction of the European Council, European Commission and European Parliament, which followed the negative result of the referendum. Powered by TCPDF (

Czechoslovak heavy armored vehicles. Development, production, operational use and export of the Czechoslovak tanks, armoured cars and tracked artillery tractors 1918-1956
Pejčoch, Ivo ; Čechurová, Jana (advisor) ; Jakubec, Ivan (referee) ; Kuklík, Jan (referee)
Dissertation focuses on the area of arms production in Czechoslovakia during the period of the First Republic through the rest of the cast of the Czech lands Wehrmacht troops and termination of our independence, to finding an independent evolution in the mid-fifties. The goal is to achieve comprehensive view of developments in this field in Czechoslovakia, determine the extent of the use of Czechoslovak export products abroad. At the same time I want to describe the post-war situation and bring the issue to end domestic developments in the mid-fifties. Heavy fighting equipment, ie tanks, armored cars and other types of vehicles, had described the crucial importance - formed the backbone of modern armies and the basis of their mobile workforce. These were mainly tanks, which decided the outcome of land battles of World War II and a number of local conflicts, and to this day. For this weapon has become a phenomenon over the area to internal and external policies and country able to produce it, becoming the internationally important market player with a war material.

Civil society and civil participation at municipal level (case study of Prague 5 district)
Bazgerová, Martina ; Müller, Karel (advisor) ; Lisa, Aleš (referee)
In connection with a process of democratization of the Czech Republic the topic of an civil society becomes more and more topical. This study focuses mainly on one of its functions -- civil participation -- and on the case of the Czech Republic it proves Beck's hypothesis that civil society and civil participation mobilize itself in reaction on critical situation, and it tries to find an explanation of this hypothesis. To set criteria for analyzing the given hypothesis, and its subsequent explanation the condition of civil society in the Czech Republic is analyzed with regard to both historical and contemporary influences and public opinions of citizens. Then, the study moves to verifying the main hypothesis on the case of the Prague 5 district. For this purpose analyzing of medial causes and mainly reactions of citizens to it, is used.

The Journuy Toward Freedom. Inspiration by Saint John of the Cross.
Žáková, Lenka ; Milfait, René (advisor) ; Klaus, David (referee)
The Bachelor thesis with the title The journey toward freedom: Inspired by Saint John of the Cross sets oneself a goal to inform readers about spirituality and teaching of Saint John of the Cross. It tries to interdigitate two the most famous writings of Saint John of the Cross - it is the book The Ascent of the Mount Carmel and the book The Dark Night - with the Bible. The topic of the freedom is the main topic of the Bachelor thesis, especially the process of liberation the man from something and toward something. In the first part of the Bachelor thesis the reader gets to know the basic informations about life of Saint John of the Cross; about roots of Saint John ́s teaching; what is the foundation of the man and at the same time what is the aim of the one' s life and for which he is calling. Next what is the cause for necesarry free oneself. In the next chapters the reader learns about the important symbols, counsels and rules of Saint John' s teaching and toward which he is inviting the man with his teaching. The second part of the Bachelor thesis deals in detail with individual parts of the process of liberation leads through the "dark night" all the way to the "transcendental union" the soul with the God, ergo to the "absolute freedom". Powered by TCPDF (

Werenwolves in European culture context
Koubová, Michaela ; Opletalová, Lenka (referee) ; Czumalo, Vladimír (advisor)
We have met a motif of the werewolf in the course of the whole European cultural history. Already ancient authors - poets, historians and doctors, as well, devoted themselves to study of this phenomenon. In particular, a zone of Arcadia and its mythical king Lykaon were the most emblazoned with werewolf myths. German ulfhednars and quantity of Slavic superstitions show that belief in werewolves was widespread among the other European nations. Even in Middle Ages werewolves did not fall into oblivion, and there dealt with them not only religious literature, but also belles lettres - of which poem Bisclaveret of Maria de France is probably the most famous. Actual expansion and intensification of belief in werewolves occurred in the early modern age, owing to that many paid life. Werewolfness was particularly in France a widespread crime. Work of religious and other authors on whether and how the metamorphosis of humans in the animal is possible, we can see up to the late modern times. A different view, however, remained doctors, who since antiquity claimed that lykantropia is a kind of melancholy, and therefore a mental illness. Of the many superstitions and myths, the theme was taken over by literature and later by film in 19th and especially in 20th century. Flood of horrors and fantasy, which we can meet...

Racist legislation of Nazi Germany
Kubelková, Jana ; Horák, Záboj (referee) ; Seltenreich, Radim (advisor)
Tema moji diplomove prace je rasisticke zakonodarstvi nacistickeho Německa. Toto tema jsem zvolila, protože si myslim, že je třeba si připominat i stinne stranky pravnich dějin, abychom se z historie poučili a předešle chyby neopakovali. Diplomovou praci jsem rozdělila do osmi zakladnich kapitol. V prvni kapitole vymezuji zakladni pojmy rasismus a antisemitismus, rasove teorie a vůdcovsky princip, neboť tvořily integralni součast nacisticke ideologie. Druha kapitola obsahuje nastin politicke a ekonomicke situace v povalečnem Německu, postupny vzestup Nacionalněsocialisticke německe dělnicke strany v čele s Adolfem Hitlerem, převzeti moci nacisty a prvni fazi protižidovských opatřeni. Třeti kapitola se věnuje nejvyznamnějšim rasistickym zakonům, tedy tzv. norimberskym zakonům, a dvěma zakonům, jež se tykaly dědičneho zatiženi. V dalšich kapitolach jsem se zabyvala dvěma důležitými mezniky protižidovske politiky Německa. Prvnim je celonarodni pogrom z 9. a 10. listopadu 1938, tzv. křišťalova noc, kterou bych označila za předehru holocaustu. Druhy meznik představuje porada na tema "konečne řešeni evropske židovske otazky" znama jako konference ve Wannsee. 1

