National Repository of Grey Literature 34,457 records found  beginprevious34448 - 34457  jump to record: Search took 0.95 seconds. 

Business plan of culturally-multifunction facility in Kladno
Jirků, Veronika ; Vojík, Vladimír (advisor) ; Martínez, Felipe (referee)
This bachelor's thesis is about establishing and running culturally-multifunction facility in Kladno. The goal of this work is to compile a bussines plan and using it to respond to absence of a similar facility in the region. This object offers to customers cultural enjoyment of almost all kinds. In the theoretical part are defined the basic terms which are connected to the business plan e.g. a business, an enterpreneuer, a company or a cultural facility. The practical part is focused on realization of the business plan of culturally-multifunction facility and its cultural potential in town and its surroundings. In this part are mentioned services and utilities for customers and how to ensure them, informations about the company and its legal form. It is not omitted an analysis of market environment, target customers, competition and financial aspects of the project.

Sehnsucht: an introduction to the romantic desire
Smolen, Štěpán ; Hošek, Pavel (advisor) ; Lyčka, Milan (referee)
The present thesis explores the experience of romantic desire (Sehnsucht). It is mostly based on a wide comparative study of the 19th century European and partly also Northern American literary texts which are used as a tool to define and describe the key features of the Sehnsucht experience. It also tries to demonstrate - using the method of ideal types - the different attitudes of the romantics towards their longing. The final chapter then deals with the various kinds of the counter-romantic criticism that are both aimed against the Sehnsucht experience and relevant from the perspective of the religious studies; it also shows several different Christian responses to this experience. The thesis exposes practical implications of different answers to the relation between the infinite desire and the finite world, between the promises of the miraculous Blue Flower and the everyday life. Rather than arguing for one or other of these answers it wants to create a map of both affirmative and critical attitudes to Sehnsucht.

Mythical paradigms of the avant-garde and its time
Micić, Tatjana ; Glanc, Tomáš (advisor) ; Procházka, Martin (referee) ; Jedličková, Alice (referee)
This paper is trying to present how changes of mythology, in Losev's sense, influenced art, literature and attitude towards poetic language. The study presents the Avant-garde movements in all theirs heterogenic forms, as the art of the period of crises, which appears in European culture and brought big changes in the consciousness of people. By describing an artistic attitude towards space and time we give examples how this new consciousness dealt with the spatial and time relations. Also this paper deals with the universal myths that are shown on the examples of the Avant-garde works of art. The chosen myths should present a desire of the Avant-garde movements to rebuilt, reconstruct and understand the very essence of the language of art and poetry. The Avant-garde art and literature cannot be understood if separated from the time when they appeared. Nevertheless, these movements carry in essence something that is generally characteristic of mythical thinking as well - that is, the periodical, instinctive return to essence and original purity with an aspiration to reconstruct the genetic moment and the act of creating. This phenomenon we analyze through myths that are omnipresent in European and other cultures and which appear in Avant-garde works as well.

The European enforcement order and the European payment order
Filipová, Veronika ; Pauknerová, Monika (advisor) ; Růžička, Květoslav (referee)
Resumé The European enforcement order and the European payment order. For my rigorous thesis I chose the topic, the European enforcement order and the European payment order, which is mainly focused on two regulations : the Regulation (EC) No 805/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 April 2004 creating a European Enforcement Order for uncontested claims (thereafter only as a "REEO") and the Regulation (EC)No 1896/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 December 2006 creating the European order for payment procedure (thereafter only as a "REPO). The rigorous thesis is divided into four parts. The first part is named the General Part and deals with general topics which have a certain relationship with the questions of the thesis. Firstly, I am writing about the enforcement order and the payment order in general. Then, I am writing about the enforcement order and how it has been regulated in a few European member states. I am also mentioning the specialty of national legal arrengments for the European payment order in these few states. The General part also describes main aspects of private international law and European private international law. The component of the General part is also the historical development of the European law. Finally, I am mentioning a general...

Liability of employer for damage resulting from occupational injuries and illnesses
Zoulová, Petra ; Štefko, Martin (advisor) ; Koldinská, Kristina (referee)
Employer's liability for occupational accidents and diseases The purpose of my thesis is to analyze contemporary legal regulation of employer's liability for occupational accidents and diseases in comparison with its former regulation in labour code from 1965. The thesis is composed of seven chapters. Chapter one is introductory with focus on liability for damage in labour law. In the beginning of this chapter the thesis deals with the division of liability for damage into employer's and employee's liability. The first subchapter brings a brief characterization of contemporary legal regulation of employer's liability for occupational accidents and diseases. The second subchapter concerns with mutual relationship between civil code and labour code and the use of civil code in labour law. In the chapter two, you can find a description of terms occupational accident, damage and causality between occupational accident and damage, which are necessary preconditions of employer's liability for occupational accident. Subsequent chapter is about employer's liability for occupational diseases and is subdivided into three parts. Part one gives an account of term occupational disease. Second part focuses on the list of occupational diseases and the third gives an attention to special institute of endargement by...

