National Repository of Grey Literature 38,956 records found  beginprevious38947 - 38956  jump to record: Search took 3.17 seconds. 

New Media in Communication within Communities
Šedivý, Jan ; Pavlíček, Antonín (advisor) ; Matuštík, Ondřej (referee)
Opening part of this paper is dedicated to the ongoing shift in social communication paradigm. An introduction to the subject of new media, web 2.0 concepts and social network sites phenomenon is followed by a discussion of integration possibilities of particular web 2.0 services. Some concerns about privacy, security, legislative framework and general openness of such system are discussed afterwards. A real case study of community virtualization process is introduced in the second part of this thesis. The case takes place in community of local non-profit club of youth and children. First, it is carried out an analysis of the communication receiver groups and the message types. We also describe the ongoing project of launching a new web site (made from several integrated web 2.0 services) and partial results of pilot implementation. Finally, the plan of the next integration steps is designed.

Statistics and sportsbook
Schatral, Jan ; Marek, Luboš (advisor) ; Mazouch, Petr (referee)
This bachelor thesis describes the history and fundamental terminology of sportsbook. In theoretical part it describes how to become successful bookmaker and explains specific procedures. In practical part are these procedures applied to real outputs and there's given a solution how to process analysis of sportsbook on the rebound. There are further analysed the lottery and betting games as a complex unit, in which it's finding specific trend and it also deals with the return rate in single games. The last part of the thesis describes frequency testing of relative hypotheses, which are based on favorite betting analysis. During this testing there is compared this frequency in individual seasons and also in a single season.

Legal aspects of real estate leasing, comparison with the legal regulation in F.R. of Germany
Kostková, Kateřina ; Novotný, Petr (advisor) ; Vondráčková, Pavlína (referee)
91 6 ZÁVĚR Leasing nemovitostí dnes bezpochyby patří k zásadním a nezastupitelným instrumentům financování především v soukromoprávní sféře. Pro subjekty, které ho využívají, nabízí diversifikaci zdrojů financování, a tím podporuje jejich další růst a rozvoj jejich investičních záměrů. Účastníci právních vztahů si tento nástroj financování volí z různých důvodů; velmi často srovnávají jeho právní a ekonomické parametry s konvenčním financováním formou bankovního úvěru a podobnými finančními produkty. V současné ekonomické situaci, kdy banky velmi razantně snižují svou úvěrovou angažovanost především v dlouhodobém investičním horizontu, se leasingové a ostatní nebankovní finanční produkty (např. factoring) stávají velmi důležitou finanční alternativou pro potencionálního investora. Jedním z důvodů, který ovlivňuje pokračující konjunkturu nebankovních finančních produktů v sestupné fázi ekonomického cyklu, je hospodářská stabilila společností, jež tyto produkty poskytují. Velmi často se jedná o společnosti, které jsou součástí silných bankovních skupin a jsou v rámci refinančních vztahů vnímány jako důvěryhodné a stabilní subjekty na finančním trhu. Především jsou schopny reagovat na ztížený přístup k financování a daří se jim získávat finanční zdroje i za tvrdších ekonomických podmínek. V porovnání s...

Expropriation of real property
David, Jakub ; Franková, Martina (referee) ; Drobník, Jaroslav (advisor)
88 Resumé The title of this work is Expropriation Of Real Property. I chose this theme because of its magnitude, atractivity and exceptional character. It is a necessary part of legal systems i modern states, really important for thein development. The true essence of this institute consists in involuntery authoritative limitation or total seizure of private as well as public legal subjects`s property. On the other side the expropriation is absolutely subsidiary institut applicable only as the last solution. Property right pertains to the most fundamental human rights. Legal rules which include protection of the proprietary right, mostly includes also posibility to expropriace this right. In international law we can find it in The First Protocol to the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. In czech legal system the constitutional amendment of the expropriation and also the protection of possesion can be found in Artikle 11 of the Bill of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms, besides the Civil Code regulates it too. The legal institute of expropriation is not very old. The ancient Roman law didn`t know it. It would be too big intervention to their conception of absolutely inviolable possesion. The expropriation begins getting into legal systems with an advent of modern...

Executive functions in patients with frontal code damage
Hůrková, Jana ; Šivicová, Gabriela (referee) ; Kulišťák, Petr (advisor)
Executive function testing is very difficult for many reason.s. In everyday life there are situations in which standard neuropsychological tests do not uncover damage of executive functions, which is utterly obvious. Therefore, the aim of the research was to verify one of the possibilities how to get executive function testing doser to reallife and this way to contribute to improving thc diagnosis of executive functions. In the research the performances of a group of 19 respondents with dysexecutive syndrome were compared with the performances of a control group of 19 healthy respondents. Both groups were tested in two testing situations - in silence (standard testing) and in noise (real conditions). The identical tests of the NEUROP-2 program were u sed in both situations, namely KIQ, PAARE, GO fNO-GO, LISEQ, HANOI and NATE tests. The PAARE, LISEQ and NATE tests have not confirmed a noise effect on any of the groups. On the other hand, the results of the KIQ and HANOI tests have shown that in noisy conditions the performances of the group of the people with dysexecutive syndrome have got worse. In the KIQ test this deterioration was statistically significant. Nevertheless, no significant differences between the performances of the group of the respondents with dysexecutive syndrome and the performances of...

