National Repository of Grey Literature 38,436 records found  beginprevious38430 - 38436  jump to record: Search took 1.39 seconds. 

Sustainable Governance of the Visegrad Countries
Ivantsiv, Olena ; Vykoukal, Jiří (advisor) ; Handl, Vladimír (referee)
With their accession to the EU the Visegrad countries subscribed to the fundamental objective of the Union under the Lisbon Treaty - sustainable development. They have undergone substantial reforms, brought their policies into compliance with EU standards and regulations. Nevertheless, a lot of work should still be done in the Visegrad Four in order integrate sustainable development approach into all of the fields of political activity and reorganize their decision-making models according to the new challenges. This study constitutes an analysis of the Visegrad states' performance in ensuring sustainable governance in the period 2005-2010. The research is based on the two editions of Sustainable Governance Indicators, developed by the Bertelsmann Stiftung, and published in 2009 (period of review: January 2005 - March 2007) and in 2011 (period of review: May 2008 - April 2010). In order to assess sustainability of the four Visegrad democracies the study provides a comprehensive comparative analysis of these states' performance and retraces the dynamics of their progress/regress in terms of ensuring sustainability. It also explores the main tendencies of the Visegrad region's development regardless of particular country, identifies the main strengths and weaknesses of the region in terms of...

Child with Visual Impairment in Czech Classes in Primary School
Koloburdová, Anna ; Pišlová, Simona (advisor) ; Šumníková, Pavlína (referee)
The objective of this dissertation was creating tactile materials and books - K.J. Erben Dlouhý, Široký a Bystrozraký, for Czech classes in primary school. The objective group were composed of both children with visual impairment and seeing children. Learning materials mean to be by both touch and sight. The materials show one of the effective devices, how to integrate seeing and visual impairment children, because both groups can use the materials. They were drafted to be an aid for special education. The materials were elaborated from curriculum guidelines of language education according to RVP ZV. The theoretical part of this dissertation demonstrates a legislative frame work for integration children with visual impairment and the necessity of tactile education in Czech classes. It then describes rules, that are important for making tactile graphics, according to the principes of haptisation and multisensorial access for children with an impairment. The practical part of the work was creating tactile materials, that involved allowing children and try them. Six children and one adult tested the materials. they were then interviewed about the materials. Based on the interviews, the materials were minorly alfered to their final form.

Problems of awareness and competency of employees on the attitude of senior management to human resources issue
Hanáková, Lenka ; Froněk, Jan (referee) ; Tureckiová, Michaela (advisor)
Topic of this Bachelor thesis are human resources and their utilization and significance for the way in which organizations work. The aim is to introduce a problem of factors which influence the behaviour of people in senior positions today, or, to be more specific, their approach to the problem of human resource management. It is an actual issue with a great impact on work of organizations and their success in the competitive environment. The work also offers an outline of the history of the above problem and the gradual development of the role of a personnel professionals. Apart from motivation and significance of the pursuit of employees' welfare the work also deals with the impact of easier access to information thanks to modem information and communication technologies, which enabled both prospective employers and prospective employees the more detailed mapping of the situation on the labour market. This work also contains a brief outline of a problem of performance appraisal and employees' participation in decision-making processes in the terms of a given organization. Last but not least, the reader will also find here a comparison of two different approaches to managing people - management and leadership. 5

Rozšířila se účast na vyšším vzdělávání po pádu komunismu?
Matějů, Petr ; Řeháková, Blanka ; Simonová, Natalie
The primary aim of the paper is to compare the development of inequality in access to higher education during the communist and post-communist regimes by testing hypotheses about the effects of economic and cultural dimensions of socio-economic background and gender on the odds of making the transition between secondary and tertiary education

A comprehensive audit of websites and their impact on the competitiveness of organizations which focus on selling bathroom products
Ezr, Tomáš ; Molnár, Zdeněk (advisor) ; Bičík, Petr (referee)
The main purpose of this thesis is an analysis of selected online stores which focus on selling bathroom products and equipment. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part deals with basic aspects of web eshops in terms of technologies and trends. It is divided into the following parts: graphic design and web site design, visibility on the internet, SEO, communication - information, technical solutions, accessibility and eshop. These individual elements are the basis for creating an evaluation methodology, which will be used to assess selected eshops. The practical part contains its own assessment as a methodology. It evaluated a total of 11 selected eshops, one shop is assessed a detailed audit, it is a shop at Furthermore, all results are summarized and conclusions drawn from them, and recommendations. The main contribution of this thesis is a comprehensive comparison of selected eshops to eshop and making recommendations on the basis of the comparison.

The crime of a breach of peace
Čepková, Barbora ; Herczeg, Jiří (referee) ; Gřivna, Tomáš (advisor)
CRIME OF A BREACH OF THE PUBLIC PEACE This thesis deals with the issue of the crime of a breach of the public peace. The starting point thereof is the valid and effective wording of section 202 of the Criminal Code. (1) The person who commits publicly or at a place accessible to the public a gross indecency or a breach of the public peace by making an attack on other person, defames a historical or cultural sight, a grave or any other sacred place or intervenes in the preparation or course of an organized sporting contest, assembly or a ceremony of people in a gross manner will be punished by the imprisonment for up to two years. (2) The perpetrator will be punished by the imprisonment for up to three years if he commits the crime mentioned in para 1 as a member of an organized group. The crime of a breach of the public peace pursuant to section 202 is one of the crimes grossly intervening in the social cohesion anchored in Chapter V of a special part of the Criminal Code. In practise, the most often prosecuted crime of this Chapter is in question. The perpetrators are usually young people, more often men, as arises from the court statistics. In this respect, the alcohol or narkotics and the feeling of a man being part of the crowd, i.e. the factors depriving an individual from inhibitions and encouraging...

Internet Archive and its role in harvesting, preservation and making access of web resources
Zach, Michael ; Bratková, Eva (advisor) ; Pokorný, Jan (referee)
Bakalářská práce se zaměřuje na popis a zhodnocení současného stavu archivace a zpřístupňování elektronických online zdrojů v rámci amerického projektu Archiv Internetu (Internet Archive), přístupný z URL ( Tento projekt představuje v současnosti největší digitální knihovnu na světě. Práce je rozdělena do 4 hlavních kapitol. První kapitola uvádí do obecné problematiky archivace webu, zmiňuje vznik a rychlý nárůst uživatelů Internetu, cíle archivace a také historii vzniku Archivu Internetu. V druhé kapitole je podrobněji popsán proces získávání, archivace a ochrany dat včetně používaných metod a nástrojů. Třetí kapitola se zabývá službami a výstupy pro uživatele a problematikou zpřístupňování autorských děl veřejnosti. Dále popisuje vlastní webové sídlo Archivu Internetu, uživatelské rozhranní aplikace Wayback Machine a na několika příkladech archivovaných stránek hodnotí jejich stav a úplnost. Poslední kapitola se zmiňuje o stavu archivace v ČR v rámci českého projektu WebArchiv (