National Repository of Grey Literature 39,651 records found  beginprevious39642 - 39651  jump to record: Search took 1.50 seconds. 

Polemics about the negative and positive freedom in contemporary political philosophy
Smelík, Vít ; Znoj, Milan (advisor) ; Bíba, Jan (referee)
This thesis concentrates on the polemics about negative and positive freedom, which was initiated by Isaiah Berlin who considered this concept as important sign of liberal political theory. The author starts with the analysis of "Two Concepts of Liberty" by Isaiah Berlin, and then complements this analysis with the reflections of three more authors - Gerald MacCallum, Jr., Charles Taylor and Philip Pettit - who either wrote in direct reaction to Berlin's essay, or were indirectly influenced by it. The goal of the thesis is the confrontation of their conclusions with Berlin's original arguments and the demonstration of the author's own understanding of political liberty.

Reconciliation of work and family life - reflection of the European law in the activities of the Czech government
Vošmik, Josef ; Tomeš, Igor (advisor) ; Koldinská, Kristina (referee)
The problem of reconciliation or work and family life has been of cardinal importance over the past few years not only in the Czech Republic but in most European countries. For most families it is becoming more and more difficult to reconcile the duties connected with the care of children and other dependent persons with the occupation. This situation is caused by many factors such as the growth of women employment, changes in family structure, demographic effects, development of human rights and many others. Social policy must take these aspects into account and carry out such acctivities that will enable families to face the challenges of the present society and won't make them decide either work of family. As a part of theory there are quite many particular methods and ways how to help families to cope with their employment and family duties. Some sources distinguish these strategies among individual and family, employers' strategies and strategies of the welfare state. But the European states differ as to how they view family and social policy as well. In the Czech republic there has been a traditionally high level of women employment rate but the birth of a child has a negative impact on a woman's staying or (re)entry into labour market. The possibilities of flexible work arrangements are highly...

Legal issues of commercial and investment banking
Tkadlec, Jiří ; Dřevínek, Karel (referee) ; Kotáb, Petr (advisor)
87 Summary The main aim of this Master's Degree thesis is to analyse legal questions about commercial and investment banking. Just before I get to some concrete aspects of these problems, it is necessary to deal with general theses of banking in part one in itself. It is possible and it would be an honour for me, if any ordinary person will read my thesis, so for that reason I think it is necessary to explain at the very beginning what the conception of banking is, what is its object and from which sources the legal form is coming-out. Banking is based first of all on economics. That is the reason, why at the beginning of third subchapter I explain economic characteristic of the bank firstly, following by legal point of view. As a student of law school, and not a student of economics, I should concentrate only at legal nature of my thesis and not economic, but I am really persuaded, that both science disciplines are so connected and close-knitted, so it is impossible to totally disconnect or separate them. Subchapter Four reflects about that and describes essential bank functions. I finally get into banking system in subchapter Five, to its regulation a characteristic of its particular types of banking systems, which outline us slowly the problem of connection or separation of these particular banking...

Bank loans for business persons
Dolejš, Jiří ; Kotáb, Petr (advisor) ; Dřevínek, Karel (referee)
12. English summary Bank loans to entrepreneurial (corporate) customers There is no commonly accepted definition of loan in the Czech law and theory. The Czech civil law distinguishes between "loan" (as defined in the commercial code) and "borrowings" (as defined in the civil law code). The definition used by the financial law is more comprehensive and more reflecting the economic sense to the form of the provided money. According to the bank code, loan is temporarily granted cash, no matter in what form. Some definitions in the theory are even more comprehensive including also guarantees and similar products. According to my definition, loan is an instrument, under which cash (or its equivalent in other goods) is temporarily granted to a debtor and cash (or its equivalent in other goods) is returned to the creditor. Cash is always at least either provided in the beginning or returned in the end. "Entrepreneur" is defined in the commercial code. However this definition has to be adjusted to the special law or internal rules of the bank. Entrepreneurial (or in English "corporate") customers include usually entrepreneurs as defined by the commercial law, but excluding some special types of clients as banks and other financial institutions, public subjects and some small entrepreneurs with retail character....

Anomalous Diffusion of Electrons in Tokamak by Their Interaction With Lower Hybrid Wave
Seidl, Jakub ; Krlín, Ladislav (advisor) ; Rohlena, Karel (referee)
Interaction of electrons with a lower-hybrid wave (LHW) is usually described using a quasilinear theory. It was shown formerly that in some cases the quasilinear approach is not proper. This work deals with an eect of spatial geometry of LHW spectra on a particle velocity diusion. Diusion coecient for various cases was computed and put to use to predict a long term evolution of an electron velocity distribution function. The computation was (on the contrary of previous papers) based on fully relativistic equations of motion. The results conrm that region of high electron acceleration is broadest just after the wave enters plasma and becomes narrower along its progress deeper into it. In the range of wave intensities over 105 V/m we found that the diusion becomes Lévy-walk. In the second part predictions of electron acceleration in front of LH grill of two dierent approaches were compared. We showed that the approach based on usage of Fourier expansion of potential gives only a rough estimate of the acceleration.