The elements of Mudejar art
Guia, Eva ; Kropáček, Luboš (referee) ; Veselý, Rudolf (advisor)
The Mudejar Art means the art of mudejars ( muslims who lived under the dominion of Christians), of moriscos (muslims which were forced to accept the baptism, but which staied secretly practising lslam) and ofthe other ethnic or religious groups which used their technics. Because it is realized outside of the lands of lslam, it is usually associated to the elements of the other religions and traditions and to their buildings. The Mudejar Art is limited to the Pyrenean Peninsula (Spain, Portugal) and their former colonies. The Spanish and French historians of art tended frequently to doubt about the Mudejar Art and his existence like independent style, the same name of this style was disputed and the other better was been looking for unsuccessefully. Maybe it was also because of the fragmentation total of the Mudejar Art, which in every area (Castile and León, Aragon, Toledo, Andalusia, the eastern zone etc.) has his specific character. Four materials have been considereted like typically mudejars (brick, wood, gypsum, ceramics). This definition, which was been accepted in the III. lnternational Symposy of Mudejarismo in Teruel, was in the first two cases doubted by Phi1ippe Araguas and Nuere Matauco, like his al1eged economicity. The decoration come from Antiquity, from the traditions ofVizigots and Europe...

The Copenhagen Criteria and their significance for Turkey's accession into the EU
Georgievová, Jitka ; Adámková, Vlasta (advisor) ; Řehořová, Veronika (referee)
This bachelor thesis explains the significance of the Copenhagen Criteria. These criteria evaluate candidates for EU membership according to three aspects: political, economic and legislative. This evaluation is published annually by the European Commission under the name Progress Report. The thesis also describes the EU accession process. The practical part of the paper examines Turkey's fulfillment of these criteria.

Jesuit Missions in China in the 17th and 18th centuries
Kadeřávek, Martin ; Halászová, Věra (advisor) ; Županič, Jan (referee)
Diplom ová práce si klade za cíl popsat kulturně historické podmínky v Číně v /*' 17. a 18. století, ilustrovat jezuitské misie v této zemi a uvést vztahy mezi misionáři (" z Čech a tamějšími obyvateli za použití antropologicko-historických metod výzkumu. Tyto pak představují podrobné studium kulturních zvláštností Číny, ! zejména v době novověku, komparaci odlišných kulturních systémů, které zastupují evropské a asijské myšlení, způsob života, stejně jako střetávání rozdílných náboženství. Metody antropologie jsou pak těsně spjaty s metodou historické práce, která představuje heuristiku, i.e. hledání a sběr pramenů a literatury, historickou kritiku a interpretaci, konečně pak explikaci čili výklad. Nedílnou součástí této práce byla rovněž filologická metoda zahrnující především překlad latinského textu do češtiny, případné emendace. M isionářské poznatky měly význam pro kulturní antropologii, působili v misiích téměř po celém světě. Jezuité byli často přímými účastníky tamějších sporů, bojů o moc, válek etc. Zprostředkovali Číně tehdejší evropské vědění, vědu, techniku, kulturu a křesťanské náboženství. To jsou základní hypotézy mé diplomové práce. Powered by TCPDF (

The Czechoslovak State Secondary School in Great Britain
Jeník, Aleš ; Smetáček, Vladimír (advisor) ; Byčkovský, Petr (referee)
Tato diplomová práce popisuje činnost vzdělávací instituce, která vznikla v prostředí válečné emigrace v období II. světové války ve Velké Británii. Československá státní střední |kola byla zřízena péčí exilové vlády v roce 1940 pro děti čs. emigrantů a uprchlíků před nacistickou perzekucí. Svoje působení postupně rozšiřovala a pro své žáky byla školou, která jim umožnila získat a zachovat si povědomí o původu, jazyku a československých reáliích, stejně tak získat vzdělání odpovídající standardům ČSR v dané době. Při realizaci této diplomové práce bylo využito pramenů, které jsou uchovávány Národním archivem v Praze. Cílem tohoto textu je být přínosem pro dějiny školství, osvětlit historii školy, které zatím nebyla věnována žádná výraznější práce.

The court of Olomouc bishop Stanislav Thurz (1497-1540), his office and episcopal manors administration
Baletka, Tomáš
Dvůr olomouckých biskupů byl od poloviny 13. století stálicí mezi dvorskými strukturami moravského markrabství, ovšem několika setletému trvání biskupského dvora zdaleka neodpovídá kvantitativní, ani kvalitativní způsob jeho dosavadního zpracování v literatuře. Studium dvorů a rezidencí je frekventovaným tématem evropské medievistiky, o čemž svědčí studie Hanse Patzeho z r. 1972 a jeho pilotní článek, který projekt studia středověkých rezidencí a dvorů metodologicky zaštítil r. 1982 a uvolnil tak stavidla obrovskému zájmu o toto téma. I) Od té doby už uběhlo drahně času a vzniklo i několik prací, které spadají do období pozdního středověku a raného novověku a nadto se zabývají dvory duchovních činitelů. Z nich rozsahem vynikají dvě práce, obě nám přibližují obraz fungování rezidence církevního činitele, jehož vlastní sídlo není totožné se sídlem katedrálního chrámu. Starší je kniha Dietra Kerbera, věnovaná rezidenční síti trevírských arcibiskupů, kteří svůj zájem vedle Trevíru věnovali také Koblenzi a hradu Ehrenbreitsteinu?) V roce 1998 vyšla gottingenská disertace Michaela Scholze o rezidenci magdeburských arcibiskupů Arnošta Saského (1476-1513) a markraběte Albrechta Braniborského (1513-1545) ve městě Halle?) Typologicky obdobným případem se zabýval C. Wagner u kolínského arcibiskupa Ruprechta Falckého...