National Repository of Grey Literature 34,972 records found  beginprevious34962 - 34971next  jump to record: Search took 1.39 seconds. 

German painting 1540-1650. Art of painting in German speaking countries between renaissance and baroque
Volrábová, Alena ; Zlatohlávek, Martin (referee) ; Konečný, Lubomír (referee)
Badatel, který se ujme svého odborného úkolu, nezřídka zjistí, jak bylo původní zadání ošidné. Dvojnásob to platí při práci o německém umění z období odeznívající renesance a přicházejícího uměleckého proudu směřujícího k baroku, zvaného manýrismus. Pokud chceme hovořit o "německé kresbě" té doby, nebo lépe řečeno o kresbě v německy mluvících zemích kolem roku 1600, vyvstane problém, kdo toto "německé umění" vlastně reprezentuje. Časté putování umělců a hostování mnoha Nizozemců nebo Italů ve významných uměleckých centrech tehdejší Evropy s sebou nese při vymezování daného okruhu jistou potíž. Kolem roku 1500 umělci svá působiště měnili méně a dá se říci, že se přidržovali míst svého původu. Okolo roku 1600 ale přicházeli lidé ze vzdálenějších míst Evropy. Hovoříme-li tedy o "německé kresbě" nebo lépe o "kresbě v Německu" kolem roku 1600, nemůžeme se držet národnostního hlediska v dnešním slova smyslu. Heinrich Geissler do svého obsáhlého katalogu z roku 1979 o německých kreslířích zahrnul všechny významné umělce, kteří v té době v Německu působili, takže zde nalezneme nejen široký okruh německých jmen, ale i mnohé světoběžníky od Jorise Hoefnagela, přes Antonia Maria Vianiho až po Václava Hollara.1 Pochopitelně každý z nich ve střední Evropě zanechal svou stopu a naopak si odtud odnesl své, přesto je...

Market research on dairy products
Šteidlová, Simona ; Bártová, Hilda (advisor) ; Černá, Jitka (referee)
The theses describes and analyzes the market of milk and dairy products.It is focused on the international, european and czech market followed by interpretation of statistical data. Market research's intention is finding out consumer's preferences, buying habits, opinions and motivation.

The Cave of Shadows
Tuláčková, Lucie ; Hůla, Zdenek (advisor) ; Roeselová, Věra (referee)
Summary: a theoretical study, a didactical project, an artwork (appendix) This dissertation deals with reality, the recognition of reality, the effect of cognition on the interpretation of reality, the methods of dealing with the visual information in the arts and advertising. Key words: reality, perception, cognition, interpretation, art, media, advertising, information, manipulation.

Kolín 1850-1914. The Economic and Urbanistic development.
Holovský, Jan ; Jakubec, Ivan (advisor) ; Jančík, Drahomír (referee)
This diploma work is about economic and urban development of Kolín in years 1850 - 1914 and its ambition is to contribute to research of regional history and to research of Czech cities. I endeavoured to write the diploma work according to research practised in Institute of economic and social history in Faculty of arts, Charles University in Prague. I wrote the diploma work according to appropriate archival sources in State district archives (branch of State regional archives Prague). I also studied available literature. In the introduction of my work is brief described general history of Kolín. In the part dedicated to economic history are described activities in this sphere. This development is introduced into a general framework. There I named the most important companies in Kolín. I also wanted to advert to the development of banking and trade. The next part is dedicated to urban development and technical infrastructure. In the chapter I also describe the development of build-up area and attempt its regulation. There I also mentioned the traffic presumptions of Kolín. I pointed out the issues of economic elite, important buildings, education and federal action. I compared Kolín to other cities and I wanted to show its development in the broader framework. In conclusion I recapitulated basic...