Axel Honneth's critical theory: the principle of enforcement and the challenges of global justice
Lánský, Ondřej ; Hrubec, Marek (advisor) ; Šubrt, Jiří (referee)
Ve své diplomové práci jsem zabýval sociální teorií významného německého kritického teoretika Axela Honnetha. Konkrétně jsem se zaměřil na dva problémy, které považuji v konceptuálním prostoru Honnethovy teorie uznání za velmi aktuální a naléhavé. Za prvé jsem se zabýval interpretací důsledků významného pojmového posunu, který do jisté míry Axel Honneth ve své teorii provedl v posledním desetiletí: sociální ocenění vnímá jako rozdělenou kategorii, v které z hlediska kritiky pozdně-kapitalistické společenské formy hraje podstatnější roli studium a analýza výkonu. Za druhé bylo cílem mé studie anticipovat předpokládanou transpozici Honnethovy teorie uznání na globální rovinu. S tímto problémem jsem se zde vyrovnal především na rovině zdůvodnění globálního redistribuce jako základního pnnc1pu kosmopolitní spravedlnosti. Z těchto důvodů byla má studie složena z těchto částí: obecné a heslovité seznámení s metodologickým odkazem kritické teorie s ohledem na tu jeho část, která hraje nejvýznamnější roli v teorii Axela Honnetha. Poté následovalo stručné seznámení s komplexní teorií uznání Axela Honnetha tak, jak ji aktuálně rozpracoval podle struktury: sociální teorie a teorie spravedlnosti. Další část byla analýzou a interpretací morální kategorie výkonu u Axel a Honnetha s tím, že jsem náležitě vypointoval...

Ideálny nástroj pre riadenie projektov
Karaffa, Matúš ; Svoboda, Jiří (advisor) ; Svatoš, Oleg (referee)
This project proposes to set the requirements for ideal project management software. These requirements will be specified by comparing of the best and the most widely used softwares in this sfere, by project simulation using one of these softwares and by the theoretical and practical requirements resulting from project management. Two most significant softwares -- MS Project and Primavera -- will be used for this project. The theoretical parf consists of project management theory and introduction of individual softwares, while project simulation, demonstration of strength and weakness of the specific software and draw conclusion will be shown in the practical part.

The connection between personal characterology and physique
Knesplová, Monika ; Bahbouh, Radvan (advisor) ; Šípek, Jiří (referee)
This thesis deals theoretically and practically with the relationship between the physical, especially constitutional, characteristics and temperament. Constitutional approaches, especially theories of Ernst Kretschmer and Wiliam Sheldon, belong to the oldest approaches in psychology that link these two aspects and perceive them as two sides of the same coin. Holistic approach linking psychological and physical aspects of personality can be found also in non-European medical systems. One of the oldest medical teaching in the world is Ayurveda. It integrates physique and temperament and uses them for therapeutical purposes. The subject of the theoretical part was to present these theories, guidelines and other areas, that strived for interconnection of the physical and psychological aspects of human individual. In the practical part the goal was to empirically assess the substantiation of somatic types used in Kretschmer's theory and Ayurveda. The next goal was to focus on the relationship of selected physical aspects and temperament. For these purposes we used a questionnaire 4 Elements Inventory which applies the metaphor of elements, that appears also in Ayurveda. Further we created Questionnaire of Physical Characteristics that consists of three parts: the first part inquires about the...

New media theory as ontology of the computer code
Kera, Denisa ; Vlasák, Rudolf (advisor) ; Smetáček, Vladimír (referee) ; Petříček, Miroslav (referee)
The work establishes new media studies in relation to different disciplines that were reflecting contemporary technologies in the 20th century. It emphasizes the likeness o f new media theory to posthumanist philosophy. New media technologies are specific due to the performativity o f the computer code and the overall phenomenon o f software that interconnect different aspects o f the organic and inorganic life. The hybrid and emergent consequences o f this integration o f machines, humans and nature radically challenges our views o f what is technology, society and even what is ontology. Ontology o f the code is an attempt to highlight the dynamic and process driven qualities o f the reality as the ground o f todays technological acceleration. With the help o f the computer codes it generates ever more complex forms o f symbiosis and hybrid collectivity like our cities and the whole globalized society. Powered by TCPDF (

Detailed Investigation of Electron Antineutrino Oscillations in the Daya Bay Experiment
Roskovec, Bedřich ; Leitner, Rupert (advisor)
Observed disappearance of reactor antineutrinos in the short baseline in Daya Bay can be explained by the phenomenon of neutrino flavour oscillations. The analysis in standard three- neutrino framework provides the best measurement of mixing angle of θ13 and the value of effective mass squared difference ∆m2 ee with comparable precision with other experiments. The unprecedented precision of Daya Bay motivates us to extend our search beyond standard three-neutrino oscillation scheme. It this thesis, we have explored two scenarios of possible physics Beyond Standard Model (BSM). We have tested the fundamental symmetry of the nature by searching for the Lorentz Invariance violation effect within the framework of the Standard-Model Extension (SME). Such an effect could be observed as a deviation from three- neutrino oscillation prediction in the oscillated antineutrino spectrum. Since we have not observed any significant deviation, we have been able to set the limits on the SME parameters. Some of the limits were measured for the first time while some turned out not to be competitive with the measurement of other experiments. We have also performed search for Non-standard Interactions (NSIs) in the Daya Bay. Being forbidden in the Standard Model, these interactions are predicted by BSM theories for which...