Professional Image of Nurses in the Eyes of the Public and Nurses
Stupavská, Tereza ; Eislerová, Iva (advisor) ; Mellanová, Alena (referee)
This dissertation is focused on the nurses' image and nursing's image which are constantly changing because nurses play various roles and are in these differently perceived. The image is changing as the time goes and in each culture is perceived a bit differently. In developed countries is the image both nurses and nursing the same. In theoretical field I was focusing on the internal image of nurses and external image of nursing, I shortly described what image is, factors which influenced the image of nursing, variety of medical workers' uniforms, the actual image of nurse. I also mentioned the importancy of this profession, the relationship between the profession of nurse ond nursing. In one of the chapters I focused on the strategy of building of positive image. The research of this dissertation was focused on finding out of the nurses' image from the nurses' point of view and from the public's point of view and especially what concerns the nurse's reliable influence of patients through their appearence, about respecting the standard of working uniforms and about how the nurses perceive their colleague with piercing, tatoo, dreadlocks. I was also interested in the way nurses educate themselves and so strengthen the nursing's image. I was also finding out how public perceive a real nurse, whether are...

Integration of catch-phrases of Jara Cimrman's plays into the everyday communication
Průšová, Pavlína ; Rýparová, Dominika (advisor) ; Mareš, Petr (referee)
Integration of catch-phrases of Jara Cimrman's plays into the everyday communication This bachelor thesis deals with a usage of catch-phrases from the Jára Cimrman Theatre plays in the context of our everyday conversation. In the theoretical part it explains fundamental basic terms, discusses the communication in general, defines common conversation. Furthermore, the text discusses the comic and its forms and briefly introduces the Jára Cimrman Theatre and its unique poetics. In the end of this part are presented conclusions about knowledge of these catch-phrases among common Czech speakers. The research answers three questions: What was the trigger to use the catch-phrase? What was the speaker's intention? What kind of influence the catch-phrase had on the listeners and the situation as a whole? Research questions are answered based on the method of participant observation and the results have shown that the main triggers are similarity of the communicative situation, linked meanings of the situation in a play and in reality or specific use of words. Speaker's meaning is the most often to entertain the addressees or to downplay the situation. This usually corresponds with the real effect of the catch-phrase usage. However, very important role plays the knowledge of the plays of Jara Cimrman - the better...

Assessment centre - validity and other choosen characteristics of this method
Doubková, Dagmar ; Rymeš, Milan (referee) ; Bahbouh, Radvan (advisor)
My final thesis is focused on the issue of Assessment Centre method (AC), its validity, contribution and objectivity. The selection of competences studied by this method is discussed here as well. Strong and weak sides of the method are described by the SWOT analysis and possible opportunities and threats are pointed out in the work. The structure and the implementation of the AC method as well as its opportunities and real use in practice are described in the theoretical part of the work. This part of the work is also focused on the particular methods used within the AC methods. The differences between the Assessment Centres and Development Centres are brought up here. The AC method is compared with the other procedures which are used for the selection and development of employees. Opportunities and limitations of the validity of the measurement are discussed in this part of the work. The practical part of the work is devoted to the comparison of the AC method with other methods of selection and evaluation conceming the contribution and objectivity. The data analyzed in this comparison have been collected from the interviews with 27 personnel. Four files describing the AC method from the point ofview ofthe weak and strong sides are based on the above mentioned interviews. The obtained files point out the...

Development of solar diffuser.
Pintr, Pavel
Theoretically attainable productions of photovoltaic plants depend on the quality of solar sensors. We can determine an effeciency and reliability of photovoltaic plants with them. We introduce optical simulation of the original solution of solar sensor in software Optic Studio 15.5 Zemax. We propose new diffuser shape of solar sensor according to our analyse. We\ndescribe a development of first prototypes and their testing in the real conditions.

Strategy of internet shop to enter foreign market
Medoň, Gabriel ; Přibil, Jiří (advisor) ; Váchová, Lucie (referee)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to determine how shopping preferences and customer behavior across selected European markets differentiate in the concept of online stores, how to direct marketing appropriately for the individual markets, thus prepare a local startup e-shop for effective entry into foreign markets. The methods of analysis include basic questionnaire survey of individual markets, comparison and evaluation of own real data from conducted online advertising campaigns, or analysis of internal access statistics from individual e-shops. In conclusion overall results and analyzes of each market are presented, for each market a summary of lessons learned and suitable recommendations to potential effective input is made.