Moral Emphases in the Revelation of John
Buřvalová, Denisa ; Halama, Jindřich (advisor) ; Halama, Ota (referee)
This thesis deals with theological and ethical approach to biblical Apocalypse - New Testament Revelation - based on a comparison of two historically and theologically significant sources "Interpretation of the revelation of St. John " by Master Jakoubka of Silver and "Interpretation Šestidílky" from the workshop Kralických. Powered by TCPDF (

Art therapy in the context of special pedagogic education
Šicková, Jaroslava ; Květoňová, Lea (advisor) ; Slavík, Jan (referee) ; Vítková, Marie (referee)
The goul and purpose of the disertation is to find the overlaping aeras of special pedagogy and art therapy in the new paradigm of education, including special education - in inclusion. In diseration work there are introduced the main theoretical approaches of current art therapy, focusing on the spiritualy- ecological approach, which correstondents in it's holistic and integrating approach to the modern main spreams of special education. The theoretical background is ilustrated by case studies and interpretation and evaluating methods developed by the author of this work. Powered by TCPDF (

The accounting from the papyrus archive of Neferre and their specific terminology
Vymazalová, Hana ; Verner, Miroslav (advisor) ; Bareš, Ladislav (referee) ; Charvát, Petr (referee)
This doctoral thesis is intended as a basic study of the accounting documents from the papyrus archive of Neferre. Some parts of this work shall be used in the near future for the purposes of the publication of the papyrus archive of Neferre. The archive shall be published in collaboration with and under the supervision of Miroslav Verner, and will encompass the previous work of the late Paule Posener-Krh~ger. In Chapter 2, basic information concerning the Abusir papyrus archives is presented. This includes short notions about the discoveries of the three papyrus archives in Abusir, about their date of origin, and about the types of records preserved in these archives. Other known papyrus archives from the Old Kingdom are also mentioned in this chapter. Chapter 3 contains a detailed description of all the fragments of accounts from the archive of Neferre, arranged into subchapters following an elaborate classification of the types of accounts. The descriptions of the fragments are very detailed because this study does not include the translations of the texts.1 Thus, they include as much information as possible, and many suggestions concerning the interpretation of these records were added as well. Chapter 4 deals with specific accounting terminology. Each of the terms is studied in detail and its...

Poetry of Ludvík Kundera
Hubená, Ester ; Bílek, Petr (advisor) ; Wiendl, Jan (referee)
The thesis focuses on the poetry of Ludvík Kundera. It introduces his work in chronological order and within the contemporary literary-historical framework. The analysis and the interpretation of his early poems often refer to the war period. Language and its potentiality are a main concern in Kundera's other work. His poetry is defined in the context of avant-garde modern art: surrealism, dadaism and expressionism. The thesis researches the impact of Brecht's poetics on Kundera, too. It also introduces the persona of the artist, who significantly contributed to forming the Czech literary field during the second half of the 20th century. Kundera's poetry relates to Czech and foreign artists and their works. The poems rise from ordinary occasions, as well as showing the poet's intertextual approach. Experimentation, wordplay, lyrical humour and irony are an inherent part of Ludvík Kundera's work.

Inter-Departmental Cooperation at Primary Art Schools and How it is Organized
Jindra, Vratislav ; Šimáčková, Eva (advisor) ; Mach, Václav (referee)
This bachelor final project deals with the current situation on the field of cooperation between various departments at the contemporary basic art schools in the Czech Republic. The first part is devoted to the generally given facts concerning the legislative regulations in the field of education. In the second part of this project confronts the author the theory with its practical application in the functioning of the school of this type on the daily basis. The final part is set up as a critical evaluation of the present situation that is among others based on the analysis of the data obtained in the form of two questionnaires distributed to a number of basic art schools in the Czech Republic. This interpretation of the results of the small research includes also suggestions with regard to solving various problems and stimulating further development in the field of co-operation among different departments of the basic art schools. Powered by TCPDF (

The Media Image of Visual Arts in Czech Television
Švarcová, Barbora ; BENDOVÁ, Helena (advisor) ; POSPISZYL, Tomáš (referee)
The thesis consists of a context and textual analysis of Artmix, a TV show dedicated to visual arts, while touching on other relevant programs on Czech TV. The results of these analyses are then brought into theoretical setting primarily using the philosophical and social concept of the Field of Power as defined by Pierre Bourdieu in his book Rules of Art. Principal themes, interspersing throughout the text, are the limits of reflections of visual arts through TV screen and hidden interpretational patterns applied to visual arts through its media image. Furthermore there is an additional issue of traditional notions of an artist existing within our society, weighed down by history, or the quest for the ideal format of a TV show reflecting visual arts.