Process of Institutional Reforms of European Union in Light of its Enlargement
Pohunková, Hana ; Neumann, Pavel (advisor) ; Šaroch, Stanislav (referee)
The topic of this diploma thesis is the Process of institutional reforms of EU in light of its enlargement. The thesis is divided into two parts -- theoretical part and practical part. Theoretical part talks about European treaties that founded or reformed five main European institutions -- Parliament, Council, Commission, Court of Justice and Court of Auditors. In separate chapter the thesis talks about Lisbon Treaty and this chapter is followed by description of the main institutions. Practical part was based on original research in which almost two hundred respondents took part and which was focused on the knowledge of respondets of the administration of EU. The results of the research were analysed in form of commented graphs and tables. Based on the research, last chapter provides recommendations that should help increase the knowledge of Czechs of the EU administration.

Talent Management
Herlesová, Hana ; Šikýř, Martin (advisor) ; Lansky, Miroslav (referee)
This assignment aims on the differences between the theory and praxes in managing of talented workers. The first part of the assignment is elaborated on theoretical base only and it is focused mainly on explanation of "talent" and "talent management" expressions. Further on the first part describes specific areas where the accent in talent management is necessary. The second part on the contrary to the first part deals with practical issues, processes and programs of the IBM. With respect to the company's size it is necessary to have the talent management precisely prepared as a part of company strategy, which is accomplished as a company's routine not only as a paperwork. This part contains process description of talent identification, selection, development and also retaining talented workers. Single area descriptions are completed by pictures and tables to make it well-arranged. In this section there are partly compared praxes with the theory. There is shown confrontation among theoretically defined areas and processes of talent management and IBM's areas and processes of talent management. Also important is different understanding of "talent" between theory and praxes. The third part summarizes findings and conclusions based on the confrontation between practical and theoretical parts. The fourth part evaluates actual topic of world financial crisis and its impact on the field of talent management mainly from benefits and bonuses for talented workers point of view.

The EU Influence on the Real Estate Market in the Czech Republic
Stulík, Zdeněk ; Stočková, Olga (advisor) ; Adamec, Václav (referee)
Vypracováním bakalářské práce na téma ?Vliv Evropské unie na realitní trh v České republice? se pokusím odpovědět na otázku, zda, a pokud ano, v jaké míře, ovlivňuje, respektive ovlivňovala, Evropská unie trh nemovitostí v České republice. Vycházím z předpokladu, že vstupem ČR do Evropské unie se částečně změnila suverenita naší země. Vnímám tedy EU, potažmo její orgány, za jakousi autoritu, jejímž působením dochází ke změnám v českém právním řádu, regulačních nařízeních, daňových předpisech (konkrétně tlak na sjednocení výše sazeb DPH atd.). V práci bych se zaměřil na dvě hlavní časová období: 1. Rok 2003 až 2005, kdy docházelo ke změnám cen nemovitostí z důvodu samotného vstupu České republiky do Evropské unie - konkrétně byly tyto pohyby cenových hladin způsobovány nejen ze strany regulačních autorit, nýbrž i samotným faktem otevření trhu a s tím spojeným růstem poptávky ze zahraničí. Druhým zkoumaným obdobím je rok 2007, kdy můžeme pozorovat v reálném čase diskuse o ?spekulační bublině? na realitním trhu ČR. Na základě práce určím, jaké tlaky z EU působí na růst cen nemovitostí v ČR a jaké naopak na pokles cen, s výhledem na budoucí působení těchto faktorů a jejich sílu.

Animal in Chinese folktales
Šimková, Monika ; Sehnal, David (referee) ; Lomová, Olga (advisor)
Se zvířecími hrdiny se setkáváme v pohádkách všude na světě. Spektrum zvířat a jejich rolí je široké; na různých místech se proměňuje v závislosti na mnoha faktorech, které jsme výše popsali. Některá zvířata jsou pro určité role typická, jiná jsou snadno zaměnitelná a získávají specifičnost až v momentě, kdy se stávají nositeli symbolického či alegorického významu. Předchozí kapitoly se pokoušely vymezit a charakterizovat kategorie čínských pohádek se zvířecími hrdiny, zasadit je do kontextu čínské lidové tradice a širších kulturně historických souvislostí, na základě primárních pramenů zmapovat výskyt jednotlivých zvířat a zachytit jejich charakteristické vlastnosti, které jsou jim tradičně připisovány a toto ilustrovat komentovanými ukázkami z lidových pohádek. Vzhledem k tomu, že čínská civilizace je odedávna civilizací agrární, ve které každodenní život lidí nezávisí na zvířeti jako kořisti či predátorovi, a čínská pohádková tradice tedy není historicky spjata s divokou přírodou, zvíře nezaujímá v čínské pohádce nikterak dominantní postavení. Zvířecí pohádka je v rámci jednotlivých pohádkových druhů v Číně zastoupena okrajově. Prostředí, v němž čínská pohádka vzniká a "žije," je výrazně venkovské. S různou intenzitou se to projevuje ve výše vytyčených motivických okruzích. Vliv venkovského prostředí je...